use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.DatanodeStorage in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestDeadDatanode method testDeadDatanode.
* Test to ensure namenode rejects request from dead datanode
* - Start a cluster
* - Shutdown the datanode and wait for it to be marked dead at the namenode
* - Send datanode requests to Namenode and make sure it is rejected
* appropriately.
public void testDeadDatanode() throws Exception {
Configuration conf = new HdfsConfiguration();
cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).build();
String poolId = cluster.getNamesystem().getBlockPoolId();
// wait for datanode to be marked live
DataNode dn = cluster.getDataNodes().get(0);
DatanodeRegistration reg = InternalDataNodeTestUtils.getDNRegistrationForBP(cluster.getDataNodes().get(0), poolId);
DFSTestUtil.waitForDatanodeState(cluster, reg.getDatanodeUuid(), true, 20000);
// Shutdown and wait for datanode to be marked dead
DFSTestUtil.waitForDatanodeState(cluster, reg.getDatanodeUuid(), false, 20000);
DatanodeProtocol dnp = cluster.getNameNodeRpc();
ReceivedDeletedBlockInfo[] blocks = { new ReceivedDeletedBlockInfo(new Block(0), ReceivedDeletedBlockInfo.BlockStatus.RECEIVED_BLOCK, null) };
StorageReceivedDeletedBlocks[] storageBlocks = { new StorageReceivedDeletedBlocks(new DatanodeStorage(reg.getDatanodeUuid()), blocks) };
// Ensure blockReceived call from dead datanode is not rejected with
// IOException, since it's async, but the node remains unregistered.
dnp.blockReceivedAndDeleted(reg, poolId, storageBlocks);
BlockManager bm = cluster.getNamesystem().getBlockManager();
// IBRs are async, make sure the NN processes all of them.
// Ensure blockReport from dead datanode is rejected with IOException
StorageBlockReport[] report = { new StorageBlockReport(new DatanodeStorage(reg.getDatanodeUuid()), BlockListAsLongs.EMPTY) };
try {
dnp.blockReport(reg, poolId, report, new BlockReportContext(1, 0, System.nanoTime(), 0L, true));
fail("Expected IOException is not thrown");
} catch (IOException ex) {
// Expected
// Ensure heartbeat from dead datanode is rejected with a command
// that asks datanode to register again
StorageReport[] rep = { new StorageReport(new DatanodeStorage(reg.getDatanodeUuid()), false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) };
DatanodeCommand[] cmd = dnp.sendHeartbeat(reg, rep, 0L, 0L, 0, 0, 0, null, true, SlowPeerReports.EMPTY_REPORT).getCommands();
assertEquals(1, cmd.length);
assertEquals(cmd[0].getAction(), RegisterCommand.REGISTER.getAction());
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.DatanodeStorage in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestReplicationPolicy method testConvertLastBlockToUnderConstructionDoesNotCauseSkippedReplication.
@Test(timeout = 60000)
public void testConvertLastBlockToUnderConstructionDoesNotCauseSkippedReplication() throws IOException {
Namesystem mockNS = mock(Namesystem.class);
BlockManager bm = new BlockManager(mockNS, false, new HdfsConfiguration());
LowRedundancyBlocks lowRedundancyBlocks = bm.neededReconstruction;
long blkID1 = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextLong();
if (blkID1 < 0) {
blkID1 *= -1;
long blkID2 = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextLong();
if (blkID2 < 0) {
blkID2 *= -1;
BlockInfo block1 = genBlockInfo(blkID1);
BlockInfo block2 = genBlockInfo(blkID2);
lowRedundancyBlocks.add(block1, 0, 0, 1, 1);
lowRedundancyBlocks.add(block2, 0, 0, 1, 1);
List<List<BlockInfo>> chosenBlocks;
// Choose 1 block from lowRedundancyBlocks. Then it should pick 1 block
chosenBlocks = lowRedundancyBlocks.chooseLowRedundancyBlocks(1);
assertTheChosenBlocks(chosenBlocks, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
final BlockInfoContiguous info = new BlockInfoContiguous(block1, (short) 1);
final BlockCollection mbc = mock(BlockCollection.class);
when(mbc.getPreferredBlockSize()).thenReturn(block1.getNumBytes() + 1);
ContentSummary cs = mock(ContentSummary.class);
when(cs.getLength()).thenReturn((long) 1);
bm.addBlockCollection(info, mbc);
DatanodeStorageInfo[] storageAry = { new DatanodeStorageInfo(dataNodes[0], new DatanodeStorage("s1")) };
info.convertToBlockUnderConstruction(BlockUCState.UNDER_CONSTRUCTION, storageAry);
DatanodeStorageInfo storage = mock(DatanodeStorageInfo.class);
DatanodeDescriptor dn = mock(DatanodeDescriptor.class);
info.addStorage(storage, info);
BlockInfo lastBlk = mbc.getLastBlock();
when(mbc.getLastBlock()).thenReturn(lastBlk, info);
bm.convertLastBlockToUnderConstruction(mbc, 0L);
// Choose 1 block from lowRedundancyBlocks. Then it should pick 1 block
// This block remains and should not be skipped over.
chosenBlocks = lowRedundancyBlocks.chooseLowRedundancyBlocks(1);
assertTheChosenBlocks(chosenBlocks, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.DatanodeStorage in project hadoop by apache.
the class BlockReportTestBase method getBlockReports.
// Generate a block report, optionally corrupting the generation
// stamp and/or length of one block.
private static StorageBlockReport[] getBlockReports(DataNode dn, String bpid, boolean corruptOneBlockGs, boolean corruptOneBlockLen) {
Map<DatanodeStorage, BlockListAsLongs> perVolumeBlockLists = dn.getFSDataset().getBlockReports(bpid);
// Send block report
StorageBlockReport[] reports = new StorageBlockReport[perVolumeBlockLists.size()];
boolean corruptedGs = false;
boolean corruptedLen = false;
int reportIndex = 0;
for (Map.Entry<DatanodeStorage, BlockListAsLongs> kvPair : perVolumeBlockLists.entrySet()) {
DatanodeStorage dnStorage = kvPair.getKey();
BlockListAsLongs blockList = kvPair.getValue();
// Walk the list of blocks until we find one each to corrupt the
// generation stamp and length, if so requested.
BlockListAsLongs.Builder builder = BlockListAsLongs.builder();
for (BlockReportReplica block : blockList) {
if (corruptOneBlockGs && !corruptedGs) {
long gsOld = block.getGenerationStamp();
long gsNew;
do {
gsNew = rand.nextInt();
} while (gsNew == gsOld);
block.setGenerationStamp(gsNew);"Corrupted the GS for block ID " + block);
corruptedGs = true;
} else if (corruptOneBlockLen && !corruptedLen) {
long lenOld = block.getNumBytes();
long lenNew;
do {
lenNew = rand.nextInt((int) lenOld - 1);
} while (lenNew == lenOld);
block.setNumBytes(lenNew);"Corrupted the length for block ID " + block);
corruptedLen = true;
builder.add(new BlockReportReplica(block));
reports[reportIndex++] = new StorageBlockReport(dnStorage,;
return reports;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.DatanodeStorage in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestPendingReconstruction method testBlockReceived.
* Test if DatanodeProtocol#blockReceivedAndDeleted can correctly update the
* pending reconstruction. Also make sure the blockReceivedAndDeleted call is
* idempotent to the pending reconstruction.
public void testBlockReceived() throws Exception {
final Configuration conf = new HdfsConfiguration();
conf.setLong(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_BLOCK_SIZE_KEY, 1024);
MiniDFSCluster cluster = null;
try {
cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).numDataNodes(DATANODE_COUNT).build();
DistributedFileSystem hdfs = cluster.getFileSystem();
FSNamesystem fsn = cluster.getNamesystem();
BlockManager blkManager = fsn.getBlockManager();
final String file = "/tmp.txt";
final Path filePath = new Path(file);
short replFactor = 1;
DFSTestUtil.createFile(hdfs, filePath, 1024L, replFactor, 0);
// temporarily stop the heartbeat
ArrayList<DataNode> datanodes = cluster.getDataNodes();
for (int i = 0; i < DATANODE_COUNT; i++) {
DataNodeTestUtils.setHeartbeatsDisabledForTests(datanodes.get(i), true);
hdfs.setReplication(filePath, (short) DATANODE_COUNT);
assertEquals(1, blkManager.pendingReconstruction.size());
INodeFile fileNode = fsn.getFSDirectory().getINode4Write(file).asFile();
BlockInfo[] blocks = fileNode.getBlocks();
assertEquals(DATANODE_COUNT - 1, blkManager.pendingReconstruction.getNumReplicas(blocks[0]));
LocatedBlock locatedBlock = hdfs.getClient().getLocatedBlocks(file, 0).get(0);
DatanodeInfo existingDn = (locatedBlock.getLocations())[0];
int reportDnNum = 0;
String poolId = cluster.getNamesystem().getBlockPoolId();
// report to NN
for (int i = 0; i < DATANODE_COUNT && reportDnNum < 2; i++) {
if (!datanodes.get(i).getDatanodeId().equals(existingDn)) {
DatanodeRegistration dnR = datanodes.get(i).getDNRegistrationForBP(poolId);
StorageReceivedDeletedBlocks[] report = { new StorageReceivedDeletedBlocks(new DatanodeStorage("Fake-storage-ID-Ignored"), new ReceivedDeletedBlockInfo[] { new ReceivedDeletedBlockInfo(blocks[0], BlockStatus.RECEIVED_BLOCK, "") }) };
cluster.getNameNodeRpc().blockReceivedAndDeleted(dnR, poolId, report);
// IBRs are async, make sure the NN processes all of them.
assertEquals(DATANODE_COUNT - 3, blkManager.pendingReconstruction.getNumReplicas(blocks[0]));
// let the same datanodes report again
for (int i = 0; i < DATANODE_COUNT && reportDnNum < 2; i++) {
if (!datanodes.get(i).getDatanodeId().equals(existingDn)) {
DatanodeRegistration dnR = datanodes.get(i).getDNRegistrationForBP(poolId);
StorageReceivedDeletedBlocks[] report = { new StorageReceivedDeletedBlocks(new DatanodeStorage("Fake-storage-ID-Ignored"), new ReceivedDeletedBlockInfo[] { new ReceivedDeletedBlockInfo(blocks[0], BlockStatus.RECEIVED_BLOCK, "") }) };
cluster.getNameNodeRpc().blockReceivedAndDeleted(dnR, poolId, report);
assertEquals(DATANODE_COUNT - 3, blkManager.pendingReconstruction.getNumReplicas(blocks[0]));
// re-enable heartbeat for the datanode that has data
for (int i = 0; i < DATANODE_COUNT; i++) {
DataNodeTestUtils.setHeartbeatsDisabledForTests(datanodes.get(i), false);
assertEquals(0, blkManager.pendingReconstruction.size());
} finally {
if (cluster != null) {
use of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.DatanodeStorage in project hadoop by apache.
the class BPServiceActor method blockReport.
* Report the list blocks to the Namenode
* @return DatanodeCommands returned by the NN. May be null.
* @throws IOException
List<DatanodeCommand> blockReport(long fullBrLeaseId) throws IOException {
final ArrayList<DatanodeCommand> cmds = new ArrayList<DatanodeCommand>();
// Flush any block information that precedes the block report. Otherwise
// we have a chance that we will miss the delHint information
// or we will report an RBW replica after the BlockReport already reports
// a FINALIZED one.
ibrManager.sendIBRs(bpNamenode, bpRegistration, bpos.getBlockPoolId(), dn.getMetrics());
long brCreateStartTime = monotonicNow();
Map<DatanodeStorage, BlockListAsLongs> perVolumeBlockLists = dn.getFSDataset().getBlockReports(bpos.getBlockPoolId());
// Convert the reports to the format expected by the NN.
int i = 0;
int totalBlockCount = 0;
StorageBlockReport[] reports = new StorageBlockReport[perVolumeBlockLists.size()];
for (Map.Entry<DatanodeStorage, BlockListAsLongs> kvPair : perVolumeBlockLists.entrySet()) {
BlockListAsLongs blockList = kvPair.getValue();
reports[i++] = new StorageBlockReport(kvPair.getKey(), blockList);
totalBlockCount += blockList.getNumberOfBlocks();
// Send the reports to the NN.
int numReportsSent = 0;
int numRPCs = 0;
boolean success = false;
long brSendStartTime = monotonicNow();
long reportId = generateUniqueBlockReportId();
boolean useBlocksBuffer = bpRegistration.getNamespaceInfo().isCapabilitySupported(NamespaceInfo.Capability.STORAGE_BLOCK_REPORT_BUFFERS);
try {
if (totalBlockCount < dnConf.blockReportSplitThreshold) {
// Below split threshold, send all reports in a single message.
DatanodeCommand cmd = bpNamenode.blockReport(bpRegistration, bpos.getBlockPoolId(), reports, new BlockReportContext(1, 0, reportId, fullBrLeaseId, true));
blockReportSizes.add(calculateBlockReportPBSize(useBlocksBuffer, reports));
numRPCs = 1;
numReportsSent = reports.length;
if (cmd != null) {
} else {
// Send one block report per message.
for (int r = 0; r < reports.length; r++) {
StorageBlockReport[] singleReport = { reports[r] };
DatanodeCommand cmd = bpNamenode.blockReport(bpRegistration, bpos.getBlockPoolId(), singleReport, new BlockReportContext(reports.length, r, reportId, fullBrLeaseId, true));
blockReportSizes.add(calculateBlockReportPBSize(useBlocksBuffer, singleReport));
if (cmd != null) {
success = true;
} finally {
// Log the block report processing stats from Datanode perspective
long brSendCost = monotonicNow() - brSendStartTime;
long brCreateCost = brSendStartTime - brCreateStartTime;
final int nCmds = cmds.size(); ? "S" : "Uns") + "uccessfully sent block report 0x" + Long.toHexString(reportId) + ", containing " + reports.length + " storage report(s), of which we sent " + numReportsSent + "." + " The reports had " + totalBlockCount + " total blocks and used " + numRPCs + " RPC(s). This took " + brCreateCost + " msec to generate and " + brSendCost + " msecs for RPC and NN processing." + " Got back " + ((nCmds == 0) ? "no commands" : ((nCmds == 1) ? "one command: " + cmds.get(0) : (nCmds + " commands: " + Joiner.on("; ").join(cmds)))) + ".");
return cmds.size() == 0 ? null : cmds;