use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.AlreadyExistsException in project hive by apache.
the class ObjectStore method addSerde.
public void addSerde(SerDeInfo serde) throws AlreadyExistsException, MetaException {
boolean committed = false;
try {
if (getMSerDeInfo(serde.getName()) != null) {
throw new AlreadyExistsException("Serde with name " + serde.getName() + " already exists");
MSerDeInfo mSerde = convertToMSerDeInfo(serde);
committed = commitTransaction();
} finally {
if (!committed)
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.AlreadyExistsException in project hive by apache.
the class ObjectStore method createPool.
public void createPool(WMPool pool) throws AlreadyExistsException, NoSuchObjectException, InvalidOperationException, MetaException {
boolean commited = false;
try {
MWMResourcePlan resourcePlan = getMWMResourcePlan(pool.getResourcePlanName(), true);
if (!poolParentExists(resourcePlan, pool.getPoolPath())) {
throw new NoSuchObjectException("Pool path is invalid, the parent does not exist");
String policy = pool.getSchedulingPolicy();
if (!MetaStoreUtils.isValidSchedulingPolicy(policy)) {
throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid scheduling policy " + policy);
MWMPool mPool = new MWMPool(resourcePlan, pool.getPoolPath(), pool.getAllocFraction(), pool.getQueryParallelism(), policy);
commited = commitTransaction();
} catch (Exception e) {
checkForConstraintException(e, "Pool already exists: ");
throw e;
} finally {
rollbackAndCleanup(commited, (Query) null);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.AlreadyExistsException in project metacat by Netflix.
the class CatalogThriftHiveMetastore method requestWrapper.
private <R> R requestWrapper(final String methodName, final Object[] args, final ThriftSupplier<R> supplier) throws TException {
final long start = registry.clock().wallTime();
registry.counter(registry.createId(Metrics.CounterThrift.getMetricName() + "." + methodName)).increment();
try {"+++ Thrift({}): Calling {}({})", catalogName, methodName, args);
return supplier.get();
} catch (MetacatAlreadyExistsException e) {
log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
throw new AlreadyExistsException(e.getMessage());
} catch (MetacatNotFoundException e) {
log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
throw new NoSuchObjectException(e.getMessage());
} catch (MetacatPreconditionFailedException e) {
log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
throw new InvalidObjectException(e.getMessage());
} catch (TException e) {
log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
registry.counter(registry.createId(Metrics.CounterThrift.getMetricName() + "." + methodName).withTags(Metrics.tagStatusFailureMap)).increment();
final String message = String.format("%s -- %s failed", e.getMessage(), methodName);
log.error(message, e);
final MetaException me = new MetaException(message);
throw me;
} finally {
final long duration = registry.clock().wallTime() - start;
this.registry.timer(Metrics.TimerThriftRequest.getMetricName() + "." + methodName).record(duration, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);"+++ Thrift({}): Time taken to complete {} is {} ms", catalogName, methodName, duration);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.AlreadyExistsException in project metacat by Netflix.
the class HiveConnectorPartitionService method savePartitions.
* By default(checkIfExists=true and aletrIfExists=false), this method adds the provided list of partitions.
* If a partition already exists, it is dropped first before adding it.
* If checkIfExists=false, the method adds the partitions to the table. If a partition already exists,
* an AlreadyExistsException error is thrown.
* If alterIfExists=true, the method updates existing partitions and adds non-existant partitions.
* If a partition in the provided partition list has all the details, then it is used. If the details are missing,
* then the table details are inherited. This is mostly for the storage information.
public PartitionsSaveResponse savePartitions(final ConnectorRequestContext requestContext, final QualifiedName tableQName, final PartitionsSaveRequest partitionsSaveRequest) {
final String databaseName = tableQName.getDatabaseName();
final String tableName = tableQName.getTableName();
final Table table;
try {
table = metacatHiveClient.getTableByName(databaseName, tableName);
} catch (NoSuchObjectException exception) {
throw new TableNotFoundException(tableQName, exception);
} catch (TException e) {
throw new ConnectorException(String.format("Failed getting hive table %s", tableQName), e);
// New partitions
final List<PartitionInfo> addedPartitionInfos = Lists.newArrayList();
final List<PartitionInfo> partitionInfos = partitionsSaveRequest.getPartitions();
final List<String> partitionNames = -> {
final String partitionName = part.getName().getPartitionName();
PartitionUtil.validatePartitionName(partitionName, getPartitionKeys(table.getPartitionKeys()));
return partitionName;
// New partition names
final List<String> addedPartitionNames = Lists.newArrayList();
// Updated partition names
final List<String> existingPartitionNames = Lists.newArrayList();
// Existing partitions
final List<PartitionHolder> existingPartitionHolders = Lists.newArrayList();
// Existing partition map
Map<String, PartitionHolder> existingPartitionMap = Collections.emptyMap();
if (partitionsSaveRequest.getCheckIfExists() || partitionsSaveRequest.getAlterIfExists()) {
existingPartitionMap = getPartitionsByNames(table, partitionNames);
for (PartitionInfo partitionInfo : partitionInfos) {
final String partitionName = partitionInfo.getName().getPartitionName();
final PartitionHolder existingPartitionHolder = existingPartitionMap.get(partitionName);
if (existingPartitionHolder == null) {
} else {
final String partitionUri = partitionInfo.getSerde() != null ? partitionInfo.getSerde().getUri() : null;
final String existingPartitionUri = getPartitionUri(existingPartitionHolder);
if (partitionUri == null || !partitionUri.equals(existingPartitionUri)) {
// We need to copy the existing partition info and
if (partitionInfo.getSerde() == null) {
partitionInfo.setSerde(new StorageInfo());
if (partitionInfo.getAudit() == null) {
partitionInfo.setAudit(new AuditInfo());
if (StringUtils.isBlank(partitionUri)) {
// unless we alterifExists
if (partitionsSaveRequest.getAlterIfExists()) {
if (existingPartitionHolder.getPartition() != null) {
final Partition existingPartition = existingPartitionHolder.getPartition();
} else {
final PartitionInfo existingPartitionInfo = existingPartitionHolder.getPartitionInfo();
if (existingPartitionInfo.getSerde() != null) {
if (existingPartitionInfo.getAudit() != null) {
} else {
final Set<String> deletePartitionNames = Sets.newHashSet();
if (!partitionsSaveRequest.getAlterIfExists()) {
if (partitionsSaveRequest.getPartitionIdsForDeletes() != null) {
addUpdateDropPartitions(tableQName, table, partitionNames, addedPartitionInfos, existingPartitionHolders, deletePartitionNames);
final PartitionsSaveResponse result = new PartitionsSaveResponse();
return result;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.AlreadyExistsException in project metacat by Netflix.
the class HiveConnectorPartitionService method addUpdateDropPartitions.
protected void addUpdateDropPartitions(final QualifiedName tableQName, final Table table, final List<String> partitionNames, final List<PartitionInfo> addedPartitionInfos, final List<PartitionHolder> existingPartitionInfos, final Set<String> deletePartitionNames) {
final String databaseName = table.getDbName();
final String tableName = table.getTableName();
final TableInfo tableInfo = hiveMetacatConverters.toTableInfo(tableQName, table);
try {
final List<Partition> existingPartitions = -> hiveMetacatConverters.fromPartitionInfo(tableInfo, p.getPartitionInfo())).collect(Collectors.toList());
final List<Partition> addedPartitions = -> hiveMetacatConverters.fromPartitionInfo(tableInfo, p)).collect(Collectors.toList());
// If alterIfExists=true, then alter partitions if they already exists
if (!existingPartitionInfos.isEmpty()) {
copyTableSdToPartitionSd(existingPartitions, table);
metacatHiveClient.alterPartitions(databaseName, tableName, existingPartitions);
// Copy the storage details from the table if the partition does not contain the details.
copyTableSdToPartitionSd(addedPartitions, table);
// Drop partitions with ids in 'deletePartitionNames' and add 'addedPartitionInfos' partitions
metacatHiveClient.addDropPartitions(databaseName, tableName, addedPartitions, Lists.newArrayList(deletePartitionNames));
} catch (NoSuchObjectException exception) {
if (exception.getMessage() != null && exception.getMessage().startsWith("Partition doesn't exist")) {
throw new PartitionNotFoundException(tableQName, "", exception);
} else {
throw new TableNotFoundException(tableQName, exception);
} catch (MetaException | InvalidObjectException exception) {
throw new InvalidMetaException("One or more partitions are invalid.", exception);
} catch (AlreadyExistsException e) {
throw new PartitionAlreadyExistsException(tableQName, partitionNames, e);
} catch (TException exception) {
throw new ConnectorException(String.format("Failed savePartitions hive table %s", tableName), exception);