use of org.apache.hyracks.http.api.IServletRequest in project asterixdb by apache.
the class ConnectorApiServletTest method testGet.
public void testGet() throws Exception {
// Starts test asterixdb cluster.
// Configures a test connector api servlet.
ConnectorApiServlet let = new ConnectorApiServlet(new ConcurrentHashMap<>(), new String[] { "/" }, (ICcApplicationContext);
Map<String, NodeControllerInfo> nodeMap = new HashMap<>();
ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
PrintWriter outputWriter = new PrintWriter(outputStream);
// Creates mocks.
IHyracksClientConnection mockHcc = mock(IHyracksClientConnection.class);
NodeControllerInfo mockInfo1 = mock(NodeControllerInfo.class);
NodeControllerInfo mockInfo2 = mock(NodeControllerInfo.class);
IServletRequest mockRequest = mock(IServletRequest.class);
IServletResponse mockResponse = mock(IServletResponse.class);
FullHttpRequest mockHttpRequest = mock(FullHttpRequest.class);
// Put stuff in let map
let.ctx().put(ServletConstants.HYRACKS_CONNECTION_ATTR, mockHcc);
// Sets up mock returns.
when(mockInfo1.getNetworkAddress()).thenReturn(new NetworkAddress("", 3099));
when(mockInfo2.getNetworkAddress()).thenReturn(new NetworkAddress("", 3099));
// Calls ConnectorAPIServlet.formResponseObject.
nodeMap.put("asterix_nc1", mockInfo1);
nodeMap.put("asterix_nc2", mockInfo2);
let.handle(mockRequest, mockResponse);
// Constructs the actual response.
ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper();
ObjectNode actualResponse = (ObjectNode) om.readTree(outputStream.toString());
// Checks the temp-or-not, primary key, data type of the dataset.
boolean temp = actualResponse.get("temp").asBoolean();
String primaryKey = actualResponse.get("keys").asText();
Assert.assertEquals("DataverseName,DatasetName", primaryKey);
ARecordType recordType = (ARecordType) JSONDeserializerForTypes.convertFromJSON(actualResponse.get("type"));
Assert.assertEquals(getMetadataRecordType("Metadata", "Dataset"), recordType);
// Checks the correctness of results.
ArrayNode splits = (ArrayNode) actualResponse.get("splits");
String path = (splits.get(0)).get("path").asText();
// Tears down the asterixdb cluster.
use of org.apache.hyracks.http.api.IServletRequest in project asterixdb by apache.
the class QueryCancellationServletTest method testDelete.
public void testDelete() throws Exception {
// Creates a query cancellation servlet.
QueryCancellationServlet cancellationServlet = new QueryCancellationServlet(new ConcurrentHashMap<>(), new String[] { "/" });
// Adds mocked Hyracks client connection into the servlet context.
IHyracksClientConnection mockHcc = mock(IHyracksClientConnection.class);
cancellationServlet.ctx().put(ServletConstants.HYRACKS_CONNECTION_ATTR, mockHcc);
// Adds a query context into the servlet context.
IStatementExecutorContext queryCtx = new StatementExecutorContext();
cancellationServlet.ctx().put(ServletConstants.RUNNING_QUERIES_ATTR, queryCtx);
// Tests the case that query is not in the map.
IServletRequest mockRequest = mockRequest("1");
IServletResponse mockResponse = mock(IServletResponse.class);
cancellationServlet.handle(mockRequest, mockResponse);
verify(mockResponse, times(1)).setStatus(HttpResponseStatus.NOT_FOUND);
// Tests the case that query is in the map.
queryCtx.put("1", new JobId(1));
cancellationServlet.handle(mockRequest, mockResponse);
verify(mockResponse, times(1)).setStatus(HttpResponseStatus.OK);
// Tests the case the client_context_id is not provided.
mockRequest = mockRequest(null);
cancellationServlet.handle(mockRequest, mockResponse);
verify(mockResponse, times(1)).setStatus(HttpResponseStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
// Tests the case that the job cancellation hit some exception from Hyracks.
queryCtx.put("2", new JobId(2));
Mockito.doThrow(new Exception()).when(mockHcc).cancelJob(any());
mockRequest = mockRequest("2");
cancellationServlet.handle(mockRequest, mockResponse);
verify(mockResponse, times(1)).setStatus(HttpResponseStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
use of org.apache.hyracks.http.api.IServletRequest in project asterixdb by apache.
the class HttpServerHandler method submit.
private void submit(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, IServlet servlet, FullHttpRequest request) throws IOException {
IServletRequest servletRequest;
try {
servletRequest = HttpUtil.toServletRequest(request);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Failure Decoding Request", e);
respond(ctx, request.protocolVersion(), HttpResponseStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
handler = new HttpRequestHandler(ctx, servlet, servletRequest, chunkSize);
use of org.apache.hyracks.http.api.IServletRequest in project asterixdb by apache.
the class RestApiServlet method initResponse.
* Initialize the Content-Type of the response, and construct a
* SessionConfig with the appropriate output writer and output-format
* based on the Accept: header and other servlet parameters.
static SessionOutput initResponse(IServletRequest request, IServletResponse response) throws IOException {
HttpUtil.setContentType(response, HttpUtil.ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN, HttpUtil.Encoding.UTF8);
// CLEAN_JSON output is the default; most generally useful for a
// programmatic HTTP API
OutputFormat format = OutputFormat.CLEAN_JSON;
// First check the "output" servlet parameter.
String output = request.getParameter("output");
String accept = request.getHeader("Accept", "");
if (output != null) {
if ("CSV".equals(output)) {
format = OutputFormat.CSV;
} else if ("ADM".equals(output)) {
format = OutputFormat.ADM;
} else {
// Second check the Accept: HTTP header.
if (accept.contains("application/x-adm")) {
format = OutputFormat.ADM;
} else if (accept.contains("text/csv")) {
format = OutputFormat.CSV;
if (format == OutputFormat.CLEAN_JSON && ("true".equals(request.getParameter("lossless")) || accept.contains("lossless=true"))) {
format = OutputFormat.LOSSLESS_JSON;
SessionOutput.ResultAppender appendHandle = (app, handle) -> app.append("{ \"").append("handle").append("\":" + " \"").append(handle).append("\" }");
SessionConfig sessionConfig = new SessionConfig(format);
// If it's JSON or ADM, check for the "wrapper-array" flag. Default is
// "true" for JSON and "false" for ADM. (Not applicable for CSV.)
boolean wrapperArray = format == OutputFormat.CLEAN_JSON || format == OutputFormat.LOSSLESS_JSON;
String wrapperParam = request.getParameter("wrapper-array");
if (wrapperParam != null) {
wrapperArray = Boolean.valueOf(wrapperParam);
} else if (accept.contains("wrap-array=true")) {
wrapperArray = true;
} else if (accept.contains("wrap-array=false")) {
wrapperArray = false;
sessionConfig.set(SessionConfig.FORMAT_WRAPPER_ARRAY, wrapperArray);
// Now that format is set, output the content-type
switch(format) {
case ADM:
HttpUtil.setContentType(response, "application/x-adm");
// No need to reflect "clean-ness" in output type; fall through
HttpUtil.setContentType(response, "application/json");
case CSV:
// Check for header parameter or in Accept:.
if ("present".equals(request.getParameter("header")) || accept.contains("header=present")) {
HttpUtil.setContentType(response, "text/csv; header=present");
sessionConfig.set(SessionConfig.FORMAT_CSV_HEADER, true);
} else {
HttpUtil.setContentType(response, "text/csv; header=absent");
throw new IOException("Unknown format " + format);
return new SessionOutput(sessionConfig, response.writer(), null, null, appendHandle, null);
use of org.apache.hyracks.http.api.IServletRequest in project asterixdb by apache.
the class QueryCancellationServletTest method mockRequest.
private IServletRequest mockRequest(String clientContextId) {
IServletRequest mockRequest = mock(IServletRequest.class);
FullHttpRequest mockHttpRequest = mock(FullHttpRequest.class);
if (clientContextId != null) {
return mockRequest;