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Example 1 with SerDeEncodedDataReader

use of in project hive by apache.

the class GenericColumnVectorProducer method createReadPipeline.

public ReadPipeline createReadPipeline(Consumer<ColumnVectorBatch> consumer, FileSplit split, List<Integer> columnIds, SearchArgument sarg, String[] columnNames, QueryFragmentCounters counters, TypeDescription schema, InputFormat<?, ?> sourceInputFormat, Deserializer sourceSerDe, Reporter reporter, JobConf job, Map<Path, PartitionDesc> parts) throws IOException {
    OrcEncodedDataConsumer edc = new OrcEncodedDataConsumer(consumer, columnIds.size(), false, counters, ioMetrics);
    SerDeFileMetadata fm;
    try {
        fm = new SerDeFileMetadata(sourceSerDe);
    } catch (SerDeException e) {
        throw new IOException(e);
    // Note that we pass job config to the record reader, but use global config for LLAP IO.
    SerDeEncodedDataReader reader = new SerDeEncodedDataReader(cache, bufferManager, conf, split, columnIds, edc, job, reporter, sourceInputFormat, sourceSerDe, counters, fm.getSchema(), parts);
    edc.init(reader, reader);
    if (LlapIoImpl.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LlapIoImpl.LOG.debug("Ignoring schema: " + schema);
    return edc;
Also used : SerDeEncodedDataReader( IOException( SerDeException(org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.SerDeException)


IOException ( SerDeEncodedDataReader ( SerDeException (org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.SerDeException)1