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Example 1 with AclException

use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.AclException in project hadoop by apache.

the class AclStorage method updateINodeAcl.

   * Updates an inode with a new ACL.  This method takes a full logical ACL and
   * stores the entries to the inode's {@link FsPermission} and
   * {@link AclFeature}.
   * @param inode INode to update
   * @param newAcl List<AclEntry> containing new ACL entries
   * @param snapshotId int latest snapshot ID of inode
   * @throws AclException if the ACL is invalid for the given inode
   * @throws QuotaExceededException if quota limit is exceeded
public static void updateINodeAcl(INode inode, List<AclEntry> newAcl, int snapshotId) throws AclException, QuotaExceededException {
    assert newAcl.size() >= 3;
    FsPermission perm = inode.getFsPermission();
    final FsPermission newPerm;
    if (!AclUtil.isMinimalAcl(newAcl)) {
        // This is an extended ACL.  Split entries into access vs. default.
        ScopedAclEntries scoped = new ScopedAclEntries(newAcl);
        List<AclEntry> accessEntries = scoped.getAccessEntries();
        List<AclEntry> defaultEntries = scoped.getDefaultEntries();
        // Only directories may have a default ACL.
        if (!defaultEntries.isEmpty() && !inode.isDirectory()) {
            throw new AclException("Invalid ACL: only directories may have a default ACL.");
        // Attach entries to the feature.
        if (inode.getAclFeature() != null) {
        inode.addAclFeature(createAclFeature(accessEntries, defaultEntries), snapshotId);
        newPerm = createFsPermissionForExtendedAcl(accessEntries, perm);
    } else {
        // This is a minimal ACL.  Remove the ACL feature if it previously had one.
        if (inode.getAclFeature() != null) {
        newPerm = createFsPermissionForMinimalAcl(newAcl, perm);
    inode.setPermission(newPerm, snapshotId);
Also used : ScopedAclEntries(org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.ScopedAclEntries) AclEntry(org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.AclEntry) FsPermission(org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission) AclException(org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.AclException)

Example 2 with AclException

use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.AclException in project hadoop by apache.

the class AclTransformation method buildAndValidateAcl.

   * Builds the final list of ACL entries to return by trimming, sorting and
   * validating the ACL entries that have been added.
   * @param aclBuilder ArrayList<AclEntry> containing entries to build
   * @return List<AclEntry> unmodifiable, sorted list of ACL entries
   * @throws AclException if validation fails
private static List<AclEntry> buildAndValidateAcl(ArrayList<AclEntry> aclBuilder) throws AclException {
    Collections.sort(aclBuilder, ACL_ENTRY_COMPARATOR);
    // Full iteration to check for duplicates and invalid named entries.
    AclEntry prevEntry = null;
    for (AclEntry entry : aclBuilder) {
        if (prevEntry != null &&, entry) == 0) {
            throw new AclException("Invalid ACL: multiple entries with same scope, type and name.");
        if (entry.getName() != null && (entry.getType() == MASK || entry.getType() == OTHER)) {
            throw new AclException("Invalid ACL: this entry type must not have a name: " + entry + ".");
        prevEntry = entry;
    ScopedAclEntries scopedEntries = new ScopedAclEntries(aclBuilder);
    // then do the same check on the default entries.
    for (AclEntryType type : EnumSet.of(USER, GROUP, OTHER)) {
        AclEntry accessEntryKey = new AclEntry.Builder().setScope(ACCESS).setType(type).build();
        if (Collections.binarySearch(scopedEntries.getAccessEntries(), accessEntryKey, ACL_ENTRY_COMPARATOR) < 0) {
            throw new AclException("Invalid ACL: the user, group and other entries are required.");
        if (!scopedEntries.getDefaultEntries().isEmpty()) {
            AclEntry defaultEntryKey = new AclEntry.Builder().setScope(DEFAULT).setType(type).build();
            if (Collections.binarySearch(scopedEntries.getDefaultEntries(), defaultEntryKey, ACL_ENTRY_COMPARATOR) < 0) {
                throw new AclException("Invalid default ACL: the user, group and other entries are required.");
    return Collections.unmodifiableList(aclBuilder);
Also used : ScopedAclEntries(org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.ScopedAclEntries) AclEntryType(org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.AclEntryType) AclEntry(org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.AclEntry) AclException(org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.AclException)

Example 3 with AclException

use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.AclException in project pravega by pravega.

the class SealOperation method run.

public void run() throws IOException, StorageNotPrimaryException {
    HDFSSegmentHandle handle = getTarget();
    long traceId = LoggerHelpers.traceEnter(log, "seal", handle);
    val lastHandleFile = handle.getLastFile();
    try {
        if (!lastHandleFile.isReadOnly()) {
            if (!makeReadOnly(lastHandleFile)) {
                // The file's read-only status changed externally. Figure out if we have been fenced out.
                checkForFenceOut(handle.getSegmentName(), -1, handle.getLastFile());
                // We are ok, just update the FileDescriptor internally.
        // Set the Sealed attribute on the last file and update the handle.
    } catch (FileNotFoundException | AclException ex) {
        checkForFenceOut(handle.getSegmentName(), handle.getFiles().size(), handle.getLastFile());
        // If we were not fenced out, then this is a legitimate exception - rethrow it.
        throw ex;
    if (lastHandleFile.getLength() == 0) {
        // Last file was actually empty, so if we have more than one file, mark the second-to-last as sealed and
        // remove the last one.
        val handleFiles = handle.getFiles();
        if (handleFiles.size() > 1) {
            makeSealed(handleFiles.get(handleFiles.size() - 2));
    LoggerHelpers.traceLeave(log, "seal", traceId, handle);
Also used : lombok.val(lombok.val) FileNotFoundException( AclException(org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.AclException)

Example 4 with AclException

use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.AclException in project pravega by pravega.

the class UnsealOperation method run.

public void run() throws IOException, StorageNotPrimaryException {
    HDFSSegmentHandle handle = getTarget();
    long traceId = LoggerHelpers.traceEnter(log, "unseal", handle);
    val lastHandleFile = handle.getLastFile();
    try {
        if (lastHandleFile.isReadOnly()) {
        // Set the Sealed attribute on the last file and update the handle.
        if (isSealed(lastHandleFile)) {
    } catch (FileNotFoundException | AclException ex) {
        checkForFenceOut(handle.getSegmentName(), handle.getFiles().size(), handle.getLastFile());
        // If we were not fenced out, then this is a legitimate exception - rethrow it.
        throw ex;
    LoggerHelpers.traceLeave(log, "unseal", traceId, handle);
Also used : lombok.val(lombok.val) FileNotFoundException( AclException(org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.AclException)

Example 5 with AclException

use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.AclException in project pravega by pravega.

the class ConcatOperationTests method testInvalidInput.

 * Tests various combinations of bad input to the Concat command.
public void testInvalidInput() throws Exception {
    @Cleanup val fs = new MockFileSystem();
    val context = newContext(1, fs);
    val targetHandle = createNonEmptySegment(TARGET_SEGMENT, context, null);
    val sourceHandle = createNonEmptySegment(SOURCE_SEGMENT, context, null);
    // Same source and target.
    AssertExtensions.assertThrows("ConcatOperation worked with same source and target.", () -> new ConcatOperation(targetHandle, WRITE_LENGTH, TARGET_SEGMENT, context).run(), ex -> ex instanceof IllegalArgumentException);
    // Verify source is not sealed.
    AssertExtensions.assertThrows("ConcatOperation worked on non-sealed source segment.", new ConcatOperation(targetHandle, WRITE_LENGTH, SOURCE_SEGMENT, context)::run, ex -> ex instanceof IllegalStateException);
    // Seal it.
    new SealOperation(sourceHandle, context).run();
    // Verify target offset.
    AssertExtensions.assertThrows("ConcatOperation worked with bad offset.", new ConcatOperation(targetHandle, WRITE_LENGTH - 1, SOURCE_SEGMENT, context)::run, ex -> ex instanceof BadOffsetException);
    // Verify target is sealed.
    new SealOperation(targetHandle, context).run();
    AssertExtensions.assertThrows("ConcatOperation worked with sealed target.", new ConcatOperation(targetHandle, WRITE_LENGTH, SOURCE_SEGMENT, context)::run, ex -> ex instanceof AclException);
Also used : lombok.val(lombok.val) BadOffsetException(io.pravega.segmentstore.contracts.BadOffsetException) AclException(org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.AclException) Cleanup(lombok.Cleanup) Test(org.junit.Test)


AclException (org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.AclException)9 FileNotFoundException ( lombok.val (lombok.val)4 AclEntry (org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.AclEntry)4 BadOffsetException (io.pravega.segmentstore.contracts.BadOffsetException)2 FsAction (org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsAction)2 ScopedAclEntries (org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.ScopedAclEntries)2 Pair (alluxio.collections.Pair)1 AccessControlList ( DefaultAccessControlList ( Timer (io.pravega.common.Timer)1 Cleanup (lombok.Cleanup)1 FSDataOutputStream (org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream)1 Path (org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path)1 AclEntryScope (org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.AclEntryScope)1 AclEntryType (org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.AclEntryType)1 AclStatus (org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.AclStatus)1 FsPermission (org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission)1 Test (org.junit.Test)1