use of org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Resource in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestResourceCalculator method testResourceCalculatorCompareMethod.
@Test(timeout = 10000)
public void testResourceCalculatorCompareMethod() {
Resource clusterResource = Resource.newInstance(0, 0);
// For lhs == rhs
Resource lhs = Resource.newInstance(0, 0);
Resource rhs = Resource.newInstance(0, 0);
assertResourcesOperations(clusterResource, lhs, rhs, false, true, false, true, lhs, lhs);
// lhs > rhs
lhs = Resource.newInstance(1, 1);
rhs = Resource.newInstance(0, 0);
assertResourcesOperations(clusterResource, lhs, rhs, false, false, true, true, lhs, rhs);
// For lhs < rhs
lhs = Resource.newInstance(0, 0);
rhs = Resource.newInstance(1, 1);
assertResourcesOperations(clusterResource, lhs, rhs, true, true, false, false, rhs, lhs);
if (!(resourceCalculator instanceof DominantResourceCalculator)) {
// verify for 2 dimensional resources i.e memory and cpu
// dominant resource types
lhs = Resource.newInstance(1, 0);
rhs = Resource.newInstance(0, 1);
assertResourcesOperations(clusterResource, lhs, rhs, false, true, false, true, lhs, lhs);
lhs = Resource.newInstance(0, 1);
rhs = Resource.newInstance(1, 0);
assertResourcesOperations(clusterResource, lhs, rhs, false, true, false, true, lhs, lhs);
lhs = Resource.newInstance(1, 1);
rhs = Resource.newInstance(1, 0);
assertResourcesOperations(clusterResource, lhs, rhs, false, false, true, true, lhs, rhs);
lhs = Resource.newInstance(0, 1);
rhs = Resource.newInstance(1, 1);
assertResourcesOperations(clusterResource, lhs, rhs, true, true, false, false, rhs, lhs);
use of org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Resource in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestResourceCalculator method testNormalize.
* Test resource normalization.
@Test(timeout = 10000)
public void testNormalize() {
// requested resources value cannot be an arbitrary number.
Resource ask = Resource.newInstance(1111, 2);
Resource min = Resource.newInstance(1024, 1);
Resource max = Resource.newInstance(8 * 1024, 8);
Resource increment = Resource.newInstance(1024, 4);
if (resourceCalculator instanceof DefaultResourceCalculator) {
Resource result = Resources.normalize(resourceCalculator, ask, min, max, increment);
Assert.assertEquals(2 * 1024, result.getMemorySize());
} else if (resourceCalculator instanceof DominantResourceCalculator) {
Resource result = Resources.normalize(resourceCalculator, ask, min, max, increment);
Assert.assertEquals(2 * 1024, result.getMemorySize());
Assert.assertEquals(4, result.getVirtualCores());
// if resources asked are less than minimum resource, then normalize it to
// minimum resource.
ask = Resource.newInstance(512, 0);
min = Resource.newInstance(2 * 1024, 2);
max = Resource.newInstance(8 * 1024, 8);
increment = Resource.newInstance(1024, 1);
if (resourceCalculator instanceof DefaultResourceCalculator) {
Resource result = Resources.normalize(resourceCalculator, ask, min, max, increment);
Assert.assertEquals(2 * 1024, result.getMemorySize());
} else if (resourceCalculator instanceof DominantResourceCalculator) {
Resource result = Resources.normalize(resourceCalculator, ask, min, max, increment);
Assert.assertEquals(2 * 1024, result.getMemorySize());
Assert.assertEquals(2, result.getVirtualCores());
// if resources asked are larger than maximum resource, then normalize it to
// maximum resources.
ask = Resource.newInstance(9 * 1024, 9);
min = Resource.newInstance(2 * 1024, 2);
max = Resource.newInstance(8 * 1024, 8);
increment = Resource.newInstance(1024, 1);
if (resourceCalculator instanceof DefaultResourceCalculator) {
Resource result = Resources.normalize(resourceCalculator, ask, min, max, increment);
Assert.assertEquals(8 * 1024, result.getMemorySize());
} else if (resourceCalculator instanceof DominantResourceCalculator) {
Resource result = Resources.normalize(resourceCalculator, ask, min, max, increment);
Assert.assertEquals(8 * 1024, result.getMemorySize());
Assert.assertEquals(8, result.getVirtualCores());
// if increment is 0, use minimum resource as the increment resource.
ask = Resource.newInstance(1111, 2);
min = Resource.newInstance(2 * 1024, 2);
max = Resource.newInstance(8 * 1024, 8);
increment = Resource.newInstance(0, 0);
if (resourceCalculator instanceof DefaultResourceCalculator) {
Resource result = Resources.normalize(resourceCalculator, ask, min, max, increment);
Assert.assertEquals(2 * 1024, result.getMemorySize());
} else if (resourceCalculator instanceof DominantResourceCalculator) {
Resource result = Resources.normalize(resourceCalculator, ask, min, max, increment);
Assert.assertEquals(2 * 1024, result.getMemorySize());
Assert.assertEquals(2, result.getVirtualCores());
use of org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Resource in project hadoop by apache.
the class ContainerImpl method setResource.
public void setResource(Resource targetResource) {
Resource currentResource = getResource();
this.resource = Resources.clone(targetResource);
this.metrics.changeContainer(currentResource, targetResource);
use of org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Resource in project hadoop by apache.
the class RMServerUtils method checkSchedContainerChangeRequest.
* Validate increase/decrease request.
* <pre>
* - Throw exception when any other error happens
* </pre>
public static void checkSchedContainerChangeRequest(SchedContainerChangeRequest request, boolean increase) throws InvalidResourceRequestException {
RMContext rmContext = request.getRmContext();
ContainerId containerId = request.getContainerId();
RMContainer rmContainer = request.getRMContainer();
Resource targetResource = request.getTargetCapacity();
// Compare targetResource and original resource
Resource originalResource = rmContainer.getAllocatedResource();
// <20G, 8>
if (increase) {
if (originalResource.getMemorySize() > targetResource.getMemorySize() || originalResource.getVirtualCores() > targetResource.getVirtualCores()) {
String msg = "Trying to increase a container, but target resource has some" + " resource < original resource, target=" + targetResource + " original=" + originalResource + " containerId=" + containerId;
throw new InvalidResourceRequestException(msg);
} else {
if (originalResource.getMemorySize() < targetResource.getMemorySize() || originalResource.getVirtualCores() < targetResource.getVirtualCores()) {
String msg = "Trying to decrease a container, but target resource has " + "some resource > original resource, target=" + targetResource + " original=" + originalResource + " containerId=" + containerId;
throw new InvalidResourceRequestException(msg);
// Target resource of the increase request is more than NM can offer
ResourceScheduler scheduler = rmContext.getScheduler();
RMNode rmNode = request.getSchedulerNode().getRMNode();
if (!Resources.fitsIn(scheduler.getResourceCalculator(), scheduler.getClusterResource(), targetResource, rmNode.getTotalCapability())) {
String msg = "Target resource=" + targetResource + " of containerId=" + containerId + " is more than node's total resource=" + rmNode.getTotalCapability();
throw new InvalidResourceRequestException(msg);
use of org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Resource in project hadoop by apache.
the class ResourceTrackerService method registerNodeManager.
public RegisterNodeManagerResponse registerNodeManager(RegisterNodeManagerRequest request) throws YarnException, IOException {
NodeId nodeId = request.getNodeId();
String host = nodeId.getHost();
int cmPort = nodeId.getPort();
int httpPort = request.getHttpPort();
Resource capability = request.getResource();
String nodeManagerVersion = request.getNMVersion();
Resource physicalResource = request.getPhysicalResource();
RegisterNodeManagerResponse response = recordFactory.newRecordInstance(RegisterNodeManagerResponse.class);
if (!minimumNodeManagerVersion.equals("NONE")) {
if (minimumNodeManagerVersion.equals("EqualToRM")) {
minimumNodeManagerVersion = YarnVersionInfo.getVersion();
if ((nodeManagerVersion == null) || (VersionUtil.compareVersions(nodeManagerVersion, minimumNodeManagerVersion)) < 0) {
String message = "Disallowed NodeManager Version " + nodeManagerVersion + ", is less than the minimum version " + minimumNodeManagerVersion + " sending SHUTDOWN signal to " + "NodeManager.";;
return response;
// Check if this node is a 'valid' node
if (!this.nodesListManager.isValidNode(host) && !isNodeInDecommissioning(nodeId)) {
String message = "Disallowed NodeManager from " + host + ", Sending SHUTDOWN signal to the NodeManager.";;
return response;
// check if node's capacity is load from dynamic-resources.xml
String nid = nodeId.toString();
Resource dynamicLoadCapability = loadNodeResourceFromDRConfiguration(nid);
if (dynamicLoadCapability != null) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Resource for node: " + nid + " is adjusted from: " + capability + " to: " + dynamicLoadCapability + " due to settings in dynamic-resources.xml.");
capability = dynamicLoadCapability;
// sync back with new resource.
// Check if this node has minimum allocations
if (capability.getMemorySize() < minAllocMb || capability.getVirtualCores() < minAllocVcores) {
String message = "NodeManager from " + host + " doesn't satisfy minimum allocations, Sending SHUTDOWN" + " signal to the NodeManager.";;
return response;
RMNode rmNode = new RMNodeImpl(nodeId, rmContext, host, cmPort, httpPort, resolve(host), capability, nodeManagerVersion, physicalResource);
RMNode oldNode = this.rmContext.getRMNodes().putIfAbsent(nodeId, rmNode);
if (oldNode == null) {
this.rmContext.getDispatcher().getEventHandler().handle(new RMNodeStartedEvent(nodeId, request.getNMContainerStatuses(), request.getRunningApplications()));
} else {"Reconnect from the node at: " + host);
// Reset heartbeat ID since node just restarted.
this.rmContext.getDispatcher().getEventHandler().handle(new RMNodeReconnectEvent(nodeId, rmNode, request.getRunningApplications(), request.getNMContainerStatuses()));
// On every node manager register we will be clearing NMToken keys if
// present for any running application.
// RMNode inserted
if (!rmContext.isWorkPreservingRecoveryEnabled()) {
if (!request.getNMContainerStatuses().isEmpty()) {"received container statuses on node manager register :" + request.getNMContainerStatuses());
for (NMContainerStatus status : request.getNMContainerStatuses()) {
handleNMContainerStatus(status, nodeId);
// Update node's labels to RM's NodeLabelManager.
Set<String> nodeLabels = NodeLabelsUtils.convertToStringSet(request.getNodeLabels());
if (isDistributedNodeLabelsConf && nodeLabels != null) {
try {
updateNodeLabelsFromNMReport(nodeLabels, nodeId);
} catch (IOException ex) {
// Ensure the exception is captured in the response
} else if (isDelegatedCentralizedNodeLabelsConf) {
StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
message.append("NodeManager from node ").append(host).append("(cmPort: ").append(cmPort).append(" httpPort: ");
message.append(httpPort).append(") ").append("registered with capability: ").append(capability);
message.append(", assigned nodeId ").append(nodeId);
if (response.getAreNodeLabelsAcceptedByRM()) {
message.append(", node labels { ").append(StringUtils.join(",", nodeLabels) + " } ");
return response;