use of org.apache.hudi.callback.common.HoodieWriteCommitCallbackMessage in project hudi by apache.
the class BaseHoodieWriteClient method commitStats.
public boolean commitStats(String instantTime, List<HoodieWriteStat> stats, Option<Map<String, String>> extraMetadata, String commitActionType, Map<String, List<String>> partitionToReplaceFileIds) {
// Skip the empty commit if not allowed
if (!config.allowEmptyCommit() && stats.isEmpty()) {
return true;
}"Committing " + instantTime + " action " + commitActionType);
// Create a Hoodie table which encapsulated the commits and files visible
HoodieTable table = createTable(config, hadoopConf);
HoodieCommitMetadata metadata = CommitUtils.buildMetadata(stats, partitionToReplaceFileIds, extraMetadata, operationType, config.getWriteSchema(), commitActionType);
HoodieInstant inflightInstant = new HoodieInstant(State.INFLIGHT, table.getMetaClient().getCommitActionType(), instantTime);
HeartbeatUtils.abortIfHeartbeatExpired(instantTime, table, heartbeatClient, config);
this.txnManager.beginTransaction(Option.of(inflightInstant), lastCompletedTxnAndMetadata.isPresent() ? Option.of(lastCompletedTxnAndMetadata.get().getLeft()) : Option.empty());
try {
preCommit(inflightInstant, metadata);
commit(table, commitActionType, instantTime, metadata, stats);
postCommit(table, metadata, instantTime, extraMetadata);"Committed " + instantTime);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new HoodieCommitException("Failed to complete commit " + config.getBasePath() + " at time " + instantTime, e);
} finally {
// do this outside of lock since compaction, clustering can be time taking and we don't need a lock for the entire execution period
runTableServicesInline(table, metadata, extraMetadata);
emitCommitMetrics(instantTime, metadata, commitActionType);
// callback if needed.
if (config.writeCommitCallbackOn()) {
if (null == commitCallback) {
commitCallback = HoodieCommitCallbackFactory.create(config);
} HoodieWriteCommitCallbackMessage(instantTime, config.getTableName(), config.getBasePath(), stats));
return true;