use of in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestSnapshot method testOfflineImageViewer.
* Test if the OfflineImageViewerPB can correctly parse a fsimage containing
* snapshots
public void testOfflineImageViewer() throws Exception {
// retrieve the fsimage. Note that we already save namespace to fsimage at
// the end of each iteration of runTestSnapshot.
File originalFsimage = FSImageTestUtil.findLatestImageFile(FSImageTestUtil.getFSImage(cluster.getNameNode()).getStorage().getStorageDir(0));
assertNotNull("Didn't generate or can't find fsimage", originalFsimage);
PrintStream o = new PrintStream(NullOutputStream.NULL_OUTPUT_STREAM);
PBImageXmlWriter v = new PBImageXmlWriter(new Configuration(), o);
v.visit(new RandomAccessFile(originalFsimage, "r"));
use of in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestEncryptionZones method testOfflineImageViewerOnEncryptionZones.
* Test running the OfflineImageViewer on a system with encryption zones.
public void testOfflineImageViewerOnEncryptionZones() throws Exception {
final int len = 8196;
final Path zoneParent = new Path("/zones");
final Path zone1 = new Path(zoneParent, "zone1");
final Path zone1File = new Path(zone1, "file");
fsWrapper.mkdir(zone1, FsPermission.getDirDefault(), true);
dfsAdmin.createEncryptionZone(zone1, TEST_KEY, NO_TRASH);
DFSTestUtil.createFile(fs, zone1File, len, (short) 1, 0xFEED);
fs.setSafeMode(SafeModeAction.SAFEMODE_ENTER, false);
File originalFsimage = FSImageTestUtil.findLatestImageFile(FSImageTestUtil.getFSImage(cluster.getNameNode()).getStorage().getStorageDir(0));
if (originalFsimage == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Didn't generate or can't find fsimage");
// Run the XML OIV processor
ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
PrintStream pw = new PrintStream(output);
PBImageXmlWriter v = new PBImageXmlWriter(new Configuration(), pw);
v.visit(new RandomAccessFile(originalFsimage, "r"));
final String xml = output.toString();
SAXParser parser = SAXParserFactory.newInstance().newSAXParser();
parser.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(xml)), new DefaultHandler());