use of org.apache.hadoop.hdds.scm.XceiverClientRatis in project ozone by apache.
the class LeaderAppendLogEntryGenerator method call.
public Void call() throws Exception {
inFlightMessages = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(inflightLimit);
OzoneConfiguration conf = createOzoneConfiguration();
byte[] data = RandomStringUtils.randomAscii(chunkSize).getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
dataToWrite = ByteString.copyFrom(data);
requestor = RaftPeerProto.newBuilder().setId(RaftPeerId.valueOf(FAKE_FOLLOWER_ID1).toByteString()).setAddress(FAKE_LEADER_ADDDRESS1).build();
NettyChannelBuilder channelBuilder = NettyChannelBuilder.forTarget(serverAddress);
ManagedChannel build =;
stub = RaftServerProtocolServiceGrpc.newStub(build);
if (nextIndex == 0) {
XceiverClientRatis client = createXceiverClient(conf);
long containerId = 1L;
timer = getMetrics().timer("append-entry");
runTests(step -> timer.time(() -> {
XceiverClientReply xceiverClientReply = client.sendCommandAsync(createChunkWriteRequest(containerId, step));
xceiverClientReply.getResponse().thenApply(response -> inFlightMessages.remove(step));
return null;
return null;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdds.scm.XceiverClientRatis in project ozone by apache.
the class Test2WayCommitInRatis method test2WayCommitForRetryfailure.
public void test2WayCommitForRetryfailure() throws Exception {
OzoneConfiguration conf = new OzoneConfiguration();
GenericTestUtils.LogCapturer logCapturer = GenericTestUtils.LogCapturer.captureLogs(XceiverClientRatis.LOG);
XceiverClientManager clientManager = new XceiverClientManager(conf);
ContainerWithPipeline container1 = storageContainerLocationClient.allocateContainer(HddsProtos.ReplicationType.RATIS, HddsProtos.ReplicationFactor.THREE, OzoneConsts.OZONE);
XceiverClientSpi xceiverClient = clientManager.acquireClient(container1.getPipeline());
Assert.assertEquals(1, xceiverClient.getRefcount());
Assert.assertEquals(container1.getPipeline(), xceiverClient.getPipeline());
Pipeline pipeline = xceiverClient.getPipeline();
XceiverClientRatis ratisClient = (XceiverClientRatis) xceiverClient;
XceiverClientReply reply = xceiverClient.sendCommandAsync(ContainerTestHelper.getCreateContainerRequest(container1.getContainerInfo().getContainerID(), xceiverClient.getPipeline()));
Assert.assertEquals(3, ratisClient.getCommitInfoMap().size());
// wait for the container to be created on all the nodes
for (HddsDatanodeService dn : cluster.getHddsDatanodes()) {
// shutdown the ratis follower
if (RatisTestHelper.isRatisFollower(dn, pipeline)) {
reply = xceiverClient.sendCommandAsync(ContainerTestHelper.getCloseContainer(pipeline, container1.getContainerInfo().getContainerID()));
// commitInfo Map will be reduced to 2 here
Assert.assertEquals(2, ratisClient.getCommitInfoMap().size());
clientManager.releaseClient(xceiverClient, false);
Assert.assertTrue(logCapturer.getOutput().contains("3 way commit failed"));
Assert.assertTrue(logCapturer.getOutput().contains("Committed by majority"));
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdds.scm.XceiverClientRatis in project ozone by apache.
the class TestBlockOutputStreamWithFailuresFlushDelay method testWatchForCommitWithSingleNodeRatis.
private void testWatchForCommitWithSingleNodeRatis() throws Exception {
String keyName = getKeyName();
OzoneOutputStream key = createKey(keyName, ReplicationType.RATIS, 0, ReplicationFactor.ONE);
int dataLength = maxFlushSize + chunkSize;
// write data more than 1 chunk
byte[] data1 = ContainerTestHelper.getFixedLengthString(keyString, dataLength).getBytes(UTF_8);
Assert.assertTrue(key.getOutputStream() instanceof KeyOutputStream);
KeyOutputStream keyOutputStream = (KeyOutputStream) key.getOutputStream();
Assert.assertTrue(keyOutputStream.getStreamEntries().size() == 1);
OutputStream stream = keyOutputStream.getStreamEntries().get(0).getOutputStream();
Assert.assertTrue(stream instanceof BlockOutputStream);
RatisBlockOutputStream blockOutputStream = (RatisBlockOutputStream) stream;
// we have just written data more than flush Size(2 chunks), at this time
// buffer pool will have 4 buffers allocated worth of chunk size
Assert.assertEquals(4, blockOutputStream.getBufferPool().getSize());
// writtenDataLength as well flushedDataLength will be updated here
Assert.assertEquals(dataLength, blockOutputStream.getWrittenDataLength());
Assert.assertEquals(maxFlushSize, blockOutputStream.getTotalDataFlushedLength());
// since data equals to maxBufferSize is written, this will be a blocking
// call and hence will wait for atleast flushSize worth of data to get
// ack'd by all servers right here
Assert.assertTrue(blockOutputStream.getTotalAckDataLength() >= flushSize);
// watchForCommit will clean up atleast one entry from the map where each
// entry corresponds to flushSize worth of data
Assert.assertTrue(blockOutputStream.getCommitIndex2flushedDataMap().size() <= 1);
// Now do a flush. This will flush the data and update the flush length and
// the map.
// Since the data in the buffer is already flushed, flush here will have
// no impact on the counters and data structures
Assert.assertEquals(4, blockOutputStream.getBufferPool().getSize());
Assert.assertEquals(dataLength, blockOutputStream.getWrittenDataLength());
Assert.assertEquals(dataLength, blockOutputStream.getTotalDataFlushedLength());
// flush will make sure one more entry gets updated in the map
Assert.assertTrue(blockOutputStream.getCommitIndex2flushedDataMap().size() <= 2);
XceiverClientRatis raftClient = (XceiverClientRatis) blockOutputStream.getXceiverClient();
Assert.assertEquals(1, raftClient.getCommitInfoMap().size());
// Close the containers on the Datanode and write more data
TestHelper.waitForContainerClose(key, cluster);
// 4 writeChunks = maxFlushSize + 2 putBlocks will be discarded here
// once exception is hit
// As a part of handling the exception, 4 failed writeChunks will be
// rewritten plus one partial chunk plus two putBlocks for flushSize
// and one flush for partial chunk
Assert.assertTrue(HddsClientUtils.checkForException(blockOutputStream.getIoException()) instanceof ContainerNotOpenException);
// Make sure the retryCount is reset after the exception is handled
Assert.assertTrue(keyOutputStream.getRetryCount() == 0);
// commitInfoMap will remain intact as there is no server failure
Assert.assertEquals(1, raftClient.getCommitInfoMap().size());
Assert.assertEquals(2, keyOutputStream.getStreamEntries().size());
// now close the stream, It will update the ack length after watchForCommit
// make sure the bufferPool is empty
Assert.assertEquals(0, blockOutputStream.getBufferPool().computeBufferData());
Assert.assertEquals(dataLength, blockOutputStream.getTotalAckDataLength());
Assert.assertEquals(0, keyOutputStream.getLocationInfoList().size());
// Written the same data twice
String dataString = new String(data1, UTF_8);
validateData(keyName, dataString.concat(dataString).getBytes(UTF_8));
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdds.scm.XceiverClientRatis in project ozone by apache.
the class TestBlockOutputStreamWithFailuresFlushDelay method testWatchForCommitDatanodeFailure.
public void testWatchForCommitDatanodeFailure() throws Exception {
String keyName = getKeyName();
OzoneOutputStream key = createKey(keyName, ReplicationType.RATIS, 0);
int dataLength = maxFlushSize + chunkSize;
// write data more than 1 chunk
byte[] data1 = ContainerTestHelper.getFixedLengthString(keyString, dataLength).getBytes(UTF_8);
// since its hitting the full bufferCondition, it will call watchForCommit
// and completes at least putBlock for first flushSize worth of data
Assert.assertTrue(key.getOutputStream() instanceof KeyOutputStream);
KeyOutputStream keyOutputStream = (KeyOutputStream) key.getOutputStream();
Assert.assertTrue(keyOutputStream.getStreamEntries().size() == 1);
OutputStream stream = keyOutputStream.getStreamEntries().get(0).getOutputStream();
Assert.assertTrue(stream instanceof BlockOutputStream);
RatisBlockOutputStream blockOutputStream = (RatisBlockOutputStream) stream;
// we have just written data more than flush Size(2 chunks), at this time
// buffer pool will have 3 buffers allocated worth of chunk size
Assert.assertEquals(4, blockOutputStream.getBufferPool().getSize());
// writtenDataLength as well flushedDataLength will be updated here
Assert.assertEquals(dataLength, blockOutputStream.getWrittenDataLength());
// since data written is still less than flushLength, flushLength will
// still be 0.
Assert.assertEquals(maxFlushSize, blockOutputStream.getTotalDataFlushedLength());
// since data equals to maxBufferSize is written, this will be a blocking
// call and hence will wait for atleast flushSize worth of data to get
// ack'd by all servers right here
Assert.assertTrue(blockOutputStream.getTotalAckDataLength() >= flushSize);
// watchForCommit will clean up atleast flushSize worth of data buffer
// where each entry corresponds to flushSize worth of data
Assert.assertTrue(blockOutputStream.getCommitIndex2flushedDataMap().size() <= 2);
// Now do a flush. This will flush the data and update the flush length and
// the map.
// Since the data in the buffer is already flushed, flush here will have
// no impact on the counters and data structures
Assert.assertEquals(4, blockOutputStream.getBufferPool().getSize());
Assert.assertEquals(dataLength, blockOutputStream.getWrittenDataLength());
Assert.assertEquals(dataLength, blockOutputStream.getTotalDataFlushedLength());
// flush will make sure one more entry gets updated in the map
Assert.assertTrue(blockOutputStream.getCommitIndex2flushedDataMap().size() == 0);
XceiverClientRatis raftClient = (XceiverClientRatis) blockOutputStream.getXceiverClient();
Assert.assertEquals(3, raftClient.getCommitInfoMap().size());
Pipeline pipeline = raftClient.getPipeline();
// again write data with more than max buffer limit. This will call
// watchForCommit again. Since the commit will happen 2 way, the
// commitInfoMap will get updated for servers which are alive
Assert.assertEquals(2, keyOutputStream.getStreamEntries().size());
// now close the stream, It will update the ack length after watchForCommit
// Make sure the retryCount is reset after the exception is handled
Assert.assertTrue(keyOutputStream.getRetryCount() == 0);
// make sure the bufferPool is empty
Assert.assertEquals(0, blockOutputStream.getBufferPool().computeBufferData());
Assert.assertEquals(0, keyOutputStream.getStreamEntries().size());
// Written the same data twice
String dataString = new String(data1, UTF_8);
validateData(keyName, dataString.concat(dataString).getBytes(UTF_8));
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdds.scm.XceiverClientRatis in project ozone by apache.
the class TestBlockOutputStreamWithFailuresFlushDelay method test2DatanodesFailure.
public void test2DatanodesFailure() throws Exception {
String keyName = getKeyName();
OzoneOutputStream key = createKey(keyName, ReplicationType.RATIS, 0);
int dataLength = maxFlushSize + chunkSize;
// write data more than 1 chunk
byte[] data1 = ContainerTestHelper.getFixedLengthString(keyString, dataLength).getBytes(UTF_8);
// since its hitting the full bufferCondition, it will call watchForCommit
// and completes atleast putBlock for first flushSize worth of data
Assert.assertTrue(key.getOutputStream() instanceof KeyOutputStream);
KeyOutputStream keyOutputStream = (KeyOutputStream) key.getOutputStream();
OutputStream stream = keyOutputStream.getStreamEntries().get(0).getOutputStream();
Assert.assertTrue(stream instanceof BlockOutputStream);
RatisBlockOutputStream blockOutputStream = (RatisBlockOutputStream) stream;
// we have just written data more than flush Size(2 chunks), at this time
// buffer pool will have 3 buffers allocated worth of chunk size
Assert.assertEquals(4, blockOutputStream.getBufferPool().getSize());
// writtenDataLength as well flushedDataLength will be updated here
Assert.assertEquals(dataLength, blockOutputStream.getWrittenDataLength());
Assert.assertEquals(maxFlushSize, blockOutputStream.getTotalDataFlushedLength());
// since data equals to maxBufferSize is written, this will be a blocking
// call and hence will wait for atleast flushSize worth of data to get
// acked by all servers right here
Assert.assertTrue(blockOutputStream.getTotalAckDataLength() >= flushSize);
// watchForCommit will clean up atleast one entry from the map where each
// entry corresponds to flushSize worth of data
Assert.assertTrue(blockOutputStream.getCommitIndex2flushedDataMap().size() <= 1);
// Now do a flush. This will flush the data and update the flush length and
// the map.
// Since the data in the buffer is already flushed, flush here will have
// no impact on the counters and data structures
Assert.assertEquals(4, blockOutputStream.getBufferPool().getSize());
Assert.assertEquals(dataLength, blockOutputStream.getWrittenDataLength());
Assert.assertEquals(dataLength, blockOutputStream.getTotalDataFlushedLength());
// flush will make sure one more entry gets updated in the map
Assert.assertTrue(blockOutputStream.getCommitIndex2flushedDataMap().size() <= 2);
XceiverClientRatis raftClient = (XceiverClientRatis) blockOutputStream.getXceiverClient();
Assert.assertEquals(3, raftClient.getCommitInfoMap().size());
Pipeline pipeline = raftClient.getPipeline();
// again write data with more than max buffer limit. This will call
// watchForCommit again. Since the commit will happen 2 way, the
// commitInfoMap will get updated for servers which are alive
// 4 writeChunks = maxFlushSize + 2 putBlocks will be discarded here
// once exception is hit
// As a part of handling the exception, 4 failed writeChunks will be
// rewritten plus one partial chunk plus two putBlocks for flushSize
// and one flush for partial chunk
Throwable ioException = HddsClientUtils.checkForException(blockOutputStream.getIoException());
// Since, 2 datanodes went down,
// a) if the pipeline gets destroyed quickly it will hit
// GroupMismatchException.
// b) will hit close container exception if the container is closed
// but pipeline is still not destroyed.
// c) will fail with RaftRetryFailureException if the leader election
// did not finish before the request retry count finishes.
Assert.assertTrue(ioException instanceof RaftRetryFailureException || ioException instanceof GroupMismatchException || ioException instanceof ContainerNotOpenException);
// Make sure the retryCount is reset after the exception is handled
Assert.assertTrue(keyOutputStream.getRetryCount() == 0);
// now close the stream, It will update the ack length after watchForCommit
Assert.assertEquals(0, blockOutputStream.getBufferPool().computeBufferData());
Assert.assertEquals(dataLength, blockOutputStream.getTotalAckDataLength());
Assert.assertEquals(dataLength, blockOutputStream.getTotalAckDataLength());
// make sure the bufferPool is empty
Assert.assertEquals(0, blockOutputStream.getBufferPool().computeBufferData());
Assert.assertEquals(0, keyOutputStream.getLocationInfoList().size());
validateData(keyName, data1);