use of in project hive by apache.
the class TestSchemaTool method testPostgresFilter.
* Test script formatting
public void testPostgresFilter() throws Exception {
String[] testScript = { "-- this is a comment", "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS fooTab;", HiveSchemaHelper.PostgresCommandParser.POSTGRES_STANDARD_STRINGS_OPT + ";", "CREATE TABLE fooTab(id INTEGER);", "DROP TABLE footab;", "-- ending comment" };
String[] expectedScriptWithOptionPresent = { "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS fooTab", HiveSchemaHelper.PostgresCommandParser.POSTGRES_STANDARD_STRINGS_OPT, "CREATE TABLE fooTab(id INTEGER)", "DROP TABLE footab" };
NestedScriptParser noDbOptParser = HiveSchemaHelper.getDbCommandParser("postgres", false);
String expectedSQL = StringUtils.join(expectedScriptWithOptionPresent, System.getProperty("line.separator")) + System.getProperty("line.separator");
File testScriptFile = generateTestScript(testScript);
String flattenedSql = noDbOptParser.buildCommand(testScriptFile.getParentFile().getPath(), testScriptFile.getName());
Assert.assertEquals(expectedSQL, flattenedSql);
String[] expectedScriptWithOptionAbsent = { "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS fooTab", "CREATE TABLE fooTab(id INTEGER)", "DROP TABLE footab" };
NestedScriptParser dbOptParser = HiveSchemaHelper.getDbCommandParser("postgres", PostgresCommandParser.POSTGRES_SKIP_STANDARD_STRINGS_DBOPT, null, null, null, null, false);
expectedSQL = StringUtils.join(expectedScriptWithOptionAbsent, System.getProperty("line.separator")) + System.getProperty("line.separator");
testScriptFile = generateTestScript(testScript);
flattenedSql = dbOptParser.buildCommand(testScriptFile.getParentFile().getPath(), testScriptFile.getName());
Assert.assertEquals(expectedSQL, flattenedSql);
use of in project hive by apache.
the class TestSchemaTool method testScriptWithDelimiter.
* Test script formatting
public void testScriptWithDelimiter() throws Exception {
String[] testScript = { "-- this is a comment", "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS fooTab;", "DELIMITER $$", "/*!1234 this is comment code like mysql */$$", "CREATE TABLE fooTab(id INTEGER)$$", "CREATE PROCEDURE fooProc()", "SELECT * FROM fooTab;", "CALL barProc();", "END PROCEDURE$$", "DELIMITER ;", "DROP TABLE footab;", "-- ending comment" };
String[] resultScript = { "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS fooTab", "/*!1234 this is comment code like mysql */", "CREATE TABLE fooTab(id INTEGER)", "CREATE PROCEDURE fooProc()" + " " + "SELECT * FROM fooTab;" + " " + "CALL barProc();" + " " + "END PROCEDURE", "DROP TABLE footab" };
String expectedSQL = StringUtils.join(resultScript, System.getProperty("line.separator")) + System.getProperty("line.separator");
File testScriptFile = generateTestScript(testScript);
NestedScriptParser testDbParser = HiveSchemaHelper.getDbCommandParser("mysql", false);
String flattenedSql = testDbParser.buildCommand(testScriptFile.getParentFile().getPath(), testScriptFile.getName());
Assert.assertEquals(expectedSQL, flattenedSql);
use of in project hive by apache.
the class TestSchemaTool method testScriptMultiRowComment.
* Test script formatting
public void testScriptMultiRowComment() throws Exception {
String[] testScript = { "-- this is a comment", "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS fooTab;", "DELIMITER $$", "/*!1234 this is comment code like mysql */$$", "CREATE TABLE fooTab(id INTEGER)$$", "DELIMITER ;", "/* multiline comment started ", " * multiline comment continue", " * multiline comment ended */", "DROP TABLE footab;", "-- ending comment" };
String[] parsedScript = { "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS fooTab", "/*!1234 this is comment code like mysql */", "CREATE TABLE fooTab(id INTEGER)", "DROP TABLE footab" };
String expectedSQL = StringUtils.join(parsedScript, System.getProperty("line.separator")) + System.getProperty("line.separator");
File testScriptFile = generateTestScript(testScript);
NestedScriptParser testDbParser = HiveSchemaHelper.getDbCommandParser("mysql", false);
String flattenedSql = testDbParser.buildCommand(testScriptFile.getParentFile().getPath(), testScriptFile.getName());
Assert.assertEquals(expectedSQL, flattenedSql);
use of in project hive by apache.
the class HiveSchemaTool method execSql.
* Run beeline with the given metastore script. Flatten the nested scripts
* into single file.
protected void execSql(String scriptDir, String scriptFile) throws IOException, HiveMetaException {
NestedScriptParser dbCommandParser = getDbCommandParser(dbType, metaDbType);
// expand the nested script
// If the metaDbType is set, this is setting up the information
// schema in Hive. That specifically means that the sql commands need
// to be adjusted for the underlying RDBMS (correct quotation
// strings, etc).
String sqlCommands = dbCommandParser.buildCommand(scriptDir, scriptFile, metaDbType != null);
File tmpFile = File.createTempFile("schematool", ".sql");
// write out the buffer into a file. Add beeline commands for autocommit and close
FileWriter fstream = new FileWriter(tmpFile.getPath());
BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(fstream);
out.write("!autocommit on" + System.getProperty("line.separator"));
out.write("!closeall" + System.getProperty("line.separator"));
use of in project hive by apache.
the class SchemaToolTaskValidate method findCreateTable.
List<String> findCreateTable(String path, List<String> tableList) throws Exception {
if (!(new File(path)).exists()) {
throw new Exception(path + " does not exist. Potentially incorrect version in the metastore VERSION table");
List<String> subs = new ArrayList<>();
NestedScriptParser sp = HiveSchemaHelper.getDbCommandParser(schemaTool.getDbType(), false);
Pattern regexp = Pattern.compile("CREATE TABLE(\\s+IF NOT EXISTS)?\\s+(\\S+).*");
try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(path))) {
String line = null;
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
if (sp.isNestedScript(line)) {
String subScript = sp.getScriptName(line);
LOG.debug("Schema subscript " + subScript + " found");
// suppress multi-spaces
line = line.replaceAll("( )+", " ");
line = line.replaceAll("\\(", " ");
line = line.replaceAll("IF NOT EXISTS ", "");
line = line.replaceAll("`", "");
line = line.replaceAll("'", "");
line = line.replaceAll("\"", "");
Matcher matcher = regexp.matcher(line);
if (matcher.find()) {
String table =;
if (schemaTool.getDbType().equals("derby")) {
table = table.replaceAll("APP\\.", "");
LOG.debug("Found table " + table + " in the schema");
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new Exception(ex.getMessage());
return subs;