use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.common.Storage.StorageDirectory in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestSaveNamespace method testCancelSaveNamespace.
@Test(timeout = 20000)
public void testCancelSaveNamespace() throws Exception {
Configuration conf = getConf();
NameNode.initMetrics(conf, NamenodeRole.NAMENODE);
FSNamesystem fsn = FSNamesystem.loadFromDisk(conf);
// Replace the FSImage with a spy
final FSImage image = fsn.getFSImage();
NNStorage storage = image.getStorage();
// unlock any directories that
// FSNamesystem's initialization may have locked
storage.setStorageDirectories(FSNamesystem.getNamespaceDirs(conf), FSNamesystem.getNamespaceEditsDirs(conf));
FSNamesystem spyFsn = spy(fsn);
final FSNamesystem finalFsn = spyFsn;
DelayAnswer delayer = new GenericTestUtils.DelayAnswer(LOG);
BlockIdManager bid = spy(spyFsn.getBlockManager().getBlockIdManager());
Whitebox.setInternalState(finalFsn.getBlockManager(), "blockIdManager", bid);
ExecutorService pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2);
try {
doAnEdit(fsn, 1);
final Canceler canceler = new Canceler();
// Save namespace
try {
Future<Void> saverFuture = pool.submit(new Callable<Void>() {
public Void call() throws Exception {
image.saveNamespace(finalFsn, NameNodeFile.IMAGE, canceler);
return null;
// Wait until saveNamespace calls getGenerationStamp
// then cancel the saveNamespace
Future<Void> cancelFuture = pool.submit(new Callable<Void>() {
public Void call() throws Exception {
return null;
// give the cancel call time to run
// allow saveNamespace to proceed - it should check the cancel flag
// after this point and throw an exception
fail("saveNamespace did not fail even though cancelled!");
} catch (Throwable t) {
GenericTestUtils.assertExceptionContains("SaveNamespaceCancelledException", t);
}"Successfully cancelled a saveNamespace");
// Check that we have only the original image and not any
// cruft left over from half-finished images
FSImageTestUtil.logStorageContents(LOG, storage);
for (StorageDirectory sd : storage.dirIterable(null)) {
File curDir = sd.getCurrentDir();
GenericTestUtils.assertGlobEquals(curDir, "fsimage_.*", NNStorage.getImageFileName(0), NNStorage.getImageFileName(0) + MD5FileUtils.MD5_SUFFIX);
} finally {
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.common.Storage.StorageDirectory in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestParallelImageWrite method checkImages.
* Confirm that FSImage files in all StorageDirectory are the same,
* and non-empty, and there are the expected number of them.
* @param fsn - the FSNamesystem being checked.
* @param numImageDirs - the configured number of StorageDirectory of type IMAGE.
* @return - the md5 hash of the most recent FSImage files, which must all be the same.
* @throws AssertionError if image files are empty or different,
* if less than two StorageDirectory are provided, or if the
* actual number of StorageDirectory is less than configured.
public static String checkImages(FSNamesystem fsn, int numImageDirs) throws Exception {
NNStorage stg = fsn.getFSImage().getStorage();
//any failed StorageDirectory is removed from the storageDirs list
assertEquals("Some StorageDirectories failed Upgrade", numImageDirs, stg.getNumStorageDirs(NameNodeDirType.IMAGE));
assertTrue("Not enough fsimage copies in MiniDFSCluster " + "to test parallel write", numImageDirs > 1);
// List of "current/" directory from each SD
List<File> dirs = FSImageTestUtil.getCurrentDirs(stg, NameNodeDirType.IMAGE);
// across directories, all files with same names should be identical hashes
FSImageTestUtil.assertParallelFilesAreIdentical(dirs, Collections.<String>emptySet());
// Return the hash of the newest image file
StorageDirectory firstSd = stg.dirIterator(NameNodeDirType.IMAGE).next();
File latestImage = FSImageTestUtil.findLatestImageFile(firstSd);
String md5 = FSImageTestUtil.getImageFileMD5IgnoringTxId(latestImage);
System.err.println("md5 of " + latestImage + ": " + md5);
return md5;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.common.Storage.StorageDirectory in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestSecurityTokenEditLog method testEditLog.
* Tests transaction logging in dfs.
public void testEditLog() throws IOException {
// start a cluster
Configuration conf = new HdfsConfiguration();
MiniDFSCluster cluster = null;
FileSystem fileSys = null;
try {
cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).numDataNodes(NUM_DATA_NODES).build();
fileSys = cluster.getFileSystem();
final FSNamesystem namesystem = cluster.getNamesystem();
for (Iterator<URI> it = cluster.getNameDirs(0).iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
File dir = new File(;
FSImage fsimage = namesystem.getFSImage();
FSEditLog editLog = fsimage.getEditLog();
// set small size of flush buffer
// Create threads and make them run transactions concurrently.
Thread[] threadId = new Thread[NUM_THREADS];
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++) {
Transactions trans = new Transactions(namesystem, NUM_TRANSACTIONS);
threadId[i] = new Thread(trans, "TransactionThread-" + i);
// wait for all transactions to get over
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// retry
// Verify that we can read in all the transactions that we have written.
// If there were any corruptions, it is likely that the reading in
// of these transactions will throw an exception.
int numKeys = namesystem.getDelegationTokenSecretManager().getNumberOfKeys();
int expectedTransactions = NUM_THREADS * opsPerTrans * NUM_TRANSACTIONS + numKeys + // + 2 for BEGIN and END txns
for (StorageDirectory sd : fsimage.getStorage().dirIterable(NameNodeDirType.EDITS)) {
File editFile = NNStorage.getFinalizedEditsFile(sd, 1, 1 + expectedTransactions - 1);
System.out.println("Verifying file: " + editFile);
FSEditLogLoader loader = new FSEditLogLoader(namesystem, 0);
long numEdits = loader.loadFSEdits(new EditLogFileInputStream(editFile), 1);
assertEquals("Verification for " + editFile, expectedTransactions, numEdits);
} finally {
if (fileSys != null)
if (cluster != null)
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.common.Storage.StorageDirectory in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestStorageRestore method invalidateStorage.
* invalidate storage by removing the second and third storage directories
public void invalidateStorage(FSImage fi, Set<File> filesToInvalidate) throws IOException {
ArrayList<StorageDirectory> al = new ArrayList<StorageDirectory>(2);
Iterator<StorageDirectory> it = fi.getStorage().dirIterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
StorageDirectory sd =;
if (filesToInvalidate.contains(sd.getRoot())) {"causing IO error on " + sd.getRoot());
// simulate an error
for (JournalAndStream j : fi.getEditLog().getJournals()) {
if (j.getManager() instanceof FileJournalManager) {
FileJournalManager fm = (FileJournalManager) j.getManager();
if (fm.getStorageDirectory().getRoot().equals(path2) || fm.getStorageDirectory().getRoot().equals(path3)) {
EditLogOutputStream mockStream = spy(j.getCurrentStream());
doThrow(new IOException("Injected fault: write")).when(mockStream).write(Mockito.<FSEditLogOp>anyObject());
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.common.Storage.StorageDirectory in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestHAStateTransitions method createEmptyInProgressEditLog.
private static void createEmptyInProgressEditLog(MiniDFSCluster cluster, NameNode nn, boolean writeHeader) throws IOException {
long txid = nn.getNamesystem().getEditLog().getLastWrittenTxId();
URI sharedEditsUri = cluster.getSharedEditsDir(0, 1);
File sharedEditsDir = new File(sharedEditsUri.getPath());
StorageDirectory storageDir = new StorageDirectory(sharedEditsDir);
File inProgressFile = NameNodeAdapter.getInProgressEditsFile(storageDir, txid + 1);
assertTrue("Failed to create in-progress edits file", inProgressFile.createNewFile());
if (writeHeader) {
DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(inProgressFile));
EditLogFileOutputStream.writeHeader(NameNodeLayoutVersion.CURRENT_LAYOUT_VERSION, out);