use of org.apache.ignite.binary.BinaryObject in project ignite by apache.
the class BinaryObjectBuilderDefaultMappersSelfTest method testObjectField.
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testObjectField() throws Exception {
BinaryObjectBuilder builder = builder("Class");
builder.setField("objectField", new Value(1));
BinaryObject po =;
assertEquals(expectedHashCode("Class"), po.type().typeId());
assertEquals(BinaryArrayIdentityResolver.instance().hashCode(po), po.hashCode());
assertEquals(1, po.<BinaryObject>field("objectField").<Value>deserialize().i);
use of org.apache.ignite.binary.BinaryObject in project ignite by apache.
the class IgniteWalReaderTest method testFillWalWithDifferentTypes.
* @throws Exception if failed.
public void testFillWalWithDifferentTypes() throws Exception {
int cntEntries;
final Map<Object, Object> ctrlMap = new HashMap<>();
final Map<Object, Object> ctrlMapForBinaryObjects = new HashMap<>();
final Collection<String> ctrlStringsToSearch = new HashSet<>();
final Collection<String> ctrlStringsForBinaryObjSearch = new HashSet<>();
final Ignite ignite0 = startGrid("node0");;
final IgniteCache<Object, Object> addlCache = ignite0.getOrCreateCache(CACHE_ADDL_NAME);
addlCache.put("1", "2");
addlCache.put(1, 2);
addlCache.put(1L, 2L);
addlCache.put(TestEnum.A, "Enum_As_Key");
addlCache.put("Enum_As_Value", TestEnum.B);
addlCache.put(TestEnum.C, TestEnum.C);
addlCache.put("Serializable", new TestSerializable(42));
addlCache.put(new TestSerializable(42), "Serializable_As_Key");
addlCache.put("Externalizable", new TestExternalizable(42));
addlCache.put(new TestExternalizable(42), "Externalizable_As_Key");
addlCache.put(292, new IndexedObject(292));
final String search1 = "SomeUnexpectedStringValueAsKeyToSearch";
addlCache.put(search1, "SearchKey");
String search2 = "SomeTestStringContainerToBePrintedLongLine";
final TestStringContainerToBePrinted val = new TestStringContainerToBePrinted(search2);
// will validate original toString() was called
addlCache.put("SearchValue", val);
String search3 = "SomeTestStringContainerToBePrintedLongLine2";
final TestStringContainerToBePrinted key = new TestStringContainerToBePrinted(search3);
// will validate original toString() was called
// validate only string itself
addlCache.put(key, "SearchKey");
cntEntries = addlCache.size();
for (Cache.Entry<Object, Object> next : addlCache) ctrlMap.put(next.getKey(), next.getValue());
for (Cache.Entry<Object, Object> next : addlCache) ctrlMapForBinaryObjects.put(next.getKey(), next.getValue());
final String subfolderName = genDbSubfolderName(ignite0, 0);
final String workDir = U.defaultWorkDirectory();
final File binaryMeta = U.resolveWorkDirectory(workDir, "binary_meta", false);
final File binaryMetaWithNodeSubfolder = new File(binaryMeta, subfolderName);
final File marshallerMapping = U.resolveWorkDirectory(workDir, "marshaller", false);
final IgniteWalIteratorFactory factory = createWalIteratorFactory(workDir, subfolderName);
final IgniteBiInClosure<Object, Object> objConsumer = new IgniteBiInClosure<Object, Object>() {
public void apply(Object key, Object val) {"K: [" + key + ", " + (key != null ? key.getClass().getName() : "?") + "]" + " V: [" + val + ", " + (val != null ? val.getClass().getName() : "?") + "]");
boolean rmv = remove(ctrlMap, key, val);
if (!rmv) {
String msg = "Unable to remove pair from control map " + "K: [" + key + "] V: [" + val + "]";
assertFalse(val instanceof BinaryObject);
final IgniteInClosure<DataRecord> toStrChecker = new IgniteInClosure<DataRecord>() {
public void apply(DataRecord record) {
String strRepresentation = record.toString();
for (Iterator<String> iter = ctrlStringsToSearch.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
final String next =;
if (strRepresentation.contains(next)) {
scanIterateAndCount(factory, workDir, subfolderName, cntEntries, 0, objConsumer, toStrChecker);
assertTrue(" Control Map is not empty after reading entries: " + ctrlMap, ctrlMap.isEmpty());
assertTrue(" Control Map for strings in entries is not empty after" + " reading records: " + ctrlStringsToSearch, ctrlStringsToSearch.isEmpty());
// Validate same WAL log with flag binary objects only
final IgniteWalIteratorFactory keepBinFactory = new IgniteWalIteratorFactory(log, PAGE_SIZE, binaryMetaWithNodeSubfolder, marshallerMapping, true);
final IgniteBiInClosure<Object, Object> binObjConsumer = new IgniteBiInClosure<Object, Object>() {
public void apply(Object key, Object val) {"K(KeepBinary): [" + key + ", " + (key != null ? key.getClass().getName() : "?") + "]" + " V(KeepBinary): [" + val + ", " + (val != null ? val.getClass().getName() : "?") + "]");
boolean rmv = remove(ctrlMapForBinaryObjects, key, val);
if (!rmv) {
if (key instanceof BinaryObject) {
BinaryObject keyBinObj = (BinaryObject) key;
String binaryObjTypeName = keyBinObj.type().typeName();
if (Objects.equals(TestStringContainerToBePrinted.class.getName(), binaryObjTypeName)) {
String data = keyBinObj.field("data");
rmv = ctrlMapForBinaryObjects.remove(new TestStringContainerToBePrinted(data)) != null;
} else if (Objects.equals(TestSerializable.class.getName(), binaryObjTypeName)) {
Integer iVal = keyBinObj.field("iVal");
rmv = ctrlMapForBinaryObjects.remove(new TestSerializable(iVal)) != null;
} else if (Objects.equals(TestEnum.class.getName(), binaryObjTypeName)) {
TestEnum key1 = TestEnum.values()[keyBinObj.enumOrdinal()];
rmv = ctrlMapForBinaryObjects.remove(key1) != null;
} else if (val instanceof BinaryObject) {
// don't compare BO values, just remove by key
rmv = ctrlMapForBinaryObjects.remove(key) != null;
if (!rmv)
log.error("Unable to remove pair from control map " + "K: [" + key + "] V: [" + val + "]");
if (val instanceof BinaryObject) {
BinaryObject binaryObj = (BinaryObject) val;
String binaryObjTypeName = binaryObj.type().typeName();
if (Objects.equals(IndexedObject.class.getName(), binaryObjTypeName)) {
assertEquals(binaryObj.field("iVal").toString(), binaryObj.field("jVal").toString());
byte[] data = binaryObj.field("data");
for (byte datum : data) assertTrue(datum >= 'A' && datum <= 'A' + 10);
final IgniteInClosure<DataRecord> binObjToStrChecker = new IgniteInClosure<DataRecord>() {
public void apply(DataRecord record) {
String strRepresentation = record.toString();
for (Iterator<String> iter = ctrlStringsForBinaryObjSearch.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
final String next =;
if (strRepresentation.contains(next)) {
scanIterateAndCount(keepBinFactory, workDir, subfolderName, cntEntries, 0, binObjConsumer, binObjToStrChecker);
assertTrue(" Control Map is not empty after reading entries: " + ctrlMapForBinaryObjects, ctrlMapForBinaryObjects.isEmpty());
assertTrue(" Control Map for strings in entries is not empty after" + " reading records: " + ctrlStringsForBinaryObjSearch, ctrlStringsForBinaryObjSearch.isEmpty());
use of org.apache.ignite.binary.BinaryObject in project ignite by apache.
the class IgniteWalReaderTest method iterateAndCountDataRecord.
* Iterates over data records, checks each DataRecord and its entries, finds out all transactions in WAL.
* @param walIter iterator to use.
* @return count of data records observed for each global TX ID. Contains null for non tx updates.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException if failure.
private Map<GridCacheVersion, Integer> iterateAndCountDataRecord(final WALIterator walIter, @Nullable final IgniteBiInClosure<Object, Object> cacheObjHnd, @Nullable final IgniteInClosure<DataRecord> dataRecordHnd) throws IgniteCheckedException {
final Map<GridCacheVersion, Integer> entriesUnderTxFound = new HashMap<>();
try (WALIterator stIt = walIter) {
while (stIt.hasNextX()) {
final IgniteBiTuple<WALPointer, WALRecord> next = stIt.nextX();
final WALRecord walRecord = next.get2();
if (walRecord.type() == WALRecord.RecordType.DATA_RECORD && walRecord instanceof DataRecord) {
final DataRecord dataRecord = (DataRecord) walRecord;
if (dataRecordHnd != null)
final List<DataEntry> entries = dataRecord.writeEntries();
for (DataEntry entry : entries) {
final GridCacheVersion globalTxId = entry.nearXidVersion();
Object unwrappedKeyObj;
Object unwrappedValObj;
if (entry instanceof UnwrapDataEntry) {
UnwrapDataEntry unwrapDataEntry = (UnwrapDataEntry) entry;
unwrappedKeyObj = unwrapDataEntry.unwrappedKey();
unwrappedValObj = unwrapDataEntry.unwrappedValue();
} else if (entry instanceof LazyDataEntry) {
unwrappedKeyObj = null;
unwrappedValObj = null;
// can't check value
} else {
final CacheObject val = entry.value();
unwrappedValObj = val instanceof BinaryObject ? val : val.value(null, false);
final CacheObject key = entry.key();
unwrappedKeyObj = key instanceof BinaryObject ? key : key.value(null, false);
if (dumpRecords)"//Entry operation " + entry.op() + "; cache Id" + entry.cacheId() + "; " + "under transaction: " + globalTxId + // ; entry " + entry +
"; Key: " + unwrappedKeyObj + "; Value: " + unwrappedValObj);
if (cacheObjHnd != null && (unwrappedKeyObj != null || unwrappedValObj != null))
cacheObjHnd.apply(unwrappedKeyObj, unwrappedValObj);
final Integer entriesUnderTx = entriesUnderTxFound.get(globalTxId);
entriesUnderTxFound.put(globalTxId, entriesUnderTx == null ? 1 : entriesUnderTx + 1);
} else if (walRecord.type() == WALRecord.RecordType.TX_RECORD && walRecord instanceof TxRecord) {
final TxRecord txRecord = (TxRecord) walRecord;
final GridCacheVersion globalTxId = txRecord.nearXidVersion();
if (dumpRecords)"//Tx Record, state: " + txRecord.state() + "; nearTxVersion" + globalTxId);
return entriesUnderTxFound;
use of org.apache.ignite.binary.BinaryObject in project ignite by apache.
the class GridCacheReplicatedPreloadSelfTest method testDeployment.
* @throws Exception If test failed.
public void testDeployment() throws Exception {
// TODO GG-11141.
if (true)
preloadMode = SYNC;
try {
Ignite g1 = startGrid(1);
Ignite g2 = startGrid(2);
IgniteCache<Integer, Object> cache1 = g1.cache(DEFAULT_CACHE_NAME);
IgniteCache<Integer, Object> cache2 = g2.cache(DEFAULT_CACHE_NAME);
ClassLoader ldr = grid(1).configuration().getClassLoader();
Object v1 = ldr.loadClass("org.apache.ignite.tests.p2p.CacheDeploymentTestValue3").newInstance();
cache1.put(1, v1);
info("Stored value in cache1 [v=" + v1 + ", ldr=" + v1.getClass().getClassLoader() + ']');
Object v2 = cache2.get(1);
info("Read value from cache2 [v=" + v2 + ", ldr=" + v2.getClass().getClassLoader() + ']');
assert v2 != null;
assert v2.toString().equals(v1.toString());
assert !v2.getClass().getClassLoader().equals(getClass().getClassLoader());
assert v2.getClass().getClassLoader().getClass().getName().contains("GridDeploymentClassLoader") || grid(2).configuration().getMarshaller() instanceof BinaryMarshaller;
Object e1 = ldr.loadClass("org.apache.ignite.tests.p2p.CacheDeploymentTestEnumValue").getEnumConstants()[0];
cache1.put(2, e1);
Object e2 = cache2.get(2);
if (g1.configuration().getMarshaller() instanceof BinaryMarshaller) {
BinaryObject enumObj = (BinaryObject) cache2.withKeepBinary().get(2);
assertEquals(0, enumObj.enumOrdinal());
assertTrue(enumObj instanceof BinaryEnumObjectImpl);
assert e2 != null;
assert e2.toString().equals(e1.toString());
assert !e2.getClass().getClassLoader().equals(getClass().getClassLoader());
assert e2.getClass().getClassLoader().getClass().getName().contains("GridDeploymentClassLoader") || grid(2).configuration().getMarshaller() instanceof BinaryMarshaller;
Ignite g3 = startGrid(3);
IgniteCache<Integer, Object> cache3 = g3.cache(DEFAULT_CACHE_NAME);
Object v3 = cache3.localPeek(1, CachePeekMode.ONHEAP);
assert v3 != null;
info("Read value from cache3 [v=" + v3 + ", ldr=" + v3.getClass().getClassLoader() + ']');
assert v3 != null;
assert v3.toString().equals(v1.toString());
assert !v3.getClass().getClassLoader().equals(getClass().getClassLoader());
assert v3.getClass().getClassLoader().getClass().getName().contains("GridDeploymentClassLoader") || grid(3).configuration().getMarshaller() instanceof BinaryMarshaller;
} finally {
use of org.apache.ignite.binary.BinaryObject in project ignite by apache.
the class IgnitePdsBinaryMetadataOnClusterRestartTest method testNewBinaryMetadataIsWrittenOnOldCoordinator.
* @see <a href="">IGNITE-7258</a> refer to the following JIRA for more context about the problem verified by the test.
public void testNewBinaryMetadataIsWrittenOnOldCoordinator() throws Exception {
Ignite ignite0 = startGridInASeparateWorkDir("A");
Ignite ignite1 = startGridInASeparateWorkDir("B");;
IgniteCache<Object, Object> cache0 = ignite0.cache(CACHE_NAME);
BinaryObject bObj0 = ignite0.binary().builder("DynamicType0").setField("intField", 10).build();
cache0.put(0, bObj0);
IgniteCache<Object, Object> cache1 = ignite1.cache(CACHE_NAME);
BinaryObject bObj1 = ignite1.binary().builder("DynamicType1").setField("strField", "str").build();
cache1.put(1, bObj1);
ignite0 = startGridInASeparateWorkDir("A");
cache0 = ignite0.cache(CACHE_NAME).withKeepBinary();
bObj0 = (BinaryObject) cache0.get(0);
bObj1 = (BinaryObject) cache0.get(1);
assertEquals("DynamicType0", binaryTypeName(bObj0));
assertEquals("DynamicType1", binaryTypeName(bObj1));
assertEquals(10, (int) bObj0.field(DYNAMIC_INT_FIELD_NAME));
assertEquals("str", bObj1.field(DYNAMIC_STR_FIELD_NAME));