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Example 1 with SwtUniversalImage

use of org.apache.hop.core.SwtUniversalImage in project hop by apache.

the class CanvasFacadeImpl method setDataPipeline.

private void setDataPipeline(Canvas canvas, float magnification, AbstractMeta meta) {
    final int iconSize = HopGui.getInstance().getProps().getIconSize();
    PipelineMeta pipelineMeta = (PipelineMeta) meta;
    JsonObject jsonNodes = new JsonObject();
    pipelineMeta.getTransforms().forEach(transformMeta -> {
        JsonObject jsonNode = new JsonObject();
        jsonNode.add("x", transformMeta.getLocation().x);
        jsonNode.add("y", transformMeta.getLocation().y);
        jsonNode.add("selected", transformMeta.isSelected());
        // Translated from org.apache.hop.ui.hopgui.shared.SwtGc.drawTransformIcon(int, int,
        // TransformMeta, float)
        SwtUniversalImage swtImage = null;
        if (transformMeta.isMissing()) {
            swtImage = GuiResource.getInstance().getSwtImageMissing();
        } else if (transformMeta.isDeprecated()) {
            swtImage = GuiResource.getInstance().getSwtImageDeprecated();
        } else {
            String pluginId = transformMeta.getPluginId();
            if (pluginId != null) {
                swtImage = GuiResource.getInstance().getImagesTransforms().get(pluginId);
        if (swtImage == null) {
        int w = Math.round(iconSize * magnification);
        int h = Math.round(iconSize * magnification);
        Image image = swtImage.getAsBitmapForSize(Display.getCurrent(), w, h);
        // Translated
        jsonNode.add("img", image.internalImage.getResourceName());
        jsonNodes.add(transformMeta.getName(), jsonNode);
    canvas.setData("nodes", jsonNodes);
    JsonArray jsonHops = new JsonArray();
    for (int i = 0; i < pipelineMeta.nrPipelineHops(); i++) {
        JsonObject jsonHop = new JsonObject();
        PipelineHopMeta hop = pipelineMeta.getPipelineHop(i);
        if (hop.getFromTransform() != null && hop.getToTransform() != null) {
            jsonHop.add("from", hop.getFromTransform().getName());
            jsonHop.add("to", hop.getToTransform().getName());
    canvas.setData("hops", jsonHops);
Also used : JsonArray(org.eclipse.rap.json.JsonArray) PipelineHopMeta(org.apache.hop.pipeline.PipelineHopMeta) JsonObject(org.eclipse.rap.json.JsonObject) SwtUniversalImage(org.apache.hop.core.SwtUniversalImage) Image( PipelineMeta(org.apache.hop.pipeline.PipelineMeta) SwtUniversalImage(org.apache.hop.core.SwtUniversalImage)

Example 2 with SwtUniversalImage

use of org.apache.hop.core.SwtUniversalImage in project hop by apache.

the class SwtSvgImageUtil method getMissingImage.

 * Get the image for when all other fallbacks have failed. This is an image drawn on the canvas, a
 * square with a red X.
 * @param display the device to render the image to
 * @return the missing image
public static SwtUniversalImage getMissingImage(Display display) {
    Image img = new Image(display, ConstUi.ICON_SIZE, ConstUi.ICON_SIZE);
    // RAP only allows painting on the Canvas widget
    if (!EnvironmentUtils.getInstance().isWeb()) {
        GC gc = new GC(img);
        gc.setForeground(new Color(display, PropsUi.getInstance().contrastColor(0, 0, 0)));
        gc.drawRectangle(4, 4, ConstUi.ICON_SIZE - 8, ConstUi.ICON_SIZE - 8);
        gc.setForeground(new Color(display, PropsUi.getInstance().contrastColor(255, 0, 0)));
        gc.drawLine(4, 4, ConstUi.ICON_SIZE - 4, ConstUi.ICON_SIZE - 4);
        gc.drawLine(ConstUi.ICON_SIZE - 4, 4, 4, ConstUi.ICON_SIZE - 4);
    return new SwtUniversalImageBitmap(img, zoomFactor);
Also used : Color( SwtUniversalImage(org.apache.hop.core.SwtUniversalImage) Image( GC( SwtUniversalImageBitmap(org.apache.hop.core.SwtUniversalImageBitmap)

Example 3 with SwtUniversalImage

use of org.apache.hop.core.SwtUniversalImage in project hop by apache.

the class GuiResource method getImage.

 * Loads an image from a location once. The second time, the image comes from a cache. Because of
 * this, it's important to never dispose of the image you get from here. (easy!) The images are
 * automatically disposed when the application ends.
 * @param location the location of the image resource to load
 * @param classLoader the ClassLoader to use to locate resources
 * @param width The height to resize the image to
 * @param height The width to resize the image to
 * @param disabled in case you want to gray-scaled 'disabled' version of the image
 * @return the loaded image
public Image getImage(String location, ClassLoader classLoader, int width, int height, boolean disabled) {
    // Build image key for a specific size
    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(location);
    String key = builder.toString();
    Image image = imageMap.get(key);
    if (image == null) {
        SwtUniversalImage svg = SwtSvgImageUtil.getUniversalImage(display, classLoader, location);
        Image zoomedImaged = getZoomedImaged(svg, display, width, height);
        if (disabled) {
            // First disabled the image...
            image = new Image(display, zoomedImaged, SWT.IMAGE_GRAY);
            // Now darken or lighten the image...
            float factor;
            if (PropsUi.getInstance().isDarkMode()) {
                factor = 0.4f;
            } else {
                factor = 2.5f;
            ImageData data = image.getImageData();
            for (int x = 0; x < data.width; x++) {
                for (int y = 0; y < data.height; y++) {
                    int pixel = data.getPixel(x, y);
                    int a = (pixel >> 24) & 0xFF;
                    int b = (pixel >> 16) & 0xFF;
                    int g = (pixel >> 8) & 0xFF;
                    int r = pixel & 0xFF;
                    a = (int) (a * factor);
                    b = (int) (b * factor);
                    g = (int) (g * factor);
                    r = (int) (r * factor);
                    data.setPixel(x, y, r + (g << 8) + (b << 16) + (a << 25));
                image = new Image(display, data);
        } else {
            image = new Image(display, zoomedImaged, SWT.IMAGE_COPY);
        imageMap.put(location, image);
    return image;
Also used : SwtUniversalImage(org.apache.hop.core.SwtUniversalImage) SwtUniversalImage(org.apache.hop.core.SwtUniversalImage)

Example 4 with SwtUniversalImage

use of org.apache.hop.core.SwtUniversalImage in project hop by apache.

the class GuiResource method loadAsResource.

// load image from svg
public Image loadAsResource(Display display, String location, int width, int height) {
    SwtUniversalImage img = SwtSvgImageUtil.getImageAsResource(display, location);
    int newWidth = (int) Math.round(width * zoomFactor);
    int newHeight = (int) Math.round(height * zoomFactor);
    Image image = new Image(display, img.getAsBitmapForSize(display, newWidth, newHeight), SWT.IMAGE_COPY);
    return image;
Also used : SwtUniversalImage(org.apache.hop.core.SwtUniversalImage) SwtUniversalImage(org.apache.hop.core.SwtUniversalImage)

Example 5 with SwtUniversalImage

use of org.apache.hop.core.SwtUniversalImage in project hop by apache.

the class GuiResource method loadWorkflowActionImages.

 * Load all transform images from files.
private void loadWorkflowActionImages() {
    imagesActions = new Hashtable<>();
    PluginRegistry registry = PluginRegistry.getInstance();
    List<IPlugin> plugins = registry.getPlugins(ActionPluginType.class);
    for (int i = 0; i < plugins.size(); i++) {
        IPlugin plugin = plugins.get(i);
        SwtUniversalImage image = null;
        String filename = plugin.getImageFile();
        try {
            ClassLoader classLoader = registry.getClassLoader(plugin);
            image = SwtSvgImageUtil.getUniversalImage(display, classLoader, filename);
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            log.logError("Error occurred loading image [" + filename + "] for plugin " + plugin.getIds()[0], t);
        } finally {
            if (image == null) {
                log.logError("Unable to load image [" + filename + "] for plugin " + plugin.getIds()[0]);
                image = SwtSvgImageUtil.getMissingImage(display);
        imagesActions.put(plugin.getIds()[0], image);
Also used : SwtUniversalImage(org.apache.hop.core.SwtUniversalImage)


SwtUniversalImage (org.apache.hop.core.SwtUniversalImage)13 Image ( FileSystemException (org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileSystemException)2 HopFileException (org.apache.hop.core.exception.HopFileException)2 Point (org.apache.hop.core.gui.Point)2 SvgImage (org.apache.hop.core.svg.SvgImage)2 JsonArray (org.eclipse.rap.json.JsonArray)2 JsonObject (org.eclipse.rap.json.JsonObject)2 ( SwtUniversalImageBitmap (org.apache.hop.core.SwtUniversalImageBitmap)1 PipelineHopMeta (org.apache.hop.pipeline.PipelineHopMeta)1 PipelineMeta (org.apache.hop.pipeline.PipelineMeta)1 WorkflowHopMeta (org.apache.hop.workflow.WorkflowHopMeta)1 WorkflowMeta (org.apache.hop.workflow.WorkflowMeta)1 Color ( GC (