use of org.apache.heron.spi.uploader.UploaderException in project heron by twitter.
the class SubmitterMain method submitTopology.
* Submit a topology
* 1. Instantiate necessary resources
* 2. Valid whether it is legal to submit a topology
* 3. Call LauncherRunner
public void submitTopology() throws TopologySubmissionException {
// build primary runtime config first
Config primaryRuntime = Config.newBuilder().putAll(LauncherUtils.getInstance().createPrimaryRuntime(topology)).build();
// call launcher directly here if in dry-run mode
if (Context.dryRun(config)) {
// 1. Do prepare work
// create an instance of state manager
String statemgrClass = Context.stateManagerClass(config);
IStateManager statemgr;
// Create an instance of the launcher class
String launcherClass = Context.launcherClass(config);
ILauncher launcher;
// create an instance of the uploader class
String uploaderClass = Context.uploaderClass(config);
IUploader uploader;
// create an instance of state manager
try {
statemgr = ReflectionUtils.newInstance(statemgrClass);
} catch (IllegalAccessException | InstantiationException | ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new TopologySubmissionException(String.format("Failed to instantiate state manager class '%s'", statemgrClass), e);
// create an instance of launcher
try {
launcher = ReflectionUtils.newInstance(launcherClass);
} catch (IllegalAccessException | InstantiationException | ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new LauncherException(String.format("Failed to instantiate launcher class '%s'", launcherClass), e);
// create an instance of uploader
try {
uploader = ReflectionUtils.newInstance(uploaderClass);
} catch (IllegalAccessException | InstantiationException | ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new UploaderException(String.format("Failed to instantiate uploader class '%s'", uploaderClass), e);
// Put it in a try block so that we can always clean resources
try {
// initialize the state manager
// initialize the uploader
// TODO(mfu): timeout should read from config
SchedulerStateManagerAdaptor adaptor = new SchedulerStateManagerAdaptor(statemgr, 5000);
// Check if topology is already running
validateSubmit(adaptor, topology.getName());
LOG.log(Level.FINE, "Topology {0} to be submitted", topology.getName());
Config runtimeWithoutPackageURI = Config.newBuilder().putAll(primaryRuntime).putAll(LauncherUtils.getInstance().createAdaptorRuntime(adaptor)).put(Key.LAUNCHER_CLASS_INSTANCE, launcher).build();
PackingPlan packingPlan = LauncherUtils.getInstance().createPackingPlan(config, runtimeWithoutPackageURI);
// The packing plan might call for a number of containers different than the config
// settings. If that's the case we need to modify the configs to match.
runtimeWithoutPackageURI = updateNumContainersIfNeeded(runtimeWithoutPackageURI, topology, packingPlan);
// If the packing plan is valid we will upload necessary packages
URI packageURI = uploadPackage(uploader);
// Update the runtime config with the packageURI
Config runtimeAll = Config.newBuilder().putAll(runtimeWithoutPackageURI).put(Key.TOPOLOGY_PACKAGE_URI, packageURI).build();
} catch (LauncherException | PackingException e) {
// we undo uploading of topology package only if launcher fails to
// launch topology, which will throw LauncherException or PackingException
throw e;
} finally {
use of org.apache.heron.spi.uploader.UploaderException in project heron by twitter.
the class LocalFileSystemUploader method uploadPackage.
* Upload the topology package to the destined location in local file system
* @return destination URI of where the topology package has
* been uploaded if successful, or {@code null} if failed.
public URI uploadPackage() throws UploaderException {
// first, check if the topology package exists
boolean fileExists = new File(topologyPackageLocation).isFile();
if (!fileExists) {
throw new UploaderException(String.format("Topology package does not exist at '%s'", topologyPackageLocation));
// get the directory containing the file
Path filePath = Paths.get(destTopologyFile);
File parentDirectory = filePath.getParent().toFile();
assert parentDirectory != null;
// if the dest directory does not exist, create it.
if (!parentDirectory.exists()) {
LOG.fine(String.format("Working directory does not exist. Creating it now at %s", parentDirectory.getPath()));
if (!parentDirectory.mkdirs()) {
throw new UploaderException(String.format("Failed to create directory for topology package at %s", parentDirectory.getPath()));
// if the dest file exists, write a log message
fileExists = new File(filePath.toString()).isFile();
if (fileExists) {
LOG.fine(String.format("Target topology package already exists at '%s'. Overwriting it now", filePath.toString()));
// copy the topology package to target working directory
LOG.fine(String.format("Copying topology package at '%s' to target working directory '%s'", topologyPackageLocation, filePath.toString()));
Path source = Paths.get(topologyPackageLocation);
try {
CopyOption[] options = new CopyOption[] { StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING };
Files.copy(source, filePath, options);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new UploaderException(String.format("Unable to copy topology file from '%s' to '%s'", source, filePath), e);
return getUri(destTopologyFile);
use of org.apache.heron.spi.uploader.UploaderException in project heron by twitter.
the class DlogUploaderTest method testUploadPackageLocalFileNotExist.
public void testUploadPackageLocalFileNotExist() throws Exception {
uploader = Mockito.spy(uploader);
Namespace ns = mock(Namespace.class);
try {
fail("Should fail on uploading package");
} catch (UploaderException ue) {
// expected
verify(ns, never()).logExists(anyString());
use of org.apache.heron.spi.uploader.UploaderException in project heron by twitter.
the class DLUploader method doUploadPackage.
private URI doUploadPackage() throws IOException {
// first, check if the topology package exists
if (!isLocalFileExists(topologyPackageLocation)) {
throw new UploaderException(String.format("Expected topology package file to be uploaded does not exist at '%s'", topologyPackageLocation));
// if the dest directory does not exist, create it.
if (namespace.logExists(packageName)) {
// if the destination file exists, write a log message"Target topology file already exists at '%s'. Overwriting it now", packageURI.toString()));
// copy the topology package to target working directory"Uploading topology package at '%s' to target DL at '%s'", topologyPackageLocation, packageURI.toString()));
OutputStream out = openOutputStream(packageName);
try {
copier.copyFileToStream(topologyPackageLocation, out);
} finally {
return packageURI;
use of org.apache.heron.spi.uploader.UploaderException in project heron by twitter.
the class GcsUploader method uploadPackage.
public URI uploadPackage() throws UploaderException {
// Backup any existing files incase we need to undo this action
final StorageObject previousStorageObject = gcsController.getStorageObject(topologyObjectName);
if (previousStorageObject != null) {
try {
gcsController.copyStorageObject(topologyObjectName, previousTopologyObjectName, previousStorageObject);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new UploaderException("Failed to back up previous topology", ioe);
final StorageObject storageObject;
try {
storageObject = gcsController.createStorageObject(topologyObjectName, topologyPackageFile);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new UploaderException(String.format("Error writing topology package to %s %s", bucket, topologyObjectName), ioe);
final String downloadUrl = getDownloadUrl(bucket, storageObject.getName());"Package URL: " + downloadUrl);
try {
return new URI(downloadUrl);
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
throw new UploaderException(String.format("Could not convert URL %s to URI", downloadUrl), e);