use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.LocatedStripedBlock in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestReadStripedFileWithDecoding method testInvalidateBlock.
public void testInvalidateBlock() throws IOException {
final Path file = new Path("/invalidate");
final int length = 10;
final byte[] bytes = StripedFileTestUtil.generateBytes(length);
DFSTestUtil.writeFile(fs, file, bytes);
int dnIndex = findFirstDataNode(file, cellSize * dataBlocks);
Assert.assertNotEquals(-1, dnIndex);
LocatedStripedBlock slb = (LocatedStripedBlock) fs.getClient().getLocatedBlocks(file.toString(), 0, cellSize * dataBlocks).get(0);
final LocatedBlock[] blks = StripedBlockUtil.parseStripedBlockGroup(slb, cellSize, dataBlocks, parityBlocks);
final Block b = blks[0].getBlock().getLocalBlock();
DataNode dn = cluster.getDataNodes().get(dnIndex);
// disable the heartbeat from DN so that the invalidated block record is kept
// in NameNode until heartbeat expires and NN mark the dn as dead
DataNodeTestUtils.setHeartbeatsDisabledForTests(dn, true);
try {
// delete the file
fs.delete(file, true);
// check the block is added to invalidateBlocks
final FSNamesystem fsn = cluster.getNamesystem();
final BlockManager bm = fsn.getBlockManager();
DatanodeDescriptor dnd = NameNodeAdapter.getDatanode(fsn, dn.getDatanodeId());
Assert.assertTrue(bm.containsInvalidateBlock(blks[0].getLocations()[0], b) || dnd.containsInvalidateBlock(b));
} finally {
DataNodeTestUtils.setHeartbeatsDisabledForTests(dn, false);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.LocatedStripedBlock in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestReconstructStripedFile method assertFileBlocksReconstruction.
* Test the file blocks reconstruction.
* 1. Check the replica is reconstructed in the target datanode,
* and verify the block replica length, generationStamp and content.
* 2. Read the file and verify content.
private void assertFileBlocksReconstruction(String fileName, int fileLen, ReconstructionType type, int toRecoverBlockNum) throws Exception {
if (toRecoverBlockNum < 1 || toRecoverBlockNum > parityBlkNum) {"toRecoverBlockNum should be between 1 ~ " + parityBlkNum);
assertTrue("File length must be positive.", fileLen > 0);
Path file = new Path(fileName);
final byte[] data = new byte[fileLen];
Arrays.fill(data, (byte) 1);
DFSTestUtil.writeFile(fs, file, data);
StripedFileTestUtil.waitBlockGroupsReported(fs, fileName);
LocatedBlocks locatedBlocks = StripedFileTestUtil.getLocatedBlocks(file, fs);
assertEquals(locatedBlocks.getFileLength(), fileLen);
LocatedStripedBlock lastBlock = (LocatedStripedBlock) locatedBlocks.getLastLocatedBlock();
DatanodeInfo[] storageInfos = lastBlock.getLocations();
byte[] indices = lastBlock.getBlockIndices();
BitSet bitset = new BitSet(dnNum);
for (DatanodeInfo storageInfo : storageInfos) {
int[] dead = generateDeadDnIndices(type, toRecoverBlockNum, indices);"Note: indices == " + Arrays.toString(indices) + ". Generate errors on datanodes: " + Arrays.toString(dead));
DatanodeInfo[] dataDNs = new DatanodeInfo[toRecoverBlockNum];
int[] deadDnIndices = new int[toRecoverBlockNum];
ExtendedBlock[] blocks = new ExtendedBlock[toRecoverBlockNum];
File[] replicas = new File[toRecoverBlockNum];
long[] replicaLengths = new long[toRecoverBlockNum];
File[] metadatas = new File[toRecoverBlockNum];
byte[][] replicaContents = new byte[toRecoverBlockNum][];
Map<ExtendedBlock, DataNode> errorMap = new HashMap<>(dead.length);
for (int i = 0; i < toRecoverBlockNum; i++) {
dataDNs[i] = storageInfos[dead[i]];
deadDnIndices[i] = dnMap.get(dataDNs[i]);
// Check the block replica file on deadDn before it dead.
blocks[i] = StripedBlockUtil.constructInternalBlock(lastBlock.getBlock(), cellSize, dataBlkNum, indices[dead[i]]);
errorMap.put(blocks[i], cluster.getDataNodes().get(deadDnIndices[i]));
replicas[i] = cluster.getBlockFile(deadDnIndices[i], blocks[i]);
replicaLengths[i] = replicas[i].length();
metadatas[i] = cluster.getBlockMetadataFile(deadDnIndices[i], blocks[i]);
// the block replica on the datanode should be the same as expected
assertEquals(replicaLengths[i], StripedBlockUtil.getInternalBlockLength(lastBlock.getBlockSize(), cellSize, dataBlkNum, indices[dead[i]]));
assertTrue(metadatas[i].getName().endsWith(blocks[i].getGenerationStamp() + ".meta"));"replica " + i + " locates in file: " + replicas[i]);
replicaContents[i] = DFSTestUtil.readFileAsBytes(replicas[i]);
int lastGroupDataLen = fileLen % (dataBlkNum * blockSize);
int lastGroupNumBlk = lastGroupDataLen == 0 ? dataBlkNum : Math.min(dataBlkNum, ((lastGroupDataLen - 1) / cellSize + 1));
int groupSize = lastGroupNumBlk + parityBlkNum;
// shutdown datanodes or generate corruption
int stoppedDN = generateErrors(errorMap, type);
// Check the locatedBlocks of the file again
locatedBlocks = StripedFileTestUtil.getLocatedBlocks(file, fs);
lastBlock = (LocatedStripedBlock) locatedBlocks.getLastLocatedBlock();
storageInfos = lastBlock.getLocations();
assertEquals(storageInfos.length, groupSize - stoppedDN);
int[] targetDNs = new int[dnNum - groupSize];
int n = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < dnNum; i++) {
if (!bitset.get(i)) {
// not contain replica of the block.
targetDNs[n++] = i;
StripedFileTestUtil.waitForReconstructionFinished(file, fs, groupSize);
targetDNs = sortTargetsByReplicas(blocks, targetDNs);
// Check the replica on the new target node.
for (int i = 0; i < toRecoverBlockNum; i++) {
File replicaAfterReconstruction = cluster.getBlockFile(targetDNs[i], blocks[i]);"replica after reconstruction " + replicaAfterReconstruction);
File metadataAfterReconstruction = cluster.getBlockMetadataFile(targetDNs[i], blocks[i]);
assertEquals(replicaLengths[i], replicaAfterReconstruction.length());"replica before " + replicas[i]);
assertTrue(metadataAfterReconstruction.getName().endsWith(blocks[i].getGenerationStamp() + ".meta"));
byte[] replicaContentAfterReconstruction = DFSTestUtil.readFileAsBytes(replicaAfterReconstruction);
Assert.assertArrayEquals(replicaContents[i], replicaContentAfterReconstruction);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.LocatedStripedBlock in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestReconstructStripedBlocksWithRackAwareness method testChooseExcessReplicasToDelete.
public void testChooseExcessReplicasToDelete() throws Exception {
conf.set(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_EC_POLICIES_ENABLED_KEY, StripedFileTestUtil.getDefaultECPolicy().getName());
cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).racks(racks).hosts(hosts).numDataNodes(hosts.length).build();
fs = cluster.getFileSystem();
fs.setErasureCodingPolicy(new Path("/"), StripedFileTestUtil.getDefaultECPolicy().getName());
MiniDFSCluster.DataNodeProperties lastHost = stopDataNode(hosts[hosts.length - 1]);
final Path file = new Path("/foo");
DFSTestUtil.createFile(fs, file, cellSize * dataBlocks * 2, (short) 1, 0L);
// stop host1
MiniDFSCluster.DataNodeProperties host1 = stopDataNode("host1");
// bring last host back
// wait for reconstruction to finish
final short blockNum = (short) (dataBlocks + parityBlocks);
DFSTestUtil.waitForReplication(fs, file, blockNum, 15 * 1000);
// restart host1
for (DataNode dn : cluster.getDataNodes()) {
if (dn.getDatanodeId().getHostName().equals("host1")) {
// make sure the excess replica is detected, and we delete host1's replica
// so that we have 6 racks
DFSTestUtil.waitForReplication(fs, file, blockNum, 15 * 1000);
LocatedBlocks blks = fs.getClient().getLocatedBlocks(file.toString(), 0);
LocatedStripedBlock block = (LocatedStripedBlock) blks.getLastLocatedBlock();
for (DatanodeInfo dn : block.getLocations()) {
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.LocatedStripedBlock in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestSortLocatedStripedBlock method createEachLocatedBlock.
private LocatedStripedBlock createEachLocatedBlock(int numDataBlk, int numParityBlk, List<Integer> decommnNodeIndices, List<Integer> targetNodeIndices, ArrayList<String> decommNodeInfo) {
final long blockGroupID = Long.MIN_VALUE;
int totalDns = numDataBlk + numParityBlk + targetNodeIndices.size();
DatanodeInfo[] locs = new DatanodeInfo[totalDns];
String[] storageIDs = new String[totalDns];
StorageType[] storageTypes = new StorageType[totalDns];
byte[] blkIndices = new byte[totalDns];
// Adding data blocks
int index = 0;
for (; index < numDataBlk; index++) {
blkIndices[index] = (byte) index;
// Location port always equal to logical index of a block,
// for easier verification
locs[index] = DFSTestUtil.getLocalDatanodeInfo(blkIndices[index]);
storageIDs[index] = locs[index].getDatanodeUuid();
storageTypes[index] = StorageType.DISK;
// set decommissioned state
if (decommnNodeIndices.contains(index)) {
// Removing it from the list to ensure that all the given nodes are
// successfully marked as decomissioned.
decommnNodeIndices.remove(new Integer(index));
// Adding parity blocks after data blocks
index = dataBlocks;
for (int j = numDataBlk; j < numDataBlk + numParityBlk; j++, index++) {
blkIndices[j] = (byte) index;
// Location port always equal to logical index of a block,
// for easier verification
locs[j] = DFSTestUtil.getLocalDatanodeInfo(blkIndices[j]);
storageIDs[j] = locs[j].getDatanodeUuid();
storageTypes[j] = StorageType.DISK;
// set decommissioned state
if (decommnNodeIndices.contains(index)) {
// Removing it from the list to ensure that all the given nodes are
// successfully marked as decomissioned.
decommnNodeIndices.remove(new Integer(index));
// Add extra target nodes to storage list after the parity blocks
int basePortValue = dataBlocks + parityBlocks;
index = numDataBlk + numParityBlk;
for (int i = 0; i < targetNodeIndices.size(); i++, index++) {
int blkIndexPos = targetNodeIndices.get(i);
blkIndices[index] = (byte) blkIndexPos;
// Location port always equal to logical index of a block,
// for easier verification
locs[index] = DFSTestUtil.getLocalDatanodeInfo(basePortValue++);
storageIDs[index] = locs[index].getDatanodeUuid();
storageTypes[index] = StorageType.DISK;
// decommissioned by administrator
if (decommnNodeIndices.contains(blkIndexPos)) {
// Removing it from the list to ensure that all the given nodes are
// successfully marked as decomissioned.
decommnNodeIndices.remove(new Integer(blkIndexPos));
return new LocatedStripedBlock(new ExtendedBlock("pool", blockGroupID, cellSize, 1001), locs, storageIDs, storageTypes, blkIndices, 0, false, null);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.LocatedStripedBlock in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestSortLocatedStripedBlock method assertBlockIndexAndTokenPosition.
* Verify block index and token values. Must update block indices and block
* tokens after sorting.
private void assertBlockIndexAndTokenPosition(List<LocatedBlock> lbs, List<HashMap<DatanodeInfo, Byte>> locToIndexList, List<HashMap<DatanodeInfo, Token<BlockTokenIdentifier>>> locToTokenList) {
for (int i = 0; i < lbs.size(); i++) {
LocatedBlock lb = lbs.get(i);
LocatedStripedBlock stripedBlk = (LocatedStripedBlock) lb;
HashMap<DatanodeInfo, Byte> locToIndex = locToIndexList.get(i);
HashMap<DatanodeInfo, Token<BlockTokenIdentifier>> locToToken = locToTokenList.get(i);
DatanodeInfo[] di = lb.getLocations();
for (int j = 0; j < di.length; j++) {
Assert.assertEquals("Block index value mismatches after sorting", (byte) locToIndex.get(di[j]), stripedBlk.getBlockIndices()[j]);
Assert.assertEquals("Block token value mismatches after sorting", locToToken.get(di[j]), stripedBlk.getBlockTokens()[j]);