use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.blockmanagement.BlockInfo in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestOfflineImageViewerWithStripedBlocks method testFileSize.
private void testFileSize(int numBytes) throws IOException, UnresolvedLinkException, SnapshotAccessControlException {
File orgFsimage = null;
Path file = new Path("/eczone/striped");
FSDataOutputStream out = fs.create(file, true);
byte[] bytes = DFSTestUtil.generateSequentialBytes(0, numBytes);
// Write results to the fsimage file
fs.setSafeMode(SafeModeAction.SAFEMODE_ENTER, false);
// Determine location of fsimage file
orgFsimage = FSImageTestUtil.findLatestImageFile(FSImageTestUtil.getFSImage(cluster.getNameNode()).getStorage().getStorageDir(0));
if (orgFsimage == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Didn't generate or can't find fsimage");
FSImageLoader loader = FSImageLoader.load(orgFsimage.getAbsolutePath());
String fileStatus = loader.getFileStatus("/eczone/striped");
long expectedFileSize = bytes.length;
// Verify space consumed present in BlockInfoStriped
FSDirectory fsdir = cluster.getNamesystem().getFSDirectory();
INodeFile fileNode = fsdir.getINode4Write(file.toString()).asFile();
assertEquals(StripedFileTestUtil.getDefaultECPolicy().getId(), fileNode.getErasureCodingPolicyID());
assertTrue("Invalid block size", fileNode.getBlocks().length > 0);
long actualFileSize = 0;
for (BlockInfo blockInfo : fileNode.getBlocks()) {
assertTrue("Didn't find block striped information", blockInfo instanceof BlockInfoStriped);
actualFileSize += blockInfo.getNumBytes();
assertEquals("Wrongly computed file size contains striped blocks", expectedFileSize, actualFileSize);
// Verify space consumed present in filestatus
String EXPECTED_FILE_SIZE = "\"length\":" + String.valueOf(expectedFileSize);
assertTrue("Wrongly computed file size contains striped blocks, file status:" + fileStatus + ". Expected file size is : " + EXPECTED_FILE_SIZE, fileStatus.contains(EXPECTED_FILE_SIZE));
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.blockmanagement.BlockInfo in project hadoop by apache.
the class CreateEditsLog method addFiles.
static void addFiles(FSEditLog editLog, int numFiles, short replication, int blocksPerFile, long startingBlockId, long blockSize, FileNameGenerator nameGenerator) {
PermissionStatus p = new PermissionStatus("joeDoe", "people", new FsPermission((short) 0777));
INodeId inodeId = new INodeId();
INodeDirectory dirInode = new INodeDirectory(inodeId.nextValue(), null, p, 0L);
editLog.logMkDir(BASE_PATH, dirInode);
BlockInfo[] blocks = new BlockInfo[blocksPerFile];
for (int iB = 0; iB < blocksPerFile; ++iB) {
blocks[iB] = new BlockInfoContiguous(new Block(0, blockSize, BLOCK_GENERATION_STAMP), replication);
long currentBlockId = startingBlockId;
long bidAtSync = startingBlockId;
for (int iF = 0; iF < numFiles; iF++) {
for (int iB = 0; iB < blocksPerFile; ++iB) {
final INodeFile inode = new INodeFile(inodeId.nextValue(), null, p, 0L, 0L, blocks, replication, blockSize);
inode.toUnderConstruction("", "");
// Append path to filename with information about blockIDs
String path = "_" + iF + "_B" + blocks[0].getBlockId() + "_to_B" + blocks[blocksPerFile - 1].getBlockId() + "_";
String filePath = nameGenerator.getNextFileName("");
filePath = filePath + path;
// Log the new sub directory in edits
if ((iF % nameGenerator.getFilesPerDirectory()) == 0) {
String currentDir = nameGenerator.getCurrentDir();
dirInode = new INodeDirectory(inodeId.nextValue(), null, p, 0L);
editLog.logMkDir(currentDir, dirInode);
INodeFile fileUc = new INodeFile(inodeId.nextValue(), null, p, 0L, 0L, BlockInfo.EMPTY_ARRAY, replication, blockSize);
fileUc.toUnderConstruction("", "");
editLog.logOpenFile(filePath, fileUc, false, false);
editLog.logCloseFile(filePath, inode);
if (currentBlockId - bidAtSync >= 2000) {
// sync every 2K blocks
bidAtSync = currentBlockId;
System.out.println("Created edits log in directory " + edits_dir);
System.out.println(" containing " + numFiles + " File-Creates, each file with " + blocksPerFile + " blocks");
System.out.println(" blocks range: " + startingBlockId + " to " + (currentBlockId - 1));
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.blockmanagement.BlockInfo in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestBlockUnderConstruction method verifyFileBlocks.
private void verifyFileBlocks(String file, boolean isFileOpen) throws IOException {
FSNamesystem ns = cluster.getNamesystem();
final INodeFile inode = INodeFile.valueOf(ns.dir.getINode(file), file);
assertTrue("File " + inode.toString() + " isUnderConstruction = " + inode.isUnderConstruction() + " expected to be " + isFileOpen, inode.isUnderConstruction() == isFileOpen);
BlockInfo[] blocks = inode.getBlocks();
assertTrue("File does not have blocks: " + inode.toString(), blocks != null && blocks.length > 0);
int idx = 0;
BlockInfo curBlock;
// all blocks but the last two should be regular blocks
for (; idx < blocks.length - 2; idx++) {
curBlock = blocks[idx];
assertTrue("Block is not complete: " + curBlock, curBlock.isComplete());
assertTrue("Block is not in BlocksMap: " + curBlock, ns.getBlockManager().getStoredBlock(curBlock) == curBlock);
// committed if the file is not closed
if (idx > 0) {
// penultimate block
curBlock = blocks[idx - 1];
assertTrue("Block " + curBlock + " isUnderConstruction = " + inode.isUnderConstruction() + " expected to be " + isFileOpen, (isFileOpen && curBlock.isComplete()) || (!isFileOpen && !curBlock.isComplete() == (curBlock.getBlockUCState() == BlockUCState.COMMITTED)));
assertTrue("Block is not in BlocksMap: " + curBlock, ns.getBlockManager().getStoredBlock(curBlock) == curBlock);
// The last block is complete if the file is closed.
// If the file is open, the last block may be complete or not.
// last block
curBlock = blocks[idx];
if (!isFileOpen) {
assertTrue("Block " + curBlock + ", isFileOpen = " + isFileOpen, curBlock.isComplete());
assertTrue("Block is not in BlocksMap: " + curBlock, ns.getBlockManager().getStoredBlock(curBlock) == curBlock);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.blockmanagement.BlockInfo in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestAddStripedBlocks method testAddStripedBlock.
@Test(timeout = 60000)
public void testAddStripedBlock() throws Exception {
final Path file = new Path("/file1");
// create an empty file
FSDataOutputStream out = null;
try {
out = dfs.create(file, (short) 1);
writeAndFlushStripedOutputStream((DFSStripedOutputStream) out.getWrappedStream(), DFS_BYTES_PER_CHECKSUM_DEFAULT);
FSDirectory fsdir = cluster.getNamesystem().getFSDirectory();
INodeFile fileNode = fsdir.getINode4Write(file.toString()).asFile();
BlockInfo[] blocks = fileNode.getBlocks();
assertEquals(1, blocks.length);
checkStripedBlockUC((BlockInfoStriped) fileNode.getLastBlock(), true);
// restart NameNode to check editlog
fsdir = cluster.getNamesystem().getFSDirectory();
fileNode = fsdir.getINode4Write(file.toString()).asFile();
blocks = fileNode.getBlocks();
assertEquals(1, blocks.length);
checkStripedBlockUC((BlockInfoStriped) fileNode.getLastBlock(), false);
// save namespace, restart namenode, and check
dfs = cluster.getFileSystem();
fsdir = cluster.getNamesystem().getFSDirectory();
fileNode = fsdir.getINode4Write(file.toString()).asFile();
blocks = fileNode.getBlocks();
assertEquals(1, blocks.length);
checkStripedBlockUC((BlockInfoStriped) fileNode.getLastBlock(), false);
} finally {
IOUtils.cleanup(null, out);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.blockmanagement.BlockInfo in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestAddStripedBlocks method testCheckStripedReplicaCorrupt.
public void testCheckStripedReplicaCorrupt() throws Exception {
final int numBlocks = 4;
final int numStripes = 4;
final Path filePath = new Path("/corrupt");
final FSNamesystem ns = cluster.getNameNode().getNamesystem();
final BlockManager bm = ns.getBlockManager();
DFSTestUtil.createStripedFile(cluster, filePath, null, numBlocks, numStripes, false);
INodeFile fileNode = ns.getFSDirectory().getINode(filePath.toString()).asFile();
BlockInfo stored = fileNode.getBlocks()[0];
Assert.assertEquals(0, ns.getCorruptReplicaBlocks());
// Now send a block report with correct size
DatanodeStorage storage = new DatanodeStorage(UUID.randomUUID().toString());
final Block reported = new Block(stored);
reported.setNumBytes(numStripes * cellSize);
StorageReceivedDeletedBlocks[] reports = DFSTestUtil.makeReportForReceivedBlock(reported, ReceivedDeletedBlockInfo.BlockStatus.RECEIVED_BLOCK, storage);
ns.processIncrementalBlockReport(cluster.getDataNodes().get(0).getDatanodeId(), reports[0]);
Assert.assertEquals(0, ns.getCorruptReplicaBlocks());
// Now send a block report with wrong size
reported.setBlockId(stored.getBlockId() + 1);
reported.setNumBytes(numStripes * cellSize - 1);
reports = DFSTestUtil.makeReportForReceivedBlock(reported, ReceivedDeletedBlockInfo.BlockStatus.RECEIVED_BLOCK, storage);
ns.processIncrementalBlockReport(cluster.getDataNodes().get(1).getDatanodeId(), reports[0]);
Assert.assertEquals(1, ns.getCorruptReplicaBlocks());
// Now send a parity block report with correct size
reported.setBlockId(stored.getBlockId() + dataBlocks);
reported.setNumBytes(numStripes * cellSize);
reports = DFSTestUtil.makeReportForReceivedBlock(reported, ReceivedDeletedBlockInfo.BlockStatus.RECEIVED_BLOCK, storage);
ns.processIncrementalBlockReport(cluster.getDataNodes().get(2).getDatanodeId(), reports[0]);
Assert.assertEquals(1, ns.getCorruptReplicaBlocks());
// Now send a parity block report with wrong size
reported.setBlockId(stored.getBlockId() + dataBlocks);
reported.setNumBytes(numStripes * cellSize + 1);
reports = DFSTestUtil.makeReportForReceivedBlock(reported, ReceivedDeletedBlockInfo.BlockStatus.RECEIVED_BLOCK, storage);
ns.processIncrementalBlockReport(cluster.getDataNodes().get(3).getDatanodeId(), reports[0]);
// the total number of corrupted block info is still 1
Assert.assertEquals(1, ns.getCorruptReplicaBlocks());
// 2 internal blocks corrupted
Assert.assertEquals(2, bm.getCorruptReplicas(stored).size());
// Now change the size of stored block, and test verifying the last
// block size
stored.setNumBytes(stored.getNumBytes() + 10);
reported.setBlockId(stored.getBlockId() + dataBlocks + 2);
reported.setNumBytes(numStripes * cellSize);
reports = DFSTestUtil.makeReportForReceivedBlock(reported, ReceivedDeletedBlockInfo.BlockStatus.RECEIVED_BLOCK, storage);
ns.processIncrementalBlockReport(cluster.getDataNodes().get(4).getDatanodeId(), reports[0]);
Assert.assertEquals(1, ns.getCorruptReplicaBlocks());
Assert.assertEquals(3, bm.getCorruptReplicas(stored).size());
// Now send a parity block report with correct size based on adjusted
// size of stored block
/** Now stored block has {@link numStripes} full stripes + a cell + 10 */
stored.setNumBytes(stored.getNumBytes() + cellSize);
reported.setNumBytes((numStripes + 1) * cellSize);
reports = DFSTestUtil.makeReportForReceivedBlock(reported, ReceivedDeletedBlockInfo.BlockStatus.RECEIVED_BLOCK, storage);
ns.processIncrementalBlockReport(cluster.getDataNodes().get(0).getDatanodeId(), reports[0]);
Assert.assertEquals(1, ns.getCorruptReplicaBlocks());
Assert.assertEquals(3, bm.getCorruptReplicas(stored).size());
reported.setBlockId(stored.getBlockId() + 1);
reported.setNumBytes(numStripes * cellSize + 10);
reports = DFSTestUtil.makeReportForReceivedBlock(reported, ReceivedDeletedBlockInfo.BlockStatus.RECEIVED_BLOCK, storage);
ns.processIncrementalBlockReport(cluster.getDataNodes().get(0).getDatanodeId(), reports[0]);
Assert.assertEquals(1, ns.getCorruptReplicaBlocks());
Assert.assertEquals(3, bm.getCorruptReplicas(stored).size());
reported.setBlockId(stored.getBlockId() + dataBlocks);
reported.setNumBytes((numStripes + 1) * cellSize);
reports = DFSTestUtil.makeReportForReceivedBlock(reported, ReceivedDeletedBlockInfo.BlockStatus.RECEIVED_BLOCK, storage);
ns.processIncrementalBlockReport(cluster.getDataNodes().get(2).getDatanodeId(), reports[0]);
Assert.assertEquals(1, ns.getCorruptReplicaBlocks());
Assert.assertEquals(3, bm.getCorruptReplicas(stored).size());