use of in project asterixdb by apache.
the class LSMInvertedIndexRangeSearchCursor method open.
public void open(ICursorInitialState initState, ISearchPredicate searchPred) throws HyracksDataException {
LSMInvertedIndexRangeSearchCursorInitialState lsmInitState = (LSMInvertedIndexRangeSearchCursorInitialState) initState;
cmp = lsmInitState.getOriginalKeyComparator();
int numComponents = lsmInitState.getNumComponents();
rangeCursors = new IIndexCursor[numComponents];
for (int i = 0; i < numComponents; i++) {
IInvertedIndexAccessor invIndexAccessor = (IInvertedIndexAccessor) lsmInitState.getIndexAccessors().get(i);
rangeCursors[i] = invIndexAccessor.createRangeSearchCursor();
invIndexAccessor.rangeSearch(rangeCursors[i], lsmInitState.getSearchPredicate());
lsmHarness = lsmInitState.getLSMHarness();
operationalComponents = lsmInitState.getOperationalComponents();
includeMutableComponent = lsmInitState.getIncludeMemComponent();
// For searching the deleted-keys BTrees.
this.keysOnlyTuple = lsmInitState.getKeysOnlyTuple();
deletedKeysBTreeAccessors = lsmInitState.getDeletedKeysBTreeAccessors();
if (!deletedKeysBTreeAccessors.isEmpty()) {
deletedKeysBTreeCursors = new IIndexCursor[deletedKeysBTreeAccessors.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < operationalComponents.size(); i++) {
ILSMComponent component = operationalComponents.get(i);
if (component.getType() == LSMComponentType.MEMORY) {
// No need for a bloom filter for the in-memory BTree.
deletedKeysBTreeCursors[i] = deletedKeysBTreeAccessors.get(i).createSearchCursor(false);
} else {
deletedKeysBTreeCursors[i] = new BloomFilterAwareBTreePointSearchCursor((IBTreeLeafFrame) lsmInitState.getgetDeletedKeysBTreeLeafFrameFactory().createFrame(), false, ((LSMInvertedIndexDiskComponent) operationalComponents.get(i)).getBloomFilter());
MultiComparator keyCmp = lsmInitState.getKeyComparator();
keySearchPred = new RangePredicate(keysOnlyTuple, keysOnlyTuple, true, true, keyCmp, keyCmp);
use of in project asterixdb by apache.
the class OnDiskInvertedIndex method validate.
public void validate() throws HyracksDataException {
// Scan the btree and validate the order of elements in each inverted-list.
IIndexAccessor btreeAccessor = btree.createAccessor(NoOpOperationCallback.INSTANCE, NoOpOperationCallback.INSTANCE);
IIndexCursor btreeCursor = btreeAccessor.createSearchCursor(false);
MultiComparator btreeCmp = MultiComparator.create(btree.getComparatorFactories());
RangePredicate rangePred = new RangePredicate(null, null, true, true, btreeCmp, btreeCmp);
int[] fieldPermutation = new int[tokenTypeTraits.length];
for (int i = 0; i < tokenTypeTraits.length; i++) {
fieldPermutation[i] = i;
PermutingTupleReference tokenTuple = new PermutingTupleReference(fieldPermutation);
IInvertedIndexAccessor invIndexAccessor = (IInvertedIndexAccessor) createAccessor(NoOpOperationCallback.INSTANCE, NoOpOperationCallback.INSTANCE);
IInvertedListCursor invListCursor = invIndexAccessor.createInvertedListCursor();
MultiComparator invListCmp = MultiComparator.create(invListCmpFactories);
try {
// Search key for finding an inverted-list in the actual index.
ArrayTupleBuilder prevBuilder = new ArrayTupleBuilder(invListTypeTraits.length);
ArrayTupleReference prevTuple = new ArrayTupleReference();, rangePred);
while (btreeCursor.hasNext()) {;
// Validate inverted list by checking that the elements are totally ordered.
invIndexAccessor.openInvertedListCursor(invListCursor, tokenTuple);
try {
if (invListCursor.hasNext()) {;
ITupleReference invListElement = invListCursor.getTuple();
// Initialize prev tuple.
TupleUtils.copyTuple(prevBuilder, invListElement, invListElement.getFieldCount());
prevTuple.reset(prevBuilder.getFieldEndOffsets(), prevBuilder.getByteArray());
while (invListCursor.hasNext()) {;
ITupleReference invListElement = invListCursor.getTuple();
// Compare with previous element.
if (, prevTuple) <= 0) {
throw new HyracksDataException("Index validation failed.");
// Set new prevTuple.
TupleUtils.copyTuple(prevBuilder, invListElement, invListElement.getFieldCount());
prevTuple.reset(prevBuilder.getFieldEndOffsets(), prevBuilder.getByteArray());
} finally {
} finally {
use of in project asterixdb by apache.
the class LSMInvertedIndexTestUtils method compareActualAndExpectedIndexes.
* Compares actual and expected indexes by comparing their inverted-lists one by one. Exercises the openInvertedListCursor() method of the inverted-index accessor.
public static void compareActualAndExpectedIndexes(LSMInvertedIndexTestContext testCtx) throws HyracksDataException {
IInvertedIndex invIndex = (IInvertedIndex) testCtx.getIndex();
ISerializerDeserializer[] fieldSerdes = testCtx.getFieldSerdes();
MultiComparator invListCmp = MultiComparator.create(invIndex.getInvListCmpFactories());
IInvertedIndexAccessor invIndexAccessor = (IInvertedIndexAccessor) testCtx.getIndexAccessor();
int tokenFieldCount = invIndex.getTokenTypeTraits().length;
int invListFieldCount = invIndex.getInvListTypeTraits().length;
// All tokens that were inserted into the indexes.
Iterator<Comparable> tokensIter = testCtx.getAllTokens().iterator();
// Search key for finding an inverted-list in the actual index.
ArrayTupleBuilder searchKeyBuilder = new ArrayTupleBuilder(tokenFieldCount);
ArrayTupleReference searchKey = new ArrayTupleReference();
// Cursor over inverted list from actual index.
IInvertedListCursor actualInvListCursor = invIndexAccessor.createInvertedListCursor();
// Helpers for generating a serialized inverted-list element from a CheckTuple from the expected index.
ArrayTupleBuilder expectedBuilder = new ArrayTupleBuilder(fieldSerdes.length);
// Includes the token fields.
ArrayTupleReference completeExpectedTuple = new ArrayTupleReference();
// Field permutation and permuting tuple reference to strip away token fields from completeExpectedTuple.
int[] fieldPermutation = new int[invListFieldCount];
for (int i = 0; i < fieldPermutation.length; i++) {
fieldPermutation[i] = tokenFieldCount + i;
PermutingTupleReference expectedTuple = new PermutingTupleReference(fieldPermutation);
// Iterate over all tokens. Find the inverted-lists in actual and expected indexes. Compare the inverted lists,
while (tokensIter.hasNext()) {
Comparable token =;
// Position inverted-list iterator on expected index.
CheckTuple checkLowKey = new CheckTuple(tokenFieldCount, tokenFieldCount);
CheckTuple checkHighKey = new CheckTuple(tokenFieldCount, tokenFieldCount);
SortedSet<CheckTuple> expectedInvList = OrderedIndexTestUtils.getPrefixExpectedSubset(testCtx.getCheckTuples(), checkLowKey, checkHighKey);
Iterator<CheckTuple> expectedInvListIter = expectedInvList.iterator();
// Position inverted-list cursor in actual index.
OrderedIndexTestUtils.createTupleFromCheckTuple(checkLowKey, searchKeyBuilder, searchKey, fieldSerdes);
invIndexAccessor.openInvertedListCursor(actualInvListCursor, searchKey);
if (actualInvListCursor.size() != expectedInvList.size()) {
fail("Actual and expected inverted lists for token '" + token.toString() + "' have different sizes. Actual size: " + actualInvListCursor.size() + ". Expected size: " + expectedInvList.size() + ".");
// Compare inverted-list elements.
int count = 0;
try {
while (actualInvListCursor.hasNext() && expectedInvListIter.hasNext()) {;
ITupleReference actual = actualInvListCursor.getTuple();
CheckTuple expected =;
OrderedIndexTestUtils.createTupleFromCheckTuple(expected, expectedBuilder, completeExpectedTuple, fieldSerdes);
if (, expectedTuple) != 0) {
fail("Inverted lists of token '" + token + "' differ at position " + count + ".");
} finally {
use of in project asterixdb by apache.
the class LSMInvertedIndexTestUtils method compareActualAndExpectedIndexesRangeSearch.
* Compares actual and expected indexes using the rangeSearch() method of the inverted-index accessor.
public static void compareActualAndExpectedIndexesRangeSearch(LSMInvertedIndexTestContext testCtx) throws HyracksDataException {
IInvertedIndex invIndex = (IInvertedIndex) testCtx.getIndex();
int tokenFieldCount = invIndex.getTokenTypeTraits().length;
int invListFieldCount = invIndex.getInvListTypeTraits().length;
IInvertedIndexAccessor invIndexAccessor = (IInvertedIndexAccessor) invIndex.createAccessor(NoOpOperationCallback.INSTANCE, NoOpOperationCallback.INSTANCE);
IIndexCursor invIndexCursor = invIndexAccessor.createRangeSearchCursor();
MultiComparator tokenCmp = MultiComparator.create(invIndex.getTokenCmpFactories());
IBinaryComparatorFactory[] tupleCmpFactories = new IBinaryComparatorFactory[tokenFieldCount + invListFieldCount];
for (int i = 0; i < tokenFieldCount; i++) {
tupleCmpFactories[i] = invIndex.getTokenCmpFactories()[i];
for (int i = 0; i < invListFieldCount; i++) {
tupleCmpFactories[tokenFieldCount + i] = invIndex.getInvListCmpFactories()[i];
MultiComparator tupleCmp = MultiComparator.create(tupleCmpFactories);
RangePredicate nullPred = new RangePredicate(null, null, true, true, tokenCmp, tokenCmp);
invIndexAccessor.rangeSearch(invIndexCursor, nullPred);
// Helpers for generating a serialized inverted-list element from a CheckTuple from the expected index.
ISerializerDeserializer[] fieldSerdes = testCtx.getFieldSerdes();
ArrayTupleBuilder expectedBuilder = new ArrayTupleBuilder(fieldSerdes.length);
ArrayTupleReference expectedTuple = new ArrayTupleReference();
Iterator<CheckTuple> expectedIter = testCtx.getCheckTuples().iterator();
// Compare index elements.
try {
while (invIndexCursor.hasNext() && expectedIter.hasNext()) {;
ITupleReference actualTuple = invIndexCursor.getTuple();
CheckTuple expected =;
OrderedIndexTestUtils.createTupleFromCheckTuple(expected, expectedBuilder, expectedTuple, fieldSerdes);
if (, expectedTuple) != 0) {
fail("Index entries differ for token '" + expected.getField(0) + "'.");
if (expectedIter.hasNext()) {
fail("Indexes do not match. Actual index is missing entries.");
if (invIndexCursor.hasNext()) {
fail("Indexes do not match. Actual index contains too many entries.");
} finally {
use of in project asterixdb by apache.
the class LSMInvertedIndexTestUtils method testIndexSearch.
public static void testIndexSearch(LSMInvertedIndexTestContext testCtx, TupleGenerator tupleGen, Random rnd, int numDocQueries, int numRandomQueries, IInvertedIndexSearchModifier searchModifier, int[] scanCountArray) throws IOException, HyracksDataException {
IInvertedIndex invIndex = testCtx.invIndex;
IInvertedIndexAccessor accessor = (IInvertedIndexAccessor) invIndex.createAccessor(NoOpOperationCallback.INSTANCE, NoOpOperationCallback.INSTANCE);
IBinaryTokenizer tokenizer = testCtx.getTokenizerFactory().createTokenizer();
InvertedIndexSearchPredicate searchPred = new InvertedIndexSearchPredicate(tokenizer, searchModifier);
List<ITupleReference> documentCorpus = testCtx.getDocumentCorpus();
// Project away the primary-key field.
int[] fieldPermutation = new int[] { 0 };
PermutingTupleReference searchDocument = new PermutingTupleReference(fieldPermutation);
int numQueries = numDocQueries + numRandomQueries;
for (int i = 0; i < numQueries; i++) {
// If number of documents in the corpus is less than numDocQueries, then replace the remaining ones with random queries.
if (i >= numDocQueries || i >= documentCorpus.size()) {
// Generate a random query.
ITupleReference randomQuery =;
} else {
// Pick a random document from the corpus to use as the search query.
int queryIndex = Math.abs(rnd.nextInt() % documentCorpus.size());
// Set query tuple in search predicate.
IIndexCursor resultCursor = accessor.createSearchCursor(false);
boolean panic = false;
try {, searchPred);
} catch (HyracksDataException e) {
// ignore panic queries.
panic = true;
} else {
throw e;
try {
if (!panic) {
// Consume cursor and deserialize results so we can sort them. Some search cursors may not deliver the result sorted (e.g., LSM search cursor).
ArrayList<Integer> actualResults = new ArrayList<>();
try {
while (resultCursor.hasNext()) {;
ITupleReference resultTuple = resultCursor.getTuple();
int actual = IntegerPointable.getInteger(resultTuple.getFieldData(0), resultTuple.getFieldStart(0));
} catch (HyracksDataException e) {
// Ignore panic queries.
} else {
throw e;
// Get expected results.
List<Integer> expectedResults = new ArrayList<>();
LSMInvertedIndexTestUtils.getExpectedResults(scanCountArray, testCtx.getCheckTuples(), searchDocument, tokenizer, testCtx.getFieldSerdes()[0], searchModifier, expectedResults, testCtx.getInvertedIndexType());
Iterator<Integer> expectedIter = expectedResults.iterator();
Iterator<Integer> actualIter = actualResults.iterator();
while (expectedIter.hasNext() && actualIter.hasNext()) {
int expected =;
int actual =;
if (actual != expected) {
fail("Query results do not match. Encountered: " + actual + ". Expected: " + expected + "");
if (expectedIter.hasNext()) {
fail("Query results do not match. Actual results missing.");
if (actualIter.hasNext()) {
fail("Query results do not match. Actual contains too many results.");
} finally {