use of org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Resource in project hadoop by apache.
the class UsersManager method updateUserResourceUsage.
* During container allocate/release, ensure that all user specific data
* structures are updated.
* @param userName
* Name of the user
* @param resource
* Resource to increment/decrement
* @param nodePartition
* Node label
* @param isAllocate
* Indicate whether to allocate or release resource
* @return user
public User updateUserResourceUsage(String userName, Resource resource, String nodePartition, boolean isAllocate) {
try {
// TODO, should use getUser, use this method just to avoid UT failure
// which is caused by wrong invoking order, will fix UT separately
User user = getUserAndAddIfAbsent(userName);
// New container is allocated. Invalidate user-limit.
updateResourceUsagePerUser(user, resource, nodePartition, isAllocate);
// Update usage ratios
Resource resourceByLabel = labelManager.getResourceByLabel(nodePartition, scheduler.getClusterResource());
incQueueUsageRatio(nodePartition, user.updateUsageRatio(resourceCalculator, resourceByLabel, nodePartition));
return user;
} finally {
use of org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Resource in project hadoop by apache.
the class UsersManager method updateUsageRatio.
* Update new usage ratio.
* @param partition
* Node partition
* @param clusterResource
* Cluster Resource
public void updateUsageRatio(String partition, Resource clusterResource) {
try {
Resource resourceByLabel = labelManager.getResourceByLabel(partition, clusterResource);
float consumed = 0;
User user;
for (Map.Entry<String, User> entry : getUsers().entrySet()) {
user = entry.getValue();
consumed += user.setAndUpdateUsageRatio(resourceCalculator, resourceByLabel, partition);
qUsageRatios.setUsageRatio(partition, consumed);
} finally {
use of org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Resource in project hadoop by apache.
the class UsersManager method reComputeUserLimits.
private Map<SchedulingMode, Resource> reComputeUserLimits(String userName, String nodePartition, Resource clusterResource, SchedulingMode schedulingMode, boolean activeMode) {
// preselect stored map as per active user-limit or all user computation.
Map<String, Map<SchedulingMode, Resource>> computedMap = null;
computedMap = (activeMode) ? preComputedActiveUserLimit : preComputedAllUserLimit;
Map<SchedulingMode, Resource> userLimitPerSchedulingMode = computedMap.get(nodePartition);
if (userLimitPerSchedulingMode == null) {
userLimitPerSchedulingMode = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
computedMap.put(nodePartition, userLimitPerSchedulingMode);
// compute user-limit per scheduling mode.
Resource computedUserLimit = computeUserLimit(userName, clusterResource, nodePartition, schedulingMode, activeMode);
// update in local storage
userLimitPerSchedulingMode.put(schedulingMode, computedUserLimit);
return userLimitPerSchedulingMode;
use of org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Resource in project hadoop by apache.
the class UsersManager method computeUserLimit.
private Resource computeUserLimit(String userName, Resource clusterResource, String nodePartition, SchedulingMode schedulingMode, boolean activeUser) {
Resource partitionResource = labelManager.getResourceByLabel(nodePartition, clusterResource);
* What is our current capacity?
* * It is equal to the max(required, queue-capacity) if we're running
* below capacity. The 'max' ensures that jobs in queues with miniscule
* capacity (< 1 slot) make progress
* * If we're running over capacity, then its (usedResources + required)
* (which extra resources we are allocating)
Resource queueCapacity = Resources.multiplyAndNormalizeUp(resourceCalculator, partitionResource, lQueue.getQueueCapacities().getAbsoluteCapacity(nodePartition), lQueue.getMinimumAllocation());
* Assume we have required resource equals to minimumAllocation, this can
* make sure user limit can continuously increase till queueMaxResource
* reached.
Resource required = lQueue.getMinimumAllocation();
// Allow progress for queues with miniscule capacity
queueCapacity = Resources.max(resourceCalculator, partitionResource, queueCapacity, required);
* We want to base the userLimit calculation on max(queueCapacity,
* usedResources+required). However, we want usedResources to be based on
* the combined ratios of all the users in the queue so we use consumedRatio
* to calculate such. The calculation is dependent on how the
* resourceCalculator calculates the ratio between two Resources. DRF
* Example: If usedResources is greater than queueCapacity and users have
* the following [mem,cpu] usages: User1: [10%,20%] - Dominant resource is
* 20% User2: [30%,10%] - Dominant resource is 30% Then total consumedRatio
* is then 20+30=50%. Yes, this value can be larger than 100% but for the
* purposes of making sure all users are getting their fair share, it works.
Resource consumed = Resources.multiplyAndNormalizeUp(resourceCalculator, partitionResource, getUsageRatio(nodePartition), lQueue.getMinimumAllocation());
Resource currentCapacity = Resources.lessThan(resourceCalculator, partitionResource, consumed, queueCapacity) ? queueCapacity : Resources.add(consumed, required);
* Never allow a single user to take more than the queue's configured
* capacity * user-limit-factor. Also, the queue's configured capacity
* should be higher than queue-hard-limit * ulMin
int usersCount = getNumActiveUsers();
Resource resourceUsed = totalResUsageForActiveUsers.getUsed(nodePartition);
// For non-activeUser calculation, consider all users count.
if (!activeUser) {
resourceUsed = currentCapacity;
usersCount = users.size();
* User limit resource is determined by: max{currentCapacity / #activeUsers,
* currentCapacity * user-limit-percentage%)
Resource userLimitResource = Resources.max(resourceCalculator, partitionResource, Resources.divideAndCeil(resourceCalculator, resourceUsed, usersCount), Resources.divideAndCeil(resourceCalculator, Resources.multiplyAndRoundDown(currentCapacity, getUserLimit()), 100));
// User limit is capped by maxUserLimit
// - maxUserLimit = queueCapacity * user-limit-factor
// - maxUserLimit = total-partition-resource (IGNORE_PARTITION_EXCLUSIVITY)
// In IGNORE_PARTITION_EXCLUSIVITY mode, if a queue cannot access a
// partition, its guaranteed resource on that partition is 0. And
// user-limit-factor computation is based on queue's guaranteed capacity. So
// we will not cap user-limit as well as used resource when doing
Resource maxUserLimit = Resources.none();
if (schedulingMode == SchedulingMode.RESPECT_PARTITION_EXCLUSIVITY) {
maxUserLimit = Resources.multiplyAndRoundDown(queueCapacity, getUserLimitFactor());
} else if (schedulingMode == SchedulingMode.IGNORE_PARTITION_EXCLUSIVITY) {
maxUserLimit = partitionResource;
// Cap final user limit with maxUserLimit
userLimitResource = Resources.roundUp(resourceCalculator, Resources.min(resourceCalculator, partitionResource, userLimitResource, maxUserLimit), lQueue.getMinimumAllocation());
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("User limit computation for " + userName + " in queue " + lQueue.getQueueName() + " userLimitPercent=" + lQueue.getUserLimit() + " userLimitFactor=" + lQueue.getUserLimitFactor() + " required: " + required + " consumed: " + consumed + " user-limit-resource: " + userLimitResource + " queueCapacity: " + queueCapacity + " qconsumed: " + lQueue.getQueueResourceUsage().getUsed() + " currentCapacity: " + currentCapacity + " activeUsers: " + usersCount + " clusterCapacity: " + clusterResource + " resourceByLabel: " + partitionResource + " usageratio: " + getUsageRatio(nodePartition) + " Partition: " + nodePartition);
return userLimitResource;
use of org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Resource in project hadoop by apache.
the class AbstractContainerAllocator method getCSAssignmentFromAllocateResult.
protected CSAssignment getCSAssignmentFromAllocateResult(Resource clusterResource, ContainerAllocation result, RMContainer rmContainer, FiCaSchedulerNode node) {
// Handle skipped
CSAssignment.SkippedType skipped = (result.getAllocationState() == AllocationState.APP_SKIPPED) ? CSAssignment.SkippedType.OTHER : CSAssignment.SkippedType.NONE;
CSAssignment assignment = new CSAssignment(skipped);
// Handle excess reservation
// If we allocated something
if (Resources.greaterThan(rc, clusterResource, result.getResourceToBeAllocated(), Resources.none())) {
Resource allocatedResource = result.getResourceToBeAllocated();
RMContainer updatedContainer = result.getUpdatedContainer();
if (result.getAllocationState() == AllocationState.RESERVED) {
// This is a reserved container"Reserved container " + " application=" + application.getApplicationId() + " resource=" + allocatedResource + " queue=" + this.toString() + " cluster=" + clusterResource);
assignment.getAssignmentInformation().addReservationDetails(updatedContainer, application.getCSLeafQueue().getQueuePath());
Resources.addTo(assignment.getAssignmentInformation().getReserved(), allocatedResource);
if (rmContainer != null) {
ActivitiesLogger.APP.recordAppActivityWithAllocation(activitiesManager, node, application, updatedContainer, ActivityState.RE_RESERVED);
ActivitiesLogger.APP.finishSkippedAppAllocationRecording(activitiesManager, application.getApplicationId(), ActivityState.SKIPPED, ActivityDiagnosticConstant.EMPTY);
} else {
ActivitiesLogger.APP.recordAppActivityWithAllocation(activitiesManager, node, application, updatedContainer, ActivityState.RESERVED);
ActivitiesLogger.APP.finishAllocatedAppAllocationRecording(activitiesManager, application.getApplicationId(), updatedContainer.getContainerId(), ActivityState.RESERVED, ActivityDiagnosticConstant.EMPTY);
} else if (result.getAllocationState() == AllocationState.ALLOCATED) {
// This is a new container
// Inform the ordering policy"assignedContainer" + " application attempt=" + application.getApplicationAttemptId() + " container=" + updatedContainer.getContainerId() + " queue=" + this + " clusterResource=" + clusterResource + " type=" + assignment.getType());
assignment.getAssignmentInformation().addAllocationDetails(updatedContainer, application.getCSLeafQueue().getQueuePath());
Resources.addTo(assignment.getAssignmentInformation().getAllocated(), allocatedResource);
if (rmContainer != null) {
ActivitiesLogger.APP.recordAppActivityWithAllocation(activitiesManager, node, application, updatedContainer, ActivityState.ALLOCATED);
ActivitiesLogger.APP.finishAllocatedAppAllocationRecording(activitiesManager, application.getApplicationId(), updatedContainer.getContainerId(), ActivityState.ACCEPTED, ActivityDiagnosticConstant.EMPTY);
// Update unformed resource
} else {
if (result.getAllocationState() == AllocationState.QUEUE_SKIPPED) {
return assignment;