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Example 1 with ITransformIOMeta

use of org.apache.hop.pipeline.transform.ITransformIOMeta in project hop by apache.

the class PipelinePainter method drawArrow.

protected void drawArrow(EImage arrow, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, double theta, int size, double factor, PipelineHopMeta pipelineHop, Object startObject, Object endObject) throws HopException {
    int mx;
    int my;
    int a;
    int b;
    int dist;
    double angle;
    gc.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2);
    // What's the distance between the 2 points?
    a = Math.abs(x2 - x1);
    b = Math.abs(y2 - y1);
    dist = (int) Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b);
    // 0-->100%)
    if (factor < 0) {
        if (dist >= 2 * iconSize) {
            factor = 1.3;
        } else {
            factor = 1.2;
    // in between 2 points
    mx = (int) (x1 + factor * (x2 - x1) / 2);
    my = (int) (y1 + factor * (y2 - y1) / 2);
    // calculate points for arrowhead
    angle = Math.atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1) + (Math.PI / 2);
    boolean q1 = Math.toDegrees(angle) >= 0 && Math.toDegrees(angle) < 90;
    boolean q2 = Math.toDegrees(angle) >= 90 && Math.toDegrees(angle) < 180;
    boolean q3 = Math.toDegrees(angle) >= 180 && Math.toDegrees(angle) < 270;
    boolean q4 = Math.toDegrees(angle) >= 270 || Math.toDegrees(angle) < 0;
    if (q1 || q3) {
        gc.drawImage(arrow, mx, my + 1, magnification, angle);
    } else if (q2 || q4) {
        gc.drawImage(arrow, mx, my, magnification, angle);
    if (startObject instanceof TransformMeta && endObject instanceof TransformMeta) {
        factor = 0.8;
        TransformMeta fs = (TransformMeta) startObject;
        TransformMeta ts = (TransformMeta) endObject;
        // in between 2 points
        mx = (int) (x1 + factor * (x2 - x1) / 2) - miniIconSize / 2;
        my = (int) (y1 + factor * (y2 - y1) / 2) - miniIconSize / 2;
        boolean errorHop = fs.isSendingErrorRowsToTransform(ts) || (startErrorHopTransform && fs.equals(startHopTransform));
        boolean targetHop = Const.indexOfString(ts.getName(), fs.getTransform().getTransformIOMeta().getTargetTransformNames()) >= 0;
        if (targetHop) {
            ITransformIOMeta ioMeta = fs.getTransform().getTransformIOMeta();
            IStream targetStream = ioMeta.findTargetStream(ts);
            if (targetStream != null) {
                EImage image = BasePainter.getStreamIconImage(targetStream.getStreamIcon(), pipelineHop.isEnabled());
                gc.drawImage(image, mx, my, magnification);
                areaOwners.add(new AreaOwner(AreaType.TRANSFORM_TARGET_HOP_ICON, mx, my, 16, 16, offset, fs, targetStream));
        } else if (fs.isDistributes() && fs.getRowDistribution() != null && !ts.getTransformPartitioningMeta().isMethodMirror() && !errorHop) {
            // Draw the custom row distribution plugin icon
            SvgFile svgFile = fs.getRowDistribution().getDistributionImage();
            if (svgFile != null) {
                gc.drawImage(svgFile, mx, my, 16, 16, magnification, 0);
                areaOwners.add(new AreaOwner(AreaType.ROW_DISTRIBUTION_ICON, mx, my, 16, 16, offset, fs, STRING_ROW_DISTRIBUTION));
                mx += 16;
        } else if (!fs.isDistributes() && !ts.getTransformPartitioningMeta().isMethodMirror() && !errorHop) {
            // Draw the copy icon on the hop
            EImage image = (pipelineHop.isEnabled()) ? EImage.COPY_ROWS : EImage.COPY_ROWS_DISABLED;
            gc.drawImage(image, mx, my, magnification);
            areaOwners.add(new AreaOwner(AreaType.HOP_COPY_ICON, mx, my, 16, 16, offset, fs, STRING_HOP_TYPE_COPY));
            mx += 16;
        if (errorHop) {
            EImage image = (pipelineHop.isEnabled()) ? EImage.ERROR : EImage.ERROR_DISABLED;
            gc.drawImage(image, mx, my, magnification);
            areaOwners.add(new AreaOwner(AreaType.HOP_ERROR_ICON, mx, my, 16, 16, offset, fs, ts));
            mx += 16;
        ITransformIOMeta ioMeta = ts.getTransform().getTransformIOMeta();
        String[] infoTransformNames = ioMeta.getInfoTransformNames();
        if ((candidateHopType == StreamType.INFO && ts.equals(endHopTransform) && fs.equals(startHopTransform)) || Const.indexOfString(fs.getName(), infoTransformNames) >= 0) {
            EImage image = (pipelineHop.isEnabled()) ? EImage.INFO : EImage.INFO_DISABLED;
            gc.drawImage(image, mx, my, magnification);
            areaOwners.add(new AreaOwner(AreaType.HOP_INFO_ICON, mx, my, 16, 16, offset, fs, ts));
            mx += 16;
        if (!Utils.isEmpty(infoTransformNames)) {
            for (String infoTransform : infoTransformNames) {
                if (fs.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(infoTransform)) {
                    if (fs.isPartitioned() && ts.isPartitioned()) {
                        // TODO explain in the UI what's going on.
                        gc.drawImage(EImage.PARALLEL, mx, my, magnification);
                        areaOwners.add(new AreaOwner(AreaType.HOP_INFO_TRANSFORMS_PARTITIONED, mx, my, miniIconSize, miniIconSize, offset, fs, ts));
                        mx += 16;
                    } else if (fs.getCopies(variables) > 1) {
                        // This is not a desirable situation, it will always end in error.
                        // As such, it's better not to give feedback on it.
                        // We do this by drawing an error icon over the hop...
                        gc.drawImage(EImage.ERROR, mx, my, magnification);
                        areaOwners.add(new AreaOwner(AreaType.HOP_INFO_TRANSFORM_COPIES_ERROR, mx, my, miniIconSize, miniIconSize, offset, fs, ts));
                        mx += 16;
    PipelinePainterExtension extension = new PipelinePainterExtension(gc, areaOwners, pipelineMeta, null, pipelineHop, x1, y1, x2, y2, mx, my, offset, iconSize, stateMap);
    try {
        ExtensionPointHandler.callExtensionPoint(LogChannel.GENERAL, variables,, extension);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LogChannel.GENERAL.logError("Error calling extension point(s) for the pipeline painter arrow", e);
Also used : IStream( SvgFile(org.apache.hop.core.svg.SvgFile) HopExtensionPoint(org.apache.hop.core.extension.HopExtensionPoint) HopException(org.apache.hop.core.exception.HopException) ITransformIOMeta(org.apache.hop.pipeline.transform.ITransformIOMeta) TransformMeta(org.apache.hop.pipeline.transform.TransformMeta)

Example 2 with ITransformIOMeta

use of org.apache.hop.pipeline.transform.ITransformIOMeta in project hop by apache.

the class PipelinePainter method drawLine.

private void drawLine(TransformMeta fs, TransformMeta ts, PipelineHopMeta hi, boolean isCandidate) throws HopException {
    int[] line = getLine(fs, ts);
    EColor color;
    ELineStyle linestyle = ELineStyle.SOLID;
    int activeLinewidth = lineWidth;
    EImage arrow;
    if (isCandidate) {
        color = EColor.BLUE;
        arrow = EImage.ARROW_CANDIDATE;
    } else {
        if (hi.isEnabled()) {
            if (fs.isSendingErrorRowsToTransform(ts)) {
                color = EColor.RED;
                linestyle = ELineStyle.DASH;
                arrow = EImage.ARROW_ERROR;
            } else {
                color = EColor.HOP_DEFAULT;
                arrow = EImage.ARROW_DEFAULT;
            ITransformIOMeta ioMeta = fs.getTransform().getTransformIOMeta();
            IStream targetStream = ioMeta.findTargetStream(ts);
            if (targetStream != null) {
                if (targetStream.getStreamIcon() == StreamIcon.TRUE) {
                    color = EColor.HOP_TRUE;
                    arrow = EImage.ARROW_TRUE;
                } else if (targetStream.getStreamIcon() == StreamIcon.FALSE) {
                    color = EColor.HOP_FALSE;
                    arrow = EImage.ARROW_FALSE;
        } else {
            color = EColor.GRAY;
            arrow = EImage.ARROW_DISABLED;
    if (hi.isSplit()) {
        activeLinewidth = lineWidth + 2;
    // Check to see if the source transform is an info transform for the target transform.
    ITransformIOMeta ioMeta = ts.getTransform().getTransformIOMeta();
    List<IStream> infoStreams = ioMeta.getInfoStreams();
    if (!infoStreams.isEmpty()) {
        for (IStream stream : infoStreams) {
            if (fs.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(stream.getTransformName())) {
                if (fs.isPartitioned() && ts.isPartitioned()) {
                } else if (fs.getCopies(variables) > 1) {
                    // This is not a desirable situation, it will always end in error.
                    // As such, it's better not to give feedback on it.
                    // We do this by drawing an error icon over the hop...
                    color = EColor.RED;
                    arrow = EImage.ARROW_ERROR;
    drawArrow(arrow, line, hi, fs, ts);
    if (hi.isSplit()) {
Also used : ITransformIOMeta(org.apache.hop.pipeline.transform.ITransformIOMeta) IStream( HopExtensionPoint(org.apache.hop.core.extension.HopExtensionPoint)

Example 3 with ITransformIOMeta

use of org.apache.hop.pipeline.transform.ITransformIOMeta in project hop by apache.

the class SimpleMappingMeta method getTransformIOMeta.

public ITransformIOMeta getTransformIOMeta() {
    ITransformIOMeta ioMeta = super.getTransformIOMeta(false);
    if (ioMeta == null) {
        ioMeta = new TransformIOMeta(true, true, false, false, false, false);
    return ioMeta;
Also used : ITransformIOMeta(org.apache.hop.pipeline.transform.ITransformIOMeta) TransformIOMeta(org.apache.hop.pipeline.transform.TransformIOMeta) ITransformIOMeta(org.apache.hop.pipeline.transform.ITransformIOMeta)

Example 4 with ITransformIOMeta

use of org.apache.hop.pipeline.transform.ITransformIOMeta in project hop by apache.

the class FuzzyMatchTest method testReadLookupValues.

public void testReadLookupValues() throws Exception {
    FuzzyMatchData data = spy(new FuzzyMatchData());
    data.indexOfCachedFields = new int[2];
    data.minimalDistance = 0;
    data.maximalDistance = 5;
    FuzzyMatchMeta meta = spy(new FuzzyMatchMeta());
    meta.setOutputMatchField("I don't want NPE here!");
    data.readLookupValues = true;
    fuzzyMatch = new FuzzyMatchHandler(mockHelper.transformMeta, meta, data, 0, mockHelper.pipelineMeta, mockHelper.pipeline);
    IRowSet lookupRowSet = mockHelper.getMockInputRowSet(binaryLookupRows);
    fuzzyMatch.rowset = lookupRowSet;
    IRowMeta iRowMeta = new RowMeta();
    IValueMeta valueMeta = new ValueMetaString("field1");
    valueMeta.setStorageMetadata(new ValueMetaString("field1"));
    ITransformIOMeta transformIOMetaInterface = mock(ITransformIOMeta.class);
    IStream streamInterface = mock(IStream.class);
    List<IStream> streamInterfaceList = new ArrayList<>();
    Assert.assertEquals(iRowMeta.getString(row3B, 0), data.outputRowMeta.getString(fuzzyMatch.resultRow, 1));
Also used : IValueMeta(org.apache.hop.core.row.IValueMeta) ValueMetaString(org.apache.hop.core.row.value.ValueMetaString) ITransformIOMeta(org.apache.hop.pipeline.transform.ITransformIOMeta) IRowMeta(org.apache.hop.core.row.IRowMeta) RowMeta(org.apache.hop.core.row.RowMeta) IRowSet(org.apache.hop.core.IRowSet) IRowMeta(org.apache.hop.core.row.IRowMeta) IStream( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 5 with ITransformIOMeta

use of org.apache.hop.pipeline.transform.ITransformIOMeta in project hop by apache.

the class MultiMergeJoin method processFirstRow.

private boolean processFirstRow(MultiMergeJoinMeta smi, MultiMergeJoinData sdi) throws HopException {
    PipelineMeta pipelineMeta = getPipelineMeta();
    PipelineHopMeta pipelineHopMeta;
    ITransformIOMeta transformIOMeta = meta.getTransformIOMeta();
    List<IStream> infoStreams = transformIOMeta.getInfoStreams();
    IStream stream;
    TransformMeta toTransformMeta = meta.getParentTransformMeta();
    TransformMeta fromTransformMeta;
    ArrayList<String> inputTransformNameList = new ArrayList<>();
    String[] inputTransformNames = meta.getInputTransforms();
    String inputTransformName;
    for (int i = 0; i < infoStreams.size(); i++) {
        inputTransformName = inputTransformNames[i];
        stream = infoStreams.get(i);
        fromTransformMeta = stream.getTransformMeta();
        if (fromTransformMeta == null) {
            // should not arrive here, shoud typically have been caught by init.
            throw new HopException(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "MultiMergeJoin.Log.UnableToFindReferenceStream", inputTransformName));
        // check the hop
        pipelineHopMeta = pipelineMeta.findPipelineHop(fromTransformMeta, toTransformMeta, true);
        // there is no hop: this is unexpected.
        if (pipelineHopMeta == null) {
            // should not arrive here, shoud typically have been caught by init.
            throw new HopException(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "MultiMergeJoin.Log.UnableToFindReferenceStream", inputTransformName));
        } else if (pipelineHopMeta.isEnabled()) {
        } else {
            logDetailed(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "MultiMergeJoin.Log.IgnoringTransform", inputTransformName));
    int streamSize = inputTransformNameList.size();
    if (streamSize == 0) {
        return false;
    String keyField;
    String[] keyFields;
    data.rowSets = new IRowSet[streamSize];
    IRowSet rowSet;
    Object[] row;
    data.rows = new Object[streamSize][];
    data.metas = new IRowMeta[streamSize];
    data.rowLengths = new int[streamSize];
    MultiMergeJoinData.QueueComparator comparator = new MultiMergeJoinData.QueueComparator(data);
    data.queue = new PriorityQueue<>(streamSize, comparator);
    data.results = new ArrayList<>(streamSize);
    MultiMergeJoinData.QueueEntry queueEntry;
    data.queueEntries = new MultiMergeJoinData.QueueEntry[streamSize];
    data.drainIndices = new int[streamSize];
    data.keyNrs = new int[streamSize][];
    data.dummy = new Object[streamSize][];
    IRowMeta rowMeta;
    data.outputRowMeta = new RowMeta();
    for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < inputTransformNames.length; i++) {
        inputTransformName = inputTransformNames[i];
        if (!inputTransformNameList.contains(inputTransformName)) {
            // ignore transform with disabled hop.
        queueEntry = new MultiMergeJoinData.QueueEntry();
        queueEntry.index = j;
        data.queueEntries[j] = queueEntry;
        data.results.add(new ArrayList<>());
        rowSet = findInputRowSet(inputTransformName);
        if (rowSet == null) {
            throw new HopException(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "MultiMergeJoin.Exception.UnableToFindSpecifiedTransform", inputTransformName));
        data.rowSets[j] = rowSet;
        row = getRowFrom(rowSet);
        data.rows[j] = row;
        if (row == null) {
            rowMeta = getPipelineMeta().getTransformFields(this, inputTransformName);
            data.metas[j] = rowMeta;
        } else {
            queueEntry.row = row;
            rowMeta = rowSet.getRowMeta();
            keyField = meta.getKeyFields()[i];
            String[] keyFieldParts = keyField.split(",");
            String keyFieldPart;
            data.keyNrs[j] = new int[keyFieldParts.length];
            for (int k = 0; k < keyFieldParts.length; k++) {
                keyFieldPart = keyFieldParts[k];
                data.keyNrs[j][k] = rowMeta.indexOfValue(keyFieldPart);
                if (data.keyNrs[j][k] < 0) {
                    String message = BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "MultiMergeJoin.Exception.UnableToFindFieldInReferenceStream", keyFieldPart, inputTransformName);
                    throw new HopTransformException(message);
            data.metas[j] = rowMeta;
        data.rowLengths[j] = rowMeta.size();
        data.dummy[j] = RowDataUtil.allocateRowData(rowMeta.size());
    return true;
Also used : HopException(org.apache.hop.core.exception.HopException) IRowMeta(org.apache.hop.core.row.IRowMeta) RowMeta(org.apache.hop.core.row.RowMeta) IRowMeta(org.apache.hop.core.row.IRowMeta) PipelineHopMeta(org.apache.hop.pipeline.PipelineHopMeta) IStream( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) HopTransformException(org.apache.hop.core.exception.HopTransformException) PipelineMeta(org.apache.hop.pipeline.PipelineMeta) ITransformIOMeta(org.apache.hop.pipeline.transform.ITransformIOMeta) IRowSet(org.apache.hop.core.IRowSet) TransformMeta(org.apache.hop.pipeline.transform.TransformMeta)


ITransformIOMeta (org.apache.hop.pipeline.transform.ITransformIOMeta)10 IStream ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 TransformMeta (org.apache.hop.pipeline.transform.TransformMeta)4 IRowSet (org.apache.hop.core.IRowSet)3 HopException (org.apache.hop.core.exception.HopException)3 IRowMeta (org.apache.hop.core.row.IRowMeta)3 HopTransformException (org.apache.hop.core.exception.HopTransformException)2 HopExtensionPoint (org.apache.hop.core.extension.HopExtensionPoint)2 RowMeta (org.apache.hop.core.row.RowMeta)2 Test (org.junit.Test)2 PCollection (org.apache.beam.sdk.values.PCollection)1 PCollectionTuple (org.apache.beam.sdk.values.PCollectionTuple)1 PCollectionView (org.apache.beam.sdk.values.PCollectionView)1 HopRow (org.apache.hop.beam.core.HopRow)1 StringToHopRowFn (org.apache.hop.beam.core.fn.StringToHopRowFn)1 VariableValue (org.apache.hop.beam.core.shared.VariableValue)1 TransformBatchTransform (org.apache.hop.beam.core.transform.TransformBatchTransform)1 TransformTransform (org.apache.hop.beam.core.transform.TransformTransform)1 ILoggingObject (org.apache.hop.core.logging.ILoggingObject)1