use of org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.util.Quantile in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestMutableMetrics method testMutableQuantilesRollover.
* Test that {@link MutableQuantiles} rolls the window over at the specified
* interval.
@Test(timeout = 30000)
public void testMutableQuantilesRollover() throws Exception {
MetricsRecordBuilder mb = mockMetricsRecordBuilder();
MetricsRegistry registry = new MetricsRegistry("test");
// Use a 5s rollover period
MutableQuantiles quantiles = registry.newQuantiles("foo", "stat", "Ops", "Latency", 5);
Quantile[] quants = MutableQuantiles.quantiles;
String name = "Foo%dthPercentileLatency";
String desc = "%d percentile latency with 5 second interval for stat";
// Push values for three intervals
long start = System.nanoTime() / 1000000;
for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
// Insert the values
for (long j = 1; j <= 1000; j++) {
// Sleep until 1s after the next 5s interval, to let the metrics
// roll over
long sleep = (start + (5000 * i) + 1000) - (System.nanoTime() / 1000000);
// Verify that the window reset, check it has the values we pushed in
registry.snapshot(mb, false);
for (Quantile q : quants) {
int percentile = (int) (100 * q.quantile);
String n = String.format(name, percentile);
String d = String.format(desc, percentile);
verify(mb).addGauge(info(n, d), (long) i);
// Verify the metrics were added the right number of times
verify(mb, times(3)).addGauge(info("FooNumOps", "Number of ops for stat with 5s interval"), (long) 1000);
for (Quantile q : quants) {
int percentile = (int) (100 * q.quantile);
String n = String.format(name, percentile);
String d = String.format(desc, percentile);
verify(mb, times(3)).addGauge(eq(info(n, d)), anyLong());
use of org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.util.Quantile in project hadoop by apache.
the class MetricsAsserts method assertQuantileGauges.
* Asserts that the NumOps and quantiles for a metric have been changed at
* some point to a non-zero value.
* @param prefix of the metric
* @param rb MetricsRecordBuilder with the metric
public static void assertQuantileGauges(String prefix, MetricsRecordBuilder rb) {
verify(rb).addGauge(eqName(info(prefix + "NumOps", "")), geq(0l));
for (Quantile q : MutableQuantiles.quantiles) {
String nameTemplate = prefix + "%dthPercentileLatency";
int percentile = (int) (100 * q.quantile);
verify(rb).addGauge(eqName(info(String.format(nameTemplate, percentile), "")), geq(0l));
use of org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.util.Quantile in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestMutableMetrics method testMutableQuantilesError.
* Ensure that quantile estimates from {@link MutableQuantiles} are within
* specified error bounds.
@Test(timeout = 30000)
public void testMutableQuantilesError() throws Exception {
MetricsRecordBuilder mb = mockMetricsRecordBuilder();
MetricsRegistry registry = new MetricsRegistry("test");
// Use a 5s rollover period
MutableQuantiles quantiles = registry.newQuantiles("foo", "stat", "Ops", "Latency", 5);
// Push some values in and wait for it to publish
long start = System.nanoTime() / 1000000;
for (long i = 1; i <= 1000; i++) {
quantiles.add(1001 - i);
long end = System.nanoTime() / 1000000;
Thread.sleep(6000 - (end - start));
registry.snapshot(mb, false);
// Print out the snapshot
Map<Quantile, Long> previousSnapshot = quantiles.previousSnapshot;
for (Entry<Quantile, Long> item : previousSnapshot.entrySet()) {
System.out.println(String.format("Quantile %.2f has value %d", item.getKey().quantile, item.getValue()));
// Verify the results are within our requirements
verify(mb).addGauge(info("FooNumOps", "Number of ops for stat with 5s interval"), (long) 2000);
Quantile[] quants = MutableQuantiles.quantiles;
String name = "Foo%dthPercentileLatency";
String desc = "%d percentile latency with 5 second interval for stat";
for (Quantile q : quants) {
int percentile = (int) (100 * q.quantile);
int error = (int) (1000 * q.error);
String n = String.format(name, percentile);
String d = String.format(desc, percentile);
long expected = (long) (q.quantile * 1000);
verify(mb).addGauge(eq(info(n, d)), leq(expected + error));
verify(mb).addGauge(eq(info(n, d)), geq(expected - error));