use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.shims.HadoopShims.MiniDFSShim in project hive by apache.
the class TestHS2ImpersonationWithRemoteMS method testImpersonation.
public void testImpersonation() throws Exception {
assertTrue("Test setup failed. MiniHS2 is not initialized", miniHS2 != null && miniHS2.isStarted());
// Create two tables one as user "foo" and other as user "bar"
Connection hs2Conn = DriverManager.getConnection(miniHS2.getJdbcURL(), "foo", null);
Statement stmt = hs2Conn.createStatement();
String tableName = "foo_table";
stmt.execute("drop table if exists " + tableName);
stmt.execute("create table " + tableName + " (value string)");
hs2Conn = DriverManager.getConnection(miniHS2.getJdbcURL(), "bar", null);
stmt = hs2Conn.createStatement();
tableName = "bar_table";
stmt.execute("drop table if exists " + tableName);
stmt.execute("create table " + tableName + " (value string)");
MiniDFSShim dfs = miniHS2.getDfs();
FileSystem fs = dfs.getFileSystem();
FileStatus[] files = fs.listStatus(miniHS2.getWareHouseDir());
boolean fooTableValidated = false;
boolean barTableValidated = false;
for (FileStatus file : files) {
final String name = file.getPath().getName();
final String owner = file.getOwner();
if (name.equals("foo_table")) {
fooTableValidated = owner.equals("foo");
assertTrue(String.format("User 'foo' table has wrong ownership '%s'", owner), fooTableValidated);
} else if (name.equals("bar_table")) {
barTableValidated = owner.equals("bar");
assertTrue(String.format("User 'bar' table has wrong ownership '%s'", owner), barTableValidated);
} else {
fail(String.format("Unexpected table directory '%s' in warehouse", name));
System.out.println(String.format("File: %s, Owner: %s", name, owner));
assertTrue("User 'foo' table not found in warehouse", fooTableValidated);
assertTrue("User 'bar' table not found in warehouse", barTableValidated);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.shims.HadoopShims.MiniDFSShim in project hive by apache.
the class FolderPermissionBase method baseSetup.
public static void baseSetup() throws Exception {
MiniDFSShim dfs = ShimLoader.getHadoopShims().getMiniDfs(conf, 4, true, null);
fs = dfs.getFileSystem();
baseDfsDir = new Path(new Path(fs.getUri()), "/base");
warehouseDir = new Path(baseDfsDir, "warehouse");
conf.setVar(ConfVars.METASTOREWAREHOUSE, warehouseDir.toString());
// Assuming the tests are run either in C or D drive in Windows OS!
dataFileDir = conf.get("").replace('\\', '/').replace("c:", "").replace("C:", "").replace("D:", "").replace("d:", "");
dataFilePath = new Path(dataFileDir, "kv1.txt");
// Set up scratch directory
Path scratchDir = new Path(baseDfsDir, "scratchdir");
conf.setVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.SCRATCHDIR, scratchDir.toString());
//set hive conf vars
conf.setBoolVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVE_SUPPORT_CONCURRENCY, false);
conf.setBoolVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVE_WAREHOUSE_SUBDIR_INHERIT_PERMS, true);
conf.setVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.DYNAMICPARTITIONINGMODE, "nonstrict");
int port = MetaStoreUtils.findFreePort();
MetaStoreUtils.startMetaStore(port, ShimLoader.getHadoopThriftAuthBridge());
SessionState.start(new CliSessionState(conf));
driver = new Driver(conf);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hive.shims.HadoopShims.MiniDFSShim in project hive by apache.
the class TestDFSErrorHandling method testAccessDenied.
public void testAccessDenied() throws Exception {
assertTrue("Test setup failed. MiniHS2 is not initialized", miniHS2 != null && miniHS2.isStarted());
Path scratchDir = new Path(HiveConf.getVar(hiveConf, HiveConf.ConfVars.SCRATCHDIR));
MiniDFSShim dfs = miniHS2.getDfs();
FileSystem fs = dfs.getFileSystem();
Path stickyBitDir = new Path(scratchDir, "stickyBitDir");
String dataFileDir = hiveConf.get("").replace('\\', '/').replace("c:", "").replace("C:", "").replace("D:", "").replace("d:", "");
Path dataFilePath = new Path(dataFileDir, "kv1.txt");
fs.copyFromLocalFile(dataFilePath, stickyBitDir);
FsPermission fsPermission = new FsPermission(FsAction.ALL, FsAction.ALL, FsAction.ALL, true);
// Sets the sticky bit on stickyBitDir - now removing file kv1.txt from stickyBitDir by
// unprivileged user will result in a DFS error.
fs.setPermission(stickyBitDir, fsPermission);
FileStatus[] files = fs.listStatus(stickyBitDir);
// Connecting to HS2 as foo.
Connection hs2Conn = DriverManager.getConnection(miniHS2.getJdbcURL(), "foo", "bar");
Statement stmt = hs2Conn.createStatement();
String tableName = "stickyBitTable";
stmt.execute("drop table if exists " + tableName);
stmt.execute("create table " + tableName + " (foo int, bar string)");
try {
// This statement will attempt to move kv1.txt out of stickyBitDir as user foo. HS2 is
// expected to return 20009.
stmt.execute("LOAD DATA INPATH '" + stickyBitDir.toUri().getPath() + "/kv1.txt' " + "OVERWRITE INTO TABLE " + tableName);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (e instanceof SQLException) {
SQLException se = (SQLException) e;
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected error code", 20009, se.getErrorCode());
System.out.println(String.format("Error Message: %s", se.getMessage()));
} else
throw e;
stmt.execute("drop table if exists " + tableName);