use of org.apache.hadoop.ozone.protocol.proto.OzoneManagerProtocolProtos.S3Authentication in project ozone by apache.
the class S3SecurityUtil method constructS3Token.
* Construct and return {@link OzoneTokenIdentifier} from {@link OMRequest}.
private static OzoneTokenIdentifier constructS3Token(OMRequest omRequest) {
S3Authentication auth = omRequest.getS3Authentication();
OzoneTokenIdentifier s3Token = new OzoneTokenIdentifier();
s3Token.setOwner(new Text(auth.getAccessId()));
return s3Token;
use of org.apache.hadoop.ozone.protocol.proto.OzoneManagerProtocolProtos.S3Authentication in project ozone by apache.
the class OzoneManager method getS3VolumeContext.
public S3VolumeContext getS3VolumeContext() throws IOException {
// Unless the OM request contains S3 authentication info with an access
// ID that corresponds to a tenant volume, the request will be directed
// to the default S3 volume.
String s3Volume = HddsClientUtils.getDefaultS3VolumeName(configuration);
S3Authentication s3Auth = getS3Auth();
final String userPrincipal;
if (s3Auth == null) {
// This is the default user principal if request does not have S3Auth set
userPrincipal = Server.getRemoteUser().getShortUserName();
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
// An old S3 gateway talking to a new OM may not attach the auth info.
// This old version of s3g will also not have a client that supports
// multi-tenancy, so we can direct requests to the default S3 volume.
LOG.debug("S3 authentication was not attached to the OM request. " + "Directing requests to the default S3 volume {}.", s3Volume);
} else {
String accessId = s3Auth.getAccessId();
// If S3 Multi-Tenancy is not enabled, all S3 requests will be redirected
// to the default s3v for compatibility
final Optional<String> optionalTenantId = isS3MultiTenancyEnabled() ? multiTenantManager.getTenantForAccessID(accessId) : Optional.absent();
if (!optionalTenantId.isPresent()) {
final UserGroupInformation s3gUGI = UserGroupInformation.createRemoteUser(accessId);
// When the accessId belongs to the default s3v (i.e. when the accessId
// key pair is generated using the regular `ozone s3 getsecret`), the
// user principal returned here should simply be the accessId's short
// user name (processed by the auth_to_local rule)
userPrincipal = s3gUGI.getShortUserName();
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("No tenant found for access ID {}. Directing " + "requests to default s3 volume {}.", accessId, s3Volume);
} else {
// S3 Multi-Tenancy is enabled, and the accessId is assigned to a tenant
final String tenantId = optionalTenantId.get();
OmDBTenantState tenantState = metadataManager.getTenantStateTable().get(tenantId);
if (tenantState != null) {
s3Volume = tenantState.getBucketNamespaceName();
} else {
String message = "Unable to find tenant '" + tenantId + "' details for access ID " + accessId + ". The tenant might have been removed during this operation, " + "or the OM DB is inconsistent";
throw new OMException(message, ResultCodes.TENANT_NOT_FOUND);
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Get S3 volume request for access ID {} belonging to " + "tenant {} is directed to the volume {}.", accessId, tenantId, s3Volume);
boolean acquiredVolumeLock = getMetadataManager().getLock().acquireReadLock(VOLUME_LOCK, s3Volume);
try {
// Inject user name to the response to be used for KMS on the client
userPrincipal = OzoneAclUtils.accessIdToUserPrincipal(accessId);
} finally {
if (acquiredVolumeLock) {
getMetadataManager().getLock().releaseReadLock(VOLUME_LOCK, s3Volume);
// getVolumeInfo() performs acl checks and checks volume existence.
final S3VolumeContext.Builder s3VolumeContext = S3VolumeContext.newBuilder().setOmVolumeArgs(getVolumeInfo(s3Volume)).setUserPrincipal(userPrincipal);