use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.hbase.HBaseFilterPlanUtil.PlanResult in project hive by apache.
the class TestHBaseFilterPlanUtil method testPartitionKeyScannerMixedType.
public void testPartitionKeyScannerMixedType() throws Exception {
List<FieldSchema> parts = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>();
parts.add(new FieldSchema("year", "int", null));
parts.add(new FieldSchema("month", "int", null));
parts.add(new FieldSchema("state", "string", null));
// One prefix key and one minor key range
ExpressionTree exprTree = PartFilterExprUtil.getFilterParser("year = 2015 and state = 'CA'").tree;
PlanResult planRes = HBaseFilterPlanUtil.getFilterPlan(exprTree, parts);
Assert.assertEquals(planRes.plan.getPlans().size(), 1);
ScanPlan sp = planRes.plan.getPlans().get(0);
byte[] startRowSuffix = sp.getStartRowSuffix("testdb", "testtb", parts);
byte[] endRowSuffix = sp.getEndRowSuffix("testdb", "testtb", parts);
RowFilter filter = (RowFilter) sp.getFilter(parts);
// scan range contains the major key year, rowfilter contains minor key state
Assert.assertTrue(Bytes.contains(startRowSuffix, Shorts.toByteArray((short) 2015)));
Assert.assertTrue(Bytes.contains(endRowSuffix, Shorts.toByteArray((short) 2016)));
PartitionKeyComparator comparator = (PartitionKeyComparator) filter.getComparator();
Assert.assertEquals(comparator.ranges.size(), 1);
Assert.assertEquals(comparator.ranges.get(0).keyName, "state");
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.hbase.HBaseFilterPlanUtil.PlanResult in project hive by apache.
the class TestHBaseFilterPlanUtil method testPartitionKeyScannerAllString.
public void testPartitionKeyScannerAllString() throws Exception {
List<FieldSchema> parts = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>();
parts.add(new FieldSchema("year", "string", null));
parts.add(new FieldSchema("month", "string", null));
parts.add(new FieldSchema("state", "string", null));
// One prefix key and one minor key range
ExpressionTree exprTree = PartFilterExprUtil.getFilterParser("year = 2015 and state = 'CA'").tree;
PlanResult planRes = HBaseFilterPlanUtil.getFilterPlan(exprTree, parts);
Assert.assertEquals(planRes.plan.getPlans().size(), 1);
ScanPlan sp = planRes.plan.getPlans().get(0);
byte[] startRowSuffix = sp.getStartRowSuffix("testdb", "testtb", parts);
byte[] endRowSuffix = sp.getEndRowSuffix("testdb", "testtb", parts);
RowFilter filter = (RowFilter) sp.getFilter(parts);
// scan range contains the major key year, rowfilter contains minor key state
Assert.assertTrue(Bytes.contains(startRowSuffix, "2015".getBytes()));
Assert.assertTrue(Bytes.contains(endRowSuffix, "2015".getBytes()));
Assert.assertFalse(Bytes.contains(startRowSuffix, "CA".getBytes()));
Assert.assertFalse(Bytes.contains(endRowSuffix, "CA".getBytes()));
PartitionKeyComparator comparator = (PartitionKeyComparator) filter.getComparator();
Assert.assertEquals(comparator.ranges.size(), 1);
Assert.assertEquals(comparator.ranges.get(0).keyName, "state");
// Two prefix key and one LIKE operator
exprTree = PartFilterExprUtil.getFilterParser("year = 2015 and month > 10 " + "and month <= 11 and state like 'C%'").tree;
planRes = HBaseFilterPlanUtil.getFilterPlan(exprTree, parts);
Assert.assertEquals(planRes.plan.getPlans().size(), 1);
sp = planRes.plan.getPlans().get(0);
startRowSuffix = sp.getStartRowSuffix("testdb", "testtb", parts);
endRowSuffix = sp.getEndRowSuffix("testdb", "testtb", parts);
filter = (RowFilter) sp.getFilter(parts);
// scan range contains the major key value year/month, rowfilter contains LIKE operator
Assert.assertTrue(Bytes.contains(startRowSuffix, "2015".getBytes()));
Assert.assertTrue(Bytes.contains(endRowSuffix, "2015".getBytes()));
Assert.assertTrue(Bytes.contains(startRowSuffix, "10".getBytes()));
Assert.assertTrue(Bytes.contains(endRowSuffix, "11".getBytes()));
comparator = (PartitionKeyComparator) filter.getComparator();
Assert.assertEquals(comparator.ops.size(), 1);
Assert.assertEquals(comparator.ops.get(0).keyName, "state");
// One prefix key, one minor key range and one LIKE operator
exprTree = PartFilterExprUtil.getFilterParser("year >= 2014 and month > 10 " + "and month <= 11 and state like 'C%'").tree;
planRes = HBaseFilterPlanUtil.getFilterPlan(exprTree, parts);
Assert.assertEquals(planRes.plan.getPlans().size(), 1);
sp = planRes.plan.getPlans().get(0);
startRowSuffix = sp.getStartRowSuffix("testdb", "testtb", parts);
endRowSuffix = sp.getEndRowSuffix("testdb", "testtb", parts);
filter = (RowFilter) sp.getFilter(parts);
// scan range contains the major key value year (low bound), rowfilter contains minor key state
// and LIKE operator
Assert.assertTrue(Bytes.contains(startRowSuffix, "2014".getBytes()));
comparator = (PartitionKeyComparator) filter.getComparator();
Assert.assertEquals(comparator.ranges.size(), 1);
Assert.assertEquals(comparator.ranges.get(0).keyName, "month");
Assert.assertEquals(comparator.ops.size(), 1);
Assert.assertEquals(comparator.ops.get(0).keyName, "state");
// Condition contains or
exprTree = PartFilterExprUtil.getFilterParser("year = 2014 and (month > 10 " + "or month < 3)").tree;
planRes = HBaseFilterPlanUtil.getFilterPlan(exprTree, parts);
sp = planRes.plan.getPlans().get(0);
startRowSuffix = sp.getStartRowSuffix("testdb", "testtb", parts);
endRowSuffix = sp.getEndRowSuffix("testdb", "testtb", parts);
filter = (RowFilter) sp.getFilter(parts);
// The first ScanPlan contains year = 2014 and month > 10
Assert.assertTrue(Bytes.contains(startRowSuffix, "2014".getBytes()));
Assert.assertTrue(Bytes.contains(endRowSuffix, "2014".getBytes()));
Assert.assertTrue(Bytes.contains(startRowSuffix, "10".getBytes()));
sp = planRes.plan.getPlans().get(1);
startRowSuffix = sp.getStartRowSuffix("testdb", "testtb", parts);
endRowSuffix = sp.getEndRowSuffix("testdb", "testtb", parts);
filter = (RowFilter) sp.getFilter(parts);
// The first ScanPlan contains year = 2014 and month < 3
Assert.assertTrue(Bytes.contains(startRowSuffix, "2014".getBytes()));
Assert.assertTrue(Bytes.contains(endRowSuffix, "2014".getBytes()));
Assert.assertTrue(Bytes.contains(endRowSuffix, "3".getBytes()));
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.hbase.HBaseFilterPlanUtil.PlanResult in project hive by apache.
the class TestHBaseFilterPlanUtil method testTreeNodePlan.
* Test plan generation from TreeNode
* @throws MetaException
public void testTreeNodePlan() throws MetaException {
final String KEY = "k1";
final String VAL1 = "10";
final String VAL2 = "11";
LeafNode l = new LeafNode();
l.keyName = KEY;
l.value = VAL1;
final ScanMarker DEFAULT_SCANMARKER = null;
List<FieldSchema> parts = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>();
parts.add(new FieldSchema("k1", "int", null));
LeafNode r = new LeafNode();
r.keyName = KEY;
r.value = VAL2;
TreeNode tn = new TreeNode(l, LogicalOperator.AND, r);
// verify plan for - k1 >= '10' and k1 < '11'
l.operator = Operator.GREATERTHANOREQUALTO;
r.operator = Operator.LESSTHAN;
verifyPlan(tn, parts, KEY, new ScanMarker(VAL1, INCLUSIVE, "int"), new ScanMarker(VAL2, !INCLUSIVE, "int"));
// verify plan for - k1 >= '10' and k1 > '11'
l.operator = Operator.GREATERTHANOREQUALTO;
r.operator = Operator.GREATERTHAN;
verifyPlan(tn, parts, KEY, new ScanMarker(VAL2, !INCLUSIVE, "int"), DEFAULT_SCANMARKER);
// verify plan for - k1 >= '10' or k1 > '11'
tn = new TreeNode(l, LogicalOperator.OR, r);
ExpressionTree e = new ExpressionTree();
PlanResult planRes = HBaseFilterPlanUtil.getFilterPlan(e, parts);
Assert.assertEquals(2, planRes.plan.getPlans().size());
Assert.assertEquals(false, planRes.hasUnsupportedCondition);
// verify plan for - k1 >= '10' and (k1 >= '10' or k1 > '11')
TreeNode tn2 = new TreeNode(l, LogicalOperator.AND, tn);
e = new ExpressionTree();
planRes = HBaseFilterPlanUtil.getFilterPlan(e, parts);
Assert.assertEquals(2, planRes.plan.getPlans().size());
Assert.assertEquals(false, planRes.hasUnsupportedCondition);
// verify plan for (k1 >= '10' and (k1 >= '10' or k1 > '11')) or k1 LIKE '2'
// plan should return true for hasUnsupportedCondition
LeafNode klike = new LeafNode();
klike.keyName = KEY;
klike.value = VAL1;
klike.operator = Operator.LIKE;
TreeNode tn3 = new TreeNode(tn2, LogicalOperator.OR, klike);
e = new ExpressionTree();
planRes = HBaseFilterPlanUtil.getFilterPlan(e, parts);
Assert.assertEquals(3, planRes.plan.getPlans().size());
Assert.assertEquals(false, planRes.hasUnsupportedCondition);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.hbase.HBaseFilterPlanUtil.PlanResult in project hive by apache.
the class HBaseStore method getPartitionsByExprInternal.
private boolean getPartitionsByExprInternal(String dbName, String tblName, ExpressionTree exprTree, short maxParts, List<Partition> result) throws MetaException, NoSuchObjectException {
dbName = HiveStringUtils.normalizeIdentifier(dbName);
tblName = HiveStringUtils.normalizeIdentifier(tblName);
Table table = getTable(dbName, tblName);
if (table == null) {
throw new NoSuchObjectException("Unable to find table " + dbName + "." + tblName);
// general hbase filter plan from expression tree
PlanResult planRes = HBaseFilterPlanUtil.getFilterPlan(exprTree, table.getPartitionKeys());
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Hbase Filter Plan generated : " + planRes.plan);
// results from scans need to be merged as there can be overlapping results between
// the scans. Use a map of list of partition values to partition for this.
Map<List<String>, Partition> mergedParts = new HashMap<List<String>, Partition>();
for (ScanPlan splan : planRes.plan.getPlans()) {
try {
List<Partition> parts = getHBase().scanPartitions(dbName, tblName, splan.getStartRowSuffix(dbName, tblName, table.getPartitionKeys()), splan.getEndRowSuffix(dbName, tblName, table.getPartitionKeys()), splan.getFilter(table.getPartitionKeys()), -1);
boolean reachedMax = false;
for (Partition part : parts) {
mergedParts.put(part.getValues(), part);
if (mergedParts.size() == maxParts) {
reachedMax = true;
if (reachedMax) {
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("Unable to get partitions", e);
throw new MetaException("Error scanning partitions" + tableNameForErrorMsg(dbName, tblName) + ": " + e);
for (Entry<List<String>, Partition> mp : mergedParts.entrySet()) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Matched partitions " + result);
// being returned
return !planRes.hasUnsupportedCondition;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.hbase.HBaseFilterPlanUtil.PlanResult in project hive by apache.
the class TestHBaseFilterPlanUtil method verifyPlan.
private void verifyPlan(TreeNode l, List<FieldSchema> parts, String keyName, ScanMarker startMarker, ScanMarker endMarker, boolean hasUnsupportedCondition) throws MetaException {
ExpressionTree e = null;
if (l != null) {
e = new ExpressionTree();
PlanResult planRes = HBaseFilterPlanUtil.getFilterPlan(e, parts);
FilterPlan plan = planRes.plan;
Assert.assertEquals("Has unsupported condition", hasUnsupportedCondition, planRes.hasUnsupportedCondition);
Assert.assertEquals(1, plan.getPlans().size());
ScanPlan splan = plan.getPlans().get(0);
if (startMarker != null) {
Assert.assertEquals(startMarker, splan.markers.get(keyName).startMarker);
} else {
Assert.assertTrue(splan.markers.get(keyName) == null || splan.markers.get(keyName).startMarker == null);
if (endMarker != null) {
Assert.assertEquals(endMarker, splan.markers.get(keyName).endMarker);
} else {
Assert.assertTrue(splan.markers.get(keyName) == null || splan.markers.get(keyName).endMarker == null);