use of org.apache.hadoop.ozone.audit.S3GAction in project ozone by apache.
the class ObjectEndpoint method head.
* Rest endpoint to check existence of an object in a bucket.
* <p>
* See:
* for more details.
public Response head(@PathParam("bucket") String bucketName, @PathParam("path") String keyPath) throws IOException, OS3Exception {
S3GAction s3GAction = S3GAction.HEAD_KEY;
OzoneKey key;
try {
key = getBucket(bucketName).headObject(keyPath);
// TODO: return the specified range bytes of this object.
} catch (OMException ex) {
AUDIT.logReadFailure(buildAuditMessageForFailure(s3GAction, getAuditParameters(), ex));
if (ex.getResult() == ResultCodes.KEY_NOT_FOUND) {
// Just return 404 with no content
return Response.status(Status.NOT_FOUND).build();
} else if (ex.getResult() == ResultCodes.PERMISSION_DENIED) {
throw newError(S3ErrorTable.ACCESS_DENIED, keyPath, ex);
} else {
throw ex;
} catch (Exception ex) {
AUDIT.logReadFailure(buildAuditMessageForFailure(s3GAction, getAuditParameters(), ex));
throw ex;
ResponseBuilder response = Response.ok().status(HttpStatus.SC_OK).header("ETag", "" + key.getModificationTime()).header("Content-Length", key.getDataSize()).header("Content-Type", "binary/octet-stream");
addLastModifiedDate(response, key);
AUDIT.logReadSuccess(buildAuditMessageForSuccess(s3GAction, getAuditParameters()));
use of org.apache.hadoop.ozone.audit.S3GAction in project ozone by apache.
the class ObjectEndpoint method initializeMultipartUpload.
* Initialize MultiPartUpload request.
* <p>
* Note: the specific content type is set by the HeaderPreprocessor.
public Response initializeMultipartUpload(@PathParam("bucket") String bucket, @PathParam("path") String key) throws IOException, OS3Exception {
S3GAction s3GAction = S3GAction.INIT_MULTIPART_UPLOAD;
try {
OzoneBucket ozoneBucket = getBucket(bucket);
String storageType = headers.getHeaderString(STORAGE_CLASS_HEADER);
ReplicationConfig replicationConfig = getReplicationConfig(ozoneBucket, storageType);
OmMultipartInfo multipartInfo = ozoneBucket.initiateMultipartUpload(key, replicationConfig);
MultipartUploadInitiateResponse multipartUploadInitiateResponse = new MultipartUploadInitiateResponse();
AUDIT.logWriteSuccess(buildAuditMessageForSuccess(s3GAction, getAuditParameters()));
return Response.status(Status.OK).entity(multipartUploadInitiateResponse).build();
} catch (OMException ex) {
AUDIT.logWriteFailure(buildAuditMessageForFailure(s3GAction, getAuditParameters(), ex));
if (ex.getResult() == ResultCodes.PERMISSION_DENIED) {
throw newError(S3ErrorTable.ACCESS_DENIED, key, ex);
LOG.error("Error in Initiate Multipart Upload Request for bucket: {}, " + "key: {}", bucket, key, ex);
throw ex;
} catch (Exception ex) {
AUDIT.logWriteFailure(buildAuditMessageForFailure(s3GAction, getAuditParameters(), ex));
throw ex;
use of org.apache.hadoop.ozone.audit.S3GAction in project ozone by apache.
the class ObjectEndpoint method put.
* Rest endpoint to upload object to a bucket.
* <p>
* See: for
* more details.
public Response put(@PathParam("bucket") String bucketName, @PathParam("path") String keyPath, @HeaderParam("Content-Length") long length, @QueryParam("partNumber") int partNumber, @QueryParam("uploadId") @DefaultValue("") String uploadID, InputStream body) throws IOException, OS3Exception {
S3GAction s3GAction = S3GAction.CREATE_KEY;
boolean auditSuccess = true;
OzoneOutputStream output = null;
String copyHeader = null, storageType = null;
try {
if (uploadID != null && !uploadID.equals("")) {
// If uploadID is specified, it is a request for upload part
return createMultipartKey(bucketName, keyPath, length, partNumber, uploadID, body);
copyHeader = headers.getHeaderString(COPY_SOURCE_HEADER);
storageType = headers.getHeaderString(STORAGE_CLASS_HEADER);
boolean storageTypeDefault = StringUtils.isEmpty(storageType);
// Normal put object
OzoneBucket bucket = getBucket(bucketName);
ReplicationConfig replicationConfig = getReplicationConfig(bucket, storageType);
if (copyHeader != null) {
// Copy object, as copy source available.
s3GAction = S3GAction.COPY_OBJECT;
CopyObjectResponse copyObjectResponse = copyObject(copyHeader, bucket, keyPath, replicationConfig, storageTypeDefault);
return Response.status(Status.OK).entity(copyObjectResponse).header("Connection", "close").build();
output = bucket.createKey(keyPath, length, replicationConfig, new HashMap<>());
if ("STREAMING-AWS4-HMAC-SHA256-PAYLOAD".equals(headers.getHeaderString("x-amz-content-sha256"))) {
body = new SignedChunksInputStream(body);
IOUtils.copy(body, output);
return Response.ok().status(HttpStatus.SC_OK).build();
} catch (OMException ex) {
auditSuccess = false;
AUDIT.logWriteFailure(buildAuditMessageForFailure(s3GAction, getAuditParameters(), ex));
if (copyHeader != null) {
} else {
if (ex.getResult() == ResultCodes.NOT_A_FILE) {
OS3Exception os3Exception = newError(INVALID_REQUEST, keyPath, ex);
os3Exception.setErrorMessage("An error occurred (InvalidRequest) " + "when calling the PutObject/MPU PartUpload operation: " + OZONE_OM_ENABLE_FILESYSTEM_PATHS + " is enabled Keys are" + " considered as Unix Paths. Path has Violated FS Semantics " + "which caused put operation to fail.");
throw os3Exception;
} else if (ex.getResult() == ResultCodes.PERMISSION_DENIED) {
throw newError(S3ErrorTable.ACCESS_DENIED, keyPath, ex);
LOG.error("Exception occurred in PutObject", ex);
throw ex;
} catch (Exception ex) {
auditSuccess = false;
AUDIT.logWriteFailure(buildAuditMessageForFailure(s3GAction, getAuditParameters(), ex));
if (copyHeader != null) {
} else {
LOG.error("Exception occurred in PutObject", ex.getMessage());
throw ex;
} finally {
if (auditSuccess) {
AUDIT.logWriteSuccess(buildAuditMessageForSuccess(s3GAction, getAuditParameters()));
if (output != null) {
use of org.apache.hadoop.ozone.audit.S3GAction in project ozone by apache.
the class ObjectEndpoint method completeMultipartUpload.
* Complete a multipart upload.
public Response completeMultipartUpload(@PathParam("bucket") String bucket, @PathParam("path") String key, @QueryParam("uploadId") @DefaultValue("") String uploadID, CompleteMultipartUploadRequest multipartUploadRequest) throws IOException, OS3Exception {
OzoneBucket ozoneBucket = getBucket(bucket);
// Using LinkedHashMap to preserve ordering of parts list.
Map<Integer, String> partsMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
List<CompleteMultipartUploadRequest.Part> partList = multipartUploadRequest.getPartList();
OmMultipartUploadCompleteInfo omMultipartUploadCompleteInfo;
try {
for (CompleteMultipartUploadRequest.Part part : partList) {
partsMap.put(part.getPartNumber(), part.geteTag());
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Parts map {}", partsMap);
omMultipartUploadCompleteInfo = ozoneBucket.completeMultipartUpload(key, uploadID, partsMap);
CompleteMultipartUploadResponse completeMultipartUploadResponse = new CompleteMultipartUploadResponse();
// Location also setting as bucket name.
AUDIT.logWriteSuccess(buildAuditMessageForSuccess(s3GAction, getAuditParameters()));
return Response.status(Status.OK).entity(completeMultipartUploadResponse).build();
} catch (OMException ex) {
AUDIT.logWriteFailure(buildAuditMessageForFailure(s3GAction, getAuditParameters(), ex));
if (ex.getResult() == ResultCodes.INVALID_PART) {
throw newError(S3ErrorTable.INVALID_PART, key, ex);
} else if (ex.getResult() == ResultCodes.INVALID_PART_ORDER) {
throw newError(S3ErrorTable.INVALID_PART_ORDER, key, ex);
} else if (ex.getResult() == ResultCodes.NO_SUCH_MULTIPART_UPLOAD_ERROR) {
throw newError(NO_SUCH_UPLOAD, uploadID, ex);
} else if (ex.getResult() == ResultCodes.ENTITY_TOO_SMALL) {
throw newError(ENTITY_TOO_SMALL, key, ex);
} else if (ex.getResult() == ResultCodes.INVALID_REQUEST) {
OS3Exception os3Exception = newError(INVALID_REQUEST, key, ex);
os3Exception.setErrorMessage("An error occurred (InvalidRequest) " + "when calling the CompleteMultipartUpload operation: You must " + "specify at least one part");
throw os3Exception;
} else if (ex.getResult() == ResultCodes.NOT_A_FILE) {
OS3Exception os3Exception = newError(INVALID_REQUEST, key, ex);
os3Exception.setErrorMessage("An error occurred (InvalidRequest) " + "when calling the CompleteMultipartUpload operation: " + OZONE_OM_ENABLE_FILESYSTEM_PATHS + " is enabled Keys are " + "considered as Unix Paths. A directory already exists with a " + "given KeyName caused failure for MPU");
throw os3Exception;
LOG.error("Error in Complete Multipart Upload Request for bucket: {}, " + ", key: {}", bucket, key, ex);
throw ex;
} catch (Exception ex) {
AUDIT.logWriteFailure(buildAuditMessageForFailure(s3GAction, getAuditParameters(), ex));
throw ex;
use of org.apache.hadoop.ozone.audit.S3GAction in project ozone by apache.
the class BucketEndpoint method delete.
* Rest endpoint to delete specific bucket.
* <p>
* See:
* for more details.
public Response delete(@PathParam("bucket") String bucketName) throws IOException, OS3Exception {
S3GAction s3GAction = S3GAction.DELETE_BUCKET;
try {
} catch (OMException ex) {
AUDIT.logWriteFailure(buildAuditMessageForFailure(s3GAction, getAuditParameters(), ex));
if (ex.getResult() == ResultCodes.BUCKET_NOT_EMPTY) {
throw newError(S3ErrorTable.BUCKET_NOT_EMPTY, bucketName, ex);
} else if (ex.getResult() == ResultCodes.BUCKET_NOT_FOUND) {
throw newError(S3ErrorTable.NO_SUCH_BUCKET, bucketName, ex);
} else if (ex.getResult() == ResultCodes.PERMISSION_DENIED) {
throw newError(S3ErrorTable.ACCESS_DENIED, bucketName, ex);
} else {
throw ex;
} catch (Exception ex) {
AUDIT.logWriteFailure(buildAuditMessageForFailure(s3GAction, getAuditParameters(), ex));
throw ex;
AUDIT.logWriteSuccess(buildAuditMessageForSuccess(s3GAction, getAuditParameters()));
return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_NO_CONTENT).build();