use of org.apache.ignite.internal.binary.BinaryMarshaller in project ignite by apache.
the class SqlListenerProcessorValidationSelfTest method check.
* Perform check.
* @param odbcCfg ODBC configuration.
* @param success Success flag. * @throws Exception If failed.
private void check(OdbcConfiguration odbcCfg, boolean success) throws Exception {
final IgniteConfiguration cfg = super.getConfiguration();
cfg.setIgniteInstanceName(SqlListenerProcessorValidationSelfTest.class.getName() + "-" + NODE_IDX_GEN.incrementAndGet());
cfg.setMarshaller(new BinaryMarshaller());
TcpDiscoverySpi spi = new TcpDiscoverySpi();
spi.setIpFinder(new TcpDiscoveryVmIpFinder(true));
if (success)
startGrid(cfg.getGridName(), cfg);
else {
GridTestUtils.assertThrows(log, new Callable<Void>() {
public Void call() throws Exception {
startGrid(cfg.getGridName(), cfg);
return null;
}, IgniteException.class, null);
use of org.apache.ignite.internal.binary.BinaryMarshaller in project ignite by apache.
the class CacheObjectBinaryProcessorImpl method validateNode.
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public IgniteNodeValidationResult validateNode(ClusterNode rmtNode) {
IgniteNodeValidationResult res = super.validateNode(rmtNode);
if (res != null)
return res;
if (getBoolean(IGNITE_SKIP_CONFIGURATION_CONSISTENCY_CHECK) || !(marsh instanceof BinaryMarshaller))
return null;
Object rmtBinaryCfg = rmtNode.attribute(IgniteNodeAttributes.ATTR_BINARY_CONFIGURATION);
ClusterNode locNode = ctx.discovery().localNode();
Object locBinaryCfg = locNode.attribute(IgniteNodeAttributes.ATTR_BINARY_CONFIGURATION);
if (!F.eq(locBinaryCfg, rmtBinaryCfg)) {
String msg = "Local node's binary configuration is not equal to remote node's binary configuration " + "[locNodeId=%s, rmtNodeId=%s, locBinaryCfg=%s, rmtBinaryCfg=%s]";
return new IgniteNodeValidationResult(, String.format(msg,,, locBinaryCfg, rmtBinaryCfg), String.format(msg,,, rmtBinaryCfg, locBinaryCfg));
return null;
use of org.apache.ignite.internal.binary.BinaryMarshaller in project ignite by apache.
the class GridCacheProcessor method validate.
* @param c Ignite configuration.
* @param cc Configuration to validate.
* @param cacheType Cache type.
* @param cfgStore Cache store.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
private void validate(IgniteConfiguration c, CacheConfiguration cc, CacheType cacheType, @Nullable CacheStore cfgStore) throws IgniteCheckedException {
assertParameter(cc.getName() != null && !cc.getName().isEmpty(), "name is null or empty");
if (cc.getCacheMode() == REPLICATED) {
if (cc.getNearConfiguration() != null && ctx.discovery().cacheAffinityNode(ctx.discovery().localNode(), cc.getName())) {
U.warn(log, "Near cache cannot be used with REPLICATED cache, " + "will be ignored [cacheName=" + U.maskName(cc.getName()) + ']');
if (storesLocallyOnClient(c, cc))
throw new IgniteCheckedException("DataRegion for client caches must be explicitly configured " + "on client node startup. Use DataStorageConfiguration to configure DataRegion.");
if (cc.getCacheMode() == LOCAL && !cc.getAffinity().getClass().equals(LocalAffinityFunction.class))
U.warn(log, "AffinityFunction configuration parameter will be ignored for local cache [cacheName=" + U.maskName(cc.getName()) + ']');
if (cc.getAffinity().partitions() > CacheConfiguration.MAX_PARTITIONS_COUNT)
throw new IgniteCheckedException("Cannot have more than " + CacheConfiguration.MAX_PARTITIONS_COUNT + " partitions [cacheName=" + cc.getName() + ", partitions=" + cc.getAffinity().partitions() + ']');
if (cc.getRebalanceMode() != CacheRebalanceMode.NONE)
assertParameter(cc.getRebalanceBatchSize() > 0, "rebalanceBatchSize > 0");
if (cc.getCacheMode() == PARTITIONED || cc.getCacheMode() == REPLICATED) {
if (cc.getAtomicityMode() == ATOMIC && cc.getWriteSynchronizationMode() == FULL_ASYNC)
U.warn(log, "Cache write synchronization mode is set to FULL_ASYNC. All single-key 'put' and " + "'remove' operations will return 'null', all 'putx' and 'removex' operations will return" + " 'true' [cacheName=" + U.maskName(cc.getName()) + ']');
DeploymentMode depMode = c.getDeploymentMode();
if (c.isPeerClassLoadingEnabled() && (depMode == PRIVATE || depMode == ISOLATED) && !CU.isSystemCache(cc.getName()) && !(c.getMarshaller() instanceof BinaryMarshaller))
throw new IgniteCheckedException("Cache can be started in PRIVATE or ISOLATED deployment mode only when" + " BinaryMarshaller is used [depMode=" + ctx.config().getDeploymentMode() + ", marshaller=" + c.getMarshaller().getClass().getName() + ']');
if (cc.getAffinity().partitions() > CacheConfiguration.MAX_PARTITIONS_COUNT)
throw new IgniteCheckedException("Affinity function must return at most " + CacheConfiguration.MAX_PARTITIONS_COUNT + " partitions [actual=" + cc.getAffinity().partitions() + ", affFunction=" + cc.getAffinity() + ", cacheName=" + cc.getName() + ']');
if (cc.isWriteBehindEnabled()) {
if (cfgStore == null)
throw new IgniteCheckedException("Cannot enable write-behind (writer or store is not provided) " + "for cache: " + U.maskName(cc.getName()));
assertParameter(cc.getWriteBehindBatchSize() > 0, "writeBehindBatchSize > 0");
assertParameter(cc.getWriteBehindFlushSize() >= 0, "writeBehindFlushSize >= 0");
assertParameter(cc.getWriteBehindFlushFrequency() >= 0, "writeBehindFlushFrequency >= 0");
assertParameter(cc.getWriteBehindFlushThreadCount() > 0, "writeBehindFlushThreadCount > 0");
if (cc.getWriteBehindFlushSize() == 0 && cc.getWriteBehindFlushFrequency() == 0)
throw new IgniteCheckedException("Cannot set both 'writeBehindFlushFrequency' and " + "'writeBehindFlushSize' parameters to 0 for cache: " + U.maskName(cc.getName()));
if (cc.isReadThrough() && cfgStore == null)
throw new IgniteCheckedException("Cannot enable read-through (loader or store is not provided) " + "for cache: " + U.maskName(cc.getName()));
if (cc.isWriteThrough() && cfgStore == null)
throw new IgniteCheckedException("Cannot enable write-through (writer or store is not provided) " + "for cache: " + U.maskName(cc.getName()));
long delay = cc.getRebalanceDelay();
if (delay != 0) {
if (cc.getCacheMode() != PARTITIONED)
U.warn(log, "Rebalance delay is supported only for partitioned caches (will ignore): " + (cc.getName()), "Will ignore rebalance delay for cache: " + U.maskName(cc.getName()));
else if (cc.getRebalanceMode() == SYNC) {
if (delay < 0) {
U.warn(log, "Ignoring SYNC rebalance mode with manual rebalance start (node will not wait for " + "rebalancing to be finished): " + U.maskName(cc.getName()), "Node will not wait for rebalance in SYNC mode: " + U.maskName(cc.getName()));
} else {
U.warn(log, "Using SYNC rebalance mode with rebalance delay (node will wait until rebalancing is " + "initiated for " + delay + "ms) for cache: " + U.maskName(cc.getName()), "Node will wait until rebalancing is initiated for " + delay + "ms for cache: " + U.maskName(cc.getName()));
if (cc.getAtomicityMode() == ATOMIC)
assertParameter(cc.getTransactionManagerLookupClassName() == null, "transaction manager can not be used with ATOMIC cache");
if ((cc.getEvictionPolicyFactory() != null || cc.getEvictionPolicy() != null) && !cc.isOnheapCacheEnabled())
throw new IgniteCheckedException("Onheap cache must be enabled if eviction policy is configured [cacheName=" + U.maskName(cc.getName()) + "]");
if (cacheType != CacheType.DATA_STRUCTURES && DataStructuresProcessor.isDataStructureCache(cc.getName()))
throw new IgniteCheckedException("Using cache names reserved for datastructures is not allowed for " + "other cache types [cacheName=" + cc.getName() + ", cacheType=" + cacheType + "]");
if (cacheType != CacheType.DATA_STRUCTURES && DataStructuresProcessor.isReservedGroup(cc.getGroupName()))
throw new IgniteCheckedException("Using cache group names reserved for datastructures is not allowed for " + "other cache types [cacheName=" + cc.getName() + ", groupName=" + cc.getGroupName() + ", cacheType=" + cacheType + "]");
use of org.apache.ignite.internal.binary.BinaryMarshaller in project ignite by apache.
the class GridIndexingSpiAbstractSelfTest method getConfiguration.
* {@inheritDoc}
protected IgniteConfiguration getConfiguration(String gridName) throws Exception {
IgniteConfiguration cfg = super.getConfiguration(gridName);
cfg.setMarshaller(new BinaryMarshaller());
return cfg;
use of org.apache.ignite.internal.binary.BinaryMarshaller in project ignite by apache.
the class GridMarshallerPerformanceTest method testGridMarshaller.
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testGridMarshaller() throws Exception {
final GridTuple<byte[]> tuple = new GridTuple<>();
final BinaryMarshaller marsh = createStandaloneBinaryMarshaller();
IgniteInClosure<TestObject> writer = new CIX1<TestObject>() {
public void applyx(TestObject obj) throws IgniteCheckedException {
IgniteOutClosure<TestObject> reader = new COX<TestObject>() {
public TestObject applyx() throws IgniteCheckedException {
return marsh.unmarshal(tuple.get(), null);
runTest("GridMarshaller", writer, reader);