use of org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.protocolrecords.CancelDelegationTokenResponse in project hadoop by apache.
the class RMWebServices method cancelDelegationToken.
// For cancelling tokens, the encoded token is passed as a header
// There are two reasons for this -
// 1. Passing a request body as part of a DELETE request is not
// allowed by Jetty
// 2. Passing the encoded token as part of the url is not ideal
// since urls tend to get logged and anyone with access to
// the logs can extract tokens which are meant to be secret
@Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON + "; " + JettyUtils.UTF_8, MediaType.APPLICATION_XML + "; " + JettyUtils.UTF_8 })
public Response cancelDelegationToken(@Context HttpServletRequest hsr) throws AuthorizationException, IOException, InterruptedException, Exception {
UserGroupInformation callerUGI;
try {
callerUGI = createKerberosUserGroupInformation(hsr);
} catch (YarnException ye) {
return Response.status(Status.FORBIDDEN).entity(ye.getMessage()).build();
Token<RMDelegationTokenIdentifier> token = extractToken(hsr);
org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Token dToken = BuilderUtils.newDelegationToken(token.getIdentifier(), token.getKind().toString(), token.getPassword(), token.getService().toString());
final CancelDelegationTokenRequest req = CancelDelegationTokenRequest.newInstance(dToken);
try {
callerUGI.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<CancelDelegationTokenResponse>() {
public CancelDelegationTokenResponse run() throws IOException, YarnException {
return rm.getClientRMService().cancelDelegationToken(req);
} catch (UndeclaredThrowableException ue) {
if (ue.getCause() instanceof YarnException) {
if (ue.getCause().getCause() instanceof InvalidToken) {
throw new BadRequestException(ue.getCause().getCause().getMessage());
} else if (ue.getCause().getCause() instanceof {
return Response.status(Status.FORBIDDEN).entity(ue.getCause().getCause().getMessage()).build();
}"Renew delegation token request failed", ue);
throw ue;
}"Renew delegation token request failed", ue);
throw ue;
} catch (Exception e) {"Renew delegation token request failed", e);
throw e;
return Response.status(Status.OK).build();