use of org.apache.heron.streamlet.Builder in project heron by twitter.
the class IntegerProcessingTopology method main.
* All Heron topologies require a main function that defines the topology's behavior
* at runtime
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Builder builder = Builder.newBuilder();
Streamlet<Integer> zeroes = builder.newSource(() -> 0);
builder.newSource(() -> ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(1, 11)).setName("random-ints").map(i -> i + 1).setName("add-one").union(zeroes).setName("unify-streams").filter(i -> i != 2).setName("remove-twos").log();
Config config = Config.newBuilder().setNumContainers(NUM_CONTAINERS).setPerContainerRamInGigabytes(GIGABYTES_OF_RAM).setPerContainerCpu(CPU).build();
// Fetches the topology name from the first command-line argument
String topologyName = StreamletUtils.getTopologyName(args);
// Finally, the processing graph and configuration are passed to the Runner, which converts
// the graph into a Heron topology that can be run in a Heron cluster.
new Runner().run(topologyName, config, builder);
use of org.apache.heron.streamlet.Builder in project heron by twitter.
the class StreamletCloneTopology method main.
* All Heron topologies require a main function that defines the topology's behavior
* at runtime
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Builder processingGraphBuilder = Builder.newBuilder();
* A supplier streamlet of random GameScore objects is cloned into two
* separate streamlets.
List<Streamlet<GameScore>> splitGameScoreStreamlet = processingGraphBuilder.newSource(GameScore::new).clone(2);
* Elements in the first cloned streamlet go to the database sink.
splitGameScoreStreamlet.get(0).toSink(new DatabaseSink()).setName("sink0");
* Elements in the second cloned streamlet go to the logging sink.
splitGameScoreStreamlet.get(1).toSink(new FormattedLogSink()).setName("sink1");
Config config = Config.defaultConfig();
// Fetches the topology name from the first command-line argument
String topologyName = StreamletUtils.getTopologyName(args);
// Finally, the processing graph and configuration are passed to the Runner, which converts
// the graph into a Heron topology that can be run in a Heron cluster.
new Runner().run(topologyName, config, processingGraphBuilder);
use of org.apache.heron.streamlet.Builder in project heron by twitter.
the class WindowedWordCountTopology method main.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Builder processingGraphBuilder = Builder.newBuilder();
processingGraphBuilder.newSource(() -> StreamletUtils.randomFromList(SENTENCES)).setName("random-sentences-source").flatMap(sentence -> Arrays.asList(sentence.toLowerCase().split("\\s+"))).setName("flatten-into-individual-words").reduceByKeyAndWindow(// The key extractor (the word is left unchanged)
word -> word, // Value extractor (the value is always 1)
word -> 1, WindowConfig.TumblingCountWindow(50), StreamletReducers::sum).setName("reduce-operation").consume(kv -> {
String logMessage = String.format("(word: %s, count: %d)", kv.getKey().getKey(), kv.getValue());;
// The topology's parallelism (the number of containers across which the topology's
// processing instance will be split) can be defined via the second command-line
// argument (or else the default of 2 will be used).
int topologyParallelism = StreamletUtils.getParallelism(args, 2);
Config config = Config.newBuilder().setNumContainers(topologyParallelism).build();
// Fetches the topology name from the first command-line argument
String topologyName = StreamletUtils.getTopologyName(args);
// Finally, the processing graph and configuration are passed to the Runner, which converts
// the graph into a Heron topology that can be run in a Heron cluster.
new Runner().run(topologyName, config, processingGraphBuilder);
use of org.apache.heron.streamlet.Builder in project heron by twitter.
the class ComponentConfigTopology method main.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Builder processingGraphBuilder = Builder.newBuilder();
processingGraphBuilder.newSource(() -> StreamletUtils.randomFromList(SENTENCES)).setName("random-sentences-source").flatMap(sentence -> Arrays.asList(sentence.toLowerCase().split("\\s+"))).setName("flatten-into-individual-words").consume(w -> {
String logMessage = String.format("(word: %s)", w);;
// The topology's parallelism (the number of containers across which the topology's
// processing instance will be split) can be defined via the second command-line
// argument (or else the default of 2 will be used).
int topologyParallelism = StreamletUtils.getParallelism(args, 2);
Config config = Config.newBuilder().setNumContainers(topologyParallelism).setPerContainerCpu(1).build();
config.getHeronConfig().setComponentCpu("random-sentences-source", 0.3);
config.getHeronConfig().setComponentRam("random-sentences-source", ByteAmount.fromMegabytes(300));
config.getHeronConfig().setComponentCpu("flatten-into-individual-words", 0.3);
config.getHeronConfig().setComponentRam("flatten-into-individual-words", ByteAmount.fromMegabytes(300));
config.getHeronConfig().setComponentCpu("consumer", 0.2);
config.getHeronConfig().setComponentRam("consumer", ByteAmount.fromMegabytes(200));
// Fetches the topology name from the first command-line argument
String topologyName = StreamletUtils.getTopologyName(args);
// Finally, the processing graph and configuration are passed to the Runner, which converts
// the graph into a Heron topology that can be run in a Heron cluster.
new Runner().run(topologyName, config, processingGraphBuilder);
use of org.apache.heron.streamlet.Builder in project heron by twitter.
the class StreamletWithSplitAndWithStream method buildTopology.
protected TestTopologyBuilder buildTopology(TestTopologyBuilder testTopologyBuilder) {
Map<String, SerializablePredicate<Integer>> splitter = new HashMap();
splitter.put("all", i -> true);
splitter.put("positive", i -> i > 0);
splitter.put("negative", i -> i < 0);
Builder streamletBuilder = Builder.newBuilder();
Streamlet<Integer> multi = streamletBuilder.newSource(() -> atomicInteger.getAndIncrement()).setName("incremented-numbers-from--3").filter(i -> i <= 4).setName("numbers-lower-than-4").split(splitter).setName("split");
multi.withStream("all").map((Integer i) -> String.format("all_%d", i));
multi.withStream("positive").map((Integer i) -> String.format("pos_%d", i));
multi.withStream("negative").map((Integer i) -> String.format("neg_%d", i));
BuilderImpl streamletBuilderImpl = (BuilderImpl) streamletBuilder;
TestTopologyBuilder topology = (TestTopologyBuilder);
return topology;