use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.MetadataTypedColumnsetSerDe in project hive by apache.
the class SemanticAnalyzer method genConversionSelectOperator.
* Generate the conversion SelectOperator that converts the columns into the
* types that are expected by the table_desc.
Operator genConversionSelectOperator(String dest, QB qb, Operator input, TableDesc table_desc, DynamicPartitionCtx dpCtx) throws SemanticException {
StructObjectInspector oi = null;
try {
Deserializer deserializer = table_desc.getDeserializerClass().newInstance();
SerDeUtils.initializeSerDe(deserializer, conf, table_desc.getProperties(), null);
oi = (StructObjectInspector) deserializer.getObjectInspector();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new SemanticException(e);
// Check column number
List<? extends StructField> tableFields = oi.getAllStructFieldRefs();
boolean dynPart = HiveConf.getBoolVar(conf, HiveConf.ConfVars.DYNAMICPARTITIONING);
ArrayList<ColumnInfo> rowFields = opParseCtx.get(input).getRowResolver().getColumnInfos();
int inColumnCnt = rowFields.size();
int outColumnCnt = tableFields.size();
if (dynPart && dpCtx != null) {
outColumnCnt += dpCtx.getNumDPCols();
// The numbers of input columns and output columns should match for regular query
if (!updating(dest) && !deleting(dest) && inColumnCnt != outColumnCnt) {
String reason = "Table " + dest + " has " + outColumnCnt + " columns, but query has " + inColumnCnt + " columns.";
throw new SemanticException(ErrorMsg.TARGET_TABLE_COLUMN_MISMATCH.getMsg(qb.getParseInfo().getDestForClause(dest), reason));
// Check column types
boolean converted = false;
int columnNumber = tableFields.size();
ArrayList<ExprNodeDesc> expressions = new ArrayList<ExprNodeDesc>(columnNumber);
// MetadataTypedColumnsetSerDe does not need type conversions because it
// does the conversion to String by itself.
boolean isMetaDataSerDe = table_desc.getDeserializerClass().equals(MetadataTypedColumnsetSerDe.class);
boolean isLazySimpleSerDe = table_desc.getDeserializerClass().equals(LazySimpleSerDe.class);
if (!isMetaDataSerDe && !deleting(dest)) {
// offset by 1 so that we don't try to convert the ROW__ID
if (updating(dest)) {
expressions.add(new ExprNodeColumnDesc(rowFields.get(0).getType(), rowFields.get(0).getInternalName(), "", true));
// here only deals with non-partition columns. We deal with partition columns next
for (int i = 0; i < columnNumber; i++) {
int rowFieldsOffset = updating(dest) ? i + 1 : i;
ObjectInspector tableFieldOI = tableFields.get(i).getFieldObjectInspector();
TypeInfo tableFieldTypeInfo = TypeInfoUtils.getTypeInfoFromObjectInspector(tableFieldOI);
TypeInfo rowFieldTypeInfo = rowFields.get(rowFieldsOffset).getType();
ExprNodeDesc column = new ExprNodeColumnDesc(rowFieldTypeInfo, rowFields.get(rowFieldsOffset).getInternalName(), "", false, rowFields.get(rowFieldsOffset).isSkewedCol());
// JSON-format.
if (!tableFieldTypeInfo.equals(rowFieldTypeInfo) && !(isLazySimpleSerDe && tableFieldTypeInfo.getCategory().equals(Category.PRIMITIVE) && tableFieldTypeInfo.equals(TypeInfoFactory.stringTypeInfo))) {
// need to do some conversions here
converted = true;
if (tableFieldTypeInfo.getCategory() != Category.PRIMITIVE) {
// cannot convert to complex types
column = null;
} else {
column = ParseUtils.createConversionCast(column, (PrimitiveTypeInfo) tableFieldTypeInfo);
if (column == null) {
String reason = "Cannot convert column " + i + " from " + rowFieldTypeInfo + " to " + tableFieldTypeInfo + ".";
throw new SemanticException(ErrorMsg.TARGET_TABLE_COLUMN_MISMATCH.getMsg(qb.getParseInfo().getDestForClause(dest), reason));
// deal with dynamic partition columns: convert ExprNodeDesc type to String??
if (dynPart && dpCtx != null && dpCtx.getNumDPCols() > 0) {
// DP columns starts with tableFields.size()
for (int i = tableFields.size() + (updating(dest) ? 1 : 0); i < rowFields.size(); ++i) {
TypeInfo rowFieldTypeInfo = rowFields.get(i).getType();
ExprNodeDesc column = new ExprNodeColumnDesc(rowFieldTypeInfo, rowFields.get(i).getInternalName(), "", true);
// converted = true; // [TODO]: should we check & convert type to String and set it to true?
if (converted) {
// add the select operator
RowResolver rowResolver = new RowResolver();
ArrayList<String> colNames = new ArrayList<String>();
Map<String, ExprNodeDesc> colExprMap = new HashMap<String, ExprNodeDesc>();
for (int i = 0; i < expressions.size(); i++) {
String name = getColumnInternalName(i);
rowResolver.put("", name, new ColumnInfo(name, expressions.get(i).getTypeInfo(), "", false));
colExprMap.put(name, expressions.get(i));
input = putOpInsertMap(OperatorFactory.getAndMakeChild(new SelectDesc(expressions, colNames), new RowSchema(rowResolver.getColumnInfos()), input), rowResolver);
return input;