use of in project hadoop by apache.
the class AllocationFileLoaderService method loadQueue.
* Loads a queue from a queue element in the configuration file
private void loadQueue(String parentName, Element element, Map<String, Resource> minQueueResources, Map<String, Resource> maxQueueResources, Map<String, Resource> maxChildQueueResources, Map<String, Integer> queueMaxApps, Map<String, Integer> userMaxApps, Map<String, Float> queueMaxAMShares, Map<String, ResourceWeights> queueWeights, Map<String, SchedulingPolicy> queuePolicies, Map<String, Long> minSharePreemptionTimeouts, Map<String, Long> fairSharePreemptionTimeouts, Map<String, Float> fairSharePreemptionThresholds, Map<String, Map<AccessType, AccessControlList>> queueAcls, Map<String, Map<ReservationACL, AccessControlList>> resAcls, Map<FSQueueType, Set<String>> configuredQueues, Set<String> reservableQueues, Set<String> nonPreemptableQueues) throws AllocationConfigurationException {
String queueName = CharMatcher.WHITESPACE.trimFrom(element.getAttribute("name"));
if (queueName.contains(".")) {
throw new AllocationConfigurationException("Bad fair scheduler config " + "file: queue name (" + queueName + ") shouldn't contain period.");
if (queueName.isEmpty()) {
throw new AllocationConfigurationException("Bad fair scheduler config " + "file: queue name shouldn't be empty or " + "consist only of whitespace.");
if (parentName != null) {
queueName = parentName + "." + queueName;
Map<AccessType, AccessControlList> acls = new HashMap<>();
Map<ReservationACL, AccessControlList> racls = new HashMap<>();
NodeList fields = element.getChildNodes();
boolean isLeaf = true;
boolean isReservable = false;
for (int j = 0; j < fields.getLength(); j++) {
Node fieldNode = fields.item(j);
if (!(fieldNode instanceof Element))
Element field = (Element) fieldNode;
if ("minResources".equals(field.getTagName())) {
String text = ((Text) field.getFirstChild()).getData().trim();
Resource val = FairSchedulerConfiguration.parseResourceConfigValue(text);
minQueueResources.put(queueName, val);
} else if ("maxResources".equals(field.getTagName())) {
String text = ((Text) field.getFirstChild()).getData().trim();
Resource val = FairSchedulerConfiguration.parseResourceConfigValue(text);
maxQueueResources.put(queueName, val);
} else if ("maxChildResources".equals(field.getTagName())) {
String text = ((Text) field.getFirstChild()).getData().trim();
Resource val = FairSchedulerConfiguration.parseResourceConfigValue(text);
maxChildQueueResources.put(queueName, val);
} else if ("maxRunningApps".equals(field.getTagName())) {
String text = ((Text) field.getFirstChild()).getData().trim();
int val = Integer.parseInt(text);
queueMaxApps.put(queueName, val);
} else if ("maxAMShare".equals(field.getTagName())) {
String text = ((Text) field.getFirstChild()).getData().trim();
float val = Float.parseFloat(text);
val = Math.min(val, 1.0f);
queueMaxAMShares.put(queueName, val);
} else if ("weight".equals(field.getTagName())) {
String text = ((Text) field.getFirstChild()).getData().trim();
double val = Double.parseDouble(text);
queueWeights.put(queueName, new ResourceWeights((float) val));
} else if ("minSharePreemptionTimeout".equals(field.getTagName())) {
String text = ((Text) field.getFirstChild()).getData().trim();
long val = Long.parseLong(text) * 1000L;
minSharePreemptionTimeouts.put(queueName, val);
} else if ("fairSharePreemptionTimeout".equals(field.getTagName())) {
String text = ((Text) field.getFirstChild()).getData().trim();
long val = Long.parseLong(text) * 1000L;
fairSharePreemptionTimeouts.put(queueName, val);
} else if ("fairSharePreemptionThreshold".equals(field.getTagName())) {
String text = ((Text) field.getFirstChild()).getData().trim();
float val = Float.parseFloat(text);
val = Math.max(Math.min(val, 1.0f), 0.0f);
fairSharePreemptionThresholds.put(queueName, val);
} else if ("schedulingPolicy".equals(field.getTagName()) || "schedulingMode".equals(field.getTagName())) {
String text = ((Text) field.getFirstChild()).getData().trim();
SchedulingPolicy policy = SchedulingPolicy.parse(text);
queuePolicies.put(queueName, policy);
} else if ("aclSubmitApps".equals(field.getTagName())) {
String text = ((Text) field.getFirstChild()).getData();
acls.put(AccessType.SUBMIT_APP, new AccessControlList(text));
} else if ("aclAdministerApps".equals(field.getTagName())) {
String text = ((Text) field.getFirstChild()).getData();
acls.put(AccessType.ADMINISTER_QUEUE, new AccessControlList(text));
} else if ("aclAdministerReservations".equals(field.getTagName())) {
String text = ((Text) field.getFirstChild()).getData();
racls.put(ReservationACL.ADMINISTER_RESERVATIONS, new AccessControlList(text));
} else if ("aclListReservations".equals(field.getTagName())) {
String text = ((Text) field.getFirstChild()).getData();
racls.put(ReservationACL.LIST_RESERVATIONS, new AccessControlList(text));
} else if ("aclSubmitReservations".equals(field.getTagName())) {
String text = ((Text) field.getFirstChild()).getData();
racls.put(ReservationACL.SUBMIT_RESERVATIONS, new AccessControlList(text));
} else if ("reservation".equals(field.getTagName())) {
isReservable = true;
} else if ("allowPreemptionFrom".equals(field.getTagName())) {
String text = ((Text) field.getFirstChild()).getData().trim();
if (!Boolean.parseBoolean(text)) {
} else if ("queue".endsWith(field.getTagName()) || "pool".equals(field.getTagName())) {
loadQueue(queueName, field, minQueueResources, maxQueueResources, maxChildQueueResources, queueMaxApps, userMaxApps, queueMaxAMShares, queueWeights, queuePolicies, minSharePreemptionTimeouts, fairSharePreemptionTimeouts, fairSharePreemptionThresholds, queueAcls, resAcls, configuredQueues, reservableQueues, nonPreemptableQueues);
isLeaf = false;
// then store it as a parent queue
if (isLeaf && !"parent".equals(element.getAttribute("type"))) {
} else {
if (isReservable) {
throw new AllocationConfigurationException("The configuration settings" + " for " + queueName + " are invalid. A queue element that " + "contains child queue elements or that has the type='parent' " + "attribute cannot also include a reservation element.");
// The root queue defaults to all access
for (QueueACL acl : QueueACL.values()) {
AccessType accessType = SchedulerUtils.toAccessType(acl);
if (acls.get(accessType) == null) {
AccessControlList defaultAcl = queueName.equals(ROOT) ? EVERYBODY_ACL : NOBODY_ACL;
acls.put(accessType, defaultAcl);
queueAcls.put(queueName, acls);
resAcls.put(queueName, racls);
if (maxQueueResources.containsKey(queueName) && minQueueResources.containsKey(queueName) && !Resources.fitsIn(minQueueResources.get(queueName), maxQueueResources.get(queueName))) {
LOG.warn(String.format("Queue %s has max resources %s less than " + "min resources %s", queueName, maxQueueResources.get(queueName), minQueueResources.get(queueName)));
use of in project hadoop by apache.
the class LeafQueue method setupQueueConfigs.
protected void setupQueueConfigs(Resource clusterResource) throws IOException {
try {
this.lastClusterResource = clusterResource;
this.cachedResourceLimitsForHeadroom = new ResourceLimits(clusterResource);
// Initialize headroom info, also used for calculating application
// master resource limits. Since this happens during queue initialization
// and all queues may not be realized yet, we'll use (optimistic)
// absoluteMaxCapacity (it will be replaced with the more accurate
// absoluteMaxAvailCapacity during headroom/userlimit/allocation events)
CapacitySchedulerConfiguration conf = csContext.getConfiguration();
maxApplications = conf.getMaximumApplicationsPerQueue(getQueuePath());
if (maxApplications < 0) {
int maxGlobalPerQueueApps = conf.getGlobalMaximumApplicationsPerQueue();
if (maxGlobalPerQueueApps > 0) {
maxApplications = maxGlobalPerQueueApps;
} else {
int maxSystemApps = conf.getMaximumSystemApplications();
maxApplications = (int) (maxSystemApps * queueCapacities.getAbsoluteCapacity());
maxApplicationsPerUser = Math.min(maxApplications, (int) (maxApplications * (usersManager.getUserLimit() / 100.0f) * usersManager.getUserLimitFactor()));
maxAMResourcePerQueuePercent = conf.getMaximumApplicationMasterResourcePerQueuePercent(getQueuePath());
priorityAcls = conf.getPriorityAcls(getQueuePath(), scheduler.getMaxClusterLevelAppPriority());
if (!SchedulerUtils.checkQueueLabelExpression(this.accessibleLabels, this.defaultLabelExpression, null)) {
throw new IOException("Invalid default label expression of " + " queue=" + getQueueName() + " doesn't have permission to access all labels " + "in default label expression. labelExpression of resource request=" + (this.defaultLabelExpression == null ? "" : this.defaultLabelExpression) + ". Queue labels=" + (getAccessibleNodeLabels() == null ? "" : StringUtils.join(getAccessibleNodeLabels().iterator(), ',')));
nodeLocalityDelay = conf.getNodeLocalityDelay();
rackLocalityFullReset = conf.getRackLocalityFullReset();
// re-init this since max allocation could have changed
this.minimumAllocationFactor = Resources.ratio(resourceCalculator, Resources.subtract(maximumAllocation, minimumAllocation), maximumAllocation);
StringBuilder aclsString = new StringBuilder();
for (Map.Entry<AccessType, AccessControlList> e : acls.entrySet()) {
aclsString.append(e.getKey() + ":" + e.getValue().getAclString());
StringBuilder labelStrBuilder = new StringBuilder();
if (accessibleLabels != null) {
for (String s : accessibleLabels) {
defaultAppPriorityPerQueue = Priority.newInstance(conf.getDefaultApplicationPriorityConfPerQueue(getQueuePath()));"Initializing " + queueName + "\n" + "capacity = " + queueCapacities.getCapacity() + " [= (float) configuredCapacity / 100 ]" + "\n" + "absoluteCapacity = " + queueCapacities.getAbsoluteCapacity() + " [= parentAbsoluteCapacity * capacity ]" + "\n" + "maxCapacity = " + queueCapacities.getMaximumCapacity() + " [= configuredMaxCapacity ]" + "\n" + "absoluteMaxCapacity = " + queueCapacities.getAbsoluteMaximumCapacity() + " [= 1.0 maximumCapacity undefined, " + "(parentAbsoluteMaxCapacity * maximumCapacity) / 100 otherwise ]" + "\n" + "userLimit = " + usersManager.getUserLimit() + " [= configuredUserLimit ]" + "\n" + "userLimitFactor = " + usersManager.getUserLimitFactor() + " [= configuredUserLimitFactor ]" + "\n" + "maxApplications = " + maxApplications + " [= configuredMaximumSystemApplicationsPerQueue or" + " (int)(configuredMaximumSystemApplications * absoluteCapacity)]" + "\n" + "maxApplicationsPerUser = " + maxApplicationsPerUser + " [= (int)(maxApplications * (userLimit / 100.0f) * " + "userLimitFactor) ]" + "\n" + "usedCapacity = " + queueCapacities.getUsedCapacity() + " [= usedResourcesMemory / " + "(clusterResourceMemory * absoluteCapacity)]" + "\n" + "absoluteUsedCapacity = " + absoluteUsedCapacity + " [= usedResourcesMemory / clusterResourceMemory]" + "\n" + "maxAMResourcePerQueuePercent = " + maxAMResourcePerQueuePercent + " [= configuredMaximumAMResourcePercent ]" + "\n" + "minimumAllocationFactor = " + minimumAllocationFactor + " [= (float)(maximumAllocationMemory - minimumAllocationMemory) / " + "maximumAllocationMemory ]" + "\n" + "maximumAllocation = " + maximumAllocation + " [= configuredMaxAllocation ]" + "\n" + "numContainers = " + numContainers + " [= currentNumContainers ]" + "\n" + "state = " + getState() + " [= configuredState ]" + "\n" + "acls = " + aclsString + " [= configuredAcls ]" + "\n" + "nodeLocalityDelay = " + nodeLocalityDelay + "\n" + "labels=" + labelStrBuilder.toString() + "\n" + "reservationsContinueLooking = " + reservationsContinueLooking + "\n" + "preemptionDisabled = " + getPreemptionDisabled() + "\n" + "defaultAppPriorityPerQueue = " + defaultAppPriorityPerQueue + "\npriority = " + priority);
} finally {
use of in project hadoop by apache.
the class AllocationFileLoaderService method getDefaultPermissions.
* Returns the list of default permissions.
* The default permission for the root queue is everybody ("*")
* and the default permission for all other queues is nobody ("").
* The default permission list would be loaded before the permissions
* from allocation file.
* @return default permission list
protected List<Permission> getDefaultPermissions() {
if (defaultPermissions == null) {
defaultPermissions = new ArrayList<>();
Map<AccessType, AccessControlList> acls = new HashMap<>();
for (QueueACL acl : QueueACL.values()) {
acls.put(SchedulerUtils.toAccessType(acl), EVERYBODY_ACL);
defaultPermissions.add(new Permission(new PrivilegedEntity(EntityType.QUEUE, ROOT), acls));
return defaultPermissions;