use of org.apache.heron.streamlet.Builder in project heron by twitter.
the class StreamletWithMapAndFlatMapAndFilterAndClone method buildTopology.
protected TestTopologyBuilder buildTopology(TestTopologyBuilder testTopologyBuilder) {
Builder streamletBuilder = Builder.newBuilder();
Streamlet<String> streamlet = streamletBuilder.newSource(() -> MONTHS).setName("months-text").flatMap((String m) -> Arrays.asList(m.split(" - "))).setName("months").filter((month) -> SUMMER_MONTHS.contains(month.toLowerCase()) && incomingMonths.add(month.toLowerCase())).setName("summer-months").map((String word) -> word.substring(0, 3)).setName("summer-months-with-short-name");
List<Streamlet<String>> clonedStreamlet = streamlet.clone(2);
// Returns Summer Months with year
clonedStreamlet.get(0).map((String month) -> month + "_2018");
// Returns Summer Months with Uppercase
clonedStreamlet.get(1).map((String month) -> month.toUpperCase());
BuilderImpl streamletBuilderImpl = (BuilderImpl) streamletBuilder;
TestTopologyBuilder topology = (TestTopologyBuilder);
return topology;
use of org.apache.heron.streamlet.Builder in project heron by twitter.
the class StreamletWithKeybyCountAndReduce method buildTopology.
protected TestTopologyBuilder buildTopology(TestTopologyBuilder testTopologyBuilder) {
Builder streamletBuilder = Builder.newBuilder();
Streamlet<String> monthStreamlet = streamletBuilder.newSource(() -> MONTHS).setName("months-text").flatMap((String m) -> Arrays.asList(m.split(" - "))).setName("months").filter((month) -> incomingMonths.add(month.toLowerCase())).setName("unique-months");
SerializableFunction<String, String> getSeason = month -> {
if (SPRING_MONTHS.contains(month)) {
return "spring";
} else if (SUMMER_MONTHS.contains(month)) {
return "summer";
} else if (FALL_MONTHS.contains(month)) {
return "fall";
} else if (WINTER_MONTHS.contains(month)) {
return "winter";
} else {
return "really?";
SerializableFunction<String, Integer> getNumberOfDays = month -> {
switch(month) {
case "january":
return 31;
case "february":
// Dont use this code in real projects
return 28;
case "march":
return 31;
case "april":
return 30;
case "may":
return 31;
case "june":
return 30;
case "july":
return 31;
case "august":
return 31;
case "september":
return 30;
case "october":
return 31;
case "november":
return 30;
case "december":
return 31;
// Shouldn't be here
return -1;
// Count months per season
monthStreamlet.keyBy(getSeason, getNumberOfDays).setName("key-by-season").countByKey(x -> x.getKey()).setName("key-by-and-count").map(x -> String.format("%s: %d months", x.getKey(), x.getValue())).setName("to-string");
// Sum days per season
monthStreamlet.<String, Integer>reduceByKey(getSeason, getNumberOfDays, StreamletReducers::sum).setName("sum-by-season").map(x -> String.format("%s: %d days", x.getKey(), x.getValue())).setName("to-string-2");
BuilderImpl streamletBuilderImpl = (BuilderImpl) streamletBuilder;
TestTopologyBuilder topology = (TestTopologyBuilder);
return topology;
use of org.apache.heron.streamlet.Builder in project heron by twitter.
the class SmartWatchTopology method main.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Builder processingGraphBuilder = Builder.newBuilder();
processingGraphBuilder.newSource(SmartWatchReading::new).setName("incoming-watch-readings").reduceByKeyAndWindow(// Key extractor
reading -> reading.getJoggerId(), // Value extractor
reading -> reading.getFeetRun(), // The time window (1 minute of clock time)
WindowConfig.TumblingTimeWindow(Duration.ofSeconds(10)), // The reduce function (produces a cumulative sum)
(cumulative, incoming) -> cumulative + incoming).setName("reduce-to-total-distance-per-jogger").map(keyWindow -> {
// The per-key result of the previous reduce step
long totalFeetRun = keyWindow.getValue();
// The amount of time elapsed
long startTime = keyWindow.getKey().getWindow().getStartTime();
long endTime = keyWindow.getKey().getWindow().getEndTime();
// Cast to float to use as denominator
long timeLengthMillis = endTime - startTime;
// The feet-per-minute calculation
float feetPerMinute = totalFeetRun / (float) (timeLengthMillis / 1000);
// Reduce to two decimal places
String paceString = new DecimalFormat("#.##").format(feetPerMinute);
// Return a per-jogger average pace
return new KeyValue<>(keyWindow.getKey().getKey(), paceString);
}).setName("calculate-average-speed").consume(kv -> {
String logMessage = String.format("(runner: %s, avgFeetPerMinute: %s)", kv.getKey(), kv.getValue());;
Config config = Config.defaultConfig();
// Fetches the topology name from the first command-line argument
String topologyName = StreamletUtils.getTopologyName(args);
// Finally, the processing graph and configuration are passed to the Runner, which converts
// the graph into a Heron topology that can be run in a Heron cluster.
new Runner().run(topologyName, config, processingGraphBuilder);
use of org.apache.heron.streamlet.Builder in project heron by twitter.
the class TransformsTopology method main.
* All Heron topologies require a main function that defines the topology's behavior
* at runtime
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Builder builder = Builder.newBuilder();
* The processing graph consists of a supplier streamlet that emits
* random integers between 1 and 100. From there, a series of transformers
* is applied. At the end of the graph, the original value is ultimately
* unchanged.
builder.newSource(() -> ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(100)).transform(new DoNothingTransformer<>()).transform(new IncrementTransformer(10)).transform(new IncrementTransformer(-7)).transform(new DoNothingTransformer<>()).transform(new IncrementTransformer(-3)).log();
Config config = Config.defaultConfig();
// Fetches the topology name from the first command-line argument
String topologyName = StreamletUtils.getTopologyName(args);
// Finally, the processing graph and configuration are passed to the Runner, which converts
// the graph into a Heron topology that can be run in a Heron cluster.
new Runner().run(topologyName, config, builder);
use of org.apache.heron.streamlet.Builder in project heron by twitter.
the class WireRequestsTopology method main.
* All Heron topologies require a main function that defines the topology's behavior
* at runtime
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Builder builder = Builder.newBuilder();
// Requests from the "quiet" bank branch (high throttling).
Streamlet<WireRequest> quietBranch = builder.newSource(() -> new WireRequest(20)).setNumPartitions(1).setName("quiet-branch-requests").filter(WireRequestsTopology::checkRequestAmount).setName("quiet-branch-check-balance");
// Requests from the "medium" bank branch (medium throttling).
Streamlet<WireRequest> mediumBranch = builder.newSource(() -> new WireRequest(10)).setNumPartitions(2).setName("medium-branch-requests").filter(WireRequestsTopology::checkRequestAmount).setName("medium-branch-check-balance");
// Requests from the "busy" bank branch (low throttling).
Streamlet<WireRequest> busyBranch = builder.newSource(() -> new WireRequest(5)).setNumPartitions(4).setName("busy-branch-requests").filter(WireRequestsTopology::checkRequestAmount).setName("busy-branch-check-balance");
// Here, the streamlets for the three bank branches are united into one. The fraud
// detection filter then operates on that unified streamlet.
Config config = Config.newBuilder().setDeliverySemantics(Config.DeliverySemantics.EFFECTIVELY_ONCE).setNumContainers(2).build();
// Fetches the topology name from the first command-line argument
String topologyName = StreamletUtils.getTopologyName(args);
// Finally, the processing graph and configuration are passed to the Runner, which converts
// the graph into a Heron topology that can be run in a Heron cluster.
new Runner().run(topologyName, config, builder);