use of org.apache.http.NoHttpResponseException in project jib by google.
the class RegistryClient method callRegistryEndpoint.
* Calls the registry endpoint with an override URL.
* @param url the endpoint URL to call, or {@code null} to use default from {@code
* registryEndpointProvider}
* @param registryEndpointProvider the {@link RegistryEndpointProvider} to the endpoint
private <T> T callRegistryEndpoint(@Nullable URL url, RegistryEndpointProvider<T> registryEndpointProvider) throws IOException, RegistryException {
if (url == null) {
url = registryEndpointProvider.getApiRoute(getApiRouteBase());
try (Connection connection = new Connection(url)) {
Request request = Request.builder().setAuthorization(authorization).setUserAgent(getUserAgent()).setAccept(registryEndpointProvider.getAccept()).setBody(registryEndpointProvider.getContent()).build();
Response response = connection.send(registryEndpointProvider.getHttpMethod(), request);
return registryEndpointProvider.handleResponse(response);
} catch (HttpResponseException ex) {
// First, see if the endpoint provider handles an exception as an expected response.
try {
return registryEndpointProvider.handleHttpResponseException(ex);
} catch (HttpResponseException httpResponseException) {
if (httpResponseException.getStatusCode() == HttpStatusCodes.STATUS_CODE_BAD_REQUEST || httpResponseException.getStatusCode() == HttpStatusCodes.STATUS_CODE_NOT_FOUND || httpResponseException.getStatusCode() == HttpStatusCodes.STATUS_CODE_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED) {
// The name or reference was invalid.
ErrorResponseTemplate errorResponse = JsonTemplateMapper.readJson(httpResponseException.getContent(), ErrorResponseTemplate.class);
RegistryErrorExceptionBuilder registryErrorExceptionBuilder = new RegistryErrorExceptionBuilder(registryEndpointProvider.getActionDescription(), httpResponseException);
for (ErrorEntryTemplate errorEntry : errorResponse.getErrors()) {
} else if (httpResponseException.getStatusCode() == HttpStatusCodes.STATUS_CODE_UNAUTHORIZED || httpResponseException.getStatusCode() == HttpStatusCodes.STATUS_CODE_FORBIDDEN) {
throw new RegistryUnauthorizedException(registryEndpointProperties.getServerUrl(), registryEndpointProperties.getImageName(), httpResponseException);
} else if (httpResponseException.getStatusCode() == HttpStatusCodes.STATUS_CODE_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT) {
return callRegistryEndpoint(new URL(httpResponseException.getHeaders().getLocation()), registryEndpointProvider);
} else {
// Unknown
throw httpResponseException;
} catch (NoHttpResponseException ex) {
throw new RegistryNoResponseException(ex);
} catch (SSLPeerUnverifiedException ex) {
// Fall-back to HTTP
GenericUrl httpUrl = new GenericUrl(url);
return callRegistryEndpoint(httpUrl.toURL(), registryEndpointProvider);
use of org.apache.http.NoHttpResponseException in project stocator by CODAIT.
the class SwiftConnectionManager method getRetryHandler.
* Creates custom retry handler to be used if HTTP exception happens
* @return retry handler
private HttpRequestRetryHandler getRetryHandler() {
HttpRequestRetryHandler myRetryHandler = new HttpRequestRetryHandler() {
public boolean retryRequest(IOException exception, int executionCount, HttpContext context) {
if (executionCount >= connectionConfiguration.getExecutionCount()) {
// Do not retry if over max retry count
LOG.debug("Execution count {} is bigger then threashold. Stop", executionCount);
return false;
if (exception instanceof NoHttpResponseException) {
LOG.debug("NoHttpResponseException exception. Retry count {}", executionCount);
return true;
if (exception instanceof UnknownHostException) {
LOG.debug("UnknownHostException. Retry count {}", executionCount);
return true;
if (exception instanceof ConnectTimeoutException) {
LOG.debug("ConnectTimeoutException. Retry count {}", executionCount);
return true;
if (exception instanceof SocketTimeoutException || exception.getClass() == SocketTimeoutException.class || exception.getClass().isInstance(SocketTimeoutException.class)) {
// Connection refused
LOG.debug("socketTimeoutException Retry count {}", executionCount);
return true;
if (exception instanceof InterruptedIOException) {
// Timeout
LOG.debug("InterruptedIOException Retry count {}", executionCount);
return true;
if (exception instanceof SSLException) {
LOG.debug("SSLException Retry count {}", executionCount);
return true;
HttpClientContext clientContext = HttpClientContext.adapt(context);
HttpRequest request = clientContext.getRequest();
boolean idempotent = !(request instanceof HttpEntityEnclosingRequest);
if (idempotent) {
LOG.debug("HttpEntityEnclosingRequest. Retry count {}", executionCount);
return true;
LOG.debug("Retry stopped. Retry count {}", executionCount);
return false;
return myRetryHandler;
use of org.apache.http.NoHttpResponseException in project newsrob by marianokamp.
the class SyncChangedArticlesStatusJob method doSync.
protected void doSync(final boolean uploadOnly, final boolean manualSync) {
final EntryManager entryManager = getEntryManager();
final EntriesRetriever grf = entryManager.getEntriesRetriever();
final IStorageAdapter fileContextAdapter = entryManager.getStorageAdapter();
if (entryManager.isModelCurrentlyUpdated())
PL.log("SynchronizationService. Used settings: " + SettingsRenderer.renderSettings(entryManager, new StringBuilder("\n")), SynchronizationService.this);
// entryManager.runningThread = new Thread(new Runnable() {
Throwable caughtThrowable = null;
// public void run() {
final Context ctx = getApplicationContext();
PL.log("SynchronizationService - start", SynchronizationService.this);
PL.log("Last successful login: " + entryManager.getLastSuccessfulLogin(), SynchronizationService.this);
// Thread.currentThread().setPriority(Thread.MIN_PRIORITY);
Timing t = new Timing("Synchronization Runnable", this);
long started = System.currentTimeMillis();
Log.i(TAG, "Synchronization started at " + new Date().toString() + ". started=" + started);
final SyncJobStatus syncJobStatus = new SyncJobStatus();
// last used
long lastUsed = entryManager.getLastUsed();
ModelUpdateResult result = null;
try {
PL.log("Run Mark - in Try", SynchronizationService.this);
if (!uploadOnly) {
try {
if (!Feed.restoreFeedsIfNeccesary(this))
} catch (Exception e) {
entryManager.fireModelUpdateStarted("Synchronization", uploadOnly, manualSync);
List<Job> jobList = new LinkedList<Job>();
Job deleteReadArticlesJob = new DeleteArticlesJob(SynchronizationService.this, entryManager, syncJobStatus);
Job reduceToCapacityJob = new ReduceToCapacityJob(SynchronizationService.this, entryManager, syncJobStatus);
if (!uploadOnly) {
if (entryManager.shouldReadItemsBeDeleted())
jobList.add(new Job("Submitting annotated articles", entryManager) {
public void run() throws Exception {
if (entryManager.syncCurrentlyEnabled(manualSync))
jobList.add(new SyncChangedArticlesStatusJob(SynchronizationService.this, entryManager, syncJobStatus, manualSync));
if (!uploadOnly && entryManager.shouldReadItemsBeDeleted())
Job removeDeletedNotes = new Job("Removing submitted notes", entryManager) {
public void run() throws Exception {
if (entryManager.syncCurrentlyEnabled(manualSync))
if (!uploadOnly) {
jobList.add(new Job("Unsubscribing from feeds", entryManager) {
public void run() throws Exception {
if (!entryManager.syncCurrentlyEnabled(manualSync))
Cursor c = entryManager.getFeeds2UnsubscribeCursor();
try {
while (c.moveToNext()) {
String feedAtomId = c.getString(1);
PL.log("Unsubscribing: " + feedAtomId, SynchronizationService.this);
} finally {
if (!uploadOnly)
if (!uploadOnly)
jobList.add(new FetchUnreadArticlesJob(SynchronizationService.this, entryManager, syncJobStatus, manualSync));
if (!uploadOnly)
jobList.add(new Job("Daily update of subscriptions (feed titles)", entryManager) {
public void run() throws IOException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, GRTokenExpiredException {
if (entryManager.syncCurrentlyEnabled(manualSync)) {
grf.updateSubscriptionList(entryManager, this);
if (!uploadOnly)
if (!uploadOnly && entryManager.shouldReadItemsBeDeleted())
if (!uploadOnly) {
// make sure that a manual sync moves the automatic sync
// forward,
// i.e. when pushing "Refresh" in the middle of a 24h sync,
// reset timer to 0, so that it will be another 24h from this
// point on
final float screenSizeFactor = getScreenSizeFactor(ctx);
final float previewScaleFactor = ctx.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density;
jobList.add(new Job("Downloading articles", entryManager) {
private int currentArticle = 0;
private Collection<Long> entries2Download;
public void run() {
if (entryManager.getSharedPreferences().getString(EntryManager.SETTINGS_STORAGE_ASSET_DOWNLOAD, EntryManager.DOWNLOAD_YES).equals(EntryManager.DOWNLOAD_NO)) {
Log.d(TAG, "Downloading of assets is disabled in the settings. Therefore skipping downloading webpages.");
Timing tSql = new Timing("SQL Query findAllToDownload", SynchronizationService.this);
entries2Download = entryManager.findAllArticleIds2Download();
Timing tOutter = new Timing("Downloading all " + entries2Download.size() + " pages or well, the ones that were downloaded", SynchronizationService.this);
for (Long articleId : entries2Download) {
// get the current data
// LATER use a real cursor and somehow find out when
// data became stale
Entry entry = entryManager.findArticleById(articleId);
if (entry == null)
if (!entryManager.downloadContentCurrentlyEnabled(manualSync))
if (!fileContextAdapter.canWrite()) {
Log.d(TAG, "File context adapter (" + fileContextAdapter.getClass().getName() + ") cannot be written to at the moment. Mounted? Read Only? Not downloading web pages.");
if (isCancelled())
// System.out.println("----------------- " +
// entry.getTitle());
// ones
if (entry.getReadState() == ReadState.READ && !entry.isStarred() && !entry.isNote())
int resolvedDownloadPref = entry.getResolvedDownloadPref(entryManager);
if (resolvedDownloadPref == Feed.DOWNLOAD_HEADERS_ONLY) {
// check against the db, because in the
// meantime
// the
// read status might have changed
Timing tInner = new Timing("Downloading page " + entry.getAlternateHRef(), SynchronizationService.this);
try {
// check free space
float freeSpaceLeft = fileContextAdapter.megaBytesFree();
Log.d(TAG, String.format("Free space remaining for downloads: %.2f MB.", freeSpaceLeft));
if (freeSpaceLeft < 0) {
PL.log(TAG + ": Oh no, free space left is a negative value ;-( Ignoring it.", ctx);
} else if (freeSpaceLeft < fileContextAdapter.megaBytesThreshold()) {
PL.log(TAG + ": Not enough space left to download page.", ctx);
boolean downloadTheWholePage = (resolvedDownloadPref == Feed.DOWNLOAD_PREF_FEED_AND_MOBILE_WEBPAGE || resolvedDownloadPref == Feed.DOWNLOAD_PREF_FEED_AND_WEBPAGE);
String summary = entry.getContent() != null ? entry.getContent() : UIHelper.linkize(entry.getAlternateHRef(), entry.getTitle());
WebPageDownloadDirector.downloadWebPage(entry.getShortAtomId(), new URL(entry.getBaseUrl(entryManager)), fileContextAdapter, this, summary, downloadTheWholePage, entryManager, manualSync);
if (true) {
File assetsDir = entry.getAssetsDir(entryManager);
System.out.println("generatePreview=" + new PreviewGenerator(ctx, assetsDir, (int) (100 * previewScaleFactor * screenSizeFactor), (int) (100 * previewScaleFactor * screenSizeFactor), (int) (6 * previewScaleFactor)).generatePreview());
// only
// one
// instance
// TODO use display metrics?
// TODO use orientation? Larger thumbs for
// larger screens?
entry.setDownloaded(downloadTheWholePage ? Entry.STATE_DOWNLOADED_FULL_PAGE : Entry.STATE_DOWNLOADED_FEED_CONTENT);
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Problem dowloading page " + entry.getAlternateHRef() + ".", e);
Throwable cause = null;
if (e instanceof DownloadException) {
cause = ((DownloadException) e).getCause();
Log.d(TAG, "DownloadException cause=" + cause);
} else
Log.d(TAG, "Exception=" + e);
boolean downloadError = false;
if (e instanceof DownloadCancelledException || cause != null && (cause instanceof FileNotFoundException || cause instanceof SocketTimeoutException || cause instanceof SocketException || cause instanceof NoHttpResponseException || cause instanceof UnknownHostException || cause instanceof DownloadCancelledException || cause instanceof DownloadTimedOutException)) {
Log.d(TAG, "Caught a FNFE");
} else {
Log.d(TAG, "Marked download as error.");
downloadError = true;
StringBuilder renderedStackTrace = new StringBuilder();
U.renderStackTrace(e, renderedStackTrace);
entry.setError(cause != null ? "Cause: " + cause.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + cause.getMessage() : e.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + e.getMessage() + "\nStacktrace: " + renderedStackTrace);
entry.setDownloaded(downloadError ? Entry.STATE_DOWNLOAD_ERROR : Entry.STATE_NOT_DOWNLOADED);
public boolean isProgressMeassurable() {
return true;
public int[] getProgress() {
return new int[] { currentArticle, entries2Download != null ? entries2Download.size() : 0 };
PL.log("Run Mark - Jobs added", this);
Log.d(TAG, "NoOfEntriesUpdated=" + syncJobStatus.noOfEntriesUpdated);
Log.d(TAG, "NoOfEntriesFetched=" + syncJobStatus.noOfEntriesFetched);
PL.log("Run Mark - Mission accomplished. -> complete ", this);
result = new SynchronizeModelSucceeded(syncJobStatus.noOfEntriesUpdated);
} catch (Throwable throwable) {
result = new SynchronizeModelFailed(throwable);
Log.d(TAG, "Problem during synchronization.", throwable);
} finally {
PL.log("Run Mark - In Finally", this);
Log.i(TAG, "Synchronization finished at " + new Date().toString() + ". started=" + started);
if (!uploadOnly)
entryManager.setLastSync(caughtThrowable == null);
int noOfNewArticles = entryManager.getNoOfNewArticlesSinceLastUsed(lastUsed);
entryManager.getNewsRobNotificationManager().notifyNewArticles(entryManager, lastUsed, noOfNewArticles);
PL.log("Run Mark - End of Finally", this);
use of org.apache.http.NoHttpResponseException in project platform_external_apache-http by android.
the class DefaultResponseParser method parseHead.
protected HttpMessage parseHead(final SessionInputBuffer sessionBuffer) throws IOException, HttpException {
// clear the buffer
// read out the HTTP status string
int count = 0;
ParserCursor cursor = null;
do {
int i = sessionBuffer.readLine(this.lineBuf);
if (i == -1 && count == 0) {
// The server just dropped connection on us
throw new NoHttpResponseException("The target server failed to respond");
cursor = new ParserCursor(0, this.lineBuf.length());
if (lineParser.hasProtocolVersion(this.lineBuf, cursor)) {
// Got one
} else if (i == -1 || count >= this.maxGarbageLines) {
// Giving up
throw new ProtocolException("The server failed to respond with a " + "valid HTTP response");
} while (true);
// create the status line from the status string
StatusLine statusline = lineParser.parseStatusLine(this.lineBuf, cursor);
return this.responseFactory.newHttpResponse(statusline, null);
use of org.apache.http.NoHttpResponseException in project platform_external_apache-http by android.
the class HttpResponseParser method parseHead.
protected HttpMessage parseHead(final SessionInputBuffer sessionBuffer) throws IOException, HttpException, ParseException {
int i = sessionBuffer.readLine(this.lineBuf);
if (i == -1) {
throw new NoHttpResponseException("The target server failed to respond");
// create the status line from the status string
ParserCursor cursor = new ParserCursor(0, this.lineBuf.length());
StatusLine statusline = lineParser.parseStatusLine(this.lineBuf, cursor);
return this.responseFactory.newHttpResponse(statusline, null);