use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.utils.MetaStoreUtils.ColStatsObjWithSourceInfo in project hive by apache.
the class BooleanColumnStatsAggregator method aggregate.
public ColumnStatisticsObj aggregate(List<ColStatsObjWithSourceInfo> colStatsWithSourceInfo, List<String> partNames, boolean areAllPartsFound) throws MetaException {
ColumnStatisticsObj statsObj = null;
String colType = null;
String colName = null;
BooleanColumnStatsData aggregateData = null;
for (ColStatsObjWithSourceInfo csp : colStatsWithSourceInfo) {
ColumnStatisticsObj cso = csp.getColStatsObj();
if (statsObj == null) {
colName = cso.getColName();
colType = cso.getColType();
statsObj = ColumnStatsAggregatorFactory.newColumnStaticsObj(colName, colType, cso.getStatsData().getSetField());
BooleanColumnStatsData newData = cso.getStatsData().getBooleanStats();
if (aggregateData == null) {
aggregateData = newData.deepCopy();
} else {
aggregateData.setNumTrues(aggregateData.getNumTrues() + newData.getNumTrues());
aggregateData.setNumFalses(aggregateData.getNumFalses() + newData.getNumFalses());
aggregateData.setNumNulls(aggregateData.getNumNulls() + newData.getNumNulls());
ColumnStatisticsData columnStatisticsData = new ColumnStatisticsData();
return statsObj;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.utils.MetaStoreUtils.ColStatsObjWithSourceInfo in project hive by apache.
the class DateColumnStatsAggregator method aggregate.
public ColumnStatisticsObj aggregate(List<ColStatsObjWithSourceInfo> colStatsWithSourceInfo, List<String> partNames, boolean areAllPartsFound) throws MetaException {
ColumnStatisticsObj statsObj = null;
String colType = null;
String colName = null;
// check if all the ColumnStatisticsObjs contain stats and all the ndv are
// bitvectors
boolean doAllPartitionContainStats = partNames.size() == colStatsWithSourceInfo.size();
NumDistinctValueEstimator ndvEstimator = null;
for (ColStatsObjWithSourceInfo csp : colStatsWithSourceInfo) {
ColumnStatisticsObj cso = csp.getColStatsObj();
if (statsObj == null) {
colName = cso.getColName();
colType = cso.getColType();
statsObj = ColumnStatsAggregatorFactory.newColumnStaticsObj(colName, colType, cso.getStatsData().getSetField());
LOG.trace("doAllPartitionContainStats for column: {} is: {}", colName, doAllPartitionContainStats);
DateColumnStatsDataInspector dateColumnStats = (DateColumnStatsDataInspector) cso.getStatsData().getDateStats();
if (dateColumnStats.getNdvEstimator() == null) {
ndvEstimator = null;
} else {
// check if all of the bit vectors can merge
NumDistinctValueEstimator estimator = dateColumnStats.getNdvEstimator();
if (ndvEstimator == null) {
ndvEstimator = estimator;
} else {
if (ndvEstimator.canMerge(estimator)) {
} else {
ndvEstimator = null;
if (ndvEstimator != null) {
ndvEstimator = NumDistinctValueEstimatorFactory.getEmptyNumDistinctValueEstimator(ndvEstimator);
LOG.debug("all of the bit vectors can merge for " + colName + " is " + (ndvEstimator != null));
ColumnStatisticsData columnStatisticsData = new ColumnStatisticsData();
if (doAllPartitionContainStats || colStatsWithSourceInfo.size() < 2) {
DateColumnStatsDataInspector aggregateData = null;
long lowerBound = 0;
long higherBound = 0;
double densityAvgSum = 0.0;
for (ColStatsObjWithSourceInfo csp : colStatsWithSourceInfo) {
ColumnStatisticsObj cso = csp.getColStatsObj();
DateColumnStatsDataInspector newData = (DateColumnStatsDataInspector) cso.getStatsData().getDateStats();
lowerBound = Math.max(lowerBound, newData.getNumDVs());
higherBound += newData.getNumDVs();
densityAvgSum += (diff(newData.getHighValue(), newData.getLowValue())) / newData.getNumDVs();
if (ndvEstimator != null) {
if (aggregateData == null) {
aggregateData = newData.deepCopy();
} else {
aggregateData.setLowValue(min(aggregateData.getLowValue(), newData.getLowValue()));
aggregateData.setHighValue(max(aggregateData.getHighValue(), newData.getHighValue()));
aggregateData.setNumNulls(aggregateData.getNumNulls() + newData.getNumNulls());
aggregateData.setNumDVs(Math.max(aggregateData.getNumDVs(), newData.getNumDVs()));
if (ndvEstimator != null) {
// if all the ColumnStatisticsObjs contain bitvectors, we do not need to
// use uniform distribution assumption because we can merge bitvectors
// to get a good estimation.
} else {
long estimation;
if (useDensityFunctionForNDVEstimation) {
// We have estimation, lowerbound and higherbound. We use estimation
// if it is between lowerbound and higherbound.
double densityAvg = densityAvgSum / partNames.size();
estimation = (long) (diff(aggregateData.getHighValue(), aggregateData.getLowValue()) / densityAvg);
if (estimation < lowerBound) {
estimation = lowerBound;
} else if (estimation > higherBound) {
estimation = higherBound;
} else {
estimation = (long) (lowerBound + (higherBound - lowerBound) * ndvTuner);
} else {
// we need extrapolation
LOG.debug("start extrapolation for " + colName);
Map<String, Integer> indexMap = new HashMap<>();
for (int index = 0; index < partNames.size(); index++) {
indexMap.put(partNames.get(index), index);
Map<String, Double> adjustedIndexMap = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, ColumnStatisticsData> adjustedStatsMap = new HashMap<>();
// while we scan the css, we also get the densityAvg, lowerbound and
// higerbound when useDensityFunctionForNDVEstimation is true.
double densityAvgSum = 0.0;
if (ndvEstimator == null) {
// the traditional extrapolation methods.
for (ColStatsObjWithSourceInfo csp : colStatsWithSourceInfo) {
ColumnStatisticsObj cso = csp.getColStatsObj();
String partName = csp.getPartName();
DateColumnStatsData newData = cso.getStatsData().getDateStats();
if (useDensityFunctionForNDVEstimation) {
densityAvgSum += diff(newData.getHighValue(), newData.getLowValue()) / newData.getNumDVs();
adjustedIndexMap.put(partName, (double) indexMap.get(partName));
adjustedStatsMap.put(partName, cso.getStatsData());
} else {
// we first merge all the adjacent bitvectors that we could merge and
// derive new partition names and index.
StringBuilder pseudoPartName = new StringBuilder();
double pseudoIndexSum = 0;
int length = 0;
int curIndex = -1;
DateColumnStatsDataInspector aggregateData = null;
for (ColStatsObjWithSourceInfo csp : colStatsWithSourceInfo) {
ColumnStatisticsObj cso = csp.getColStatsObj();
String partName = csp.getPartName();
DateColumnStatsDataInspector newData = (DateColumnStatsDataInspector) cso.getStatsData().getDateStats();
// already checked it before.
if (indexMap.get(partName) != curIndex) {
// There is bitvector, but it is not adjacent to the previous ones.
if (length > 0) {
// we have to set ndv
adjustedIndexMap.put(pseudoPartName.toString(), pseudoIndexSum / length);
ColumnStatisticsData csd = new ColumnStatisticsData();
adjustedStatsMap.put(pseudoPartName.toString(), csd);
if (useDensityFunctionForNDVEstimation) {
densityAvgSum += diff(aggregateData.getHighValue(), aggregateData.getLowValue()) / aggregateData.getNumDVs();
// reset everything
pseudoPartName = new StringBuilder();
pseudoIndexSum = 0;
length = 0;
ndvEstimator = NumDistinctValueEstimatorFactory.getEmptyNumDistinctValueEstimator(ndvEstimator);
aggregateData = null;
curIndex = indexMap.get(partName);
pseudoIndexSum += curIndex;
if (aggregateData == null) {
aggregateData = newData.deepCopy();
} else {
aggregateData.setLowValue(min(aggregateData.getLowValue(), newData.getLowValue()));
aggregateData.setHighValue(max(aggregateData.getHighValue(), newData.getHighValue()));
aggregateData.setNumNulls(aggregateData.getNumNulls() + newData.getNumNulls());
if (length > 0) {
// we have to set ndv
adjustedIndexMap.put(pseudoPartName.toString(), pseudoIndexSum / length);
ColumnStatisticsData csd = new ColumnStatisticsData();
adjustedStatsMap.put(pseudoPartName.toString(), csd);
if (useDensityFunctionForNDVEstimation) {
densityAvgSum += diff(aggregateData.getHighValue(), aggregateData.getLowValue()) / aggregateData.getNumDVs();
extrapolate(columnStatisticsData, partNames.size(), colStatsWithSourceInfo.size(), adjustedIndexMap, adjustedStatsMap, densityAvgSum / adjustedStatsMap.size());
LOG.debug("Ndv estimatation for {} is {} # of partitions requested: {} # of partitions found: {}", colName, columnStatisticsData.getDateStats().getNumDVs(), partNames.size(), colStatsWithSourceInfo.size());
return statsObj;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.utils.MetaStoreUtils.ColStatsObjWithSourceInfo in project hive by apache.
the class BinaryColumnStatsAggregator method aggregate.
public ColumnStatisticsObj aggregate(List<ColStatsObjWithSourceInfo> colStatsWithSourceInfo, List<String> partNames, boolean areAllPartsFound) throws MetaException {
ColumnStatisticsObj statsObj = null;
String colType = null;
String colName = null;
BinaryColumnStatsData aggregateData = null;
for (ColStatsObjWithSourceInfo csp : colStatsWithSourceInfo) {
ColumnStatisticsObj cso = csp.getColStatsObj();
if (statsObj == null) {
colName = cso.getColName();
colType = cso.getColType();
statsObj = ColumnStatsAggregatorFactory.newColumnStaticsObj(colName, colType, cso.getStatsData().getSetField());
BinaryColumnStatsData newData = cso.getStatsData().getBinaryStats();
if (aggregateData == null) {
aggregateData = newData.deepCopy();
} else {
aggregateData.setMaxColLen(Math.max(aggregateData.getMaxColLen(), newData.getMaxColLen()));
aggregateData.setAvgColLen(Math.max(aggregateData.getAvgColLen(), newData.getAvgColLen()));
aggregateData.setNumNulls(aggregateData.getNumNulls() + newData.getNumNulls());
ColumnStatisticsData columnStatisticsData = new ColumnStatisticsData();
return statsObj;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.utils.MetaStoreUtils.ColStatsObjWithSourceInfo in project hive by apache.
the class DecimalColumnStatsAggregator method aggregate.
public ColumnStatisticsObj aggregate(List<ColStatsObjWithSourceInfo> colStatsWithSourceInfo, List<String> partNames, boolean areAllPartsFound) throws MetaException {
ColumnStatisticsObj statsObj = null;
String colType = null;
String colName = null;
// check if all the ColumnStatisticsObjs contain stats and all the ndv are
// bitvectors
boolean doAllPartitionContainStats = partNames.size() == colStatsWithSourceInfo.size();
NumDistinctValueEstimator ndvEstimator = null;
for (ColStatsObjWithSourceInfo csp : colStatsWithSourceInfo) {
ColumnStatisticsObj cso = csp.getColStatsObj();
if (statsObj == null) {
colName = cso.getColName();
colType = cso.getColType();
statsObj = ColumnStatsAggregatorFactory.newColumnStaticsObj(colName, colType, cso.getStatsData().getSetField());
LOG.trace("doAllPartitionContainStats for column: {} is: {}", colName, doAllPartitionContainStats);
DecimalColumnStatsDataInspector decimalColumnStatsData = (DecimalColumnStatsDataInspector) cso.getStatsData().getDecimalStats();
if (decimalColumnStatsData.getNdvEstimator() == null) {
ndvEstimator = null;
} else {
// check if all of the bit vectors can merge
NumDistinctValueEstimator estimator = decimalColumnStatsData.getNdvEstimator();
if (ndvEstimator == null) {
ndvEstimator = estimator;
} else {
if (ndvEstimator.canMerge(estimator)) {
} else {
ndvEstimator = null;
if (ndvEstimator != null) {
ndvEstimator = NumDistinctValueEstimatorFactory.getEmptyNumDistinctValueEstimator(ndvEstimator);
LOG.debug("all of the bit vectors can merge for " + colName + " is " + (ndvEstimator != null));
ColumnStatisticsData columnStatisticsData = new ColumnStatisticsData();
if (doAllPartitionContainStats || colStatsWithSourceInfo.size() < 2) {
DecimalColumnStatsDataInspector aggregateData = null;
long lowerBound = 0;
long higherBound = 0;
double densityAvgSum = 0.0;
for (ColStatsObjWithSourceInfo csp : colStatsWithSourceInfo) {
ColumnStatisticsObj cso = csp.getColStatsObj();
DecimalColumnStatsDataInspector newData = (DecimalColumnStatsDataInspector) cso.getStatsData().getDecimalStats();
lowerBound = Math.max(lowerBound, newData.getNumDVs());
higherBound += newData.getNumDVs();
densityAvgSum += (MetaStoreUtils.decimalToDouble(newData.getHighValue()) - MetaStoreUtils.decimalToDouble(newData.getLowValue())) / newData.getNumDVs();
if (ndvEstimator != null) {
if (aggregateData == null) {
aggregateData = newData.deepCopy();
} else {
if (MetaStoreUtils.decimalToDouble(aggregateData.getLowValue()) < MetaStoreUtils.decimalToDouble(newData.getLowValue())) {
} else {
if (MetaStoreUtils.decimalToDouble(aggregateData.getHighValue()) > MetaStoreUtils.decimalToDouble(newData.getHighValue())) {
} else {
aggregateData.setNumNulls(aggregateData.getNumNulls() + newData.getNumNulls());
aggregateData.setNumDVs(Math.max(aggregateData.getNumDVs(), newData.getNumDVs()));
if (ndvEstimator != null) {
// if all the ColumnStatisticsObjs contain bitvectors, we do not need to
// use uniform distribution assumption because we can merge bitvectors
// to get a good estimation.
} else {
long estimation;
if (useDensityFunctionForNDVEstimation) {
// We have estimation, lowerbound and higherbound. We use estimation
// if it is between lowerbound and higherbound.
double densityAvg = densityAvgSum / partNames.size();
estimation = (long) ((MetaStoreUtils.decimalToDouble(aggregateData.getHighValue()) - MetaStoreUtils.decimalToDouble(aggregateData.getLowValue())) / densityAvg);
if (estimation < lowerBound) {
estimation = lowerBound;
} else if (estimation > higherBound) {
estimation = higherBound;
} else {
estimation = (long) (lowerBound + (higherBound - lowerBound) * ndvTuner);
} else {
// we need extrapolation
LOG.debug("start extrapolation for " + colName);
Map<String, Integer> indexMap = new HashMap<>();
for (int index = 0; index < partNames.size(); index++) {
indexMap.put(partNames.get(index), index);
Map<String, Double> adjustedIndexMap = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, ColumnStatisticsData> adjustedStatsMap = new HashMap<>();
// while we scan the css, we also get the densityAvg, lowerbound and
// higerbound when useDensityFunctionForNDVEstimation is true.
double densityAvgSum = 0.0;
if (ndvEstimator == null) {
// the traditional extrapolation methods.
for (ColStatsObjWithSourceInfo csp : colStatsWithSourceInfo) {
ColumnStatisticsObj cso = csp.getColStatsObj();
String partName = csp.getPartName();
DecimalColumnStatsData newData = cso.getStatsData().getDecimalStats();
if (useDensityFunctionForNDVEstimation) {
densityAvgSum += (MetaStoreUtils.decimalToDouble(newData.getHighValue()) - MetaStoreUtils.decimalToDouble(newData.getLowValue())) / newData.getNumDVs();
adjustedIndexMap.put(partName, (double) indexMap.get(partName));
adjustedStatsMap.put(partName, cso.getStatsData());
} else {
// we first merge all the adjacent bitvectors that we could merge and
// derive new partition names and index.
StringBuilder pseudoPartName = new StringBuilder();
double pseudoIndexSum = 0;
int length = 0;
int curIndex = -1;
DecimalColumnStatsDataInspector aggregateData = null;
for (ColStatsObjWithSourceInfo csp : colStatsWithSourceInfo) {
ColumnStatisticsObj cso = csp.getColStatsObj();
String partName = csp.getPartName();
DecimalColumnStatsDataInspector newData = (DecimalColumnStatsDataInspector) cso.getStatsData().getDecimalStats();
// already checked it before.
if (indexMap.get(partName) != curIndex) {
// There is bitvector, but it is not adjacent to the previous ones.
if (length > 0) {
// we have to set ndv
adjustedIndexMap.put(pseudoPartName.toString(), pseudoIndexSum / length);
ColumnStatisticsData csd = new ColumnStatisticsData();
adjustedStatsMap.put(pseudoPartName.toString(), csd);
if (useDensityFunctionForNDVEstimation) {
densityAvgSum += (MetaStoreUtils.decimalToDouble(aggregateData.getHighValue()) - MetaStoreUtils.decimalToDouble(aggregateData.getLowValue())) / aggregateData.getNumDVs();
// reset everything
pseudoPartName = new StringBuilder();
pseudoIndexSum = 0;
length = 0;
ndvEstimator = NumDistinctValueEstimatorFactory.getEmptyNumDistinctValueEstimator(ndvEstimator);
aggregateData = null;
curIndex = indexMap.get(partName);
pseudoIndexSum += curIndex;
if (aggregateData == null) {
aggregateData = newData.deepCopy();
} else {
if (MetaStoreUtils.decimalToDouble(aggregateData.getLowValue()) < MetaStoreUtils.decimalToDouble(newData.getLowValue())) {
} else {
if (MetaStoreUtils.decimalToDouble(aggregateData.getHighValue()) > MetaStoreUtils.decimalToDouble(newData.getHighValue())) {
} else {
aggregateData.setNumNulls(aggregateData.getNumNulls() + newData.getNumNulls());
if (length > 0) {
// we have to set ndv
adjustedIndexMap.put(pseudoPartName.toString(), pseudoIndexSum / length);
ColumnStatisticsData csd = new ColumnStatisticsData();
adjustedStatsMap.put(pseudoPartName.toString(), csd);
if (useDensityFunctionForNDVEstimation) {
densityAvgSum += (MetaStoreUtils.decimalToDouble(aggregateData.getHighValue()) - MetaStoreUtils.decimalToDouble(aggregateData.getLowValue())) / aggregateData.getNumDVs();
extrapolate(columnStatisticsData, partNames.size(), colStatsWithSourceInfo.size(), adjustedIndexMap, adjustedStatsMap, densityAvgSum / adjustedStatsMap.size());
LOG.debug("Ndv estimatation for {} is {} # of partitions requested: {} # of partitions found: {}", colName, columnStatisticsData.getDecimalStats().getNumDVs(), partNames.size(), colStatsWithSourceInfo.size());
return statsObj;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.utils.MetaStoreUtils.ColStatsObjWithSourceInfo in project hive by apache.
the class DoubleColumnStatsAggregator method aggregate.
public ColumnStatisticsObj aggregate(List<ColStatsObjWithSourceInfo> colStatsWithSourceInfo, List<String> partNames, boolean areAllPartsFound) throws MetaException {
ColumnStatisticsObj statsObj = null;
String colType = null;
String colName = null;
// check if all the ColumnStatisticsObjs contain stats and all the ndv are
// bitvectors
boolean doAllPartitionContainStats = partNames.size() == colStatsWithSourceInfo.size();
NumDistinctValueEstimator ndvEstimator = null;
for (ColStatsObjWithSourceInfo csp : colStatsWithSourceInfo) {
ColumnStatisticsObj cso = csp.getColStatsObj();
if (statsObj == null) {
colName = cso.getColName();
colType = cso.getColType();
statsObj = ColumnStatsAggregatorFactory.newColumnStaticsObj(colName, colType, cso.getStatsData().getSetField());
LOG.trace("doAllPartitionContainStats for column: {} is: {}", colName, doAllPartitionContainStats);
DoubleColumnStatsDataInspector doubleColumnStatsData = (DoubleColumnStatsDataInspector) cso.getStatsData().getDoubleStats();
if (doubleColumnStatsData.getNdvEstimator() == null) {
ndvEstimator = null;
} else {
// check if all of the bit vectors can merge
NumDistinctValueEstimator estimator = doubleColumnStatsData.getNdvEstimator();
if (ndvEstimator == null) {
ndvEstimator = estimator;
} else {
if (ndvEstimator.canMerge(estimator)) {
} else {
ndvEstimator = null;
if (ndvEstimator != null) {
ndvEstimator = NumDistinctValueEstimatorFactory.getEmptyNumDistinctValueEstimator(ndvEstimator);
LOG.debug("all of the bit vectors can merge for " + colName + " is " + (ndvEstimator != null));
ColumnStatisticsData columnStatisticsData = new ColumnStatisticsData();
if (doAllPartitionContainStats || colStatsWithSourceInfo.size() < 2) {
DoubleColumnStatsDataInspector aggregateData = null;
long lowerBound = 0;
long higherBound = 0;
double densityAvgSum = 0.0;
for (ColStatsObjWithSourceInfo csp : colStatsWithSourceInfo) {
ColumnStatisticsObj cso = csp.getColStatsObj();
DoubleColumnStatsDataInspector newData = (DoubleColumnStatsDataInspector) cso.getStatsData().getDoubleStats();
lowerBound = Math.max(lowerBound, newData.getNumDVs());
higherBound += newData.getNumDVs();
densityAvgSum += (newData.getHighValue() - newData.getLowValue()) / newData.getNumDVs();
if (ndvEstimator != null) {
if (aggregateData == null) {
aggregateData = newData.deepCopy();
} else {
aggregateData.setLowValue(Math.min(aggregateData.getLowValue(), newData.getLowValue()));
aggregateData.setHighValue(Math.max(aggregateData.getHighValue(), newData.getHighValue()));
aggregateData.setNumNulls(aggregateData.getNumNulls() + newData.getNumNulls());
aggregateData.setNumDVs(Math.max(aggregateData.getNumDVs(), newData.getNumDVs()));
if (ndvEstimator != null) {
// if all the ColumnStatisticsObjs contain bitvectors, we do not need to
// use uniform distribution assumption because we can merge bitvectors
// to get a good estimation.
} else {
long estimation;
if (useDensityFunctionForNDVEstimation) {
// We have estimation, lowerbound and higherbound. We use estimation
// if it is between lowerbound and higherbound.
double densityAvg = densityAvgSum / partNames.size();
estimation = (long) ((aggregateData.getHighValue() - aggregateData.getLowValue()) / densityAvg);
if (estimation < lowerBound) {
estimation = lowerBound;
} else if (estimation > higherBound) {
estimation = higherBound;
} else {
estimation = (long) (lowerBound + (higherBound - lowerBound) * ndvTuner);
} else {
// we need extrapolation
LOG.debug("start extrapolation for " + colName);
Map<String, Integer> indexMap = new HashMap<>();
for (int index = 0; index < partNames.size(); index++) {
indexMap.put(partNames.get(index), index);
Map<String, Double> adjustedIndexMap = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, ColumnStatisticsData> adjustedStatsMap = new HashMap<>();
// while we scan the css, we also get the densityAvg, lowerbound and
// higerbound when useDensityFunctionForNDVEstimation is true.
double densityAvgSum = 0.0;
if (ndvEstimator == null) {
// the traditional extrapolation methods.
for (ColStatsObjWithSourceInfo csp : colStatsWithSourceInfo) {
ColumnStatisticsObj cso = csp.getColStatsObj();
String partName = csp.getPartName();
DoubleColumnStatsData newData = cso.getStatsData().getDoubleStats();
if (useDensityFunctionForNDVEstimation) {
densityAvgSum += (newData.getHighValue() - newData.getLowValue()) / newData.getNumDVs();
adjustedIndexMap.put(partName, (double) indexMap.get(partName));
adjustedStatsMap.put(partName, cso.getStatsData());
} else {
// we first merge all the adjacent bitvectors that we could merge and
// derive new partition names and index.
StringBuilder pseudoPartName = new StringBuilder();
double pseudoIndexSum = 0;
int length = 0;
int curIndex = -1;
DoubleColumnStatsData aggregateData = null;
for (ColStatsObjWithSourceInfo csp : colStatsWithSourceInfo) {
ColumnStatisticsObj cso = csp.getColStatsObj();
String partName = csp.getPartName();
DoubleColumnStatsDataInspector newData = (DoubleColumnStatsDataInspector) cso.getStatsData().getDoubleStats();
// already checked it before.
if (indexMap.get(partName) != curIndex) {
// There is bitvector, but it is not adjacent to the previous ones.
if (length > 0) {
// we have to set ndv
adjustedIndexMap.put(pseudoPartName.toString(), pseudoIndexSum / length);
ColumnStatisticsData csd = new ColumnStatisticsData();
adjustedStatsMap.put(pseudoPartName.toString(), csd);
if (useDensityFunctionForNDVEstimation) {
densityAvgSum += (aggregateData.getHighValue() - aggregateData.getLowValue()) / aggregateData.getNumDVs();
// reset everything
pseudoPartName = new StringBuilder();
pseudoIndexSum = 0;
length = 0;
ndvEstimator = NumDistinctValueEstimatorFactory.getEmptyNumDistinctValueEstimator(ndvEstimator);
aggregateData = null;
curIndex = indexMap.get(partName);
pseudoIndexSum += curIndex;
if (aggregateData == null) {
aggregateData = newData.deepCopy();
} else {
aggregateData.setLowValue(Math.min(aggregateData.getLowValue(), newData.getLowValue()));
aggregateData.setHighValue(Math.max(aggregateData.getHighValue(), newData.getHighValue()));
aggregateData.setNumNulls(aggregateData.getNumNulls() + newData.getNumNulls());
if (length > 0) {
// we have to set ndv
adjustedIndexMap.put(pseudoPartName.toString(), pseudoIndexSum / length);
ColumnStatisticsData csd = new ColumnStatisticsData();
adjustedStatsMap.put(pseudoPartName.toString(), csd);
if (useDensityFunctionForNDVEstimation) {
densityAvgSum += (aggregateData.getHighValue() - aggregateData.getLowValue()) / aggregateData.getNumDVs();
extrapolate(columnStatisticsData, partNames.size(), colStatsWithSourceInfo.size(), adjustedIndexMap, adjustedStatsMap, densityAvgSum / adjustedStatsMap.size());
LOG.debug("Ndv estimatation for {} is {}. # of partitions requested: {}. # of partitions found: {}", colName, columnStatisticsData.getDoubleStats().getNumDVs(), partNames.size(), colStatsWithSourceInfo.size());
return statsObj;