use of org.apache.ignite.internal.client.impl.connection.GridConnectionIdleClosedException in project ignite by apache.
the class GridClientAbstractProjection method withReconnectHandling.
* This method executes request to a communication layer and handles connection error, if it occurs.
* In case of communication exception client instance is notified and new instance of client is created.
* If none of the grid servers can be reached, an exception is thrown.
* @param c Closure to be executed.
* @param <R> Result future type.
* @return Future returned by closure.
protected <R> GridClientFuture<R> withReconnectHandling(ClientProjectionClosure<R> c) {
try {
GridClientNode node = null;
boolean changeNode = false;
Throwable cause = null;
for (int i = 0; i < RETRY_CNT; i++) {
if (node == null || changeNode)
try {
node = balancedNode(node);
} catch (GridClientException e) {
if (node == null)
throw e;
throw new GridServerUnreachableException("All nodes in projection failed when retrying to perform request. Attempts made: " + i, cause);
GridClientConnection conn = null;
try {
conn = client.connectionManager().connection(node);
return c.apply(conn, node.nodeId());
} catch (GridConnectionIdleClosedException e) {
client.connectionManager().terminateConnection(conn, node, e);
// It's ok, just reconnect to the same node.
changeNode = false;
cause = e;
} catch (GridClientConnectionResetException e) {
client.connectionManager().terminateConnection(conn, node, e);
changeNode = true;
cause = e;
} catch (GridServerUnreachableException e) {
changeNode = true;
cause = e;
assert cause != null;
throw new GridServerUnreachableException("Failed to communicate with grid nodes " + "(maximum count of retries reached).", cause);
} catch (GridClientException e) {
return new GridClientFutureAdapter<>(e);
} catch (IgniteInterruptedCheckedException | InterruptedException e) {
return new GridClientFutureAdapter<>(new GridClientException("Interrupted when (re)trying to perform request.", e));
use of org.apache.ignite.internal.client.impl.connection.GridConnectionIdleClosedException in project ignite by apache.
the class GridClientAbstractProjection method withReconnectHandling.
* This method executes request to a communication layer and handles connection error, if it occurs. Server
* is picked up according to the projection affinity and key given. Connection will be made with the node
* on which key is cached. In case of communication exception client instance is notified and new instance
* of client is created. If none of servers can be reached, an exception is thrown.
* @param c Closure to be executed.
* @param cacheName Cache name for which mapped node will be calculated.
* @param affKey Affinity key.
* @param <R> Type of result in future.
* @return Operation future.
protected <R> GridClientFuture<R> withReconnectHandling(ClientProjectionClosure<R> c, String cacheName, @Nullable Object affKey) {
GridClientDataAffinity affinity = client.affinity(cacheName);
// If pinned (fixed-nodes) or no affinity provided use balancer.
if (nodes != null || affinity == null || affKey == null)
return withReconnectHandling(c);
try {
Collection<? extends GridClientNode> prjNodes = projectionNodes();
if (prjNodes.isEmpty())
throw new GridServerUnreachableException("Failed to get affinity node (no nodes in topology were " + "accepted by the filter): " + filter);
GridClientNode node = affinity.node(affKey, prjNodes);
for (int i = 0; i < RETRY_CNT; i++) {
GridClientConnection conn = null;
try {
conn = client.connectionManager().connection(node);
return c.apply(conn, node.nodeId());
} catch (GridConnectionIdleClosedException e) {
client.connectionManager().terminateConnection(conn, node, e);
} catch (GridClientConnectionResetException e) {
client.connectionManager().terminateConnection(conn, node, e);
if (!checkNodeAlive(node.nodeId()))
throw new GridServerUnreachableException("Failed to communicate with mapped grid node for " + "given affinity key (node left the grid) [nodeId=" + node.nodeId() + ", affKey=" + affKey + ']', e);
} catch (RuntimeException | Error e) {
if (conn != null)
client.connectionManager().terminateConnection(conn, node, e);
throw e;
throw new GridServerUnreachableException("Failed to communicate with mapped grid node for given affinity " + "key (did node leave the grid?) [nodeId=" + node.nodeId() + ", affKey=" + affKey + ']');
} catch (GridClientException e) {
return new GridClientFutureAdapter<>(e);
} catch (IgniteInterruptedCheckedException | InterruptedException e) {
return new GridClientFutureAdapter<>(new GridClientException("Interrupted when (re)trying to perform " + "request.", e));