use of org.apache.hadoop.hdds.scm.container.common.helpers.StorageContainerException in project ozone by apache.
the class TestContainerSmallFile method testReadWriteWithBCSId.
public void testReadWriteWithBCSId() throws Exception {
ContainerWithPipeline container = storageContainerLocationClient.allocateContainer(HddsProtos.ReplicationType.RATIS, HddsProtos.ReplicationFactor.ONE, OzoneConsts.OZONE);
XceiverClientSpi client = xceiverClientManager.acquireClient(container.getPipeline());
ContainerProtocolCalls.createContainer(client, container.getContainerInfo().getContainerID(), null);
BlockID blockID1 = ContainerTestHelper.getTestBlockID(container.getContainerInfo().getContainerID());
ContainerProtos.PutSmallFileResponseProto responseProto = ContainerProtocolCalls.writeSmallFile(client, blockID1, "data123".getBytes(UTF_8), null);
long bcsId = responseProto.getCommittedBlockLength().getBlockID().getBlockCommitSequenceId();
try {
blockID1.setBlockCommitSequenceId(bcsId + 1);
// read a file with higher bcsId than the container bcsId
ContainerProtocolCalls.readSmallFile(client, blockID1, null);"Expected exception not thrown");
} catch (StorageContainerException sce) {
Assert.assertTrue(sce.getResult() == ContainerProtos.Result.UNKNOWN_BCSID);
// write a new block again to bump up the container bcsId
BlockID blockID2 = ContainerTestHelper.getTestBlockID(container.getContainerInfo().getContainerID());
ContainerProtocolCalls.writeSmallFile(client, blockID2, "data123".getBytes(UTF_8), null);
try {
blockID1.setBlockCommitSequenceId(bcsId + 1);
// read a file with higher bcsId than the committed bcsId for the block
ContainerProtocolCalls.readSmallFile(client, blockID1, null);"Expected exception not thrown");
} catch (StorageContainerException sce) {
Assert.assertTrue(sce.getResult() == ContainerProtos.Result.BCSID_MISMATCH);
ContainerProtos.GetSmallFileResponseProto response = ContainerProtocolCalls.readSmallFile(client, blockID1, null);
String readData = response.getData().getDataBuffers().getBuffersList().get(0).toStringUtf8();
Assert.assertEquals("data123", readData);
xceiverClientManager.releaseClient(client, false);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdds.scm.container.common.helpers.StorageContainerException in project ozone by apache.
the class TestGetCommittedBlockLengthAndPutKey method testGetCommittedBlockLengthForInvalidBlock.
public void testGetCommittedBlockLengthForInvalidBlock() throws Exception {
ContainerWithPipeline container = storageContainerLocationClient.allocateContainer(SCMTestUtils.getReplicationType(ozoneConfig), HddsProtos.ReplicationFactor.ONE, OzoneConsts.OZONE);
long containerID = container.getContainerInfo().getContainerID();
XceiverClientSpi client = xceiverClientManager.acquireClient(container.getPipeline());
ContainerProtocolCalls.createContainer(client, containerID, null);
BlockID blockID = ContainerTestHelper.getTestBlockID(containerID);
// move the container to closed state
ContainerProtocolCalls.closeContainer(client, containerID, null);
try {
// There is no block written inside the container. The request should
// fail.
ContainerProtocolCalls.getCommittedBlockLength(client, blockID, null);"Expected exception not thrown");
} catch (StorageContainerException sce) {
Assert.assertTrue(sce.getMessage().contains("Unable to find the block"));
xceiverClientManager.releaseClient(client, false);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdds.scm.container.common.helpers.StorageContainerException in project ozone by apache.
the class HddsDispatcher method dispatchRequest.
private ContainerCommandResponseProto dispatchRequest(ContainerCommandRequestProto msg, DispatcherContext dispatcherContext) {
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOG.trace("Command {}, trace ID: {} ", msg.getCmdType(), msg.getTraceID());
AuditAction action = ContainerCommandRequestPBHelper.getAuditAction(msg.getCmdType());
EventType eventType = getEventType(msg);
Map<String, String> params = ContainerCommandRequestPBHelper.getAuditParams(msg);
ContainerType containerType;
ContainerCommandResponseProto responseProto = null;
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
Type cmdType = msg.getCmdType();
long containerID = msg.getContainerID();
Container container = getContainer(containerID);
boolean isWriteStage = (cmdType == Type.WriteChunk && dispatcherContext != null && dispatcherContext.getStage() == DispatcherContext.WriteChunkStage.WRITE_DATA);
boolean isWriteCommitStage = (cmdType == Type.WriteChunk && dispatcherContext != null && dispatcherContext.getStage() == DispatcherContext.WriteChunkStage.COMMIT_DATA);
try {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
StorageContainerException sce = new StorageContainerException("Block token verification failed. " + ioe.getMessage(), ioe, ContainerProtos.Result.BLOCK_TOKEN_VERIFICATION_FAILED);
return ContainerUtils.logAndReturnError(LOG, sce, msg);
// if the command gets executed other than Ratis, the default write stage
// is WriteChunkStage.COMBINED
boolean isCombinedStage = cmdType == Type.WriteChunk && (dispatcherContext == null || dispatcherContext.getStage() == DispatcherContext.WriteChunkStage.COMBINED);
Map<Long, Long> container2BCSIDMap = null;
if (dispatcherContext != null) {
container2BCSIDMap = dispatcherContext.getContainer2BCSIDMap();
if (isWriteCommitStage) {
// check if the container Id exist in the loaded snapshot file. if
// it does not , it infers that , this is a restart of dn where
// the we are reapplying the transaction which was not captured in the
// snapshot.
// just add it to the list, and remove it from missing container set
// as it might have been added in the list during "init".
if (container != null && container2BCSIDMap.get(containerID) == null) {
container2BCSIDMap.put(containerID, container.getBlockCommitSequenceId());
if (getMissingContainerSet().contains(containerID)) {
StorageContainerException sce = new StorageContainerException("ContainerID " + containerID + " has been lost and and cannot be recreated on this DataNode", ContainerProtos.Result.CONTAINER_MISSING);
audit(action, eventType, params, AuditEventStatus.FAILURE, sce);
return ContainerUtils.logAndReturnError(LOG, sce, msg);
if (cmdType != Type.CreateContainer) {
* Create Container should happen only as part of Write_Data phase of
* writeChunk.
if (container == null && ((isWriteStage || isCombinedStage) || cmdType == Type.PutSmallFile)) {
// If container does not exist, create one for WriteChunk and
// PutSmallFile request
responseProto = createContainer(msg);
if (responseProto.getResult() != Result.SUCCESS) {
StorageContainerException sce = new StorageContainerException("ContainerID " + containerID + " creation failed", responseProto.getResult());
audit(action, eventType, params, AuditEventStatus.FAILURE, sce);
return ContainerUtils.logAndReturnError(LOG, sce, msg);
Preconditions.checkArgument(isWriteStage && container2BCSIDMap != null || dispatcherContext == null);
if (container2BCSIDMap != null) {
// adds this container to list of containers created in the pipeline
// with initial BCSID recorded as 0.
container2BCSIDMap.putIfAbsent(containerID, 0L);
container = getContainer(containerID);
// if container not found return error
if (container == null) {
StorageContainerException sce = new StorageContainerException("ContainerID " + containerID + " does not exist", ContainerProtos.Result.CONTAINER_NOT_FOUND);
audit(action, eventType, params, AuditEventStatus.FAILURE, sce);
return ContainerUtils.logAndReturnError(LOG, sce, msg);
containerType = getContainerType(container);
} else {
if (!msg.hasCreateContainer()) {
audit(action, eventType, params, AuditEventStatus.FAILURE, new Exception("MALFORMED_REQUEST"));
return malformedRequest(msg);
containerType = msg.getCreateContainer().getContainerType();
// write before trying to send CloseContainerAction.
if (!HddsUtils.isReadOnly(msg)) {
Handler handler = getHandler(containerType);
if (handler == null) {
StorageContainerException ex = new StorageContainerException("Invalid " + "ContainerType " + containerType, ContainerProtos.Result.CONTAINER_INTERNAL_ERROR);
// log failure
audit(action, eventType, params, AuditEventStatus.FAILURE, ex);
return ContainerUtils.logAndReturnError(LOG, ex, msg);
responseProto = handler.handle(msg, container, dispatcherContext);
if (responseProto != null) {
metrics.incContainerOpsLatencies(cmdType, System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime);
// If the request is of Write Type and the container operation
// is unsuccessful, it implies the applyTransaction on the container
// failed. All subsequent transactions on the container should fail and
// hence replica will be marked unhealthy here. In this case, a close
// container action will be sent to SCM to close the container.
// ApplyTransaction called on closed Container will fail with Closed
// container exception. In such cases, ignore the exception here
// If the container is already marked unhealthy, no need to change the
// state here.
Result result = responseProto.getResult();
if (cmdType == Type.CreateContainer && result == Result.SUCCESS && dispatcherContext != null) {
container2BCSIDMap.putIfAbsent(containerID, Long.valueOf(0));
if (!HddsUtils.isReadOnly(msg) && !canIgnoreException(result)) {
if (container == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Error on creating containers " + result + " " + responseProto.getMessage());
// For container to be moved to unhealthy state here, the container can
// only be in open or closing state.
State containerState = container.getContainerData().getState();
Preconditions.checkState(containerState == State.OPEN || containerState == State.CLOSING);
// mark and persist the container state to be unhealthy
try {
handler.markContainerUnhealthy(container);"Marked Container UNHEALTHY, ContainerID: {}", containerID);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// just log the error here in case marking the container fails,
// Return the actual failure response to the client
LOG.error("Failed to mark container " + containerID + " UNHEALTHY. ", ioe);
// in any case, the in memory state of the container should be unhealthy
Preconditions.checkArgument(container.getContainerData().getState() == State.UNHEALTHY);
if (result == Result.SUCCESS) {
updateBCSID(container, dispatcherContext, cmdType);
audit(action, eventType, params, AuditEventStatus.SUCCESS, null);
} else {
audit(action, eventType, params, AuditEventStatus.FAILURE, new Exception(responseProto.getMessage()));
return responseProto;
} else {
// log failure
audit(action, eventType, params, AuditEventStatus.FAILURE, new Exception("UNSUPPORTED_REQUEST"));
return unsupportedRequest(msg);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdds.scm.container.common.helpers.StorageContainerException in project ozone by apache.
the class ContainerStateMachine method handleWriteChunk.
private CompletableFuture<Message> handleWriteChunk(ContainerCommandRequestProto requestProto, long entryIndex, long term, long startTime) {
final WriteChunkRequestProto write = requestProto.getWriteChunk();
RaftServer server = ratisServer.getServer();
try {
if (server.getDivision(gid).getInfo().isLeader()) {
stateMachineDataCache.put(entryIndex, write.getData());
} catch (InterruptedException ioe) {
return completeExceptionally(ioe);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
return completeExceptionally(ioe);
DispatcherContext context = new DispatcherContext.Builder().setTerm(term).setLogIndex(entryIndex).setStage(DispatcherContext.WriteChunkStage.WRITE_DATA).setContainer2BCSIDMap(container2BCSIDMap).build();
CompletableFuture<Message> raftFuture = new CompletableFuture<>();
// ensure the write chunk happens asynchronously in writeChunkExecutor pool
// thread.
CompletableFuture<ContainerCommandResponseProto> writeChunkFuture = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> {
try {
return runCommand(requestProto, context);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("{}: writeChunk writeStateMachineData failed: blockId" + "{} logIndex {} chunkName {}", gid, write.getBlockID(), entryIndex, write.getChunkData().getChunkName(), e);
// write chunks go in parallel. It's possible that one write chunk
// see the stateMachine is marked unhealthy by other parallel thread
throw e;
}, getChunkExecutor(requestProto.getWriteChunk()));
writeChunkFutureMap.put(entryIndex, writeChunkFuture);
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("{}: writeChunk writeStateMachineData : blockId" + "{} logIndex {} chunkName {}", gid, write.getBlockID(), entryIndex, write.getChunkData().getChunkName());
// Remove the future once it finishes execution from the
// writeChunkFutureMap.
writeChunkFuture.thenApply(r -> {
if (r.getResult() != ContainerProtos.Result.SUCCESS && r.getResult() != ContainerProtos.Result.CONTAINER_NOT_OPEN && r.getResult() != ContainerProtos.Result.CLOSED_CONTAINER_IO) {
StorageContainerException sce = new StorageContainerException(r.getMessage(), r.getResult());
LOG.error(gid + ": writeChunk writeStateMachineData failed: blockId" + write.getBlockID() + " logIndex " + entryIndex + " chunkName " + write.getChunkData().getChunkName() + " Error message: " + r.getMessage() + " Container Result: " + r.getResult());
// If the write fails currently we mark the stateMachine as unhealthy.
// This leads to pipeline close. Any change in that behavior requires
// handling the entry for the write chunk in cache.
} else {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug(gid + ": writeChunk writeStateMachineData completed: blockId" + write.getBlockID() + " logIndex " + entryIndex + " chunkName " + write.getChunkData().getChunkName());
metrics.recordWriteStateMachineCompletion(Time.monotonicNowNanos() - startTime);
return r;
return raftFuture;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdds.scm.container.common.helpers.StorageContainerException in project ozone by apache.
the class ContainerUtils method getChecksum.
* Return the SHA-256 checksum of the containerData.
* @param containerDataYamlStr ContainerData as a Yaml String
* @return Checksum of the container data
public static String getChecksum(String containerDataYamlStr) throws StorageContainerException {
MessageDigest sha;
try {
sha = MessageDigest.getInstance(OzoneConsts.FILE_HASH);
return DigestUtils.sha256Hex(sha.digest());
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
throw new StorageContainerException("Unable to create Message Digest, " + "usually this is a java configuration issue.", NO_SUCH_ALGORITHM);