use of org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Resource in project hadoop by apache.
the class RMContainerRequestor method applyRequestLimits.
private void applyRequestLimits() {
Iterator<ResourceRequest> iter = requestLimits.values().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
ResourceRequest reqLimit =;
int limit = reqLimit.getNumContainers();
Map<String, Map<Resource, ResourceRequest>> remoteRequests = remoteRequestsTable.get(reqLimit.getPriority());
Map<Resource, ResourceRequest> reqMap = (remoteRequests != null) ? remoteRequests.get(ResourceRequest.ANY) : null;
ResourceRequest req = (reqMap != null) ? reqMap.get(reqLimit.getCapability()) : null;
if (req == null) {
// update an existing ask or send a new one if updating
if (ask.remove(req) || requestLimitsToUpdate.contains(req)) {
ResourceRequest newReq = req.getNumContainers() > limit ? reqLimit : req;
ask.add(newReq);"Applying ask limit of " + newReq.getNumContainers() + " for priority:" + reqLimit.getPriority() + " and capability:" + reqLimit.getCapability());
if (limit == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
use of org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Resource in project hadoop by apache.
the class CheckpointAMPreemptionPolicy method preempt.
public void preempt(Context ctxt, PreemptionMessage preemptionRequests) {
if (preemptionRequests != null) {
// handling non-negotiable preemption
StrictPreemptionContract cStrict = preemptionRequests.getStrictContract();
if (cStrict != null && cStrict.getContainers() != null && cStrict.getContainers().size() > 0) {"strict preemption :" + preemptionRequests.getStrictContract().getContainers().size() + " containers to kill");
// handle strict preemptions. These containers are non-negotiable
for (PreemptionContainer c : preemptionRequests.getStrictContract().getContainers()) {
ContainerId reqCont = c.getId();
TaskAttemptId reqTask = ctxt.getTaskAttempt(reqCont);
if (reqTask != null) {
// ignore requests for preempting containers running maps
if (org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.v2.api.records.TaskType.REDUCE.equals(reqTask.getTaskId().getTaskType())) {
toBePreempted.add(reqTask);"preempting " + reqCont + " running task:" + reqTask);
} else {"NOT preempting " + reqCont + " running task:" + reqTask);
// handling negotiable preemption
PreemptionContract cNegot = preemptionRequests.getContract();
if (cNegot != null && cNegot.getResourceRequest() != null && cNegot.getResourceRequest().size() > 0 && cNegot.getContainers() != null && cNegot.getContainers().size() > 0) {"negotiable preemption :" + preemptionRequests.getContract().getResourceRequest().size() + " resourceReq, " + preemptionRequests.getContract().getContainers().size() + " containers");
// handle fungible preemption. Here we only look at the total amount of
// resources to be preempted and pick enough of our containers to
// satisfy that. We only support checkpointing for reducers for now.
List<PreemptionResourceRequest> reqResources = preemptionRequests.getContract().getResourceRequest();
// compute the total amount of pending preemptions (to be discounted
// from current request)
int pendingPreemptionRam = 0;
int pendingPreemptionCores = 0;
for (Resource r : pendingFlexiblePreemptions.values()) {
pendingPreemptionRam += r.getMemorySize();
pendingPreemptionCores += r.getVirtualCores();
// discount preemption request based on currently pending preemption
for (PreemptionResourceRequest rr : reqResources) {
ResourceRequest reqRsrc = rr.getResourceRequest();
if (!ResourceRequest.ANY.equals(reqRsrc.getResourceName())) {
// For now, only respond to aggregate requests and ignore locality
}"ResourceRequest:" + reqRsrc);
int reqCont = reqRsrc.getNumContainers();
long reqMem = reqRsrc.getCapability().getMemorySize();
long totalMemoryToRelease = reqCont * reqMem;
int reqCores = reqRsrc.getCapability().getVirtualCores();
int totalCoresToRelease = reqCont * reqCores;
// remove
if (pendingPreemptionRam > 0) {
// if goes negative we simply exit
totalMemoryToRelease -= pendingPreemptionRam;
// decrement pending resources if zero or negatve we will
// ignore it while processing next PreemptionResourceRequest
pendingPreemptionRam -= totalMemoryToRelease;
if (pendingPreemptionCores > 0) {
totalCoresToRelease -= pendingPreemptionCores;
pendingPreemptionCores -= totalCoresToRelease;
// reverse order of allocation (for now)
List<Container> listOfCont = ctxt.getContainers(TaskType.REDUCE);
Collections.sort(listOfCont, new Comparator<Container>() {
public int compare(final Container o1, final Container o2) {
return o2.getId().compareTo(o1.getId());
// preempt reducers first
for (Container cont : listOfCont) {
if (totalMemoryToRelease <= 0 && totalCoresToRelease <= 0) {
TaskAttemptId reduceId = ctxt.getTaskAttempt(cont.getId());
int cMem = (int) cont.getResource().getMemorySize();
int cCores = cont.getResource().getVirtualCores();
if (!toBePreempted.contains(reduceId)) {
totalMemoryToRelease -= cMem;
totalCoresToRelease -= cCores;
pendingFlexiblePreemptions.put(reduceId, cont.getResource());
}"ResourceRequest:" + reqRsrc + " satisfied preempting " + reduceId);
// if map was preemptable we would do add them to toBePreempted here
use of org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Resource in project hadoop by apache.
the class RMContainerAllocator method handleMapContainerRequest.
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" })
private void handleMapContainerRequest(ContainerRequestEvent reqEvent) {
assert (reqEvent.getAttemptID().getTaskId().getTaskType().equals(TaskType.MAP));
Resource supportedMaxContainerCapability = getMaxContainerCapability();
JobId jobId = getJob().getID();
if (mapResourceRequest.equals(Resources.none())) {
mapResourceRequest = reqEvent.getCapability();
eventHandler.handle(new JobHistoryEvent(jobId, new NormalizedResourceEvent(org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskType.MAP, mapResourceRequest.getMemorySize())));"mapResourceRequest:" + mapResourceRequest);
boolean mapContainerRequestAccepted = true;
if (mapResourceRequest.getMemorySize() > supportedMaxContainerCapability.getMemorySize() || mapResourceRequest.getVirtualCores() > supportedMaxContainerCapability.getVirtualCores()) {
mapContainerRequestAccepted = false;
if (mapContainerRequestAccepted) {
// set the resources
//maps are immediately scheduled
} else {
String diagMsg = "The required MAP capability is more than the " + "supported max container capability in the cluster. Killing" + " the Job. mapResourceRequest: " + mapResourceRequest + " maxContainerCapability:" + supportedMaxContainerCapability;;
eventHandler.handle(new JobDiagnosticsUpdateEvent(jobId, diagMsg));
eventHandler.handle(new JobEvent(jobId, JobEventType.JOB_KILL));
use of org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Resource in project hadoop by apache.
the class RMContainerAllocator method scheduleReduces.
public void scheduleReduces(int totalMaps, int completedMaps, int scheduledMaps, int scheduledReduces, int assignedMaps, int assignedReduces, Resource mapResourceReqt, Resource reduceResourceReqt, int numPendingReduces, float maxReduceRampupLimit, float reduceSlowStart) {
if (numPendingReduces == 0) {
// get available resources for this job
Resource headRoom = getAvailableResources();"Recalculating schedule, headroom=" + headRoom);
//check for slow start
if (!getIsReduceStarted()) {
//not set yet
int completedMapsForReduceSlowstart = (int) Math.ceil(reduceSlowStart * totalMaps);
if (completedMaps < completedMapsForReduceSlowstart) {"Reduce slow start threshold not met. " + "completedMapsForReduceSlowstart " + completedMapsForReduceSlowstart);
} else {"Reduce slow start threshold reached. Scheduling reduces.");
if (scheduledMaps == 0 && numPendingReduces > 0) {"All maps assigned. " + "Ramping up all remaining reduces:" + numPendingReduces);
float completedMapPercent = 0f;
if (totalMaps != 0) {
//support for 0 maps
completedMapPercent = (float) completedMaps / totalMaps;
} else {
completedMapPercent = 1;
Resource netScheduledMapResource = Resources.multiply(mapResourceReqt, (scheduledMaps + assignedMaps));
Resource netScheduledReduceResource = Resources.multiply(reduceResourceReqt, (scheduledReduces + assignedReduces));
Resource finalMapResourceLimit;
Resource finalReduceResourceLimit;
// ramp up the reduces based on completed map percentage
Resource totalResourceLimit = getResourceLimit();
Resource idealReduceResourceLimit = Resources.multiply(totalResourceLimit, Math.min(completedMapPercent, maxReduceRampupLimit));
Resource ideaMapResourceLimit = Resources.subtract(totalResourceLimit, idealReduceResourceLimit);
// dimension
if (ResourceCalculatorUtils.computeAvailableContainers(ideaMapResourceLimit, mapResourceReqt, getSchedulerResourceTypes()) >= (scheduledMaps + assignedMaps)) {
// enough resource given to maps, given the remaining to reduces
Resource unusedMapResourceLimit = Resources.subtract(ideaMapResourceLimit, netScheduledMapResource);
finalReduceResourceLimit = Resources.add(idealReduceResourceLimit, unusedMapResourceLimit);
finalMapResourceLimit = Resources.subtract(totalResourceLimit, finalReduceResourceLimit);
} else {
finalMapResourceLimit = ideaMapResourceLimit;
finalReduceResourceLimit = idealReduceResourceLimit;
}"completedMapPercent " + completedMapPercent + " totalResourceLimit:" + totalResourceLimit + " finalMapResourceLimit:" + finalMapResourceLimit + " finalReduceResourceLimit:" + finalReduceResourceLimit + " netScheduledMapResource:" + netScheduledMapResource + " netScheduledReduceResource:" + netScheduledReduceResource);
int rampUp = ResourceCalculatorUtils.computeAvailableContainers(Resources.subtract(finalReduceResourceLimit, netScheduledReduceResource), reduceResourceReqt, getSchedulerResourceTypes());
if (rampUp > 0) {
rampUp = Math.min(rampUp, numPendingReduces);"Ramping up " + rampUp);
} else if (rampUp < 0) {
int rampDown = -1 * rampUp;
rampDown = Math.min(rampDown, scheduledReduces);"Ramping down " + rampDown);
use of org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Resource in project hadoop by apache.
the class RMContainerAllocator method getResources.
private List<Container> getResources() throws Exception {
// will be null the first time
Resource headRoom = Resources.clone(getAvailableResources());
AllocateResponse response;
* If contact with RM is lost, the AM will wait MR_AM_TO_RM_WAIT_INTERVAL_MS
* milliseconds before aborting. During this interval, AM will still try
* to contact the RM.
try {
response = makeRemoteRequest();
// Reset retry count if no exception occurred.
retrystartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
} catch (ApplicationAttemptNotFoundException e) {
// This can happen if the RM has been restarted. If it is in that state,
// this application must clean itself up.
eventHandler.handle(new JobEvent(this.getJob().getID(), JobEventType.JOB_AM_REBOOT));
throw new RMContainerAllocationException("Resource Manager doesn't recognize AttemptId: " + this.getContext().getApplicationAttemptId(), e);
} catch (ApplicationMasterNotRegisteredException e) {"ApplicationMaster is out of sync with ResourceManager," + " hence resync and send outstanding requests.");
// RM may have restarted, re-register with RM.
lastResponseID = 0;
return null;
} catch (InvalidLabelResourceRequestException e) {
// If Invalid label exception is received means the requested label doesnt
// have access so killing job in this case.
String diagMsg = "Requested node-label-expression is invalid: " + StringUtils.stringifyException(e);;
JobId jobId = this.getJob().getID();
eventHandler.handle(new JobDiagnosticsUpdateEvent(jobId, diagMsg));
eventHandler.handle(new JobEvent(jobId, JobEventType.JOB_KILL));
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
// re-trying until the retryInterval has expired.
if (System.currentTimeMillis() - retrystartTime >= retryInterval) {
LOG.error("Could not contact RM after " + retryInterval + " milliseconds.");
eventHandler.handle(new JobEvent(this.getJob().getID(), JobEventType.JOB_AM_REBOOT));
throw new RMContainerAllocationException("Could not contact RM after " + retryInterval + " milliseconds.");
// continue to attempt to contact the RM.
throw e;
Resource newHeadRoom = getAvailableResources();
List<Container> newContainers = response.getAllocatedContainers();
// Setting NMTokens
if (response.getNMTokens() != null) {
for (NMToken nmToken : response.getNMTokens()) {
NMTokenCache.setNMToken(nmToken.getNodeId().toString(), nmToken.getToken());
// Setting AMRMToken
if (response.getAMRMToken() != null) {
List<ContainerStatus> finishedContainers = response.getCompletedContainersStatuses();
// propagate preemption requests
final PreemptionMessage preemptReq = response.getPreemptionMessage();
if (preemptReq != null) {
preemptionPolicy.preempt(new PreemptionContext(assignedRequests), preemptReq);
if (newContainers.size() + finishedContainers.size() > 0 || !headRoom.equals(newHeadRoom)) {
//something changed
recalculateReduceSchedule = true;
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled() && !headRoom.equals(newHeadRoom)) {
LOG.debug("headroom=" + newHeadRoom);
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
for (Container cont : newContainers) {
LOG.debug("Received new Container :" + cont);
//Called on each allocation. Will know about newly blacklisted/added hosts.
// handle receiving the timeline collector address for this app
String collectorAddr = response.getCollectorAddr();
MRAppMaster.RunningAppContext appContext = (MRAppMaster.RunningAppContext) this.getContext();
if (collectorAddr != null && !collectorAddr.isEmpty() && appContext.getTimelineV2Client() != null) {
for (ContainerStatus cont : finishedContainers) {
return newContainers;