use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.LocatedBlocks in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestDataNodeErasureCodingMetrics method doTest.
private void doTest(String fileName, int fileLen, int deadNodeIndex) throws Exception {
assertTrue(fileLen > 0);
assertTrue(deadNodeIndex >= 0 && deadNodeIndex < numDNs);
Path file = new Path(fileName);
final byte[] data = StripedFileTestUtil.generateBytes(fileLen);
DFSTestUtil.writeFile(fs, file, data);
StripedFileTestUtil.waitBlockGroupsReported(fs, fileName);
final LocatedBlocks locatedBlocks = StripedFileTestUtil.getLocatedBlocks(file, fs);
final LocatedStripedBlock lastBlock = (LocatedStripedBlock) locatedBlocks.getLastLocatedBlock();
assertTrue(lastBlock.getLocations().length > deadNodeIndex);
final DataNode toCorruptDn = cluster.getDataNode(lastBlock.getLocations()[deadNodeIndex].getIpcPort());"Datanode to be corrupted: " + toCorruptDn);
assertNotNull("Failed to find a datanode to be corrupted", toCorruptDn);
DFSTestUtil.waitForDatanodeState(cluster, toCorruptDn.getDatanodeUuid(), false, 10000);
final int workCount = getComputedDatanodeWork();
assertTrue("Wrongly computed block reconstruction work", workCount > 0);
int totalBlocks = (fileLen / blockGroupSize) * groupSize;
final int remainder = fileLen % blockGroupSize;
totalBlocks += (remainder == 0) ? 0 : (remainder % blockSize == 0) ? remainder / blockSize + parityBlocks : remainder / blockSize + 1 + parityBlocks;
StripedFileTestUtil.waitForAllReconstructionFinished(file, fs, totalBlocks);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.LocatedBlocks in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestBlockHasMultipleReplicasOnSameDN method testBlockHasMultipleReplicasOnSameDN.
* Verify NameNode behavior when a given DN reports multiple replicas
* of a given block.
public void testBlockHasMultipleReplicasOnSameDN() throws IOException {
String filename = makeFileName(GenericTestUtils.getMethodName());
Path filePath = new Path(filename);
// Write out a file with a few blocks.
// Get the block list for the file with the block locations.
LocatedBlocks locatedBlocks = client.getLocatedBlocks(filePath.toString(), 0, BLOCK_SIZE * NUM_BLOCKS);
// Generate a fake block report from one of the DataNodes, such
// that it reports one copy of each block on either storage.
DataNode dn = cluster.getDataNodes().get(0);
DatanodeRegistration dnReg = dn.getDNRegistrationForBP(bpid);
StorageBlockReport[] reports = new StorageBlockReport[cluster.getStoragesPerDatanode()];
ArrayList<ReplicaInfo> blocks = new ArrayList<>();
for (LocatedBlock locatedBlock : locatedBlocks.getLocatedBlocks()) {
Block localBlock = locatedBlock.getBlock().getLocalBlock();
blocks.add(new FinalizedReplica(localBlock, null, null));
try (FsDatasetSpi.FsVolumeReferences volumes = dn.getFSDataset().getFsVolumeReferences()) {
BlockListAsLongs bll = BlockListAsLongs.encode(blocks);
for (int i = 0; i < cluster.getStoragesPerDatanode(); ++i) {
DatanodeStorage dns = new DatanodeStorage(volumes.get(i).getStorageID());
reports[i] = new StorageBlockReport(dns, bll);
// Should not assert!
cluster.getNameNodeRpc().blockReport(dnReg, bpid, reports, new BlockReportContext(1, 0, System.nanoTime(), 0L, true));
// Get the block locations once again.
locatedBlocks = client.getLocatedBlocks(filename, 0, BLOCK_SIZE * NUM_BLOCKS);
// Make sure that each block has two replicas, one on each DataNode.
for (LocatedBlock locatedBlock : locatedBlocks.getLocatedBlocks()) {
DatanodeInfo[] locations = locatedBlock.getLocations();
assertThat(locations.length, is((int) NUM_DATANODES));
assertThat(locations[0].getDatanodeUuid(), not(locations[1].getDatanodeUuid()));
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.LocatedBlocks in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestDataNodeRollingUpgrade method getBlockForFile.
/** Test assumes that the file has a single block */
private File getBlockForFile(Path path, boolean exists) throws IOException {
LocatedBlocks blocks = nn.getRpcServer().getBlockLocations(path.toString(), 0, Long.MAX_VALUE);
assertEquals("The test helper functions assume that each file has a single block", 1, blocks.getLocatedBlocks().size());
ExtendedBlock block = blocks.getLocatedBlocks().get(0).getBlock();
BlockLocalPathInfo bInfo = dn0.getFSDataset().getBlockLocalPathInfo(block);
File blockFile = new File(bInfo.getBlockPath());
assertEquals(exists, blockFile.exists());
return blockFile;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.LocatedBlocks in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestMover method testMoverWithStripedFile.
@Test(timeout = 300000)
public void testMoverWithStripedFile() throws Exception {
final Configuration conf = new HdfsConfiguration();
// start 10 datanodes
int numOfDatanodes = 10;
int storagesPerDatanode = 2;
long capacity = 10 * defaultBlockSize;
long[][] capacities = new long[numOfDatanodes][storagesPerDatanode];
for (int i = 0; i < numOfDatanodes; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < storagesPerDatanode; j++) {
capacities[i][j] = capacity;
conf.set(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_EC_POLICIES_ENABLED_KEY, StripedFileTestUtil.getDefaultECPolicy().getName());
final MiniDFSCluster cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).numDataNodes(numOfDatanodes).storagesPerDatanode(storagesPerDatanode).storageTypes(new StorageType[][] { { StorageType.DISK, StorageType.DISK }, { StorageType.DISK, StorageType.DISK }, { StorageType.DISK, StorageType.DISK }, { StorageType.DISK, StorageType.DISK }, { StorageType.DISK, StorageType.DISK }, { StorageType.DISK, StorageType.ARCHIVE }, { StorageType.DISK, StorageType.ARCHIVE }, { StorageType.DISK, StorageType.ARCHIVE }, { StorageType.DISK, StorageType.ARCHIVE }, { StorageType.DISK, StorageType.ARCHIVE } }).storageCapacities(capacities).build();
try {
// set "/bar" directory with HOT storage policy.
ClientProtocol client = NameNodeProxies.createProxy(conf, cluster.getFileSystem(0).getUri(), ClientProtocol.class).getProxy();
String barDir = "/bar";
client.mkdirs(barDir, new FsPermission((short) 777), true);
client.setStoragePolicy(barDir, HdfsConstants.HOT_STORAGE_POLICY_NAME);
// set an EC policy on "/bar" directory
client.setErasureCodingPolicy(barDir, StripedFileTestUtil.getDefaultECPolicy().getName());
// write file to barDir
final String fooFile = "/bar/foo";
long fileLen = 20 * defaultBlockSize;
DFSTestUtil.createFile(cluster.getFileSystem(), new Path(fooFile), fileLen, (short) 3, 0);
// verify storage types and locations
LocatedBlocks locatedBlocks = client.getBlockLocations(fooFile, 0, fileLen);
for (LocatedBlock lb : locatedBlocks.getLocatedBlocks()) {
for (StorageType type : lb.getStorageTypes()) {
Assert.assertEquals(StorageType.DISK, type);
StripedFileTestUtil.verifyLocatedStripedBlocks(locatedBlocks, dataBlocks + parityBlocks);
// start 5 more datanodes
numOfDatanodes += 5;
capacities = new long[5][storagesPerDatanode];
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < storagesPerDatanode; j++) {
capacities[i][j] = capacity;
cluster.startDataNodes(conf, 5, new StorageType[][] { { StorageType.ARCHIVE, StorageType.ARCHIVE }, { StorageType.ARCHIVE, StorageType.ARCHIVE }, { StorageType.ARCHIVE, StorageType.ARCHIVE }, { StorageType.ARCHIVE, StorageType.ARCHIVE }, { StorageType.ARCHIVE, StorageType.ARCHIVE } }, true, null, null, null, capacities, null, false, false, false, null);
// move file to ARCHIVE
client.setStoragePolicy(barDir, "COLD");
// run Mover
int rc =, new Mover.Cli(), new String[] { "-p", barDir });
Assert.assertEquals("Movement to ARCHIVE should be successful", 0, rc);
// verify storage types and locations
locatedBlocks = client.getBlockLocations(fooFile, 0, fileLen);
for (LocatedBlock lb : locatedBlocks.getLocatedBlocks()) {
for (StorageType type : lb.getStorageTypes()) {
Assert.assertEquals(StorageType.ARCHIVE, type);
StripedFileTestUtil.verifyLocatedStripedBlocks(locatedBlocks, dataBlocks + parityBlocks);
// start 5 more datanodes
numOfDatanodes += 5;
capacities = new long[5][storagesPerDatanode];
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < storagesPerDatanode; j++) {
capacities[i][j] = capacity;
cluster.startDataNodes(conf, 5, new StorageType[][] { { StorageType.SSD, StorageType.DISK }, { StorageType.SSD, StorageType.DISK }, { StorageType.SSD, StorageType.DISK }, { StorageType.SSD, StorageType.DISK }, { StorageType.SSD, StorageType.DISK } }, true, null, null, null, capacities, null, false, false, false, null);
// move file blocks to ONE_SSD policy
client.setStoragePolicy(barDir, "ONE_SSD");
// run Mover
rc =, new Mover.Cli(), new String[] { "-p", barDir });
// verify storage types and locations
// Movements should have been ignored for the unsupported policy on
// striped file
locatedBlocks = client.getBlockLocations(fooFile, 0, fileLen);
for (LocatedBlock lb : locatedBlocks.getLocatedBlocks()) {
for (StorageType type : lb.getStorageTypes()) {
Assert.assertEquals(StorageType.ARCHIVE, type);
} finally {
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.LocatedBlocks in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestStorageMover method testMigrateOpenFileToArchival.
* Move an open file into archival storage
public void testMigrateOpenFileToArchival() throws Exception {"testMigrateOpenFileToArchival");
final Path fooDir = new Path("/foo");
Map<Path, BlockStoragePolicy> policyMap = Maps.newHashMap();
policyMap.put(fooDir, COLD);
NamespaceScheme nsScheme = new NamespaceScheme(Arrays.asList(fooDir), null, BLOCK_SIZE, null, policyMap);
ClusterScheme clusterScheme = new ClusterScheme(DEFAULT_CONF, NUM_DATANODES, REPL, genStorageTypes(NUM_DATANODES), null);
MigrationTest test = new MigrationTest(clusterScheme, nsScheme);
// create an open file
banner("writing to file /foo/bar");
final Path barFile = new Path(fooDir, "bar");
DFSTestUtil.createFile(test.dfs, barFile, BLOCK_SIZE, (short) 1, 0L);
FSDataOutputStream out = test.dfs.append(barFile);
out.writeBytes("hello, ");
((DFSOutputStream) out.getWrappedStream()).hsync();
try {
banner("start data migration");
// set /foo to COLD
// make sure the under construction block has not been migrated
LocatedBlocks lbs = test.dfs.getClient().getLocatedBlocks(barFile.toString(), BLOCK_SIZE);"Locations: " + lbs);
List<LocatedBlock> blks = lbs.getLocatedBlocks();
Assert.assertEquals(1, blks.size());
Assert.assertEquals(1, blks.get(0).getLocations().length);
banner("finish the migration, continue writing");
// make sure the writing can continue
((DFSOutputStream) out.getWrappedStream()).hsync();
IOUtils.cleanup(LOG, out);
lbs = test.dfs.getClient().getLocatedBlocks(barFile.toString(), BLOCK_SIZE);"Locations: " + lbs);
blks = lbs.getLocatedBlocks();
Assert.assertEquals(1, blks.size());
Assert.assertEquals(1, blks.get(0).getLocations().length);
banner("finish writing, starting reading");
// check the content of /foo/bar
FSDataInputStream in =;
byte[] buf = new byte[13];
// read from offset 1024
in.readFully(BLOCK_SIZE, buf, 0, buf.length);
IOUtils.cleanup(LOG, in);
Assert.assertEquals("hello, world!", new String(buf));
} finally {