use of org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.timelineservice.TimelineEntityType in project hadoop by apache.
the class TimelineReaderManager method getEntity.
* Get single timeline entity by making a call to backend storage
* implementation. The meaning of each argument in detail has been
* documented with {@link TimelineReader#getEntity}. If cluster ID has not
* been supplied by the client, fills the cluster id from config before making
* a call to backend storage. After fetching entity from backend, fills the
* appropriate UID based on entity type.
* @param context Timeline context within the scope of which entity has to be
* fetched.
* @param dataToRetrieve Data to carry in the entity fetched.
* @return A <cite>TimelineEntity</cite> object if found, null otherwise.
* @throws IOException if any problem occurs while getting entity.
* @see TimelineReader#getEntity
public TimelineEntity getEntity(TimelineReaderContext context, TimelineDataToRetrieve dataToRetrieve) throws IOException {
context.setClusterId(getClusterID(context.getClusterId(), getConfig()));
TimelineEntity entity = reader.getEntity(new TimelineReaderContext(context), dataToRetrieve);
if (entity != null) {
TimelineEntityType type = getTimelineEntityType(context.getEntityType());
fillUID(type, entity, context);
return entity;
use of org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.timelineservice.TimelineEntityType in project hadoop by apache.
the class TimelineReaderManager method getEntities.
* Get a set of entities matching given predicates by making a call to
* backend storage implementation. The meaning of each argument has been
* documented in detail with {@link TimelineReader#getEntities}.If cluster ID
* has not been supplied by the client, fills the cluster id from config
* before making a call to backend storage. After fetching entities from
* backend, fills the appropriate UID based on entity type for each entity.
* @param context Timeline context within the scope of which entities have to
* be fetched.
* @param filters Filters which limit the number of entities to be returned.
* @param dataToRetrieve Data to carry in each entity fetched.
* @return a set of <cite>TimelineEntity</cite> objects.
* @throws IOException if any problem occurs while getting entities.
* @see TimelineReader#getEntities
public Set<TimelineEntity> getEntities(TimelineReaderContext context, TimelineEntityFilters filters, TimelineDataToRetrieve dataToRetrieve) throws IOException {
context.setClusterId(getClusterID(context.getClusterId(), getConfig()));
Set<TimelineEntity> entities = reader.getEntities(new TimelineReaderContext(context), filters, dataToRetrieve);
if (entities != null) {
TimelineEntityType type = getTimelineEntityType(context.getEntityType());
for (TimelineEntity entity : entities) {
fillUID(type, entity, context);
return entities;