use of org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Resource in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestLogAggregationService method createContainer.
private ContainerId createContainer(ApplicationAttemptId appAttemptId1, long cId, ContainerType containerType) {
ContainerId containerId = BuilderUtils.newContainerId(appAttemptId1, cId);
Resource r = BuilderUtils.newResource(1024, 1);
ContainerTokenIdentifier containerToken = new ContainerTokenIdentifier(containerId, context.getNodeId().toString(), user, r, System.currentTimeMillis() + 100000L, 123, DUMMY_RM_IDENTIFIER, Priority.newInstance(0), 0, null, null, containerType);
Container container = mock(Container.class);
context.getContainers().put(containerId, container);
return containerId;
use of org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Resource in project hadoop by apache.
the class AbstractCSQueue method accept.
public boolean accept(Resource cluster, ResourceCommitRequest<FiCaSchedulerApp, FiCaSchedulerNode> request) {
// Do we need to check parent queue before making this decision?
boolean checkParentQueue = false;
ContainerAllocationProposal<FiCaSchedulerApp, FiCaSchedulerNode> allocation = request.getFirstAllocatedOrReservedContainer();
SchedulerContainer<FiCaSchedulerApp, FiCaSchedulerNode> schedulerContainer = allocation.getAllocatedOrReservedContainer();
// Do not check when allocating new container from a reserved container
if (allocation.getAllocateFromReservedContainer() == null) {
Resource required = allocation.getAllocatedOrReservedResource();
Resource netAllocated = Resources.subtract(required, request.getTotalReleasedResource());
try {
String partition = schedulerContainer.getNodePartition();
Resource maxResourceLimit;
if (allocation.getSchedulingMode() == SchedulingMode.RESPECT_PARTITION_EXCLUSIVITY) {
maxResourceLimit = getQueueMaxResource(partition, cluster);
} else {
maxResourceLimit = labelManager.getResourceByLabel(schedulerContainer.getNodePartition(), cluster);
if (!Resources.fitsIn(resourceCalculator, cluster, Resources.add(queueUsage.getUsed(partition), netAllocated), maxResourceLimit)) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Used resource=" + queueUsage.getUsed(partition) + " exceeded maxResourceLimit of the queue =" + maxResourceLimit);
return false;
} finally {
// Only check parent queue when something new allocated or reserved.
checkParentQueue = true;
if (parent != null && checkParentQueue) {
return parent.accept(cluster, request);
return true;
use of org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Resource in project hadoop by apache.
the class AbstractCSQueue method canAssignToThisQueue.
boolean canAssignToThisQueue(Resource clusterResource, String nodePartition, ResourceLimits currentResourceLimits, Resource resourceCouldBeUnreserved, SchedulingMode schedulingMode) {
try {
// Get current limited resource:
// - When doing RESPECT_PARTITION_EXCLUSIVITY allocation, we will respect
// queues' max capacity.
// - When doing IGNORE_PARTITION_EXCLUSIVITY allocation, we will not respect
// queue's max capacity, queue's max capacity on the partition will be
// considered to be 100%. Which is a queue can use all resource in the
// partition.
// Doing this because: for non-exclusive allocation, we make sure there's
// idle resource on the partition, to avoid wastage, such resource will be
// leveraged as much as we can, and preemption policy will reclaim it back
// when partitoned-resource-request comes back.
Resource currentLimitResource = getCurrentLimitResource(nodePartition, clusterResource, currentResourceLimits, schedulingMode);
Resource nowTotalUsed = queueUsage.getUsed(nodePartition);
// Set headroom for currentResourceLimits:
// When queue is a parent queue: Headroom = limit - used + killable
// When queue is a leaf queue: Headroom = limit - used (leaf queue cannot preempt itself)
Resource usedExceptKillable = nowTotalUsed;
if (null != getChildQueues() && !getChildQueues().isEmpty()) {
usedExceptKillable = Resources.subtract(nowTotalUsed, getTotalKillableResource(nodePartition));
currentResourceLimits.setHeadroom(Resources.subtract(currentLimitResource, usedExceptKillable));
if (Resources.greaterThanOrEqual(resourceCalculator, clusterResource, usedExceptKillable, currentLimitResource)) {
// TODO, now only consider reservation cases when the node has no label
if (this.reservationsContinueLooking && nodePartition.equals(RMNodeLabelsManager.NO_LABEL) && Resources.greaterThan(resourceCalculator, clusterResource, resourceCouldBeUnreserved, Resources.none())) {
// resource-without-reserved = used - reserved
Resource newTotalWithoutReservedResource = Resources.subtract(usedExceptKillable, resourceCouldBeUnreserved);
// have chance to allocate on this node by unreserving some containers
if (Resources.lessThan(resourceCalculator, clusterResource, newTotalWithoutReservedResource, currentLimitResource)) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("try to use reserved: " + getQueueName() + " usedResources: " + queueUsage.getUsed() + ", clusterResources: " + clusterResource + ", reservedResources: " + resourceCouldBeUnreserved + ", capacity-without-reserved: " + newTotalWithoutReservedResource + ", maxLimitCapacity: " + currentLimitResource);
return true;
// Can not assign to this queue
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Failed to assign to queue: " + getQueueName() + " nodePatrition: " + nodePartition + ", usedResources: " + queueUsage.getUsed(nodePartition) + ", clusterResources: " + clusterResource + ", reservedResources: " + resourceCouldBeUnreserved + ", maxLimitCapacity: " + currentLimitResource + ", currTotalUsed:" + usedExceptKillable);
return false;
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Check assign to queue: " + getQueueName() + " nodePartition: " + nodePartition + ", usedResources: " + queueUsage.getUsed(nodePartition) + ", clusterResources: " + clusterResource + ", currentUsedCapacity: " + Resources.divide(resourceCalculator, clusterResource, queueUsage.getUsed(nodePartition), labelManager.getResourceByLabel(nodePartition, clusterResource)) + ", max-capacity: " + queueCapacities.getAbsoluteMaximumCapacity(nodePartition));
return true;
} finally {
use of org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Resource in project hadoop by apache.
the class CSQueueUtils method getMaxAvailableResourceToQueue.
private static Resource getMaxAvailableResourceToQueue(final ResourceCalculator rc, RMNodeLabelsManager nlm, CSQueue queue, Resource cluster) {
Set<String> nodeLabels = queue.getNodeLabelsForQueue();
Resource totalAvailableResource = Resources.createResource(0, 0);
for (String partition : nodeLabels) {
// Calculate guaranteed resource for a label in a queue by below logic.
// (total label resource) * (absolute capacity of label in that queue)
Resource queueGuranteedResource = Resources.multiply(nlm.getResourceByLabel(partition, cluster), queue.getQueueCapacities().getAbsoluteCapacity(partition));
// Available resource in queue for a specific label will be calculated as
// {(guaranteed resource for a label in a queue) -
// (resource usage of that label in the queue)}
// Finally accumulate this available resource to get total.
Resource available = (Resources.greaterThan(rc, cluster, queueGuranteedResource, queue.getQueueResourceUsage().getUsed(partition))) ? Resources.componentwiseMax(Resources.subtractFrom(queueGuranteedResource, queue.getQueueResourceUsage().getUsed(partition)), Resources.none()) : Resources.none();
Resources.addTo(totalAvailableResource, available);
return totalAvailableResource;
use of org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Resource in project hadoop by apache.
the class ParentQueue method killContainersToEnforceMaxQueueCapacity.
private void killContainersToEnforceMaxQueueCapacity(String partition, Resource clusterResource) {
Iterator<RMContainer> killableContainerIter = getKillableContainers(partition);
if (!killableContainerIter.hasNext()) {
Resource partitionResource = labelManager.getResourceByLabel(partition, null);
Resource maxResource = Resources.multiply(partitionResource, getQueueCapacities().getAbsoluteMaximumCapacity(partition));
while (Resources.greaterThan(resourceCalculator, partitionResource, queueUsage.getUsed(partition), maxResource)) {
RMContainer toKillContainer =;
FiCaSchedulerApp attempt = csContext.getApplicationAttempt(toKillContainer.getContainerId().getApplicationAttemptId());
FiCaSchedulerNode node = csContext.getNode(toKillContainer.getAllocatedNode());
if (null != attempt && null != node) {
LeafQueue lq = attempt.getCSLeafQueue();
lq.completedContainer(clusterResource, attempt, node, toKillContainer, SchedulerUtils.createPreemptedContainerStatus(toKillContainer.getContainerId(), SchedulerUtils.PREEMPTED_CONTAINER), RMContainerEventType.KILL, null, false);"Killed container=" + toKillContainer.getContainerId() + " from queue=" + lq.getQueueName() + " to make queue=" + this.getQueueName() + "'s max-capacity enforced");
if (!killableContainerIter.hasNext()) {