use of org.apache.hadoop.hdds.protocol.proto.HddsProtos.LifeCycleState in project ozone by apache.
the class TestReconContainerManager method testCheckAndAddNewContainerBatch.
public void testCheckAndAddNewContainerBatch() throws IOException {
List<ContainerReplicaProto> containerReplicaProtoList = new LinkedList<>();
ReconContainerManager containerManager = getContainerManager();
State[] stateTypes = State.values();
LifeCycleState[] lifeCycleStateTypes = LifeCycleState.values();
int lifeCycleStateCount = lifeCycleStateTypes.length;
for (int i = 200; i < 300; i++) {
ContainerReplicaProto.Builder ciBuilder = ContainerReplicaProto.newBuilder();
ContainerReplicaProto crp = ciBuilder.setContainerID(i).setState(stateTypes[i % lifeCycleStateCount]).build();
for (long i = 200L; i < 300L; i++) {
// Doing it one more time should not change any state.
for (int i = 200; i < 300; i++) {
assertEquals(lifeCycleStateTypes[i % lifeCycleStateCount], getContainerManager().getContainer(ContainerID.valueOf(i)).getState());
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdds.protocol.proto.HddsProtos.LifeCycleState in project ozone by apache.
the class ReplicationManager method move.
* add a move action for a given container.
* @param cid Container to move
* @param mp MoveDataNodePair which contains source and target datanodes
public CompletableFuture<MoveResult> move(ContainerID cid, MoveDataNodePair mp) throws ContainerNotFoundException, NodeNotFoundException {
CompletableFuture<MoveResult> ret = new CompletableFuture<>();
if (!isRunning()) {
return ret;
if (!scmContext.isLeader()) {
return ret;
* make sure the flowing conditions are met:
* 1 the given two datanodes are in healthy state
* 2 the given container exists on the given source datanode
* 3 the given container does not exist on the given target datanode
* 4 the given container is in closed state
* 5 the giver container is not taking any inflight action
* 6 the given two datanodes are in IN_SERVICE state
* 7 {Existing replicas + Target_Dn - Source_Dn} satisfies
* the placement policy
* move is a combination of two steps : replication and deletion.
* if the conditions above are all met, then we take a conservative
* strategy here : replication can always be executed, but the execution
* of deletion always depends on placement policy
DatanodeDetails srcDn = mp.getSrc();
DatanodeDetails targetDn = mp.getTgt();
NodeStatus currentNodeStat = nodeManager.getNodeStatus(srcDn);
NodeState healthStat = currentNodeStat.getHealth();
NodeOperationalState operationalState = currentNodeStat.getOperationalState();
if (healthStat != NodeState.HEALTHY) {
return ret;
if (operationalState != NodeOperationalState.IN_SERVICE) {
return ret;
currentNodeStat = nodeManager.getNodeStatus(targetDn);
healthStat = currentNodeStat.getHealth();
operationalState = currentNodeStat.getOperationalState();
if (healthStat != NodeState.HEALTHY) {
return ret;
if (operationalState != NodeOperationalState.IN_SERVICE) {
return ret;
// we need to synchronize on ContainerInfo, since it is
// shared by ICR/FCR handler and this.processContainer
// TODO: use a Read lock after introducing a RW lock into ContainerInfo
ContainerInfo cif = containerManager.getContainer(cid);
synchronized (cif) {
final Set<ContainerReplica> currentReplicas = containerManager.getContainerReplicas(cid);
final Set<DatanodeDetails> replicas =;
if (replicas.contains(targetDn)) {
return ret;
if (!replicas.contains(srcDn)) {
return ret;
if (inflightReplication.containsKey(cid)) {
return ret;
if (inflightDeletion.containsKey(cid)) {
return ret;
* here, no need to see whether cid is in inflightMove, because
* these three map are all synchronized on ContainerInfo, if cid
* is in infligtMove , it must now being replicated or deleted,
* so it must be in inflightReplication or in infligthDeletion.
* thus, if we can not find cid in both of them , this cid must
* not be in inflightMove.
LifeCycleState currentContainerStat = cif.getState();
if (currentContainerStat != LifeCycleState.CLOSED) {
return ret;
// satisfies current placement policy
if (!isPolicySatisfiedAfterMove(cif, srcDn, targetDn, {
return ret;
try {
moveScheduler.startMove(cid.getProtobuf(), mp.getProtobufMessage(CURRENT_VERSION));
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.warn("Exception while starting move {}", cid);
return ret;
inflightMoveFuture.putIfAbsent(cid, ret);
sendReplicateCommand(cif, targetDn, Collections.singletonList(srcDn));
}"receive a move request about container {} , from {} to {}", cid, srcDn.getUuid(), targetDn.getUuid());
return ret;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdds.protocol.proto.HddsProtos.LifeCycleState in project ozone by apache.
the class ContainerStateManagerImpl method updateContainerState.
public void updateContainerState(final HddsProtos.ContainerID containerID, final LifeCycleEvent event) throws IOException, InvalidStateTransitionException {
// TODO: Remove the protobuf conversion after fixing ContainerStateMap.
final ContainerID id = ContainerID.getFromProtobuf(containerID);
try {
if (containers.contains(id)) {
final ContainerInfo oldInfo = containers.getContainerInfo(id);
final LifeCycleState oldState = oldInfo.getState();
final LifeCycleState newState = stateMachine.getNextState(oldInfo.getState(), event);
if (newState.getNumber() > oldState.getNumber()) {
ExecutionUtil.create(() -> {
containers.updateState(id, oldState, newState);
transactionBuffer.addToBuffer(containerStore, id, containers.getContainerInfo(id));
}).onException(() -> {
transactionBuffer.addToBuffer(containerStore, id, oldInfo);
containers.updateState(id, newState, oldState);
containerStateChangeActions.getOrDefault(event, info -> {
} finally {
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdds.protocol.proto.HddsProtos.LifeCycleState in project ozone by apache.
the class TestReconIncrementalContainerReportHandler method testProcessICRStateMismatch.
public void testProcessICRStateMismatch() throws IOException {
// Recon container state is "OPEN".
// Replica state could be any Non OPEN state.
long containerId = 11;
for (State state : Arrays.asList(State.CLOSING, State.QUASI_CLOSED, State.CLOSED)) {
ContainerWithPipeline containerWithPipeline = getTestContainer(containerId++, OPEN);
ContainerID containerID = containerWithPipeline.getContainerInfo().containerID();
ReconContainerManager containerManager = getContainerManager();
DatanodeDetails datanodeDetails = containerWithPipeline.getPipeline().getFirstNode();
NodeManager nodeManagerMock = mock(NodeManager.class);
IncrementalContainerReportFromDatanode reportMock = mock(IncrementalContainerReportFromDatanode.class);
IncrementalContainerReportProto containerReport = getIncrementalContainerReportProto(containerID, state, datanodeDetails.getUuidString());
ReconIncrementalContainerReportHandler reconIcr = new ReconIncrementalContainerReportHandler(nodeManagerMock, containerManager, SCMContext.emptyContext());
reconIcr.onMessage(reportMock, mock(EventPublisher.class));
assertEquals(1, containerManager.getContainerReplicas(containerID).size());
LifeCycleState expectedState = getContainerStateFromReplicaState(state);
LifeCycleState actualState = containerManager.getContainer(containerID).getState();
assertEquals(String.format("Expecting %s in " + "container state for replica state %s", expectedState, state), expectedState, actualState);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdds.protocol.proto.HddsProtos.LifeCycleState in project ozone by apache.
the class AbstractReconContainerManagerTest method getScmServiceProvider.
private StorageContainerServiceProvider getScmServiceProvider() throws IOException {
Pipeline pipeline = getRandomPipeline();
ContainerID containerID = ContainerID.valueOf(100L);
ContainerInfo containerInfo = new ContainerInfo.Builder().setContainerID(containerID.getId()).setNumberOfKeys(10).setPipelineID(pipeline.getId()).setReplicationConfig(StandaloneReplicationConfig.getInstance(ONE)).setOwner("test").setState(OPEN).build();
ContainerWithPipeline containerWithPipeline = new ContainerWithPipeline(containerInfo, pipeline);
List<Long> containerList = new LinkedList<>();
List<ContainerWithPipeline> verifiedContainerPipeline = new LinkedList<>();
LifeCycleState[] stateTypes = LifeCycleState.values();
int stateTypeCount = stateTypes.length;
for (int i = 200; i < 300; i++) {
containerList.add((long) i);
ContainerID cID = ContainerID.valueOf(i);
ContainerInfo cInfo = new ContainerInfo.Builder().setContainerID(cID.getId()).setNumberOfKeys(10).setPipelineID(pipeline.getId()).setReplicationConfig(StandaloneReplicationConfig.getInstance(ONE)).setOwner("test").setState(stateTypes[i % stateTypeCount]).build();
verifiedContainerPipeline.add(new ContainerWithPipeline(cInfo, pipeline));
StorageContainerServiceProvider scmServiceProviderMock = mock(StorageContainerServiceProvider.class);
return scmServiceProviderMock;