use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.DatanodeInfo in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestDecommission method testDecommissionWithOpenFileAndBlockRecovery.
@Test(timeout = 360000)
public void testDecommissionWithOpenFileAndBlockRecovery() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
startCluster(1, 6);
Path file = new Path("/testRecoveryDecommission");
// Create a file and never close the output stream to trigger recovery
DistributedFileSystem dfs = getCluster().getFileSystem();
FSDataOutputStream out = dfs.create(file, true, getConf().getInt(CommonConfigurationKeys.IO_FILE_BUFFER_SIZE_KEY, 4096), (short) 3, blockSize);
// Write data to the file
long writtenBytes = 0;
while (writtenBytes < fileSize) {
writtenBytes += 8;
DatanodeInfo[] lastBlockLocations = NameNodeAdapter.getBlockLocations(getCluster().getNameNode(), "/testRecoveryDecommission", 0, fileSize).getLastLocatedBlock().getLocations();
// Decommission all nodes of the last block
ArrayList<String> toDecom = new ArrayList<>();
for (DatanodeInfo dnDecom : lastBlockLocations) {
// Make sure hard lease expires to trigger replica recovery
getCluster().setLeasePeriod(300L, 300L);
for (DatanodeInfo dnDecom : lastBlockLocations) {
DatanodeInfo datanode = NameNodeAdapter.getDatanode(getCluster().getNamesystem(), dnDecom);
waitNodeState(datanode, AdminStates.DECOMMISSIONED);
assertEquals(dfs.getFileStatus(file).getLen(), writtenBytes);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.DatanodeInfo in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestDecommission method testDecommissionWithNamenodeRestart.
* Tests restart of namenode while datanode hosts are added to exclude file
@Test(timeout = 360000)
public void testDecommissionWithNamenodeRestart() throws IOException, InterruptedException {"Starting test testDecommissionWithNamenodeRestart");
int numNamenodes = 1;
int numDatanodes = 1;
int replicas = 1;
startCluster(numNamenodes, numDatanodes);
Path file1 = new Path("testDecommissionWithNamenodeRestart.dat");
FileSystem fileSys = getCluster().getFileSystem();
writeFile(fileSys, file1, replicas);
DFSClient client = getDfsClient(0);
DatanodeInfo[] info = client.datanodeReport(DatanodeReportType.LIVE);
DatanodeID excludedDatanodeID = info[0];
String excludedDatanodeName = info[0].getXferAddr();
//Add a new datanode to cluster
getCluster().startDataNodes(getConf(), 1, true, null, null, null, null);
numDatanodes += 1;
assertEquals("Number of datanodes should be 2 ", 2, getCluster().getDataNodes().size());
//Restart the namenode
DatanodeInfo datanodeInfo = NameNodeAdapter.getDatanode(getCluster().getNamesystem(), excludedDatanodeID);
waitNodeState(datanodeInfo, AdminStates.DECOMMISSIONED);
// Ensure decommissioned datanode is not automatically shutdown
assertEquals("All datanodes must be alive", numDatanodes, client.datanodeReport(DatanodeReportType.LIVE).length);
assertTrue("Checked if block was replicated after decommission.", checkFile(fileSys, file1, replicas, datanodeInfo.getXferAddr(), numDatanodes) == null);
cleanupFile(fileSys, file1);
// Restart the cluster and ensure recommissioned datanodes
// are allowed to register with the namenode
startCluster(numNamenodes, numDatanodes);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.DatanodeInfo in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestDecommission method doDecomCheck.
private void doDecomCheck(DatanodeManager datanodeManager, DecommissionManager decomManager, int expectedNumCheckedNodes) throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
// Decom all nodes
ArrayList<DatanodeInfo> decommissionedNodes = Lists.newArrayList();
for (DataNode d : getCluster().getDataNodes()) {
DatanodeInfo dn = takeNodeOutofService(0, d.getDatanodeUuid(), 0, decommissionedNodes, AdminStates.DECOMMISSION_INPROGRESS);
// Run decom scan and check
assertEquals("Unexpected # of nodes checked", expectedNumCheckedNodes, decomManager.getNumNodesChecked());
// Recommission all nodes
for (DatanodeInfo dn : decommissionedNodes) {
putNodeInService(0, dn);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.DatanodeInfo in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestDecommission method testClusterStats.
public void testClusterStats(int numNameNodes) throws IOException, InterruptedException {"Starting test testClusterStats");
int numDatanodes = 1;
startCluster(numNameNodes, numDatanodes);
for (int i = 0; i < numNameNodes; i++) {
FileSystem fileSys = getCluster().getFileSystem(i);
Path file = new Path("testClusterStats.dat");
writeFile(fileSys, file, 1);
FSNamesystem fsn = getCluster().getNamesystem(i);
NameNode namenode = getCluster().getNameNode(i);
DatanodeInfo decomInfo = takeNodeOutofService(i, null, 0, null, AdminStates.DECOMMISSION_INPROGRESS);
DataNode decomNode = getDataNode(decomInfo);
// Check namenode stats for multiple datanode heartbeats
verifyStats(namenode, fsn, decomInfo, decomNode, true);
// Stop decommissioning and verify stats
DatanodeInfo retInfo = NameNodeAdapter.getDatanode(fsn, decomInfo);
putNodeInService(i, retInfo);
DataNode retNode = getDataNode(decomInfo);
verifyStats(namenode, fsn, retInfo, retNode, false);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.DatanodeInfo in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestDecommission method testUsedCapacity.
public void testUsedCapacity() throws Exception {
int numNamenodes = 1;
int numDatanodes = 2;
startCluster(numNamenodes, numDatanodes);
FSNamesystem ns = getCluster().getNamesystem(0);
BlockManager blockManager = ns.getBlockManager();
DatanodeStatistics datanodeStatistics = blockManager.getDatanodeManager().getDatanodeStatistics();
long initialUsedCapacity = datanodeStatistics.getCapacityUsed();
long initialTotalCapacity = datanodeStatistics.getCapacityTotal();
long initialBlockPoolUsed = datanodeStatistics.getBlockPoolUsed();
ArrayList<ArrayList<DatanodeInfo>> namenodeDecomList = new ArrayList<ArrayList<DatanodeInfo>>(numNamenodes);
namenodeDecomList.add(0, new ArrayList<>(numDatanodes));
ArrayList<DatanodeInfo> decommissionedNodes = namenodeDecomList.get(0);
//decommission one node
DatanodeInfo decomNode = takeNodeOutofService(0, null, 0, decommissionedNodes, AdminStates.DECOMMISSIONED);
long newUsedCapacity = datanodeStatistics.getCapacityUsed();
long newTotalCapacity = datanodeStatistics.getCapacityTotal();
long newBlockPoolUsed = datanodeStatistics.getBlockPoolUsed();
assertTrue("DfsUsedCapacity should not be the same after a node has " + "been decommissioned!", initialUsedCapacity != newUsedCapacity);
assertTrue("TotalCapacity should not be the same after a node has " + "been decommissioned!", initialTotalCapacity != newTotalCapacity);
assertTrue("BlockPoolUsed should not be the same after a node has " + "been decommissioned!", initialBlockPoolUsed != newBlockPoolUsed);