use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.DataNode in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestNameNodeMetrics method testStaleNodes.
/** Test metrics indicating the number of stale DataNodes */
public void testStaleNodes() throws Exception {
// Set two datanodes as stale
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
DataNode dn = cluster.getDataNodes().get(i);
DataNodeTestUtils.setHeartbeatsDisabledForTests(dn, true);
DatanodeDescriptor dnDes = cluster.getNameNode().getNamesystem().getBlockManager().getDatanodeManager().getDatanode(dn.getDatanodeId());
DFSTestUtil.resetLastUpdatesWithOffset(dnDes, -(staleInterval + 1));
// Let HeartbeatManager to check heartbeat
assertGauge("StaleDataNodes", 2, getMetrics(NS_METRICS));
// Reset stale datanodes
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
DataNode dn = cluster.getDataNodes().get(i);
DataNodeTestUtils.setHeartbeatsDisabledForTests(dn, false);
DatanodeDescriptor dnDes = cluster.getNameNode().getNamesystem().getBlockManager().getDatanodeManager().getDatanode(dn.getDatanodeId());
DFSTestUtil.resetLastUpdatesWithOffset(dnDes, 0);
// Let HeartbeatManager to refresh
assertGauge("StaleDataNodes", 0, getMetrics(NS_METRICS));
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.DataNode in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestDFSStripedInputStream method setup.
public void setup() throws IOException {
* Initialize erasure coding policy.
ecPolicy = getEcPolicy();
dataBlocks = (short) ecPolicy.getNumDataUnits();
parityBlocks = (short) ecPolicy.getNumParityUnits();
cellSize = ecPolicy.getCellSize();
blockSize = stripesPerBlock * cellSize;
blockGroupSize = dataBlocks * blockSize;
System.out.println("EC policy = " + ecPolicy);
conf.setLong(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_BLOCK_SIZE_KEY, blockSize);
conf.set(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_EC_POLICIES_ENABLED_KEY, getEcPolicy().getName());
if (ErasureCodeNative.isNativeCodeLoaded()) {
conf.set(CodecUtil.IO_ERASURECODE_CODEC_RS_RAWCODER_KEY, NativeRSRawErasureCoderFactory.class.getCanonicalName());
cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).numDataNodes(dataBlocks + parityBlocks).build();
for (DataNode dn : cluster.getDataNodes()) {
DataNodeTestUtils.setHeartbeatsDisabledForTests(dn, true);
fs = cluster.getFileSystem();
fs.getClient().setErasureCodingPolicy(dirPath.toString(), ecPolicy.getName());
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.DataNode in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestMover method createFileWithFavoredDatanodes.
private void createFileWithFavoredDatanodes(final Configuration conf, final MiniDFSCluster cluster, final DistributedFileSystem dfs) throws IOException {
// Adding two DISK based data node to the cluster.
// Also, ensure that blocks are pinned in these new data nodes.
StorageType[][] newtypes = new StorageType[][] { { StorageType.DISK }, { StorageType.DISK } };
startAdditionalDNs(conf, 2, newtypes, cluster);
ArrayList<DataNode> dataNodes = cluster.getDataNodes();
InetSocketAddress[] favoredNodes = new InetSocketAddress[2];
int j = 0;
for (int i = dataNodes.size() - 1; i >= 2; i--) {
favoredNodes[j++] = dataNodes.get(i).getXferAddress();
final String file = "/parent/testMoverFailedRetryWithPinnedBlocks2";
final FSDataOutputStream out = dfs.create(new Path(file), FsPermission.getDefault(), true, DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE, (short) 2, DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE, null, favoredNodes);
byte[] fileData = StripedFileTestUtil.generateBytes(DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE * 2);
// Mock FsDatasetSpi#getPinning to show that the block is pinned.
LocatedBlocks locatedBlocks = dfs.getClient().getLocatedBlocks(file, 0);
Assert.assertEquals("Wrong block count", 2, locatedBlocks.locatedBlockCount());
LocatedBlock lb = locatedBlocks.get(0);
DatanodeInfo datanodeInfo = lb.getLocations()[0];
for (DataNode dn : cluster.getDataNodes()) {
if (dn.getDatanodeId().getDatanodeUuid().equals(datanodeInfo.getDatanodeUuid())) {"Simulate block pinning in datanode {}", datanodeInfo);
DataNodeTestUtils.mockDatanodeBlkPinning(dn, true);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.DataNode in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestMover method testMoverWithPinnedBlocks.
* Test to verify that mover can't move pinned blocks.
@Test(timeout = 90000)
public void testMoverWithPinnedBlocks() throws Exception {
final Configuration conf = new HdfsConfiguration();
// Sets bigger retry max attempts value so that test case will timed out if
// block pinning errors are not handled properly during block movement.
conf.setInt(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_MOVER_RETRY_MAX_ATTEMPTS_KEY, 10000);
final MiniDFSCluster cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).numDataNodes(3).build();
try {
final DistributedFileSystem dfs = cluster.getFileSystem();
final String file = "/testMoverWithPinnedBlocks/file";
Path dir = new Path("/testMoverWithPinnedBlocks");
// write to DISK
dfs.setStoragePolicy(dir, "HOT");
final FSDataOutputStream out = dfs.create(new Path(file));
byte[] fileData = StripedFileTestUtil.generateBytes(DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE * 3);
// verify before movement
LocatedBlock lb = dfs.getClient().getLocatedBlocks(file, 0).get(0);
StorageType[] storageTypes = lb.getStorageTypes();
for (StorageType storageType : storageTypes) {
Assert.assertTrue(StorageType.DISK == storageType);
// Adding one SSD based data node to the cluster.
StorageType[][] newtypes = new StorageType[][] { { StorageType.SSD } };
startAdditionalDNs(conf, 1, newtypes, cluster);
// Mock FsDatasetSpi#getPinning to show that the block is pinned.
for (int i = 0; i < cluster.getDataNodes().size(); i++) {
DataNode dn = cluster.getDataNodes().get(i);"Simulate block pinning in datanode {}", dn);
DataNodeTestUtils.mockDatanodeBlkPinning(dn, true);
// move file blocks to ONE_SSD policy
dfs.setStoragePolicy(dir, "ONE_SSD");
int rc =, new Mover.Cli(), new String[] { "-p", dir.toString() });
int exitcode = ExitStatus.NO_MOVE_BLOCK.getExitCode();
Assert.assertEquals("Movement should fail", exitcode, rc);
} finally {
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.DataNode in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestStorageMover method testNoSpaceArchive.
* Test ARCHIVE is running out of spaces.
public void testNoSpaceArchive() throws Exception {"testNoSpaceArchive");
final PathPolicyMap pathPolicyMap = new PathPolicyMap(0);
final NamespaceScheme nsScheme = pathPolicyMap.newNamespaceScheme();
final ClusterScheme clusterScheme = new ClusterScheme(DEFAULT_CONF, NUM_DATANODES, REPL, genStorageTypes(NUM_DATANODES), null);
final MigrationTest test = new MigrationTest(clusterScheme, nsScheme);
try {
// create 2 hot files with replication 3
final short replication = 3;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
final Path p = new Path(pathPolicyMap.cold, "file" + i);
DFSTestUtil.createFile(test.dfs, p, BLOCK_SIZE, replication, 0L);
waitForAllReplicas(replication, p, test.dfs, 10);
// set all the ARCHIVE volume to full
for (DataNode dn : test.cluster.getDataNodes()) {
setVolumeFull(dn, StorageType.ARCHIVE);
// test increasing replication but new replicas cannot be created
// since no more ARCHIVE space.
final Path file0 = new Path(pathPolicyMap.cold, "file0");
final Replication r = test.getReplication(file0);
Assert.assertEquals(0, r.disk);
final short newReplication = (short) 5;
test.dfs.setReplication(file0, newReplication);
waitForAllReplicas(r.archive, file0, test.dfs, 10);
test.verifyReplication(file0, 0, r.archive);
// test creating a hot file
final Path p = new Path(, "foo");
DFSTestUtil.createFile(test.dfs, p, BLOCK_SIZE, (short) 3, 0L);
//test move a cold file to warm
final Path file1 = new Path(pathPolicyMap.cold, "file1");
test.dfs.rename(file1, pathPolicyMap.warm);
} finally {