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Example 1 with JournalOutOfSyncException

use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.qjournal.protocol.JournalOutOfSyncException in project hadoop by apache.

the class Journal method journal.

   * Write a batch of edits to the journal.
   * {@see QJournalProtocol#journal(RequestInfo, long, long, int, byte[])}
synchronized void journal(RequestInfo reqInfo, long segmentTxId, long firstTxnId, int numTxns, byte[] records) throws IOException {
    // committedTxId only. So we can return early.
    if (numTxns == 0) {
    checkSync(curSegment != null, "Can't write, no segment open");
    if (curSegmentTxId != segmentTxId) {
        // Sanity check: it is possible that the writer will fail IPCs
        // on both the finalize() and then the start() of the next segment.
        // This could cause us to continue writing to an old segment
        // instead of rolling to a new one, which breaks one of the
        // invariants in the design. If it happens, abort the segment
        // and throw an exception.
        JournalOutOfSyncException e = new JournalOutOfSyncException("Writer out of sync: it thinks it is writing segment " + segmentTxId + " but current segment is " + curSegmentTxId);
        throw e;
    checkSync(nextTxId == firstTxnId, "Can't write txid " + firstTxnId + " expecting nextTxId=" + nextTxId);
    long lastTxnId = firstTxnId + numTxns - 1;
    if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
        LOG.trace("Writing txid " + firstTxnId + "-" + lastTxnId);
    // If the edit has already been marked as committed, we know
    // it has been fsynced on a quorum of other nodes, and we are
    // "catching up" with the rest. Hence we do not need to fsync.
    boolean isLagging = lastTxnId <= committedTxnId.get();
    boolean shouldFsync = !isLagging;
    curSegment.writeRaw(records, 0, records.length);
    StopWatch sw = new StopWatch();
    long nanoSeconds =;
    metrics.addSync(TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS.convert(nanoSeconds, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS));
    long milliSeconds = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(nanoSeconds, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS);
    if (milliSeconds > WARN_SYNC_MILLIS_THRESHOLD) {
        LOG.warn("Sync of transaction range " + firstTxnId + "-" + lastTxnId + " took " + milliSeconds + "ms");
    if (isLagging) {
        // This batch of edits has already been committed on a quorum of other
        // nodes. So, we are in "catch up" mode. This gets its own metric.
    nextTxId = lastTxnId + 1;
    lastJournalTimestamp =;
Also used : JournalOutOfSyncException(org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.qjournal.protocol.JournalOutOfSyncException) StopWatch(org.apache.hadoop.util.StopWatch)

Example 2 with JournalOutOfSyncException

use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.qjournal.protocol.JournalOutOfSyncException in project hadoop by apache.

the class Journal method finalizeLogSegment.

   * Finalize the log segment at the given transaction ID.
public synchronized void finalizeLogSegment(RequestInfo reqInfo, long startTxId, long endTxId) throws IOException {
    boolean needsValidation = true;
    // Finalizing the log that the writer was just writing.
    if (startTxId == curSegmentTxId) {
        if (curSegment != null) {
            curSegment = null;
            curSegmentTxId = HdfsServerConstants.INVALID_TXID;
        checkSync(nextTxId == endTxId + 1, "Trying to finalize in-progress log segment %s to end at " + "txid %s but only written up to txid %s", startTxId, endTxId, nextTxId - 1);
        // No need to validate the edit log if the client is finalizing
        // the log segment that it was just writing to.
        needsValidation = false;
    FileJournalManager.EditLogFile elf = fjm.getLogFile(startTxId);
    if (elf == null) {
        throw new JournalOutOfSyncException("No log file to finalize at " + "transaction ID " + startTxId);
    if (elf.isInProgress()) {
        if (needsValidation) {
  "Validating log segment " + elf.getFile() + " about to be " + "finalized");
            elf.scanLog(Long.MAX_VALUE, false);
            checkSync(elf.getLastTxId() == endTxId, "Trying to finalize in-progress log segment %s to end at " + "txid %s but log %s on disk only contains up to txid %s", startTxId, endTxId, elf.getFile(), elf.getLastTxId());
        fjm.finalizeLogSegment(startTxId, endTxId);
    } else {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(endTxId == elf.getLastTxId(), "Trying to re-finalize already finalized log " + elf + " with different endTxId " + endTxId);
    // Once logs are finalized, a different length will never be decided.
    // During recovery, we treat a finalized segment the same as an accepted
    // recovery. Thus, we no longer need to keep track of the previously-
    // accepted decision. The existence of the finalized log segment is enough.
Also used : EditLogFile(org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FileJournalManager.EditLogFile) FileJournalManager(org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FileJournalManager) JournalOutOfSyncException(org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.qjournal.protocol.JournalOutOfSyncException)


JournalOutOfSyncException (org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.qjournal.protocol.JournalOutOfSyncException)2 FileJournalManager (org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FileJournalManager)1 EditLogFile (org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FileJournalManager.EditLogFile)1 StopWatch (org.apache.hadoop.util.StopWatch)1