use of org.apache.ignite.internal.client.impl.connection.GridClientConnectionManager in project ignite by apache.
the class GridClientImpl method createConnectionManager.
* @param clientId Client ID.
* @param sslCtx SSL context to enable secured connection or {@code null} to use unsecured one.
* @param cfg Client configuration.
* @param routers Routers or empty collection to use endpoints from topology info.
* @param top Topology.
* @throws GridClientException In case of error.
private GridClientConnectionManager createConnectionManager(UUID clientId, SSLContext sslCtx, GridClientConfiguration cfg, Collection<InetSocketAddress> routers, GridClientTopology top, @Nullable Byte marshId, boolean routerClient) throws GridClientException {
GridClientConnectionManager mgr;
try {
Class<?> cls = Class.forName(ENT_CONN_MGR_CLS);
Constructor<?> cons = cls.getConstructor(UUID.class, SSLContext.class, GridClientConfiguration.class, Collection.class, GridClientTopology.class, Byte.class, boolean.class);
mgr = (GridClientConnectionManager) cons.newInstance(clientId, sslCtx, cfg, routers, top, marshId, routerClient);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException ignored) {
mgr = new GridClientConnectionManagerOsImpl(clientId, sslCtx, cfg, routers, top, marshId, routerClient);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException | IllegalAccessException | InstantiationException | InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new GridClientException("Failed to create client connection manager.", e);
return mgr;
use of org.apache.ignite.internal.client.impl.connection.GridClientConnectionManager in project ignite by apache.
the class GridRouterClientImpl method forwardMessage.
* Send a raw packet "as is" directly to the given node.
* The exact types of acceptable arguments and return values depends on underlying connections.
* @param msg Raw message to send.
* @param destId Id of node to send message to. If {@code null} than node will be chosen
* from the topology randomly.
* @return Future, representing forwarded message.
* @throws GridServerUnreachableException If destination node can't be reached.
* @throws GridClientClosedException If client is closed.
* @throws GridClientException If any other client-related error occurs.
* @throws InterruptedException If router was interrupted while trying.
* to establish connection with destination node.
GridClientFutureAdapter<?> forwardMessage(Object msg, @Nullable UUID destId, byte marshId) throws GridClientException, InterruptedException {
GridClientTopology top = clientImpl.topology();
GridClientNode dest = destId != null ? top.node(destId) : cliCfg.getBalancer().balancedNode(applyFilter(top.nodes(), new GridClientPredicate<GridClientNodeImpl>() {
public boolean apply(GridClientNodeImpl e) {
return restAvailable(e, cliCfg.getProtocol());
if (dest == null)
throw new GridServerUnreachableException("Failed to resolve node for specified destination ID: " + destId);
GridClientConnectionManager connMgr = connectionManager(marshId);
GridClientConnection conn = null;
// No reconnection handling there. Let client to do it if needed.
GridClientException cause;
try {
conn = connMgr.connection(dest);
return conn.forwardMessage(msg);
} catch (GridClientConnectionResetException e) {
if (destId != null)
connMgr.terminateConnection(conn, top.node(destId), e);
connMgr.terminateConnection(conn, null, e);
cause = e;
} catch (GridClientException e) {
cause = e;
GridClientFutureAdapter<Object> fail = new GridClientFutureAdapter<>();
return fail;