use of org.apache.helix.lock.LockScope in project ambry by linkedin.
the class VcrReplicationManager method start.
public void start() throws ReplicationException {
// Add listener for new coming assigned partition
vcrClusterParticipant.addListener(new VcrClusterParticipantListener() {
public void onPartitionAdded(PartitionId partitionId) {
if (partitionId.isEqual(cloudConfig.vcrHelixUpdaterPartitionId)) {
try {
if (!isAmbryListenerToUpdateVcrHelixRegistered) {
// Prepare the vcrUpdateDistributedLock. Only one instance can update vcr helix cluster at one time.
// It's possible isVcrHelixUpdater to be true on two nodes.
// For example, at time "t" node A is the owner of partition 1. Due to some partition reassignment
// (lets say new node addition), partition 1 get assigned to node B at time "t+1". In this case it's possible
// for Node B to get notification of addPartition of partition 1 at "t+2" before Node A gets removePartition
// notification (at t+4). If a main cluster update happens between "t+2" and "t+4", then two nodes might try
// to update vcr cluster at the same time. Therefore, we need this distributed lock.
LockScope distributedLockScope = new HelixLockScope(HelixLockScope.LockScopeProperty.CLUSTER, Arrays.asList(cloudConfig.vcrClusterName, cloudConfig.vcrClusterName));
vcrUpdateDistributedLock = new ZKDistributedNonblockingLock(distributedLockScope, cloudConfig.vcrClusterZkConnectString, cloudConfig.vcrHelixLockTimeoutInMs, "Updating VCR Cluster", clusterMapConfig.clusterMapHostName);
// Only register the listener once. Unfortunately, we can't unregister a listener, so we use
// isAmbryListenerToUpdateVcrHelixRegistered as the flag.
clusterMap.registerClusterMapListener(new AmbryListenerToUpdateVcrHelix());
isAmbryListenerToUpdateVcrHelixRegistered = true;
// Schedule a fixed rate task to check if ambry helix and vcr helix on sync.
ambryVcrHelixSyncCheckTaskFuture = scheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(() -> checkAmbryHelixAndVcrHelixOnSync(), cloudConfig.vcrHelixSyncCheckIntervalInSeconds, cloudConfig.vcrHelixSyncCheckIntervalInSeconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS);"VCR updater registered.");
isVcrHelixUpdater = true;
scheduleVcrHelix("VCR starts");
} finally {
try {
addReplica(partitionId);"Partition {} added to {}", partitionId, dataNodeId);
} catch (ReplicationException e) {;
logger.error("Exception on adding Partition {} to {}: ", partitionId, dataNodeId, e);
} catch (Exception e) {
// Helix will run into error state if exception throws in Helix context.;
logger.error("Unknown Exception on adding Partition {} to {}: ", partitionId, dataNodeId, e);
public void onPartitionRemoved(PartitionId partitionId) {
if (partitionId.isEqual(cloudConfig.vcrHelixUpdaterPartitionId)) {
try {
isVcrHelixUpdater = false;
if (vcrHelixUpdateFuture != null) {
if (ambryVcrHelixSyncCheckTaskFuture != null) {
} finally {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// Helix will run into error state if exception throws in Helix context.;
logger.error("Exception on removing Partition {} from {}: ", partitionId, dataNodeId, e);
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ReplicationException("Cluster participate failed.", e);
// start background persistent thread
// start scheduler thread to persist index in the background
scheduleTask(persistor, true, replicationConfig.replicationTokenFlushDelaySeconds, replicationConfig.replicationTokenFlushIntervalSeconds, "replica token persistor");
// Schedule thread to purge dead blobs for this VCR's partitions
// after delay to allow startup to finish.
scheduleTask(cloudStorageCompactor, cloudConfig.cloudBlobCompactionEnabled, cloudConfig.cloudBlobCompactionStartupDelaySecs, TimeUnit.HOURS.toSeconds(cloudConfig.cloudBlobCompactionIntervalHours), "cloud blob compaction");
// Schedule thread to purge blobs belonging to deprecated containers for this VCR's partitions
// after delay to allow startup to finish.
scheduleTask(() -> cloudContainerCompactor.compactAssignedDeprecatedContainers(vcrClusterParticipant.getAssignedPartitionIds()), cloudConfig.cloudContainerCompactionEnabled, cloudConfig.cloudContainerCompactionStartupDelaySecs, TimeUnit.HOURS.toSeconds(cloudConfig.cloudContainerCompactionIntervalHours), "cloud container compaction");
started = true;