use of org.apache.hudi.exception.HoodieNotSupportedException in project hudi by apache.
the class KafkaOffsetGen method getNextOffsetRanges.
public OffsetRange[] getNextOffsetRanges(Option<String> lastCheckpointStr, long sourceLimit, HoodieDeltaStreamerMetrics metrics) {
// Obtain current metadata for the topic
Map<TopicPartition, Long> fromOffsets;
Map<TopicPartition, Long> toOffsets;
try (KafkaConsumer consumer = new KafkaConsumer(kafkaParams)) {
if (!checkTopicExists(consumer)) {
throw new HoodieException("Kafka topic:" + topicName + " does not exist");
List<PartitionInfo> partitionInfoList;
partitionInfoList = consumer.partitionsFor(topicName);
Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions = -> new TopicPartition(x.topic(), x.partition())).collect(Collectors.toSet());
if (Config.KAFKA_CHECKPOINT_TYPE_TIMESTAMP.equals(kafkaCheckpointType) && isValidTimestampCheckpointType(lastCheckpointStr)) {
lastCheckpointStr = getOffsetsByTimestamp(consumer, partitionInfoList, topicPartitions, topicName, Long.parseLong(lastCheckpointStr.get()));
// Determine the offset ranges to read from
if (lastCheckpointStr.isPresent() && !lastCheckpointStr.get().isEmpty() && checkTopicCheckpoint(lastCheckpointStr)) {
fromOffsets = fetchValidOffsets(consumer, lastCheckpointStr, topicPartitions);
metrics.updateDeltaStreamerKafkaDelayCountMetrics(delayOffsetCalculation(lastCheckpointStr, topicPartitions, consumer));
} else {
switch(autoResetValue) {
fromOffsets = consumer.beginningOffsets(topicPartitions);
case LATEST:
fromOffsets = consumer.endOffsets(topicPartitions);
case GROUP:
fromOffsets = getGroupOffsets(consumer, topicPartitions);
throw new HoodieNotSupportedException("Auto reset value must be one of 'earliest' or 'latest' or 'group' ");
// Obtain the latest offsets.
toOffsets = consumer.endOffsets(topicPartitions);
// Come up with final set of OffsetRanges to read (account for new partitions, limit number of events)
long maxEventsToReadFromKafka = props.getLong(Config.MAX_EVENTS_FROM_KAFKA_SOURCE_PROP.key(), Config.MAX_EVENTS_FROM_KAFKA_SOURCE_PROP.defaultValue());
long numEvents;
if (sourceLimit == Long.MAX_VALUE) {
numEvents = maxEventsToReadFromKafka;"SourceLimit not configured, set numEvents to default value : " + maxEventsToReadFromKafka);
} else {
numEvents = sourceLimit;
if (numEvents < toOffsets.size()) {
throw new HoodieException("sourceLimit should not be less than the number of kafka partitions");
return CheckpointUtils.computeOffsetRanges(fromOffsets, toOffsets, numEvents);
use of org.apache.hudi.exception.HoodieNotSupportedException in project hudi by apache.
the class TimestampBasedAvroKeyGenerator method getPartitionPath.
* Parse and fetch partition path based on data type.
* @param partitionVal partition path object value fetched from record/row
* @return the parsed partition path based on data type
public String getPartitionPath(Object partitionVal) {
long timeMs;
if (partitionVal instanceof Double) {
timeMs = convertLongTimeToMillis(((Double) partitionVal).longValue());
} else if (partitionVal instanceof Float) {
timeMs = convertLongTimeToMillis(((Float) partitionVal).longValue());
} else if (partitionVal instanceof Long) {
timeMs = convertLongTimeToMillis((Long) partitionVal);
} else if (partitionVal instanceof Timestamp && isConsistentLogicalTimestampEnabled()) {
timeMs = ((Timestamp) partitionVal).getTime();
} else if (partitionVal instanceof Integer) {
timeMs = convertLongTimeToMillis(((Integer) partitionVal).longValue());
} else if (partitionVal instanceof BigDecimal) {
timeMs = convertLongTimeToMillis(((BigDecimal) partitionVal).longValue());
} else if (partitionVal instanceof CharSequence) {
if (!inputFormatter.isPresent()) {
throw new HoodieException("Missing inputformatter. Ensure " + KeyGeneratorOptions.Config.TIMESTAMP_INPUT_DATE_FORMAT_PROP + " config is set when timestampType is DATE_STRING or MIXED!");
DateTime parsedDateTime = inputFormatter.get().parseDateTime(partitionVal.toString());
if (this.outputDateTimeZone == null) {
// Use the timezone that came off the date that was passed in, if it had one
partitionFormatter = partitionFormatter.withZone(parsedDateTime.getZone());
timeMs = inputFormatter.get().parseDateTime(partitionVal.toString()).getMillis();
} else {
throw new HoodieNotSupportedException("Unexpected type for partition field: " + partitionVal.getClass().getName());
DateTime timestamp = new DateTime(timeMs, outputDateTimeZone);
String partitionPath = timestamp.toString(partitionFormatter);
if (encodePartitionPath) {
partitionPath = PartitionPathEncodeUtils.escapePathName(partitionPath);
return hiveStylePartitioning ? getPartitionPathFields().get(0) + "=" + partitionPath : partitionPath;
use of org.apache.hudi.exception.HoodieNotSupportedException in project hudi by apache.
the class HoodieLogFileReader method prev.
* This is a reverse iterator Note: At any point, an instance of HoodieLogFileReader should either iterate reverse
* (prev) or forward (next). Doing both in the same instance is not supported WARNING : Every call to prev() should be
* preceded with hasPrev()
public HoodieLogBlock prev() throws IOException {
if (!this.reverseReader) {
throw new HoodieNotSupportedException("Reverse log reader has not been enabled");
long blockSize = inputStream.readLong();
long blockEndPos = inputStream.getPos();
// blocksize should read everything about a block including the length as well
try { - blockSize);
} catch (Exception e) {
// this could be a corrupt block;
throw new CorruptedLogFileException("Found possible corrupted block, cannot read log file in reverse, " + "fallback to forward reading of logfile");
boolean hasNext = hasNext();
reverseLogFilePosition -= blockSize;
lastReverseLogFilePosition = reverseLogFilePosition;
return next();
use of org.apache.hudi.exception.HoodieNotSupportedException in project hudi by apache.
the class HoodieLogFileReader method readBlock.
// TODO : convert content and block length to long by using ByteBuffer, raw byte [] allows
// for max of Integer size
private HoodieLogBlock readBlock() throws IOException {
int blockSize;
try {
// 1 Read the total size of the block
blockSize = (int) inputStream.readLong();
} catch (EOFException | CorruptedLogFileException e) {
// Create a corrupt block by finding the next MAGIC marker or EOF
return createCorruptBlock();
// We may have had a crash which could have written this block partially
// Skip blockSize in the stream and we should either find a sync marker (start of the next
// block) or EOF. If we did not find either of it, then this block is a corrupted block.
boolean isCorrupted = isBlockCorrupted(blockSize);
if (isCorrupted) {
return createCorruptBlock();
// 2. Read the version for this log format
HoodieLogFormat.LogFormatVersion nextBlockVersion = readVersion();
// 3. Read the block type for a log block
HoodieLogBlockType blockType = tryReadBlockType(nextBlockVersion);
// 4. Read the header for a log block, if present
Map<HeaderMetadataType, String> header = nextBlockVersion.hasHeader() ? HoodieLogBlock.getLogMetadata(inputStream) : null;
// 5. Read the content length for the content
// Fallback to full-block size if no content-length
// TODO replace w/ hasContentLength
int contentLength = nextBlockVersion.getVersion() != HoodieLogFormatVersion.DEFAULT_VERSION ? (int) inputStream.readLong() : blockSize;
// 6. Read the content or skip content based on IO vs Memory trade-off by client
long contentPosition = inputStream.getPos();
boolean shouldReadLazily = readBlockLazily && nextBlockVersion.getVersion() != HoodieLogFormatVersion.DEFAULT_VERSION;
Option<byte[]> content = HoodieLogBlock.tryReadContent(inputStream, contentLength, shouldReadLazily);
// 7. Read footer if any
Map<HeaderMetadataType, String> footer = nextBlockVersion.hasFooter() ? HoodieLogBlock.getLogMetadata(inputStream) : null;
// log file in reverse
if (nextBlockVersion.hasLogBlockLength()) {
// 9. Read the log block end position in the log file
long blockEndPos = inputStream.getPos();
HoodieLogBlock.HoodieLogBlockContentLocation logBlockContentLoc = new HoodieLogBlock.HoodieLogBlockContentLocation(hadoopConf, logFile, contentPosition, contentLength, blockEndPos);
switch(Objects.requireNonNull(blockType)) {
if (nextBlockVersion.getVersion() == HoodieLogFormatVersion.DEFAULT_VERSION) {
return HoodieAvroDataBlock.getBlock(content.get(), readerSchema);
} else {
return new HoodieAvroDataBlock(inputStream, content, readBlockLazily, logBlockContentLoc, Option.ofNullable(readerSchema), header, footer, keyField);
checkState(nextBlockVersion.getVersion() != HoodieLogFormatVersion.DEFAULT_VERSION, String.format("HFile block could not be of version (%d)", HoodieLogFormatVersion.DEFAULT_VERSION));
return new HoodieHFileDataBlock(inputStream, content, readBlockLazily, logBlockContentLoc, Option.ofNullable(readerSchema), header, footer, enableRecordLookups);
checkState(nextBlockVersion.getVersion() != HoodieLogFormatVersion.DEFAULT_VERSION, String.format("Parquet block could not be of version (%d)", HoodieLogFormatVersion.DEFAULT_VERSION));
return new HoodieParquetDataBlock(inputStream, content, readBlockLazily, logBlockContentLoc, Option.ofNullable(readerSchema), header, footer, keyField);
return new HoodieDeleteBlock(content, inputStream, readBlockLazily, Option.of(logBlockContentLoc), header, footer);
return new HoodieCommandBlock(content, inputStream, readBlockLazily, Option.of(logBlockContentLoc), header, footer);
throw new HoodieNotSupportedException("Unsupported Block " + blockType);