use of org.apache.ignite.ShutdownPolicy in project ignite by apache.
the class GridCommandHandlerTest method testShutdownPolicyChange.
* Change shutdown policy through command.
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testShutdownPolicyChange() throws Exception {
Ignite ignite = startGrids(1);
ShutdownPolicy policyToChange = null;
for (ShutdownPolicy policy : ShutdownPolicy.values()) {
if (policy != ignite.cluster().shutdownPolicy())
policyToChange = policy;
assertEquals(EXIT_CODE_OK, execute("--shutdown-policy",;
assertSame(policyToChange, ignite.cluster().shutdownPolicy());
String out = testOut.toString();
assertContains(log, out, "Cluster shutdown policy is " + policyToChange);
use of org.apache.ignite.ShutdownPolicy in project ignite by apache.
the class GridDiscoveryManager method checkAttributes.
* Checks whether attributes of the local node are consistent with remote nodes.
* @param nodes List of remote nodes to check attributes on.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException In case of error.
private void checkAttributes(Iterable<ClusterNode> nodes) throws IgniteCheckedException {
ClusterNode locNode = getSpi().getLocalNode();
assert locNode != null;
// Fetch local node attributes once.
String locPreferIpV4 = locNode.attribute("");
Object locMode = locNode.attribute(ATTR_DEPLOYMENT_MODE);
int locJvmMajVer = nodeJavaMajorVersion(locNode);
boolean locP2pEnabled = locNode.attribute(ATTR_PEER_CLASSLOADING);
ShutdownPolicy locShutdownPolicy = ShutdownPolicy.fromOrdinal(locNode.attribute(ATTR_SHUTDOWN_POLICY));
boolean ipV4Warned = false;
boolean jvmMajVerWarned = false;
Boolean locMarshUseDfltSuid = locNode.attribute(ATTR_MARSHALLER_USE_DFLT_SUID);
boolean locMarshUseDfltSuidBool = locMarshUseDfltSuid == null ? true : locMarshUseDfltSuid;
Boolean locMarshStrSerVer2 = locNode.attribute(ATTR_MARSHALLER_USE_BINARY_STRING_SER_VER_2);
boolean locMarshStrSerVer2Bool = locMarshStrSerVer2 == null ? false : /* turned on and added to the attributes list by default only when BinaryMarshaller is used. */
boolean locDelayAssign = locNode.attribute(ATTR_LATE_AFFINITY_ASSIGNMENT);
Boolean locSecurityCompatibilityEnabled = locNode.attribute(ATTR_SECURITY_COMPATIBILITY_MODE);
for (ClusterNode n : nodes) {
int rmtJvmMajVer = nodeJavaMajorVersion(n);
if (locJvmMajVer != rmtJvmMajVer && !jvmMajVerWarned) {
U.warn(log, "Local java version is different from remote [loc=" + locJvmMajVer + ", rmt=" + rmtJvmMajVer + "]");
jvmMajVerWarned = true;
String rmtPreferIpV4 = n.attribute("");
if (!F.eq(rmtPreferIpV4, locPreferIpV4)) {
if (!ipV4Warned)
U.warn(log, "Local node's value of '' " + "system property differs from remote node's " + "(all nodes in topology should have identical value) " + "[locPreferIpV4=" + locPreferIpV4 + ", rmtPreferIpV4=" + rmtPreferIpV4 + ", locId8=" + U.id8( + ", rmtId8=" + U.id8( + ", rmtAddrs=" + U.addressesAsString(n) + ", rmtNode=" + U.toShortString(n) + "]");
ipV4Warned = true;
// Skip data center ID check for daemon nodes.
if (!isLocDaemon && !n.isDaemon()) {
Object rmtMode = n.attribute(ATTR_DEPLOYMENT_MODE);
if (!locMode.equals(rmtMode))
throw new IgniteCheckedException("Remote node has deployment mode different from local " + "[locId8=" + U.id8( + ", locMode=" + locMode + ", rmtId8=" + U.id8( + ", rmtMode=" + rmtMode + ", rmtAddrs=" + U.addressesAsString(n) + ", rmtNode=" + U.toShortString(n) + "]");
boolean rmtP2pEnabled = n.attribute(ATTR_PEER_CLASSLOADING);
if (locP2pEnabled != rmtP2pEnabled)
throw new IgniteCheckedException("Remote node has peer class loading enabled flag different from" + " local [locId8=" + U.id8( + ", locPeerClassLoading=" + locP2pEnabled + ", rmtId8=" + U.id8( + ", rmtPeerClassLoading=" + rmtP2pEnabled + ", rmtAddrs=" + U.addressesAsString(n) + ", rmtNode=" + U.toShortString(n) + "]");
Boolean rmtMarshUseDfltSuid = n.attribute(ATTR_MARSHALLER_USE_DFLT_SUID);
boolean rmtMarshUseDfltSuidBool = rmtMarshUseDfltSuid == null ? true : rmtMarshUseDfltSuid;
if (locMarshUseDfltSuidBool != rmtMarshUseDfltSuidBool) {
throw new IgniteCheckedException("Local node's " + IGNITE_OPTIMIZED_MARSHALLER_USE_DEFAULT_SUID + " property value differs from remote node's value " + "(to make sure all nodes in topology have identical marshaller settings, " + "configure system property explicitly) " + "[locMarshUseDfltSuid=" + locMarshUseDfltSuid + ", rmtMarshUseDfltSuid=" + rmtMarshUseDfltSuid + ", locNodeAddrs=" + U.addressesAsString(locNode) + ", rmtNodeAddrs=" + U.addressesAsString(n) + ", locNodeId=" + + ", rmtNodeId=" + + ", rmtNode=" + U.toShortString(n) + "]");
Boolean rmtMarshStrSerVer2 = n.attribute(ATTR_MARSHALLER_USE_BINARY_STRING_SER_VER_2);
boolean rmtMarshStrSerVer2Bool = rmtMarshStrSerVer2 == null ? false : rmtMarshStrSerVer2;
if (locMarshStrSerVer2Bool != rmtMarshStrSerVer2Bool) {
throw new IgniteCheckedException("Local node's " + IGNITE_BINARY_MARSHALLER_USE_STRING_SERIALIZATION_VER_2 + " property value differs from remote node's value " + "(to make sure all nodes in topology have identical marshaller settings, " + "configure system property explicitly) " + "[locMarshStrSerVer2=" + locMarshStrSerVer2 + ", rmtMarshStrSerVer2=" + rmtMarshStrSerVer2 + ", locNodeAddrs=" + U.addressesAsString(locNode) + ", rmtNodeAddrs=" + U.addressesAsString(n) + ", locNodeId=" + + ", rmtNodeId=" + + ", rmtNode=" + U.toShortString(n) + "]");
boolean rmtLateAssign = n.attribute(ATTR_LATE_AFFINITY_ASSIGNMENT);
if (locDelayAssign != rmtLateAssign) {
throw new IgniteCheckedException("Remote node has cache affinity assignment mode different from local " + "[locId8=" + U.id8( + ", locDelayAssign=" + locDelayAssign + ", rmtId8=" + U.id8( + ", rmtLateAssign=" + rmtLateAssign + ", rmtAddrs=" + U.addressesAsString(n) + ", rmtNode=" + U.toShortString(n) + "]");
ShutdownPolicy rmtShutdownPolicy = n.attribute(ATTR_SHUTDOWN_POLICY) == null ? null : ShutdownPolicy.fromOrdinal(n.attribute(ATTR_SHUTDOWN_POLICY));
if (rmtShutdownPolicy != null && !F.eq(locShutdownPolicy, rmtShutdownPolicy)) {
throw new IgniteCheckedException("Remote node has shutdoun policy different from local" + " local [locId8=" + U.id8( + ", locShutdownPolicy=" + locShutdownPolicy + ", rmtId8=" + U.id8( + ", rmtShutdownPolicy=" + rmtShutdownPolicy + ", rmtAddrs=" + U.addressesAsString(n) + ", rmtNode=" + U.toShortString(n) + "]");
if ( {
Boolean rmtSecurityCompatibilityEnabled = n.attribute(ATTR_SECURITY_COMPATIBILITY_MODE);
if (!F.eq(locSecurityCompatibilityEnabled, rmtSecurityCompatibilityEnabled)) {
throw new IgniteCheckedException("Local node's " + IGNITE_SECURITY_COMPATIBILITY_MODE + " property value differs from remote node's value " + "(to make sure all nodes in topology have identical Ignite security compatibility mode enabled, " + "configure system property explicitly) " + "[locSecurityCompatibilityEnabled=" + locSecurityCompatibilityEnabled + ", rmtSecurityCompatibilityEnabled=" + rmtSecurityCompatibilityEnabled + ", locNodeAddrs=" + U.addressesAsString(locNode) + ", rmtNodeAddrs=" + U.addressesAsString(n) + ", locNodeId=" + + ", rmtNode=" + U.toShortString(n) + "]");
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Finished node attributes consistency check.");
use of org.apache.ignite.ShutdownPolicy in project ignite by apache.
the class CommandHandlerParsingTest method testParseShutdownPolicyParameters.
* Tets checks a parser of shutdown policy command.
public void testParseShutdownPolicyParameters() {
ConnectionAndSslParameters args = parseArgs(asList(SHUTDOWN_POLICY.text()));
assertEquals(SHUTDOWN_POLICY.command(), args.command());
assertNull(((ShutdownPolicyCommand) args.command()).arg().getShutdown());
for (ShutdownPolicy policy : ShutdownPolicy.values()) {
args = parseArgs(asList(SHUTDOWN_POLICY.text(), String.valueOf(policy)));
assertEquals(SHUTDOWN_POLICY.command(), args.command());
assertSame(policy, ((ShutdownPolicyCommand) args.command()).arg().getShutdown());
use of org.apache.ignite.ShutdownPolicy in project ignite by apache.
the class GridCommandHandlerTest method testShutdownPolicy.
* Test is checking how to --shutdown-policy command works through
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testShutdownPolicy() throws Exception {
Ignite ignite = startGrids(1);
ShutdownPolicy policy = ignite.cluster().shutdownPolicy();
assertEquals(EXIT_CODE_OK, execute("--shutdown-policy"));
String out = testOut.toString();
assertContains(log, out, "Cluster shutdown policy is " + policy);
use of org.apache.ignite.ShutdownPolicy in project ignite by apache.
the class GracefulShutdownTest method testRestartWithDynamicConfiguredPolicy.
* Check dynamic configuration of shutdown policy.
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testRestartWithDynamicConfiguredPolicy() throws Exception {
Ignite ignite0 = startGrid(0);
assertSame(ignite0.cluster().shutdownPolicy(), ignite0.configuration().getShutdownPolicy());
ShutdownPolicy configuredPolicy = ignite0.cluster().shutdownPolicy();
ShutdownPolicy policyToChange = null;
for (ShutdownPolicy policy : ShutdownPolicy.values()) {
if (policy != ignite0.cluster().shutdownPolicy())
policyToChange = policy;
info("Policy to change: " + policyToChange);
ignite0 = startGrid(0);
info("Policy after restart: " + ignite0.cluster().shutdownPolicy());
assertNotSame(ignite0.cluster().shutdownPolicy(), ignite0.configuration().getShutdownPolicy());
assertSame(ignite0.cluster().shutdownPolicy(), policyToChange);