use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.repl.metric.ReplicationMetricCollector in project hive by apache.
the class TestReplicationScenarios method getReplLoadRootTask.
private Task getReplLoadRootTask(String sourceDb, String replicadb, boolean isIncrementalDump, Tuple tuple) throws Throwable {
HiveConf confTemp = driverMirror.getConf();
Path loadPath = new Path(tuple.dumpLocation, ReplUtils.REPL_HIVE_BASE_DIR);
ReplicationMetricCollector metricCollector;
if (isIncrementalDump) {
metricCollector = new IncrementalLoadMetricCollector(replicadb, tuple.dumpLocation, 0, confTemp);
} else {
metricCollector = new BootstrapLoadMetricCollector(replicadb, tuple.dumpLocation, 0, confTemp);
/* When '' is enabled, the first iteration of repl load would
run only database creation task, and only in next iteration of Repl Load Task execution, remaining tasks will be
executed. Hence disabling this to perform the test on task optimization. */
confTemp.setBoolVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.REPL_RETAIN_CUSTOM_LOCATIONS_FOR_DB_ON_TARGET, false);
ReplLoadWork replLoadWork = new ReplLoadWork(confTemp, loadPath.toString(), sourceDb, replicadb, null, null, isIncrementalDump, Long.valueOf(tuple.lastReplId), 0L, metricCollector, false);
Task replLoadTask = TaskFactory.get(replLoadWork, confTemp);
replLoadTask.initialize(null, null, new TaskQueue(driver.getContext()), driver.getContext());
return replLoadWork.getRootTask();