use of org.apache.hyracks.api.comm.NetworkAddress in project asterixdb by apache.
the class NodeManagerTest method mockNodeControllerState.
private NodeControllerState mockNodeControllerState(String nodeId, boolean invalidIpAddr) {
NodeControllerState ncState = mock(NodeControllerState.class);
String ipAddr = invalidIpAddr ? "255.255.255:255" : "";
NetworkAddress dataAddr = new NetworkAddress(ipAddr, 1001);
NetworkAddress resultAddr = new NetworkAddress(ipAddr, 1002);
NetworkAddress msgAddr = new NetworkAddress(ipAddr, 1003);
when(ncState.getCapacity()).thenReturn(new NodeCapacity(NODE_MEMORY_SIZE, NODE_CORES));
NCConfig ncConfig = new NCConfig(nodeId);
return ncState;
use of org.apache.hyracks.api.comm.NetworkAddress in project asterixdb by apache.
the class ConnectorApiServletTest method testGet.
public void testGet() throws Exception {
// Starts test asterixdb cluster.
// Configures a test connector api servlet.
ConnectorApiServlet let = new ConnectorApiServlet(new ConcurrentHashMap<>(), new String[] { "/" }, (ICcApplicationContext);
Map<String, NodeControllerInfo> nodeMap = new HashMap<>();
ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
PrintWriter outputWriter = new PrintWriter(outputStream);
// Creates mocks.
IHyracksClientConnection mockHcc = mock(IHyracksClientConnection.class);
NodeControllerInfo mockInfo1 = mock(NodeControllerInfo.class);
NodeControllerInfo mockInfo2 = mock(NodeControllerInfo.class);
IServletRequest mockRequest = mock(IServletRequest.class);
IServletResponse mockResponse = mock(IServletResponse.class);
FullHttpRequest mockHttpRequest = mock(FullHttpRequest.class);
// Put stuff in let map
let.ctx().put(ServletConstants.HYRACKS_CONNECTION_ATTR, mockHcc);
// Sets up mock returns.
when(mockInfo1.getNetworkAddress()).thenReturn(new NetworkAddress("", 3099));
when(mockInfo2.getNetworkAddress()).thenReturn(new NetworkAddress("", 3099));
// Calls ConnectorAPIServlet.formResponseObject.
nodeMap.put("asterix_nc1", mockInfo1);
nodeMap.put("asterix_nc2", mockInfo2);
let.handle(mockRequest, mockResponse);
// Constructs the actual response.
ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper();
ObjectNode actualResponse = (ObjectNode) om.readTree(outputStream.toString());
// Checks the temp-or-not, primary key, data type of the dataset.
boolean temp = actualResponse.get("temp").asBoolean();
String primaryKey = actualResponse.get("keys").asText();
Assert.assertEquals("DataverseName,DatasetName", primaryKey);
ARecordType recordType = (ARecordType) JSONDeserializerForTypes.convertFromJSON(actualResponse.get("type"));
Assert.assertEquals(getMetadataRecordType("Metadata", "Dataset"), recordType);
// Checks the correctness of results.
ArrayNode splits = (ArrayNode) actualResponse.get("splits");
String path = (splits.get(0)).get("path").asText();
// Tears down the asterixdb cluster.
use of org.apache.hyracks.api.comm.NetworkAddress in project asterixdb by apache.
the class SchedulerTest method testSchedulerLargerHDFS.
* Test the case where the HDFS cluster is a larger than the Hyracks cluster
* @throws Exception
public void testSchedulerLargerHDFS() throws Exception {
int dataPort = 5099;
int resultPort = 5098;
int messagingPort = 5097;
Map<String, NodeControllerInfo> ncNameToNcInfos = TestUtils.generateNodeControllerInfo(4, "nc", "10.0.0.", dataPort, resultPort, messagingPort);
ncNameToNcInfos.put("nc7", new NodeControllerInfo("nc7", NodeStatus.ALIVE, new NetworkAddress("", dataPort), new NetworkAddress("", resultPort), new NetworkAddress("", messagingPort), 2));
ncNameToNcInfos.put("nc12", new NodeControllerInfo("nc12", NodeStatus.ALIVE, new NetworkAddress("", dataPort), new NetworkAddress("", resultPort), new NetworkAddress("", messagingPort), 2));
InputSplit[] fileSplits = new InputSplit[12];
fileSplits[0] = new FileSplit(new Path("part-1"), 0, 0, new String[] { "", "", "" });
fileSplits[1] = new FileSplit(new Path("part-2"), 0, 0, new String[] { "", "", "" });
fileSplits[2] = new FileSplit(new Path("part-3"), 0, 0, new String[] { "", "", "" });
fileSplits[3] = new FileSplit(new Path("part-4"), 0, 0, new String[] { "", "", "" });
fileSplits[4] = new FileSplit(new Path("part-5"), 0, 0, new String[] { "", "", "" });
fileSplits[5] = new FileSplit(new Path("part-6"), 0, 0, new String[] { "", "", "" });
fileSplits[6] = new FileSplit(new Path("part-7"), 0, 0, new String[] { "", "", "" });
fileSplits[7] = new FileSplit(new Path("part-8"), 0, 0, new String[] { "", "", "" });
fileSplits[8] = new FileSplit(new Path("part-12"), 0, 0, new String[] { "", "", "" });
fileSplits[9] = new FileSplit(new Path("part-10"), 0, 0, new String[] { "", "", "" });
fileSplits[10] = new FileSplit(new Path("part-11"), 0, 0, new String[] { "", "", "" });
fileSplits[11] = new FileSplit(new Path("part-9"), 0, 0, new String[] { "", "", "" });
Scheduler scheduler = new Scheduler(ncNameToNcInfos);
String[] locationConstraints = scheduler.getLocationConstraints(fileSplits);
String[] expectedResults = new String[] { "nc1", "nc4", "nc4", "nc1", "nc3", "nc2", "nc2", "nc3", "nc12", "nc7", "nc7", "nc12" };
for (int i = 0; i < locationConstraints.length; i++) {
Assert.assertEquals(locationConstraints[i], expectedResults[i]);
expectedResults = new String[] { "nc1", "nc4", "nc4", "nc1", "nc3", "nc2", "nc2", "nc3", "nc7", "nc12", "nc7", "nc12" };
ClusterTopology topology = parseTopology();
scheduler = new Scheduler(ncNameToNcInfos, topology);
locationConstraints = scheduler.getLocationConstraints(fileSplits);
for (int i = 0; i < locationConstraints.length; i++) {
Assert.assertEquals(locationConstraints[i], expectedResults[i]);
use of org.apache.hyracks.api.comm.NetworkAddress in project asterixdb by apache.
the class TestUtils method generateNodeControllerInfo.
public static Map<String, NodeControllerInfo> generateNodeControllerInfo(int numberOfNodes, String ncNamePrefix, String addressPrefix, int netPort, int dataPort, int messagingPort) {
Map<String, NodeControllerInfo> ncNameToNcInfos = new HashMap<>();
for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfNodes; i++) {
String ncId = ncNamePrefix + i;
String ncAddress = addressPrefix + i;
ncNameToNcInfos.put(ncId, new NodeControllerInfo(ncId, NodeStatus.ALIVE, new NetworkAddress(ncAddress, netPort), new NetworkAddress(ncAddress, dataPort), new NetworkAddress(ncAddress, messagingPort), 2));
return ncNameToNcInfos;
use of org.apache.hyracks.api.comm.NetworkAddress in project asterixdb by apache.
the class NetworkManager method start.
public void start() throws IOException {
InetSocketAddress sockAddr = md.getLocalAddress();
localNetworkAddress = new NetworkAddress(sockAddr.getHostString(), sockAddr.getPort());
// make it a copy of localNetworkAddress
if (publicNetworkAddress.getAddress() == null) {
publicNetworkAddress = localNetworkAddress;
} else {
// Likewise for public port
if (publicNetworkAddress.getPort() == 0) {
publicNetworkAddress = new NetworkAddress(publicNetworkAddress.getAddress(), sockAddr.getPort());