use of org.apache.hyracks.api.client.IHyracksClientConnection in project asterixdb by apache.
the class VersionApiServletTest method testGet.
public void testGet() throws Exception {
// Configures a test version api servlet.
VersionApiServlet servlet = new VersionApiServlet(new ConcurrentHashMap<>(), new String[] { "/" });
Map<String, String> propMap = new HashMap<>();
ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
PrintWriter outputWriter = new PrintWriter(outputStream);
// Creates mocks.
CcApplicationContext mockCtx = mock(CcApplicationContext.class);
IServletRequest mockRequest = mock(IServletRequest.class);
IHyracksClientConnection mockHcc = mock(IHyracksClientConnection.class);
IServletResponse mockResponse = mock(IServletResponse.class);
BuildProperties mockProperties = mock(BuildProperties.class);
FullHttpRequest mockHttpRequest = mock(FullHttpRequest.class);
// Put stuff in let map
servlet.ctx().put(HYRACKS_CONNECTION_ATTR, mockHcc);
servlet.ctx().put(ASTERIX_APP_CONTEXT_INFO_ATTR, mockCtx);
// Sets up mock returns.
propMap.put("", "foo@bar.baz");
propMap.put("", "fulliautomatix");
propMap.put("git.dirty", "true");
propMap.put("git.remote.origin.url", "");
propMap.put("", "asterix-0.8.7-incubating");
propMap.put("", "asterix-0.8.7-incubating-19-dirty");
propMap.put("", "foo@bar.baz");
propMap.put("git.commit.time", "21.10.2015 @ 23:36:41 PDT");
propMap.put("git.commit.message.full", "ASTERIXDB-1045: fix log file reading during recovery\n\nChange-Id: Ic83ee1dd2d7ba88180c25f4ec6c7aa8d0a5a7162\nReviewed-on:\nTested-by: Jenkins <>");
propMap.put("", "0.8.8-SNAPSHOT");
propMap.put("git.commit.message.short", "ASTERIXDB-1045: fix log file reading during recovery");
propMap.put("", "e1dad19");
propMap.put("git.branch", "foo/bar");
propMap.put("", "Asterix");
propMap.put("git.closest.tag.commit.count", "19");
propMap.put("", "asterix-0.8.7-incubating-19-ge1dad19-dirty");
propMap.put("", "e1dad1984640517366a7e73e323c9de27b0676f7");
propMap.put("git.tags", "");
propMap.put("", "22.10.2015 @ 17:11:07 PDT");
propMap.put("", "Obelix");
// Calls VersionAPIServlet.formResponseObject.
servlet.handle(mockRequest, mockResponse);
// Constructs the actual response.
ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper();
ObjectNode actualResponse = (ObjectNode) om.readTree(outputStream.toByteArray());
ObjectNode expectedResponse = om.createObjectNode();
for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : propMap.entrySet()) {
expectedResponse.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
// Checks the response contains all the expected keys.
Assert.assertEquals(actualResponse.toString(), expectedResponse.toString());
use of org.apache.hyracks.api.client.IHyracksClientConnection in project asterixdb by apache.
the class SecondaryIndexSearchExample method main.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Options options = new Options();
CmdLineParser parser = new CmdLineParser(options);
IHyracksClientConnection hcc = new HyracksConnection(, options.port);
JobSpecification job = createJob(options);
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
JobId jobId = hcc.startJob(job);
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.err.println(start + " " + end + " " + (end - start));
use of org.apache.hyracks.api.client.IHyracksClientConnection in project asterixdb by apache.
the class PrimaryIndexBulkLoadExample method main.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Options options = new Options();
CmdLineParser parser = new CmdLineParser(options);
IHyracksClientConnection hcc = new HyracksConnection(, options.port);
JobSpecification job = createJob(options);
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
JobId jobId = hcc.startJob(job);
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.err.println(start + " " + end + " " + (end - start));
use of org.apache.hyracks.api.client.IHyracksClientConnection in project asterixdb by apache.
the class PrimaryIndexSearchExample method main.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Options options = new Options();
CmdLineParser parser = new CmdLineParser(options);
IHyracksClientConnection hcc = new HyracksConnection(, options.port);
JobSpecification job = createJob(options);
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
JobId jobId = hcc.startJob(job);
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.err.println(start + " " + end + " " + (end - start));
use of org.apache.hyracks.api.client.IHyracksClientConnection in project asterixdb by apache.
the class Sort method main.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Options options = new Options();
CmdLineParser parser = new CmdLineParser(options);
if (args.length == 0) {
IHyracksClientConnection hcc = new HyracksConnection(, options.port);
JobSpecification job = createJob(parseFileSplits(options.inFileOrderSplits), parseFileSplits(options.outFileSplits), options.memBufferAlg, options.frameLimit, options.frameSize, options.topK, options.usingHeapSorter);
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
JobId jobId = hcc.startJob(job, options.profile ? EnumSet.of(JobFlag.PROFILE_RUNTIME) : EnumSet.noneOf(JobFlag.class));
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.err.println("finished in:" + (end - start) + "ms");