use of org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.api.InvalidContainerRequestException in project hadoop by apache.
the class AMRMClientImpl method checkLocalityRelaxationConflict.
* ContainerRequests with locality relaxation cannot be made at the same
* priority as ContainerRequests without locality relaxation.
private void checkLocalityRelaxationConflict(Long allocationReqId, Priority priority, Collection<String> locations, boolean relaxLocality) {
// Locality relaxation will be set to relaxLocality for all implicitly
// requested racks. Make sure that existing rack requests match this.
RemoteRequestsTable<T> remoteRequestsTable = getTable(allocationReqId);
if (remoteRequestsTable != null) {
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<ResourceRequestInfo> allCapabilityMaps = remoteRequestsTable.getAllResourceRequestInfos(priority, locations);
for (ResourceRequestInfo reqs : allCapabilityMaps) {
ResourceRequest remoteRequest = reqs.remoteRequest;
boolean existingRelaxLocality = remoteRequest.getRelaxLocality();
if (relaxLocality != existingRelaxLocality) {
throw new InvalidContainerRequestException("Cannot submit a " + "ContainerRequest asking for location " + remoteRequest.getResourceName() + " with locality relaxation " + relaxLocality + " when it has already been requested" + "with locality relaxation " + existingRelaxLocality);